He That Overcometh Mp3 By Apostle Joshua Selman Download

He That Overcometh Mp3 By Apostle Joshua Selman Download

He That Overcometh Mp3 By Apostle Joshua Selman

He That Overcometh the world is who that abides in Christ and love the love of the father is in him. The bible began to the question in 1 John 5.4, who is he that overcomes the world? He that overcometh the world is he who is born of God. He that is born again is one who is born of God.

This is because, in Christ, the victory over death, Satan and all things had been won by Christ through his death. This is why He are more than conquerors. When you are born of God you will overcome the world and the systems of the world because in Christ, you are an overcomer.

This is the victory that overcometh the world, even your faith (1 John 5.4). Another way to overcome the world is through your faith in Christ Jesus. In John 16:33, Christ revealed that He has overcome the world. In the book of Revelation, we can overcome the world through the blood the lamb and the words of His testimony.

Who is he who that overcometh the world? It is he who believes that Jesus Christ is the son of God (I john 5.5 and 1 Corinthians 15.57). He that overcomes will wear the crown of life and reign with Chris. Sunday audio teaching on he that overcometh the world by Apostle Joshua Selman is ready for you to download.

This audio is very powerful. You cannot overcome the world and its systems if you are not born again or born of God. Click below to start download the audio teaching now.


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