False Accusation Part 1 – Emmanuella Anya

False Accusation Part 1 - Emmanuella Anya

False Accusation Part 1 – Emmanuella Anya

How dare you ruin my reputation I heard my mom yelling and felt a resounding slap across my face as tears fell from my eyes

I had tried earlier to explain to my mom that I wasn’t pregnant but she didn’t listen because of my protruding tummy

She immediately started raining abuses on me and next time I know I started to get beaten everywhere.

I fell to the floor feeling numb as my mom continued shouting and calling the attention of everyone

When my Dad heard it he didn’t even ask for my explanation

I immediately felt his belt on my back. Despite all the lashes I received it didn’t hurt as much as the pain in my heart. The pain that even my parents didn’t believe me.

For some time I’ve been complaining to my mom that I was feeling sick and she always looked suspiciously at me but I didn’t mind because I knew I hadn’t been with any man.

That day my mom saw me vomiting and pulled me aside,

And started her accusations.

Clutching my clothes which were ripped. I tried to stand up after my parents finally calmed down as my elder sister suggested going to the hospital to confirm

She felt bad for me and I could see the worry in her eyes as she tried to help me up

“Don’t touch that dirty thing,when she was opening her leg she didn’t know” came My mother’s voice and pulled my sister away causing me to stumble.

On arriving at the hospital the doctor didn’t even look at me twice and concluded on seeing my tummy that had a bump

“What else do you want to check Sir, the evidence is already showing, unless you want to waste money to find out what you already know” he said to my dad

I felt hot tears flowing down my face and I tried to speak up but my throat felt dry. I couldn’t believe my ears as I looked at my parents I saw disgust on their faces.

I couldn’t take it anymore and immediately ran out of the hospital,I could hear my sister’s voice as she called out to me but I didn’t stop

Until I heard a crash and people shouting….

People had gathered around my body as blood gushed out from my head due to the impact on the hard ground. The driver had tried to avoid me but couldn’t because it was too late

My sister finally pushed her way through the crowd holding my limp body and shouting.

My parents were no where to be seen

Luckily the driver who had hit me offered to drive us to a hospital and we left immediately

But… How did I see all these? Am I dead? Or a spirit. If I’m dead why haven’t I gone to the sprit realm? All these questions hit me as I sat beside my sister who couldn’t see me she was silently sobbing and telling the driver to speed up but knowing Lagos traffic… The man cursed under his breath as he blew his horn. I could see he was worried because if I d!ed he’d be a murderer

“Is she still breathing?” He asked taking a turn

And my sister nodded

We finally arrived at another hospital because my sister didn’t trust the last one

This time a woman attender to us

“You’re lucky you got here in time she’s stable for now but we don’t know when she’ll wake up”. The doctor said and a sigh of relief escaped the drivers lips and my sister almost collapsed from relief but the man caught her

“There’s still a problem though ” the doctor said

“The baby?” My sister asked in a cracked voice

“We ran some scans and test,if your sister was pregnant that would have been better” the doctor replied

“What do you mean? She’s not pregnant?”

“That’s what I thought at first seeing the bump but after the scans it turns out your sister has a tumor growing in her stomach and it has grown to the size of a fetus thats why it’s visible”

I stood frozen at the door, I didn’t know if I should be happy that the truth was out or sad that I had a tumor growing in me…. I was going to d!e

#OpraDre False Accusation False Accusation False Accusation False Accusation False Accusation False Accusation False Accusation False Accusation False Accusation False Accusation

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