FAKE MENSTRUATION TESTIMONY written by Ebenezer Diyaolu

When I was still pastoring. A lady came to visit her uncle from Abuja or so. She joined the church and after few weeks, she started mingling with some of my daughters in the Lord. Through that avenue, she got close to me.

One day, after the service, she said she would like to see me. I gave her audience. She knelt down worshipping God and almost crying. I asked her what she was grateful for. She said ‘ Pastor, God is really using you sir. My menses seized about 3 months ago. I have been so troubled. I have used so many drugs and i know I am not pregnant. I have been praying for God to restore it. But no answer. As you were ministering this morning, during the prophetic prayers, my menses came ! I ran to the toilet to check myself and I was dazed…’

People of God, you need to see how I was so happy and joyous. Such a miracle! I joined her to praise God and I prayed for her. As soon as she left me, I heard it clearly in my Spirits; ‘Fake Testimony’. On Tuesday, she came for Bible Study. I confronted her that she was lying. She argued it. I insisted and told her the consequences of such lies. At that point, she felt ashamed and she told me, she framed the testimony so I can be encouraged and feel that God is answering prayer in this church and that I can know God is using me. I laughed at her mischievousness and I also felt bad. I told her, she lied against the Holy Spirit. That’s a big sin.

There are many people going to Church tomorrow to go and frame testimonies so as to “encourage ‘ their pastors and to make it appear that God is in their churches; working miracles.

Because many pastors are desperate to become miracle workers. We don’t sensor the testimonies people share in our churches again. You need discernment of the Spirit to know members that are sharing fake testimony just to hype God and hype your ministry.

Some will sleep with their bosses and get promotion and will come to Church to give testimony that, your prayer and anointing worked for them.

Some will change figures in their offices , get money to buy cars, bring it to church and share testimony that, your anointing brought the car miracle for them.

This post is not negating the fact that, we still have genuine miracles in our churches today. It is just a wake up call to all pastors to be spiritually alert. Don’t get carried away by all the testifiers and their testimonies. Some are “fake menstruation testimonies”

Dear fake testifier, Chaiii! Fear God! Stop sharing fake testimony to impress the man of God. Your testimony does not in any way add to the height of God or reduce His power. He is God all by HIMSELF.

Pastors, test every testimony and confirm in the Spirit if they are true and if they are from God.


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