EVIL UNCLE Final Part – Sire Prince Jhay

EVIL UNCLE - Sire Prince Jhay

EVIL UNCLE Final Part – Sire Prince Jhay

I brought out the Egg from the bag and it turned to black immediately

What a misery. Now I know uncle Joe was a bloody dangerous man

I went straight to him with so much anger to confront him. I didn’t know where the courage came from

“Uncle, you’re a devìl, you’re evìl, how on Earth would you be so callous to … “”I felt a block in my throat. I became dumb immediately

He must have cast spell on me silently. The more I tried to speak loud, the less audible I became.

Now I knew how it feel to be dumb and deaf. Though I could hear him, but I couldn’t voice out any more.

I started crying, begging him, prostrating and holding his legs to free me.

“Who the hell has the gut to reveal my secret to you, is the person måd or something” he asked

With the help of my gestures, he could grab my message

“I met a måd woman and she told me everything” I gesticulated

“Who’s the mãd woman that told you this ?”

“I don’t know” I demonstrated

Anyways, you’ll get your voice back. But never in your life try to act funny with me or else I won’t mind tåking your life, am I understood? “

“Yes” i replied. I got my voice back

“Thank you sir. I promised I won’t say anything or do anything funny again” tears rolling down my cheek

“I’ve heard you, let’s continue our dinner”

After taken dinner

“Good night sir”

Good night, sleep tight” he replied

I went straight my room. I couldn’t get it off my mind…

I slept by 12am. This same måd woman appeared to me in my dream

“Michael, do you think, you can do it yourself ordinarily, don’t you know he’s very powerful than you’ve ever imagined” she asked

“Aren’t you the one that said I should ask him, and you never told me what to do” I replied

“Omodé òòmo èlà, óní òun mo èlà gátagàta” the mad said in Yoruba adage

“He had warned me not to do anything, please, I think I need your help, I need you to come to my aid this time around please” I pleaded

“Okay. That’s what you should have said earlier, when next you see him, tell him how you met me, my state of health and see his reaction,. Tell him I’m still alive. My name is Sarah ogunmodede” she disappeared and I woke up immediately

I checked the time. It was past 7 already.

Good morning Uncle Joe

Good morning Michael, how was your night

“It was cool sir, sir Serah Ogunmodede sent me to you” I said

“Whattttt!!!” He exclaimed and He fainted immediately

Sir, serah ogunmodede sent me to you

Whattttt…He exclaimed and fainted immediately

Ahhhhhhh…. “uncle joe, uncle joe. Please wake up” I exclaimed

I tried my possible best to wake him up but he was still unconscious..

I split water on his face, pressed his chest, did mouth to mouth respiration..I don’t know if it was the right thing, but I had once seen the scenerio like this somewhere

I found myself doing a lot of things within a short period of time..

I yelled out, but yet no one comes to our aid. I called his co_workers on phone and they arrived very shortly

The moment they walked in to my uncle’s apartment, their white uniform including thier testoscope turned to black immediately

“Whattttt” they shouted shockingly

“Don’t worry, relax. we’ll talk about that next time, let’s attend to him first… pleeeease doctor, he’s not breathing” I pleaded worriedly

We carried him out and their uniforms turned white again. They reacted scared and perplexed but I begged them to ignore it

He was rushed to the hospital, given some treatmentl before he later regain consciousness a bit again

“Please. Where is Serah? I need to see her, I have a confession to make please” my uncle pleaded for the first time ever since I knew him

I rushed down to the street I met this måd woman earlier. Fortunately for me I met her displaying lūnåtic and she was more uglier than never

“Please Serah, my uncle wants to see you urgently. I think he’s making some confession and I’m sure everything will be okay. Please let’s go” I pleaded

“Hmmm” she sighed “Bí iró bá lo lógún odún, ojóòkan òtító ába. Let’s go” she added

(if lies goes for 20 years, one day the truth will surely prevail)

When we get to the hospital something strange and scary happened

The moment uncle joe and Sarah set their eyes on eachother.

Everything changed, there was a thunderstorm. the ground started shaking heavily as if there was an earthquake.

When I could be totally be conscious of my self, I found myself in the midst of evil spirit in a tick forest

“Michael, calm down, everything is gonna be alright” Sarah patified me

Sarah was now in a pure white, angelic gament, I never knew Serah could be as beautiful as she was now

I, Sarah,my uncle and the other patient that were admitted to the hospital earlier before the incident were the only human being. The rest were evil spirit..

“Joseph, can you see that no evil secret can be kept forever, no evil doer go Scott free” Sarah said

“Sarah, please forgive me. I know if you had to punish me, I deserve even more. It was depression that made me do Mônēy ritūal and you’re the available person then. Please forgive me, It’s was devil’s handwork. “

“Anyways. I’ve forgiven you, I leave you for God” she said tenderly

All of a sūddēn, the evil spirits disappeared at and uncle Joe started displaying insãnìty

“What’s going on?” I quickly asked facing Sarah out of curiosity

“He’s facing the consequences of his evìl did already. This is the lifestyle he will be living for the rest of his life” Sarah said

I was bittered, I wept quietly. Sarah patified me and we left sadly.

The following day, I and Sarah visited her relatives and she was welcomed excitedly as they were happy to see her again.

Wetin you wan read again.. story don finish jare.

My ink don finish self.


The end

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2 years ago

Exqwisss me sir enipe!!!!how is Sarah and Micheal related .Why did she say he was in bondage oyaaa comman clear the air