She faked a smile…..but from the look of things I noticed there was a war going on between me,.my cousin and Helen my uncles fiance.


Later that day while I was passing through my uncle’s room, I over heard Helen telling my uncle to get rid of me and my siblings.

My uncle kept throwing excuses at her but she didn’t give up. I was still ears dropping, when I notice my cousin’s room door opening and quickly I walked out, just to save myself from explanations.

It was 3pm when my uncle called all of us out, to go have some picnic. When we were about to leave I noticed my cousin wasn’t prepared, infact he declined of leaving.

My brother’s and everyone left for the picnic except my cousin. I was becoming suspicious of him for the reason that the monster never enters his room.

I left my phone at home and on the way to the picnic centre, I argued to drop because I can’t go anywhere with out my phone. My uncle obliged but his fiance who was irritated by my presence begged him to let me be. My uncle gave up and funded me my transport home.

When I opened the door to the parlour, I saw my cousin trying to break the mirror and I rushed to stop him.

“She’s a witch…I mean she’s a wizard….I saw all of it last night, how she turned into a shadow monster…..bro she got to have some weakness…..she needs to leave this house …..I think this mirror is her passage to this family “.

“Wait you were still awake by that time of the night?”.I asked in awe..

“Yeah am always awake till two or three in the morning…..am not an early sleeper, just that I like my privacy So I remain in my room.”he retorted.

We then start to bang the mirror together so hard that it would have broken but yet it didn’t break. I jumped onto the mirror and yet nothing happened. It was so strong beyond human explanation but we were sure that there could be another way.

Me and my cousin did so many research around the house looking for clues but found non . We were done searching, so we sat together in the parlour and started gisting till our remaining families came back.

When my uncle opened the door and saw me and my cousin gisting like best buddies he was in awe, because we always had fights. Miss Helen my uncles fiance on the other found it irritating although that’s because she’s suspecting we are working something out to beat her.

Everyone was happy that evening and sooner we all retired to our various rooms. I was on my bed chatting with my girlfriend when a massage pop up from my cousin saying ‘i should meet him in the kitchen ‘.

I quickly walked down to the kitchen silently. By this time she was standing in her usuall position before the mirror. But the miracle was that her lips were moving as if she was having real conversation with someone in the mirror.

We stood there watching her until she was done and transformed into the shadow monster and began her missions.

When she left to my siblings room, I and my cousin walked towards the mirror to check who she was talking to before transforming into the shadow monster.

When we got to the mirror and looked, we saw some one backing us in the mirror. So my cousin knocked the mirror to attract the attention of the person on the other side.

We where so scared. After knocking twice the person turned towards our direction and shockingly it was my uncle’s fiance in the mirror. In fear I and my cousin screamed ” JESUS” and ran out in fear into the dark streets. We managed to find a shelter in a shade and passed the night there regardless of the high level of mosquitoes.

The next day by 7am as I and my cousin was going we started asking one another what is actually happening….. because our actual thought was that the shadow monster was somehow the same person as the girl my uncle is dateing, but from what we’ve seen so far it proves not to be true.

When we got home every one was in the dinning eating. When my uncle saw both of us entering inside he thundered anger at us, knowing that we didn’t spent the night at home. My cousin wanted to tell my uncle everything we’ve noticed about his fiance. But when I discovered that my uncle’s fiance who we saw in the mirror was eyeing me not to tell I quickly spoke before my cousin;

“Sorry sir we……he ….us…. sorry he escorted me to a friend’s house for a sleepover. Sorry I forgot to tell you “. I lied and my uncle after shouting for a while let us go free.

After breakfast, while I was in my room, my cousin busted in and began laying complains;

“Bro why you no gree me expose that w!tch Na …..u know whether Na our tickets to throw her out be that?”

“Bro you and I know say we are not fighting a mere human, so what makes you think she didn’t charm him or your dad isn’t involved in these things?”

“Bro why you dey involve my popsy Na, but why you dey suspect popsy?”

“The thing is she never enters your room at night….. but keeping that aside bro this mission is a secret mission no cast am yet.”

We both agreed on keeping the mission secret and finally got back on track. We were in my room when my younger brother screamed out loud “heeeeelp…… mommy oo”. And ran straight to my room while we were about going to check what made him shout.

“Senior there is ojuju(monster) in the mirror come and see”. He said while dragging my hand to the location of the mirror………….


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