[Download Mp3] Greater Works – Apostle Joshua Selman (Part 1&2) Koinonia 2023

Greater Works – Apostle Joshua Selman (Part 1&2) Koinonia 2023

Greater Works – Apostle Joshua Selman (Part 1) Koinonia 2023

It is widely acknowledged that Jesus performed numerous miracles. Yet, Jesus Himself emphasized that believers would accomplish even greater works.
When Jesus spoke of “greater,” He indeed meant “greater.” However, our comprehension of “greater” should be scrutinized in the context of Scripture.

It’s crucial to understand that the same authority bestowed upon Jesus has been passed on to the Church.

Three Reasons to believe in the concept of “Greater Works” from Scriptures:
1. Jesus Himself said so.
(Numbers 23:19)
2. The believer has been given authority through Jesus Christ.
(Matthew 28:18-20, Luke 10:19, Ephesians 2:6)
3. Every believer has access to The Spirit of God, on account of the finished work of Christ.
(Acts 1:8, 10:38)

In spite of the many miracles Jesus performed while on earth, there was one miracle which was the greatest need of man that He could not perform before His death on the cross.

The one miracle He could not perform was “Greater Works” (representing the gift of Eternal life). This miracle demanded death. He couldn’t give anyone eternal life. (Colossians 1:12-14, 19-20, Ephesians 1:7, Hebrews 4:16, 9:22)

*The ultimate goal for “Greater Works” is that the knowledge of the glory of God fills the entire earth, attracting multitudes to Jesus. (Habakkuk 2:14)
*No single believer can fully reveal the entirety of God’s glory.
One believer might reveal His favour, while another showcases His healing power to the nations.

Title: Greater Works (Part 1) 
– Apostle Joshua Selman
Size: 47MB

Greater Works – Apostle Joshua Selman (Part 2) Koinonia 2023

The fruit of wisdom is evident in the quality of decisions made by the possessor. As a believer, it is impossible to possess wisdom from above, yet your life continues to reflect inferior decisions.
If your life is plagued by failure, defeat, and negative decisions, it shows a bankruptcy of wisdom in your life (Luke 2:52).

A hard life is directly traceable to the absence of wisdom.

Benefits of Wisdom:

  1. Wisdom strengthens and secures. (Eccl 7:19)
  2. Wisdom protects, preserves and defends.
    (Eccl 7:12 – AMP)
  3. Wisdom brings efficiency to your life.
    (Eccl 10:10)

    In continuation of the message ‘Greater Works Part 1‘, Apostle Joshua Selman speaks extensively on the listed points below that that brings about grater works.

Spiritual Forces for Experiencing Greater Works:

  1. The Force of Prayer. (2 Chronicles 7:14)
  2. The Force of Wisdom. (Mark 6:2, James 1:5, Isaiah 11:2)
  3. The Force of Faith (Hebrews 11:1-2, 32-36)
  4. The Force of Wealth and Abundance:
    (Zechariah 1:17, Deuteronomy 8:18, Matthew 28:1-15)
  5. The Force of Influence. (Matthew 5:14)
  6. The Force of The Prophetic
    (Exodus 17:8-15)

Title: Title: Greater Works – (Koinonia 2023)
– Apostle Joshua Selman
Size: 40MB


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