Dora And The Water god! Episode 2 – Blessing-Enejo Abrahams

Dora And The Water god! - Blessing-Enejo Abrahams Elleywrites

Dora And The Water god! – Blessing-Enejo Abrahams Elleywrites

Episode 2

… I struggled to get up on seeing the shiny image that was still in the water seriously dancing.

It was the image of a fair-complexioned middle-aged man with very long hair. He had this very beautiful gold-coloured robe on. His robe was so shiny as he danced slowly to my song, as well as his skin.

I staggered backward, and then I finally regained my balance. I stood there, paused with my mouth agape still trying to comprehend what was going on but everything seemed like a dream.

I had stopped singing but this image wouldn’t stop dancing.

I tiptoed backward quietly before racing out of there but my bubble busted when I stepped on this small wood that broke, making a very loud sound.

The image paused as soon as he heard the sound, and all of a sudden, he turned, now staring at me.

He stretched forth his arm towards me and immediately, I could no longer see.

“Help!!!” I started to scream, turning left and then right, but I paused as soon as I remembered that I was standing by a river, and I took a few more steps backward in order not to get dr0wned.

“Help!!!” I continued screaming but no one was around or heard me.

I became so sc@red and was visibly shaking.

I had this stick in my hand which I used to identify clear pathways at home, I still held on to it, it was like my second eye. I stretched it forth swinging it from side to side to be sure there were no obstacles of any kind before me, and I began to walk slowly out of there.

“Help!!!” I screamed again but I heard no response.

I continued walking slowly again like a baby who was learning how to walk, still swinging my stick from side to side.

I walked for almost half an hour, still screaming for help but I saw no one.

When I noticed I was walking deep into the bush, i decided to sit somewhere with my stick stretched forth and I began to cry.

I paused when I started to hear someone’s footsteps from afar off, and I started to swing my stick from side to side again.

“Who is there?” I asked in a trembling tone but the person did not respond which made me more fr!ghtened.

“I say who is there?” I asked again, now struggling to get up thinking it was the image I saw in the water.

By Blessing-Enejo Abrahams Elleywrites.

“Calm down, dear friend. When I heard the beautiful song from afar, I knew it was no other person than you” He said.

“Please, who are you?” I quizzed.

“Your friend, the hunter” He said, and I became relieved.

We exchanged pleasantries and he came forth, grabbed my shoulders and then made me sit back on the ground.

“I have been coming around since the last time we met at the river but I haven’t been seeing you. What happened to you? Did you lose your sight or something?” He probed and I nodded.

“Please, what happened?” He asked and then I sighed.

“It’s a long story ” I said with tears dripping down.

“Please, can you share it?”

I sighed again, and then I narrated everything to him. He felt deeply sorry and assured me that I was going to see again, someday. I smiled and thanked him for at least giving me a little hope.

He made a fire and again roasted his catch for us to eat. We talked about so many things, and he told me some jokes which I laughed so hard at, forgetting my sorrows.

After a few hours, I told him I needed to return home even though my stepmother and her children didn’t even care about my existence.

He asked me the name of my village for the first time and I told him. He told me he was from the neighbouring village but his grandmother was from my village. All these we didn’t discuss the last time we met cos all he cared about was my song and my voice, and all I cared about was the catch he had in the f!re cos the last time I ate me@t was when father was alive.

We arrived at my village, and we stopped a few houses to our house following my instructions and the hunter bade me farewell, not knowing that my step-sister had been watching us.

I managed to walk home slowly, and as soon as I stepped in, I was welcomed with strokes of cane…

To be continued…

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