Dear Beloved Parents | A Must Read Inspirational Write-up

Dear Beloved Parents | A Must Read Inspirational Writeup

Dear Beloved Parents,

A child will go to school by 7am and close by 5pm for five days out of the seven days in a week.

During weekends that child comes home with many assignments in all the subjects he or she is offering in school and as such, there won’t be time to rest and play at the weekends.

The child does that for almost four months hoping to enjoy the holidays only for the school (in collaboration with the parents) to come up with a scam in the name of holidays lesson.

What exactly do you want to teach that child again at this period? Is it what he or she learnt in the just concluded session or what they will learn next term?

Dear Nigerian parents, summer holiday is a period you allow a child to experience other things in life apart from formal education.

Allow them to travel for the vacation and if you don’t have money for that, take them to places where they will learn new skills.

Let them go and learn drawing, computer coding, how to play football, martial art, business, catering, tie and dye, foreign languages, Barbing, sewing, hairdressing, how about music ? classes? Etc.

Everytime Book!! book!!!book!!!! .Most of our youths are unemployed. They only had FORMAL education; no FINANCIAL education. They can’t do any other thing apart from white collar jobs. At that young age, they learn without being ashamed of what people will say, they will be using the new skills to feed themselves until they get jobs in the areas they studied in college or university.

We learn how to discover a whole lot of things in school but not how to discover ourselves.


Dear Beloved Parents , please avail these little ones the opportunities to explore life!!! Yes…… Let them go into the world of self-discovery. True happiness and contentment comes from doing what you have passion for.

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Read More Short Inspirational Story HERE

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5 years ago

Thanks. God bless u 4d inspirational write-up like dis, n more knowledge n understanding unto d writer, n Opradre 4making it available 4us 2read.

5 years ago

Thank you so much.
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