++ JUNE ++
No way….
This isn’t a dream is it?….
Everyone’s talking about me..! Me!
They say I’m good..
I’m famous…!!!
“I’m famous!!!!” I yelled happily..
“what?..” Auggie asked.
“I’m famous”.. I repeated..
“grandma said we have to get ready for school” Auggie said ignoring my words and happy moments..
“oh well, you go prepare yourself and I’ll catch up with you” I tell him.
I need to fan girl over myself first…
After reading and re-reading all the comments I was fully satisfied and then I headed to the shower.
Dressed in my school uniform, I brushed my hair, then Auggie’s… We both ate breakfast and happily went to School.
I’m so sorry Ella I know it’s selfish for me to be thus happy but I can’t grieve over you when something as wonderful as this is happening to me. My dreams are finally coming to reality..
“goodbye…” Auggie waved to me as he made his way to his school building.
“bye” I waved back as I made my way to mine..
I got to class that morning and Annie quickly hugged me.
“my baby’s a star.” she muffled into my hair and I laugh.
“oh maybe I shouldn’t say that out loud since you’re still a mystery girl to everyone” Annie added making me laugh even more.
We got to our sit and immediately phoebe and joy walked in front of us with their phones.
“hey June.. Good morning” phoebe said with a scary aura.
“yeah, good morning June.. We barely see you around these days, it’s not your type to miss school like this.. So tell us why” joy added and phoebe nodded.
What’s this.. What are they trying to do
“you guys know I live with my grandma and things are a little crooked at home and so schools becoming really hard for me to attend and – –
I should just keep quiet I don’t know what I am saying.
“okay we understand.. So you know we’re all die hard fans of pop music and follow anything concerning pop music, we’ve subscribed to like every pop music post, tube and channels, mostly about Erick-j and Daniel.. And this morning we all happened to receive a tweak about Erick-J new song release and it happened to be a remix” phoebe smiled.
“and it happened to be a girl” joy added.
“a seven teen year old teenage girl” I heard Julia voice behind me and I turned.. Great. Now they’re three and they’re on to me.
“so what are you guys trying to say?” Annie asked
“uh nothing… Its just that my hunch is telling me that you’re the mystery girl and my hunch is never wrong” phoebe said and they nodded in agreement.
“well your hunch is wrong” Annie blurted.. “oh c’mon June.. Annie… Don’t play dumb with us, we’d recognize June’s voice from anywhere” Julia added.
“still… I don’t know what you’re trying to say..” I shrugged..
“okay we’re trying to say you’re the mystery girl”. Joy grunt.
“June… The mystery girl.. Please don’t flatter her” Ursula’s voice said from behind and I sighed.. And now they’re four, only that the fourth one isn’t friendly.
“we’ve known June since first of high school I mean don’t you think we’d know her voice if we heard it else where” phoebe asked Ursula.
“look this mystery girl could be any girl but June” Ursula rolled her eyes. Before walking away
I love stuff like this.. “yeah guys Ursula’s right” I lied with a hidden smile.
“for once in Ursula’s life she’s right” Annie interrupted.
“seriously guys if it was me, I would have been spiraling it to you all now” I grinned.
“well at least we tried” phoebe mumbled and they all walked away.
“okay I don’t get why you didn’t tell them it was you, cause sooner or later it’s going to be revealed”. Annie said.
“I know but what’s the point of it being a mystery girl if not keep it a secret for a while” I smirked..
“what you’re so bad” Annie laughed. Our class teacher suddenly walked in and we all stood up to greet him…
“thanks.. Now seat, and June Peterson see me in my office now” He said before walking out.
“what trouble did you get in now with Mr Martin” Annie asked as she sat down with everyone else in class..
“I didn’t get in any trouble” I replied as I walked out of class to his office.
.. I got to Mr Martin’s office and seeing me he told he smirked before telling me to sit down…
“did I get into any trouble..?” I couldn’t help but ask.
“you did.” he replied and I gasped.
“oh..” I said lowly and he suddenly brought out a book and dropped it at the front of his desk.
“Miss Peterson… You know.. Everyone knows how lazy I am in this school and if everyone knows then you do too” he started..
He’s so right.
“so I can’t sit by and watch one stupid student make me work as hell, cause I hate working”. Mr Martin yelled.. Then why did you get this job!! I wanted to tell him but I couldn’t.
“cause I got this job when I used to be a man” he replied angrily.. Oh so I did say that out loud.
“okay. June… Why have you been missing school” Mr Martin asked.
“huh!” I said.
“don’t pretend to be deaf, you heard me” he yelled.
Geez he’s a little aggressive today.
“I was busy with some thing..” I bit my lips
“and when you say something you mean?….
“my dreams??” I said lowly.
“what the f*ck June.. I am not in a good mood this morning and don’t make me even more depressed by telling me shits” Mr Martins yelled.
“but I’m serious, I managed to get into a teens singing competition with DH entertainment and I’ve been really busy because of it” I explained.
“why do I feel like you’re lying to me”? he asked.
“cause I’m not lying sir..” I said.
“you know I have your grandmother’s number here, I could give her a call and ask her about it and you’ll get in trouble if you’re making this all up”.
“please do.. Mr Martin and also the contract is at home too, the contract between DH and I.. And I’ll be glad to show you” I smiled.
I watched as Mr Martin looked for my grandma’s phone number and he called her. After calling her three more times she finally picked up.
He angrily dropped his phone and gave me a look, “you’re lucky you didn’t lie to me” he snarled.
“but you know you’re in your final year and as your class teacher I need your presence in school so I can help you gather your grades and other things, and help you with the college of your choice I’ve helped everyone of my student except you, and you know I hate work” Mr Martin sighed.
“I’m so sorry sir” I apologized.
“yeah sorry isn’t going to do the job.. Now tell me what college would you like to go… And according to your grades in all subject you’re not that smart so don’t think big” Mr Martin said.
“uhm… Actually I’ve always wanted to go to a musical art school” I said.. And Mr Martin starts to laugh.
“some kids are just born to be stupid,”
I sighed Mr Martin is always like this, rude.. Tired of his life.. And full of himself
“do you know that only two percent of people makes a future with music school, the rest just goes down the sewer” Mr Martin smirked.
“well I don’t care Mr Martin, I believe I can’t go down that sewer” I said boldly.
“oh… June I’ve never liked you June from the first day you walked in that school, students like you make teachers commit suicide”.
“huh? What did I do?” I asked
“I don’t like people like you, you guys are always persistent about something, act like you own the world, stubborn and feel like no one’s right when they’re close to them.” Mr Martin explained but I just gave him a lackadaisical look.
“you know what you can go back to class now..” he said and I breathed out a sigh of relief. Finally…
I stood up and walked out of his office. As I got to class Annie started to ask me about my trip to Mr Martin office and I told her every details.
School was fun that day but I couldn’t seem to help but daydream about myself being a star. A diva.. The best one ever.
As Auggie and I got home, mom grandma had already prepared a feast, and our noses almost fell to our feet.
“whoa.. This is amazing..” Auggie cried happily as he gazed at the food in front of him..
“grandma, what’s all this why the big meal”? I asked.
“I don’t know, I had nothing to do and I was a bit hungry, I had to make something for myself, but I decided to make this since you’ll both be back from school any time soon” my grandma said.. “whoa…” Auggie smiled..
“before you get charmed by the food let’s go wash up first okay!” I instructed as I push Auggie towards our room.
After taking a shower, we all surrounded the table and after a short blessing towards the food, we all start to eat.
After eating I went back to my room, and immediately I got a call from Erick.. Perfect timing I was thinking about having a great siesta cause I had nothing to do but he called at the perfect time.
“hello…” his gentle voice tickled my ear.
“hi” I smiled… “so.. What are you doing?”
“besides talking to you, I’m free as a bird” he said and we both giggled.
“okay so you know how I said I’d be busy after yesterday”
“yeah”. I smiled
“Well turns out I’m as free as ever and I was wondering if we could hang out” Erick asked.
“sure I could come over to your place” I quickly said. I don’t know but I really want to see him… “really… You want to come over?” he asked happily.
“of course, you can’t possibly come here cause it’s daytime and before you’d get here even in a van, limousine or a box, you’d be spotted by a fan and you might have gotten torn to pieces before you get here” I explained and he laughed.
“looks like you can’t live without me since you’re willing to come here any seconds from now” Erick’s tone gave me chills..”if possible I might have to pass through my phone.” I added and he laughed.
“well what do I have to loose.. I’ll be there any second now” I announced and hanged up.
As I got ready and about to leave Auggie suddenly appeared in front of me asking me where I was going.. “are you going to Erick’s.. If you are, can I come with you I really miss Ella I want to see her” he said.
“well I am not not going to Erick’s” I lied. “I’m going to Annie’s and trust me Ella will come back” I smiled.
“okay” he sighed and shrugged his shoulder.
I felt a heavy lump in my throat as I walked out of the house not so good being a lair.
I got in the bus and as I sat down my body almost exploded with what I was hearing… The bus radio was talking about Erick and I remix and I’m still known as mystery girl and it was exciting and nervous for me.
I pressed the doorbell to Erick’s house and seconds later the door opened.
“what are you doing here?” Erick asked with a grunt.
“you know I hate being alone” I scoffed and walked passed him.
“okay my girlfriend will be here any minute and I just want it to be just the two of us” Erick said.
Great..! and I just got here
“well I can stay down here and you guys can stay up and do your stuff”. I tell him.
“whatever” he sighed.
He was about to walk away when his ringing phone stopped him from walking..
“yes.. Charles” Erick said into his phone.
Oh his manger.
“what?” Erick yelled making me turn and listen to his conversation.
“I thought I was free today!” Erick added angrily. “I don’t – – hello – – dang it my phone’s dead” Erick stated bitterly.
“what’s wrong?” I had to ask.
“Charles said I have another commercial today and I thought I was free throughout the whole day and… Oh no.. And June is coming over and my phone is dead” Erick grunt.
“oh bummer”. I shrugged.
“you have June’s phone number right.?” Erick asked.
“no..” I lied. I don’t know why I lied but I know I had to.. I guess.
“dang it!” Erick muttered as he grabbed his jacket and car keys from the couch.
“please if June gets here tell her I’m sorry and please help her with some change to get a taxi back home ill pay you I swear, Charles just ruined my day”. Erick said before he angrily walked out slamming the door behind him.
I turned on my phone, and head straight to my contacts.. I saw June’s phone number lying there on my screen and my mind starts to baffle me,..
Should I call her or not, I should call her and tell her not woryy about coming that Erick’s already busy with something.
I decided to call her but my hands wouldn’t work with me.. What is wrong with me I should just tap the screen and stop her from coming.
But my male subconscious was whispering something else to me..
I sighed angrily and dropped my phone on the couch.
I stood up and head to the kitchen to get a glass of water.
As I finished the glass of water I started to stare at the glass, lost in thoughts, not that my thoughts were clear completely, I was just lost.

I didn’t know how long but a familiar sound starts to bring me back to reality. And when I snapped out of my lost state I realised it was the doorbell.
I quickly dropped the glass cup and head to the door.
Like I expected when I opened the door, it was June and my heart skipped a beat I didn’t know if it was for lying to Erick or something else.
“hey Daniel you’re here” she smimed
“yeah hi..” I couldn’t find my voice so I repeated myself.
“hi..” I said and opened the door wider for her to walk in and she did.
“where’s Erick?” she asked immediately I closed the door.
“Erick’s… He’s not here” I said with a gulp.
“huh! But he told me he was going to be home all day and he knows I’ll be coming here so where did he run off too”. She asked with a puzzled expression.
“he.. He knew you ere coming he was getting ready for your presence but he suddenly got a call from Charles who said he had a commercial today and so he had to leave, he told me to apologise on his behalf, he tried to call you and tell you about it but his phone was down and I also tried to give you a call about it but my phone.. My phone.. couldn’t receive any signal” I said everything but why did I lie.
I don’t understand what’s happening to me now.
“great. So I just came here for nothing” she sighed.
“you should be glad you met someone here and you could share a glass of orange juice with me before leaving.. I mean it’s been a stressful journ–
“you’re right I really need that” she said and heard towards the kitchen and I didn’t know when my sudden smile appeared.
. * .
And there we were the two of us seated five feat away from each other with glasses filled with orange juice in them and it was kind of quiet so I had to say something…
“so… June how do feel?” I suddenly asked.
“what?” she leaned her head forward.
“about being the mystery girl” I continued.
“oh that” her smile was huge and her eyes sparkle
“I know this sounds weird, but I’m feeling like I’m suddenly the only one on top of the world right now… It.. It just feels magical” she explained with the brightest smile she could ever exhibit.
“yeah.. When I just debuted and received different praises from different people I felt like that too”. I smiled.
“really?.. I mean it’s always been my dream to be a celebrity and you know when you see your dreams finally coming true you can’t help but feel that way”. She explained.
“yeah, but being a celebrity isn’t that easy, would you believe I always receive critic comments from my fans each time I make a comeback, I mean they love me but I just don’t understand their criticism.. So June the diva world isn’t easy”. I explained and she kids.
“I know, but I just want to be recognized, I want to do what I love in order to make people happy when they call or hear my name” she breathed out.
“wow” suddenly escaped my lips.
“yep, like how I feel when i hear the name Maria li” she said with a smile.
“okay Maria li.. That’s great. But I don’t like her” I tell her.
“neither does Erick.. But I don’t care I love her, oh and my friend Annie she’s..” she paused and then laughed, a beautiful girly that filled the air.
Erick is sure…… Lucky.
“she’s crazy for you, she’s always talking about how you’re her sunshine and happiness” she continued.
“oh you mean the girl with the like burgundy type of hair, who came with you to my concert?” I asked.
It must be her right? It should be, so it wouldn’t be like I don’t care to remember the people june befriends or meet.
“yeah you remember her.” June exclaimed happily.
“yeah” I smiled.
Rubbing my neck I sighed and glance at june who was now quiet and staring at her juice.
“what’s wrong?” I asked.
“nothing just missing Erick” she replied and her smile made me a bit envious as her face lit up when she called Erick’s name.
“oh… Well I’m here, we’re twin remember” I grinned.
“oh.. You know you can never be like Erick” she scoffed.
Wait.. What?
“is that supposed to be a compliment or an insult”? I asked calmly..
“oh no.. Its definitely not an insult, I mean you’re you, you’re Daniel who everyone loves, who’s the nation’s husband and Erick is Erick who’s the son of Mr Dhousten, not the nation’s husband but my boyfriend” she explained and I smiled. “okay”.
We both kept quiet and I turned to look her as she brought the glass to her face to take a sip out of her juice.
I suddenly found my body moving closer to her. I tried to stop myself but it just wouldn’t listen to me..


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4 years ago

Ahh ?

Emmanuel Chukwuemellie Okoye
Emmanuel Chukwuemellie Okoye
4 years ago

Thou shalt not convet your neighbour’s wife. Thou shalt not commit adultery.

4 years ago

Ahhh ……

Sherri Adejoh
Sherri Adejoh
4 years ago

Ahh please oh, Daniel should not try anything stupid oh,

4 years ago

Daniel nooooo

Orlukwu Susan
Orlukwu Susan
4 years ago


Gesem Garba Gadi
Gesem Garba Gadi
4 years ago

Daniel don’t do something stupid please…Just control that envy and jealousy in u

Arit Thompson
Arit Thompson
4 years ago

Ur body will not listen how
Biko control it abeg

Weldone ma’am Ruthie?

Peter blessing
Peter blessing
4 years ago

U better control it before you do something stupid

4 years ago

Daniel dont oo

4 years ago

Thumbs up RUTHIE LEE

4 years ago

Don’t be a bitch ?
Thunder go fire you. I swear!
Daniel be your Brother’s Keeper ?

June run 4 ur life ?