I watched as everyone left me and Mr Dhousten alone and I could feel my heart beat like so fast
“come” Mr Dhousten said and I nod and walked up to him.
What does he want with me!!
“congrats on making it to the last round” He said and I nod.
“thank__thank you” I stutter and bit my lip.
“look I haven’t heard your real voice but I know it must be good, for you to make it to this round, and last night when I was judging you all by your bad singing, well not actually your singing, before you all performed, I thought maybe I should make you pass no matter what.! I wanted to cheat for you, cause I was lost in great thought, what if June doesn’t know how to sing, what if she isn’t that good and I get to disqualify her.” Mr Dhousten shrugged
Is that what he thinks of me.
“but then if I disqualify you, I make you sad and angry and you let out your on my son and then he let’s out his anger on me! I wanted to prevent that cause I love seeing Erick happy, like they say, every parent’s joy is seeing their children happy. So by avoiding that I decided to let you pass at all cost, I realised I was gonna cheat, but what the hell I’m the goddammed CEO of the industry I do what I want, see you realise I was willing to cheat for you, but last night the hell of confidence you held and the way you fought with that voice I realised I didn’t need to cheat”.
“really?” I asked and he nods.
Wait. But he didn’t like me,
Oh.. I forgot he wanted to cheat for me because of his son..
“you must have notice I don’t like you” he said looking straight.
“yeah no kidding” I said sarcastically before I rolled my eyes.
He turned to me surprisingly and I apologized.
“well that isn’t true because I like you June” he sighed.
Oh My God!! He doesn’t hate me.
This is a very good dream come true.
“I was just jealous of you!” he added and I turned immediately.. “sorry?..” I said
I know I heard the word jealous right.
“yes, you heard me right, I was jealous of you okay! See I wanted to make Erick a singer I’ve tried so hard to to mold his career that way, but he just wasn’t listening to me, I tried evey possible way I can but he still wouldn’t listen to me, well not until he met you, and then I decided to use you as bait.” Mr Dhousten said and smiled a little bit.
“but…” he continued “before I could make a move he agreed to what I’ve been trying to make him do for years, he agreed because of you. And that made me so mad, how could a father ask a son to do something but he refused and then a so called little girl ask him to that something his father has been trying to make him do for years and he suddenly agreed. I mean that made me felt so small, I was jealous it made felt like a useless father.”
“w-well Mr Dhousten I’m so sorry” I said.
“oh you don’t have to be sorry, cause I’ve achieved what I wanted, how can I make others a big time celebrity and leave my son out, my talented son, it wasn’t possible…. But then when you made him realise life isn’t just an open book you have to open all chapters before knowing what it’s really about.” he expound and I nod.
“and I like that you two are together” Mr Dhousten said I released a small gasped.
“really?!!!!!” I asked without even knowing
“yeah” he replied.
“so… You don’t hate me!!” I asked happily.
“oh dear June. I don’t!” he sighed.
“I’ve said what I wanted to say, now you can join the others” Mr Dhousten smiled at me and I smiled, thanked him and walked away.
My heavy heart eased, this vacation was nice I can finally admit.
I made it to the finals and found out Mr Dhousten likes me.
As I got out of the elevator that leads to the floor of our suite, I met Daniel wanting to walk into the elevator and we both bumped into each other.
“sorry” we both said the same time and laughed.
“so are you looking for Erick?” he asked.
“not really, I’m just heading back to the suite room to get ready to leave”. I said and he nods and walked into the elevator.
I sighed and turned to my destination..
I got inside our suite room and the way it was just melancholy made me freeze. It was like someone died.
Everyone seemed quiet, Grace was just standing still and staring at a particular place and so was zayn, klay and Travis stood together not saying anything and immediately I walked in all of their attention diverted to me.
“you should get ready June, we’ll be leaving in a few minutes”. Travis said standing up.
“I know” I said and looked down.
“Zayn…” I called and he turned to me. “I’m so sorry you didn’t make it” I said lowly.
“didn’t make it! Are you crazy? I’m standing in front of you and you’re sorry that I didn’t make it, that sentence are for people who’s dying not me” Zayn said and I breathed out a sigh of relief and smiled a bit I thought he wanted to get angry.
“actually the person who you should be telling that is actually Grace she’s not been herself” zayn whispered to me and I turned to look at her.
Still looking at the particular place and not moving.
But she’s not talking to me.
Well whatever I’ll just talk to her, I’m not the malice type.
I slowly walked up to Grace and she immediately snapped her head towards me.
“what do you want?” she snapped.
“I just wanted to say I’m sorry you didn’t make it to the final round”. I said and glared at me.
I expected that, so no hard feelings
“don’t tell me nonsense June, and don’t feel sorry for me, you just got lucky, you did as bad as me too, but Mr Dhousten just chose you cause you’re dating Erick” Grace said and I felt like smacking her for the first time.
“I got to the finals by own merit” I yelled.
“yeah right” she added sarcastically. Rolling her eyes.
Oh this is so on…
“just because you did bad and you lost doesn’t mean you should get mad at me cause it’s not my fault you’re so bad at doing things.. You lost and that’s your cup of cold coffee, and if you think I got in by dating Erick, you should try dating him too, I could give you a chance, but he doesn’t date loosers” I said and she gasped. And I think she held her breath cause her face starts to get red.
“June.. You don’t have to go there” klay said and I turned to him.
“oh I certainly do, she started it and I’m gonna end it”.
I turned to Grace and she has already starts to cry.
well I don’t kind of care she started it, I mean I didn’t mean to be rude… But.. okay now I feel guilty.
She sniffed, got on her feet and storm out of the room.
“great now you made her angry” klay said.
“didn’t you hear what she said to me?” I asked.
“I heard but you shouldn’t have said tha—
“I don’t think June did anything bad, Grace fired her and she fired back so it’s Fairplay klay, don’t take sides” Zayn interrupted.
“but I thought you two were best friends” klay said.
“best friends my butt” I rolled my eyes
“they used to be but I noticed something different with Grace whenever she’s around June, and yesterday and today I kind of found out she didn’t want to talk to you too.” Travis explained as he brought out a lollipop from his pocket. And starts to unwrap it’s paper.
“Thank you Travis for noticing that, at least I have a witness, it was like she just suddenly hates me and I don’t know what I did wrong” I explained.
“maybe she’s jealous of your lifestyle”. Zayn said.
“my lifestyle” I repeated. She doesn’t know about my horrible and poor life to be jealous of it.
“maybe she’s jealous you’re dating a celebrity” zayn added.
“no Erick and I has been dating before he debuted and she knew about that and we still talked and played as friends but now I don’t understand her sudden irritation towards me, she even told me how the dress I wore yesterday looked awful on me.” I explained with my hands folded.
“what? That killer dress that looked so good on you” Travis gasped.
“yeah that dress was so beautiful on you I suddenly wished I was your mom” zayn said and we all looked at him.
“okay that doesn’t make any sense I’ll just keep quiet now” he said I turned back to Travis.
“and if not for shylock I would have taken the dress off” I shrugged..
“shylock?? You mean the girl who sat with us yesterday?” Travis asked and I nod “oh yeah, I like her she’s pretty and so nice very nice” Travis said and zayn tapped his head.
“you like everyone you meet”.
“first you said you used to like Jenna, the girl at your middle school and now you said you liked – – – –
Travis quickly closed zayn’s mouth before he could complete his words and klay laughed.
“what.! are you shy to let anyone find out,” klay laughed.
“I told you guys as a secret so please just shut up” Travis yelled and they laughed.
“what secret?” I chipped in, not that I’m curious.
“no secret…. Its nothing” Travis said.
“it’s actually something, but don’t worry we’ll add shylock to the list” klay said.
“go to hell” Travis muttered and walked up to me.
“here.” he said giving me the lollipop he’s been unwrapping for ages.. “what for?” i asked..
“you’re not in good terms with Grace right now it’ll help you ease your anger” he said and shoved the lollipop in my mouth. I couldn’t say no since it was already in and it’s banana flavor too.
The door to our suite opened and Mrs mitch head got inside.
“you guys, come down now, we’re leaving” she said and we all glance at each other before walking to the door and then walking out.
“I’ll miss this hotel like so much” klay said as we got down and in front of the bus that’s going to take us back.
“yeah me too”. Zayn, Travis and I said together and we laughed..
“you all came late, so you’re all sitting at the back” Cassie said from inside the bus.
“who was gonna sit at the front anyway” Travis scoffed and she rolled her eyes.
“come here June. I saved a seat for you” shylock said but her friend Leah nudged her and whispered something to her.
“come on” shylock ignored her friend and beckoned for me to come in. I wa about to enter the bus when zayn quickly cut in and made me gasp.
“hey you little pr*ck it’s lady’s first” klay yelled..
“I am a lady” zayn smiled.
“do you know you just insulted yourself” Travis shook his negatively.
“no wonder you tried to kiss Travis last night” klay said And everyone inside the bus laughed.
“what?” Travis and Zayn yelled.
“you’re crazy, asshole” zayn said and got in the bus. Making Travis and klay laugh.
They just met yesterday and they’re already bonding, boys relationship are so easy.
“okay June, you can get in” klay said and I was about to enter the bus when someone pulled me back.
“Erick?” I said out of breath when I turned. Cause He scared me to death.
He was wearing one of his face cap and he smiled.
“we are going together” he said, held my hand and pulled.
“goodbye June” Travis yelled as he watched Erick pulled me away from the bus.
“bye Travis” I yelled but it wasn’t loud so I waved to him and then to klay.
Erick took me to his car and opened the door for me to get to the passenger seat, i got in and he reminded me to put on the seat belt,
He got to the driver seat and after shutting the car door, he turned to me.
“June..” he called, smiled, grabbed my head and slowly kissed me.
“are you taking me back home or to DH?”. I asked as Erick drove with full speed
“my place.” he replied.. “and why would you ever want to go back to the industry”
“cause that’s where we all came from and that’s where they’re going to take everyone” I said.
“okay so they’re gonna take everyone back to DH And the ones who didn’t make it will go home and the ones who passed will stay and will be given an information about the last and final competition”. Erick said and gasped.
“and you didn’t want me to go to DH, then how am I ever going to know when the finals will be?” I half yelled.
“don’t worry I’ll get information for you” he smiled a soothing smile and I breathed out and rested my back on the car seat.
“so… Did you enjoy the vacation” he asked.
“yeah, it was fun” I smiled.
It was really fun.
“okay tell me all about it”. Erick smiled.
“everything?”. I asked.
“every frigging detail”.
“I mean I get to eat a lot of things I haven’t eat before, and then we get to meet the celebrities, I was a little disappointed you didn’t come but I knew what you were doing was more important” I shrugged and he laughed.
“that’s why immediately I was done I came there as fast as possible” he said.
“and then what happened?” he asked.
“well okay after meeting the celebrities, and my queen Maria Li, I decided to go to the swimming pool, to meet my suite roomies and swim with them but when I got there none of them were there at that moment and I got stuck inside the swimming pool”.
“oh that happens to me like all the time, I’ve told my dad to change the door severely but he doesn’t listen to me” Erick shrugged.
“and the worst thing was I got stuck with Daniel”. I said.
“what?…! Really?” he asked.
“yeah” I nod.
“and why is it the worst thing that happened” Erick asked and I turned to him.
“cause… Daniel’s so.. So.. Clingy…..
“clingy? How do you mean?”.
“well through out the whole vacation, he was being really close to me, like so close that it made others think otherwise and made me really uncomfortable”. I said
“That son of a…
“But I later confronted him about it and he said, I was the only one he knows and actually talks to so..” I said and mushed my lips together.
“still he shouldn’t have been that clingy” He said and the car stopped.
“okay we’re here!” Erick announced
“wait.. Really, that was fast” I smiled, and opened the car door before Erick would do that for me cause it seemed like it was what he was about to do.
“okay see there’s one thing you must learn, you’re the girlfriend and the boyfriend” Erick said and I nod. Trying to understand what he’s saying, and he continued.
“after driving, you sit inside the car till I get the door for you okay.” he said and I smiled.
“should I get in so you’ll do it now!” I blinked rapidly and he chuckled.
“plesde do”.
“no can’t do”. I smiled and pulled his hand and we both walked in..
We got to his room and I sat on his bed.
“I kinda miss your place” I said as I laid flat on the bed.
“well I missed it with you being here”. He grinned and sat beside my lying body.
“so June.. I’m free tomorrow” he said looking at me.
“and?..” I couldn’t help myself from smiling.
“let’s go on our second date” he said
“well I’m free too, it’ll be Sunday and it’ll be wonderful”.
“great!” he beamed.
“and… He said. Making me widen eyes at him waiting for more.
“I’m thinking of having a duet with you”. He said and that made me jump.
“a duet with me?” I repeated.
“yeah, I’m not only in love with you but also with your voice, I mean we’ve sang together before and it was in perfect harmony”.
“oh now you believe it was a perfect harmony, I remembered begging you to sing with me but you were being haughty” I rolled my eyes and he laughed.
“I wasn’t being haughty, I was kind of shy” he rubbed his neck.
“please… Like that word even existed around you”.
“I’m being serious”. He said. “so are you in?” he asked and before I could say yes his phone ring.
“what?” he said into the phone.
“why? __ June?”.
Why did he call my name and who is he talking to and what are they talking about me.
“okay.” he said before cutting the call.
“who’s that” I asked.
“Daniel”. He replied before I could breathe out, he suddenly seemed busy with his phone, I tried to peek what he was busy with but he suddenly smiled. And brought the phone closer to my face.
“paparazzi will always be paparazzi”. He said and my eyes widen when I saw two people kissing in a car and those people looked like Erick and I.
I read the headline and I gasped.
++Erick-J caught kissing a girl today at Henile, Mahnline, it seemed to be shocking since Erick-J publicly commented that he is in no relationship++



§§§§.. JUNE.. §§§§
My jaw dropped and I turned to see Erick smiling, we just left the hotel like minutes ago and now Erick and I are already trending on social media of what just happened minutes ago about Erick and I kissing, in one the pictures Erick’s face could be seen, half of his face actually when he smiled at me, but mine wasn’t cause I was facing back in the picture so only my hair could be seen and in the other picture both of our faces were covered cause we were kissing.
“okay this is..
“weird?” Erick tried to help.
“no weird is not the word I’m looking for.” I said
“you know, I like this” Erick smiled.
“why?” I asked.. “cause the paparazzi caught me kissing you, not some other girl” Erick replied.
“but you know this will cause a lot of chaos” I said and he shrugged.
“chaos, trust me it can’t”. He shook his head.
“what do you mean it can’t! Look at the comments”. I said showing him the trendiest comments.
*who the hell is that b*tch*
*I thought Erick-J was single ToT*
*my fragile heart is broken*
*who is she????? (^o^)*
*I don’t know her but I hate her already*
“those are just the hateful comments” Erick said taking the phone from me.
“is there anything as hateful comment or love-ful comment” I added and he laughed.
“in life everything has it opposite, and the main ones are good and bad, hate and love, here take a look” he said and I looked down at his phone. To read the comments
*who is she, I’m so curious*.
*she must be pretty for god only hang out with goddesses*..
*whoever she is I pray she keeps our Erick-J happy.*
*is this real?? If it is then I’m so happy for Erick-J*
*Erick-J and a mystery girl sitting on a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G*.
“see read and do only positive things, they help a lot” Erick smiled.
“and this is no difference cause I’m planning to make our relationship public,” he added.
“you celebrities deal with a lot of horrible things, how do you all survive those hateful comments?” I shrugged.
“the ones who hate you may be the ones who loves you the most, they might write all sort of bad things about us but they don’t mean it”
“and how would you know that?” I snapped..
“June. You have to chill, this is about me and you’re getting all worked up” he said.
“isn’t that what girlfriends do?” I asked and he laughed.
“look they should keep doing their job as haters for us and we keep dating, nobody looses”. He smiled.
“okay how are you okay with all this??” I yelled standing up
“because I prepared for anything… celebrities world are horrible and you really have to be prepared for anything, cause one second your fans are loving you and then just one little mistake you did they’re hating you just because one person tried to make that mistake look so big. All these fans are under the mouth of just one individual, if that one person hates you they tend to write mean comments about you making you look so bad spotting every mistake you make and then the ones who loves you joins that one individual in making those bad comments when they actually love you, so no matter how bad a person comments about you,the person either envies you or loves you too much” Erick explained and I gasped.
“wait. Are you, sure you’re the Erick I know?” I asked.
“what do you mean?”
“when did you get so smart?” I laughed and he held my hand and pulled me to sit on his thigh.
“sometimes June. You don’t have to worry and you just have to go with every flow life brings”. He said wrapping his hands around my waist.
“well that’s easy for you to say cause I did worry a lot growing up after my parents passed away, you grew up with no financial problems” I said wrapping my own hands around his neck.
“you know, I was a very fat baby, my parents always thought I’d be like an elephant when I get to five years and I was actually kind of fatter than an elephant, cause I was pampered, given anything thing I wanted, I ate like a queen and commanded every one around me, I was loved, happy, healthy and most of all fat, but my parents passed away too quickly and left me with August. And that’s when I start to dry up, I worry every single day Auggie’s cry made me think and sometimes cry too, my parents death made me cry too and that’s when I started to decrease. Now look at at me now I could be used for a match stick” I said with a small sigh remembering the worst times of my life. Auggie was a blessing at that time but our financial problems wasn’t.
“look! June” Erick said sliding his hands away from my waist and placing them on my cheek.
“those days are over you have to look at the future now, and I promise you, you’re never going to face something like that again” Erick said before kissing my forehead soothingly.
“thanks” I breathed out resting my head on his shoulder.
::: ::: :::
Erick and I spent almost of the day together and he wanted to drive me home later in the day but I told him I’d take a taxi cause who knows the paparazzi might be on our tail. And I had to wear one of Erick’s jacket to cover the dress I was wearing and I also had to let my hair down, cause I know the news about Erick and a mystery girl kissing might have spread and I don’t want anyone to suspect me.
I got home that evening and Auggie and Ella rushed up to me immediately to give me a hug, Auggie giving me a normal hug and Ella giving me a leg hug.
“awwn how are you,? How’s school” I asked.
“school? Today’s Saturday I didn’t go” Auggie stated.
“what… I was just joking I totally knew that” I laughed nervously.
I definitely didn’t know that…
“where’s grandma,” I asked taking off Erick’s jacket.
“she’s sleeping” he replied.
“okay have you guys had dinner?”
“nope” he said happily.
“well I’ll be making dinner tonight” I said taking off my sandals and walking into the kitchen.
Auggie seemed happy with me being home and making dinner and after making dinner, my grandma woke up and we all ate dinner together and of course I had to tell her about the one day vacation and the surprising and sudden competition. She was happy I made it to the finals, everyone was.
After taking a shower and getting under my covers that night, Erick called and feeling happy about that, so happy I mistakenly declined the call.
He called again and I told him about the call i declined which made the both of us laughed.
We talked like never before, he reminded me of our date which is tomorrow and swears I couldn’t wait.
Where would he take me too?. I just couldn’t wait.
We ended the call and before i knew it I fell asleep.
That night I had a dream, a very sad and bad dream I didn’t remember the details of that dream but it was sad, I know I saw August in tears, it got me in tears too and when I woke up I found my cheek tight and dry, and when I touched it I realised it was dried tears.
I shrugged and got up from my bed, I don’t need anything to put me down today, not even a stupid dream cause I want to be and feel happy on my second date with Erick..
After brushing my teeth I took my time under the shower, and after that I wrapped my body with my towel and went to my bed.. Auggie was still asleep. And I decided to dry my hair before putting on my clothes.
It’s our second date, what should I wear?? I started to throw all my clothes all up in the air causing chairs in my closet, and finally waking my brother.
“what are you doing?” auggie asked with sleepy eyes.
“nothing.. Just looking for something nice to wear , I’m sorry for waking you up, you can go back to sleep now”. I said but instead he got up and sat properly on the bed.
“are you going out?” Auggie asked.
“yeah” I nod.
I suddenly remembered that Erick isn’t the picky or two big of a date kind of guy so that means I can wear anything I want.
“where are you going?” Auggie asked.
“uh… I’m going on a date” I smiled at him as I carefully put my clothes inside the closet.
“a Date?” he repeated.
“yep” I replied proudly taking a blue Jean pants and a blue t-shirt.
“what’s that?” Auggie asked and I turned to him.
“what’s what”
“how can you go on a date, is it the calender’s kind of date?” Auggie asked and I smiled and my heart sweetened, he doesn’t know what a date means.
I’m so proud.
“no its not, the date I’m going to is different from the one you understand” I smiled.
“really, what is it then?” Auggie asked.
He won’t leave me unless who knows what he wants to know.
“okay a date is when two people who share a romantic mutual feeling towards each other meet, and hang out for the day” I smiled and his jaw dropped.
“really…. Okay” he sighed. What’s up with this guy.
He seems bothered.
I closed my closet and walked over to my bed and auggie’s eyes still followed me.
“okay what?” I asked placing my hands on my hips.
“what’s with the sad face.” I added.
“I want to come with you.. Can I?” he asked.
Oh boy.
“you can’t, I wish I could take you wit me Auggie but it’s a date between me and the person who share a mutual feeling of love” I tried to make him understand but he said.
“you don’t love me?”.
“why would you say that, you’re my baby brother it’s you I love the most” I smiled.
“And it’s you I love the most June, see.. we share a mutual feeling too, so can I come along?”
Wait.. He’s showing off his smartness with me.
“I’m not talking about that kind of love Auggie”
“Then what kind of love, cause Mrs Mary said love is the greatest thing any of can possess and we all share the same kind of love, so what kind of love are you talking about” he asked bewildered.
And Mrs Mary is he’s social studies teacher.
“well Mrs Mary’s wrong we have different kind of love and the one we both have is different from the one I have with Erick okay, so please just take that cause I’m not explaining further” I said.
“but still I want to come with you, you’re always busy going out, you don’t stay home like always” he said lowly.
“you know I have a competition to win, and if you come with me who’s going to stay home and look after Ella?” I asked and he glance at his friend who was still asleep.
“grandma.. And besides I’m tired of staying home with Ella, I want to hang out with you” he said wugh6tge saddest face I’ve ever seen.
“you can’t Auggie, but I promise you we’ll get to hang out together sometime okay?” I said but he angrily got down from his bed.
“I just don’t want to hang out with you alone, I want to hang out with you and Erick too” Auggie yelled and ran out… To cry I guess.
My phone suddenly ring making me feel more weaker.
I saw Erick on the screen and I picked it up.
“hey Erick” i sighed
“hi.. You sound beat, what’s the matter?” he asked.
“oh nothing.. I’m just thinking about how Auggie will resent me for the rest of his life”. I said.
“what? why would Auggie resent you for the rest of his life you’re his mom… Well second Mom” Erick stated and I laughed.
“some kids hate their mom, and the thing is that he wants to come along, he wants to come with us on our date” I explained.
“wow that’s something you don’t see everyday.” Erick laughed. “is Auggie there can I talk to him”.
“no.. He’s in the living room, filling it with tears” I said.
“well I don’t see why you’d be this Ruthless towards the poor guy, he should definitely come along” Erick said.
“Ruthless!!” I yelled.. “I definitely wanted him to come along, but I thought you’d be mad at me for bringing him since it was supposed to be just the two of us”.
“June.. I’ve never been mad at you before cause I know you’re smart and you do smart things, even if you were to bring your grandma and Ella, I’d still not get mad at you June. You’re the cause of my euphoria, so I don’t see why I’d ever get mad at you” he said and I almost melted by his words
“Still isn’t today supposed to be about just you and me” I asked.
“and Auggie, look dates Is not just for two people, hundreds of people can go on a date, families go on dates too, and with me, you and Auggie we’ll just be like father, mother and son” Erick said and I felt his smile.
“sometimes you talk dumber than a two year old” I said.
“thanks for the compliment, and I’ll see you and Auggie soon,” he said.
“where are we meeting?” I asked.
“my house first!, I’m going to send someone to pick the both of you”. He said and I replied okay before we both hanged up.
I quickly changed into my clothes and head to the living room to see Auggie all curled up in a corner drying his tears.
I was right
“okay little guy, stand up” I instructed and he looked up at me.
“Now” I added and he stood up.
“go take your bath, you’re coming with us” I said and his face brightened.
“oh really, thanks June” he said and hugged me..
“hurry up” I said and ruffled his hair, he let’s go of me and immediately ran to our room..
After dressing Auggie, I dried my hair and brushed it after.
Before I knew it we were both done and ready to leave and we both walked out of the house Ella who was woken up barked severely and bit onto auggie’s pant to prevent him for leaving….
After battling with that, Auggie and I said goodbye to grandma before leaving the house.
Coming down from the building’s exhausting stairs, a very black car stopped in front of the building and Auggie and I shared a glance
The car window rolled down and a head stuck out of it.
Perfect timing
“Miss June… Am I right?” the man driving the car said and I nod.
“please get in… Mr Frederick is waiting” the man said and Auggie and I wasted no time in the car.
As the man drove us to Erick’s house. Auggie seemed thrilled with the building and people that passed by.
He’s never been at this part of the city before. so I don’t blame him.
As we got to the quiet street Erick lived, Auggie watched the big houses in wonders.
“it’s not like you haven’t seen big houses before” I teased.
“I have, it’s just this one’s are different and they’re more classic than the ones I’ve seen” Auggie replied making me smile.
“we’re here” the driver announced.
We got down from the car and walked inside.
“ring the doorbell” I smiled at Auggie.
“really?” he asked happily and I nod while he quickly pressed the doorbell numerous times. “it’s okay” I laughed removing his hand from the button.
The door clicked from the inside and it opened revealing Daniel, eating chocolate.
“oh, hey June.” he smiled.
What is he doing here?
“I didn’t know you’d be coming today?” he smiled.
“well here I am” I stated and his eyes went down to Auggie.
“and who’s this, that looks so much like you” Daniel asked.
“he’s my son.. Now move” Erick’s voice yelled from behind and he suddenly walked in front of Daniel.
“Erick!!” Auggie called out happily and gave him the warmest hug ever. While Erick grabbed him and placed him on his shoulder.
“put him down Erick, that is not safe” I said.
“relax it’s safe” he replied walking inside.
“put him down this instant Erick!” I yelled and he sighed and dropped Auggie down, whose face has become read from staying upside down.
“wow that was fun” Auggie exclaimed.
“fun! You’re not a fool Aug, blood could have crawled out of your nose and ears” I said walking inside.
“but it didn’t” Erick stepped in front of Auggie.
“yeah” Auggie agreed.
“you know I could take you back home right now, if you agree to any wrong thing Erick say” I warned and he suddenly looked scared.
Good I wanted to be intimidating.
“don’t listen to your mom Auggie she’s just jealous of our father and son bonding” Erick said and Auggie nods.

“okay, I’m confused. So confused” Daniel yelled behind us.
“how long have you guys dated that you’ve even had a son”. Daniel stated.
Oh boy.
“three years, I secretly dated June without anyone knowing”. Erick replied and I gave him a look.
“I’m sure he’s probably like seven or eight years and how did June get pregnant and give birth to him with just three y–
“actually the truth is, we adopted him” Erick interrupted.
“Erick!!” I yelled.
“adopted! But If he was adopted how come he looks like June so much” Daniel asked.
“it just happened to be that way” Erick replied.
“is he telling the truth!” Daniel asked me
“he’s not.. Auggie’s my baby brother” I said.
“way to ruin the day June” Erick rolled his eyes at me.
“oh shut it, you liar” I scoffed and he grabbed auggie’s hand and they both went upstairs.

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Emmanuel Chukwuemellie Okoye
Emmanuel Chukwuemellie Okoye
4 years ago

Great! I’m becoming comfortable with the story. So let’s get to the next bus stop?.

Arit Thompson
Arit Thompson
4 years ago

I love this episode

But come oh….what’s wrong with Daniel…. auntie Ruthie biko make provision for him oo(his own lover)

Anyways I pray for more grace to you ma….God bless you

4 years ago

Oh ooooo!!!!! So sweet

4 years ago

I just love how things are unfolding at the moment ??

It doesn’t get better than this ?

Erick, June & Auggie are just too formidable ??