*=*=* June *=*=*
As Erick walked in the party, our eyes locked and everyone screamed and left the table to meet Erick, including Shylock, and I was stuck being with Daniel.
“Daniel!!” I called and he moved.
“get off of me” I said and moved my shoulder up a bit, I slowly released his hands around my neck and he raised his head up.
“what?” he groaned.
“I was having a good nap”. He said and his face looked even more flushed.
“here, take this you’re drunk” I said giving him a bottled water.
“I’m not drunk, you’re the drunken one” he sniffed. He narrowed his eyes forward to Erick and the girls surrounding him and he smiled.
“Sis… Is that brother?” he asked wanting to stand up, but somehow he couldn’t lift himself up.
“yes it’s Erick, now drink that” I said referring to the water and then glance at Erick who started walking up to us, leaving the girls to stare at him as he walked majestically to the table Daniel and I were seated.
“Hey.” he said as he sat down opposite us.
“hi..” I smiled a bit.
“Erick you’re here…” Daniel laughed.
“he’s drunk isn’t he?” Erick asked and I nodded.
“I told you, I’m not drunk” Daniel said and slammed the table with the bottled water I gave him.
“shut up you are!” Erick said, grabbed the bottle water and pointed the bottom of the bottle at Daniel’s face.
“and next time, I won’t care if you’re drunk, if I see your hands or dumb head on my girlfriend’s body, I’m going to kill you” Erick warned lowly and pushed the bottle to his head.
“ouch, that hurt” Daniel whined and scoot closer to me.
“and that’s gonna hurt even more if you don’t get away from my girlfriend” Erick said opening the bottle and drinking a bit of water.
“you mean sister-in-law?” Daniel smiled.
“sometimes, I wonder why I became friends with this guy” Erick sighed and stood up.
“c’mon” he said to Daniel and beckoned for him to stand up. And Daniel obeyed.
“where are we going?” Daniel asked.
“out of here” Erick replied and walked over to me, leaned down and kissed my cheeks.
“I’ll be right back” he said and gave my shoulder a small squeeze before standing straight and walking up to drunk Daniel.
“c’mon” he said to Daniel and start to walk Away, while Daniel slowly trailed behind him, asking him where they were going.
Immediately Daniel and Erick walked away, all the girls rushed to where I was seated.
Here we go.
Shylock and Grace sat beside me, I was kind of in their middle while the rest sat and stood opposite us.
“wait! Why did Daniel call you sis?and why did he hug you like that?” Cassie was the first questioner.
“I don’t know, didn’t you see he was drunk” I shrugged.
“you’re a liar” Cassie barked.
“and I’m not going to hold this any longer, I love Erick so much, but I saw it, we all saw it, why did he kiss your cheek, who are you to them?” Shylock asked.
Great. My new friend finds out I’m dating her celebrity crush she’ll get mad and that’s the end of something great starting.
“Daniel and Erick are best friends and Erick and June are dating” Grace said staring at her fingers.
“oh my God, really?” Shylock asked and I nod while the two other girls gasped.
“who cares, we’ve all known you’re dating Erick, there’s no big news about that, you’ve both been dating before he became a celebrity.. What I want to know is why Daniel hugged you” Cassie said.
“wait… Hold on, you and Erick’s been dating before he even became a celebrity?” Shylock asked. I nod at her question and Cassie huffed. “Answer me!” she almost yelled over the music.
“I don’t know!” my eyes widen at her.
“you don’t know? Why wouldn’t you know?” Cassie snarled.
“okay, wait I get it now. Erick’s dating you and he’s best friends with Daniel, so I guess that’s why Daniel’s calling you sis?” Leah asked.
“but why did–
“sorry, I–i have to go to the bathroom”. I said. Stood up and walked away from the dozens of eyes that followed me.
I got back into the hotel and breathed out heavily.
Questions after questions, this is worst than paparazzi itself. I sighed and my sigh echoed at the hallway
“what’s wrong” Erick’s voice echoed. Making me turn swiftly.
“nothing!” I shrugged lightly and he hugged me when he got to me. And I smiled and buried my face on his chest.
“are you sure?” he asked in my hair.
“not really, I don’t think I can go outside anymore”. I said and he pulled from the hug.
“why?” he asked.
“cause… Every single soul who rushed up to you, are all asking about us… And Daniel “. I said and my shoulders slopped.
But he grabbed them and straightened my body, making me smile a bit.
“I get they’re asking about us… But why Daniel?” Erick asked.
“Cause… He… Laid his face on.. You saw that.” I said.
“yeah, and I wasn’t happy with what I saw, but he’s drunk that’s why he’s acting that way so I won’t blame him” Erick shrugged.
“where is he now?” I asked.
“I took him back to his suite, he’s not good with drinks, this is the second time he’ll be having one, I just can’t let him embarrass himself.” Erick expound and I smiled.
“that’s nice of you”.
“so… And why did Daniel call you sis… And then called me brother.” Erick asked with an irritated face.
“he said you’re like a twin brother to him and since you’re both brothers… We’re both gonna get married and I’m going to be his sister-in-law” I explained and Erick laughed.
“classic Daniel” he smiled. And I smiled too.
“oh God, I missed you!” he groaned and hugged me again.
“I did too.” I said sincerely.
“are you sure? Or the hotel’s hospitality made you forgot about me.” he said and I gave him a light punch on his chest and he chuckled and Let’s go of me.
“c’mon..” he said and stretched his hand out.
“what?” I asked looking at his hand.
“Let’s go outside and join the others,” he smiled.
“but they’re all asking sil–
“and we’ll both answer the questions and don’t worry I’ll do a proper introduction” he winked and I laughed and took his hand.

“and should I say you look stunning in this dress I almost didn’t recognize you,” He said and I smiled. “thanks”.
“but aren’t you cold?” he asked.
“no not one bit” I shook my head negatively.
“you sure?” he asked and squeezed my hand a bit.
“I’m sure, and don’t hurt” I glare at him and he laughed. “sorry”.
“so how was your first performance on stage today?” I asked as we walked out of the hotel and immediately the cold breeze made all sleeping hair on my skin stand. I shivered a bit and Erick turned immediately.
“and you were saying you are not cold” Erick asked.
“it’s because we’ve been standing inside the hotel for some time, which was not as cold as the natural wind outside.” I explained and he rolled his eyes.
We walked into the party and all the girls turned to us immediately. Great. I hate attention like this..
“c’mon Let’s give everyone a proper introduction”. He said, Let’s go of my hand and placed his hands around my shoulder, pulling my body closer to his.
We walked passed, Shylock, Grace and the others, and my heart skipped when we started to get close to the celebrities who all seemed so interested in what they were talking and they were all laughing pretty hard, including My goddess.

We got close to them and they all paused seeing Erick and I.. Everyone looked at Erick. Then at me.
“hello, good evening” Erick smiled.
“goodness Erick when did you get here?” Roxie Tiffany asked and stood up to give Erick a small hug but she couldn’t cause I was kind of a hindrance to that hug so she stopped, cause I was in front of Erick and I prevented my self from smiling.
So instead Roxie just tapped Erick and sat down back.
“it just felt like yesterday when you were just nine years old playing around the industry with your little Daniel friend, and now look at you, you could be a father.” Roxie said and Erick laughed.
“and it still feels like yesterday when I was nine and you were eleven years old. And now look at you, you look the same” erick smiled. And Roxie gasped, while everyone laughed.
“I’m still older”. Roxie said.
“and I’m now taller”. Erick completed and the table was filled with sweet joyful laughter.
Erick looked up at Ricky Goodman and Ricky smiled.
“it’s nice you’re here Erick, how was your performance today?” Ricky asked with his huge thick and cool voice.
“it was great, everyone was just active and it was real fun”. Erick smiled with a nod.
“that’s a real thing, when I look at you Erick, I always see a supernova. If I do have a son sooner or later. He’s going to look up to you as a role model, if he doesn’t… Then I’ll have to force him to like you” Ricky Goodman said and everyone laughed.
Wow they’re all giving him so much love, so much attention. They all love him, giving him great respect that they didn’t give Daniel.
“it’s really nice you decided to join the party with us Erick-J. And June, how are you?” Maria Li smiled raising a wine glass with wine to her lips.
Oh My God….!!! She remembered my name.!!
“Oh I almost forgot, everyone this is June.. My girlfriend June this… Everyone.. I know you know their names already” Erick smiled and I nod.
“nice to meet you June.!” Roxie said and brought her hand for me to shake. I shook hands with her saying “nice to meet you too”.
“so she’s also in the teens competition happening in DH and she made it to this round?” Ricky Goodman asked and Erick nodded.
“wow! If you’re a singer and Erick’s a singer, what are you two going to give birth too?” Ricky asked and I smiled.
“a carpenter!” Roxie replied and everyone.
“well cheers to the both of you, and June.. I wish you could luck with the competition.” Maria Li said without smiling
“thank you so much.” I tell her
“and this is another good luck from me to you Jane” Roxie Tiffany added.
“thank you” I smiled.
“it’s actually June. Not Jane” Erick corrected her.
“wait June. As in next two month?” Roxie asked and they all chuckled. Including me.
“hey! I was going to fight for you but since you laughed… It’s okay.” Erick said and I laughed even more.
“anyways, I’ll see you all later, thank you all for your time” Erick said as he watched everyone laugh at my name,
“okay see you all later” Erick said and walked us away from the table. And to another empty table. Under a leafless tree, and I was sure that the table wasn’t there when we came out.
“I love the way you look tonight.” Erick said and I smiled.
“you really have to stop”. I smiled as we both sat down opposite each other.
“stop what? Complimenting you cause you blush too easily” Erick rushed his words and I gave him a playful glare.
It’s like he read my mind.
I glance back at the girls who seemed uninterested about Erick and us but with whatever Cassie was telling them, well except Grace and Shylock who kept glancing back at us.
I turned back to Erick and he smiled.
“you’ve been smiling all night, doesn’t your cheek hurt?” I asked.
“I’m a smile addict.” he said.
“please.” I rolled my eyes.
“truthfully, you just look really beautiful that’s why I’ve been smiling,” Erick said and I couldn’t help but blush.
“oh and before I forget, since you’re named June. Your birthday must be June right” he said and I nod.
“so when is your birthday date?” he asked.
“first. It’s June first .” I replied.
“oh so that’s like three weeks away”. He smiled happily… “why didn’t you say so”.
“is it necessary”. I shrugged.
“of course your birthday’s necessary… If it’s not then what is?”. He asked and I shrugged.
“so I want to get ready now, tell me what do you want for your birthday?” he asked.
“huh? I thought birthday presents are supposed to be surprises”. I said.
“I know, I’m not good with surprises so I’m gonna get you what you want and also a surprise of my own”. He said and I smiled.
“okay… I want… I… I.. I don’t know”
“how can you not know what you want?” his voice grew a bit louder.
“maybe I have everything that’s why I don’t need anything”. I smiled..
I do have everything and one of them is in front of me.
“okay but you still gotta think of something and tell me before your birthday.” Erick said to me and I nod. “yeah”.
“promise?” he asked.
“promise.” I replied.
“and on June first you’ll be turning fourteen right?” he winked.
“you’re crazy!.. You don’t even know my real age!” I laughed.
“I was just kidding, you’ll be turning eighteen” he smiled.
“and on my birthday i’ll be turning what?” he asked and I paused.
Wait! How old is Erick? I’m not sure, I think he’s nineteen or.. No he’s not. I suddenly remembered when Roxie Tiffany and Erick were talking about when they were still younger and then Roxie was eleven and Erick was nine, and now everyone knows or I overheard Travis and Klay saying Roxie Tiffany’s just twenty four, so that means Erick is or will be twenty two.
“see you don’t even know my a–
“twenty two?” I asked with my lips pursed.
“yep, December fourth I’ll be twenty two” he said and touched my forehead with his index finger.

“you hungry?” he asked.
“not really, the everlasting meal I ate today really did a good job” I said rubbing my stomach in a funny way and we both laughed.

“attention everyone.” we heard a man’s voice and everyone turned to the small stage to see a very short man behind the microphone.
“uh this is a message from Mr Dhousten to the teens in the competition.” the man said and the low music playing was turned off.
“a very special French wine is going to be served and you all must have it, and don’t worry it’s not alcoholic.” the man said and Erick chucked, I glance at him and then at the man who thanked everyone for their time and walked away.
Two Waiter walked into the party with the wine, I think and a wine was placed on our table and the other girls table. Travis, Klay and Zayn walked in and joined us. They seemed sober already.
“hey Erick?” Travis smiled.
“don’t call me like we’re friends” Erick said and Travis rolled his eyes and looked away.
“I can’t believe it, Erick-J sitting with us” Klay said and Zayn nod.
Erick glance at me and I smiled at him. We were handed wine glass, well but Erick wasn’t given one.
“Lets make a toast to Erick-J sitting with us” Klay said and Zayn nod and he quickly opened the bottle of wine while Erick laughed.
“or…” Travis said pouring himself the wine.
“let’s make a toast of me and June getting married next week” Travis said and Erick glared at him and he burst into laughter.
“your toast is lame.” Zayn said and Klay nodded.
Klay filled all our cups and told everyone to raise theirs.
“a toast to Erick-J”. Klay said.
“Erick-june” Zayn added and they all chuckled and clicked their glasses together. Erick smiled too and his smile made me smile.
We all gulped down the whole wine together and Erick grin made me ask.
“what’s wrong?”.
“nothing, I just want to tell you to be strong and don’t… I repeat don’t pass out.”
“what?” I asked as Klay start to fill my glass again.
“just… I wish you good luck, make sure you make it to the last round”. He said as I emptied my glass.
What is he talking about??


Slowly everything starts to turn round and round and I couldn’t decipher what was going on, I turned to Erick and he was double.

“whoa.. This is weird, this is so weird, what’s going on” Travis said and I turned to him klay and zayn to see them all double too.
“it’s the wine guys” Erick said and I turned to him.
“it’s working” he added
“I’m sorry do you know about this?” I asked and i think he smiled and nodded
“well why didn’t you warn us?” I asked.
“cause if I did then you wouldn’t have taken it and if you don’t take it you would still be forced to take it” Erick said and I huffed. Slowly my blurry vision starts to clear and I breathed out a sigh of relief “finally”.
“what is this why did your dad drug us or___
“he didn’t drug you you, any of you, and don’t worry the wine is not harmful, it’s just part of the competition”
“part of the competition!!” Travis almost yelled.
“quiet travel, I am not supposed to tell you guys anything but,….. He paused and glanced at me then at Travis and the two others
“the wine’s going to make your voices horsey, it’s a pretty special wine you see and my dad’s going to judge by your horsey voices, who ever can control their horsey voice will get to the final round.”
Erick explained and zayn,klay Travis and I shared a glance
“No offence but your dad’s crazy” Travis said and Erick glared at him.
“but this is an impossible task how ca__
I suddenly coughed and Erick handed me a bottled water.
“it’s okay– I said and gasped heavily.
“my voice!!” I gasped again, my voice was low and horsey.
“okay this is crazy, what kind of wine is this?” klay asked “a very special wine” Erick smirked.
Suddenly all the girls at the other table starts to cough and Erick looked at me. He stretched his hand over to me and caress the back of my palm.
“Goodluck babe” he said, smiled and stood up.
“I’m not supposed to be here now, I’ll be right back” he said, smiled and walked away.
“is this some kind of joke?” Travis tried to yell but he ended up coughing.
“how can some stupid drink take away our voices” I said.
“yeah I mean this is crazy!” I heard shylock’s voice behind me, hers still loud and clear.
I turned to see the other girls tilting their heads and murmuring in wonders holding their throats.
“so sooner or later, everyone’s voice is going to disappear and what we’re going to pass out??” klay asked.
“this feels like a horrible nightmare” someone said behind us and that person voice seemed pretty thick and horsey so we all turned to see Leah, shylocks friend..
“I thought this was supposed to be a nice vacation but why this stupid poisonous wine” Cassie cranky voice said and she starts to walk up to us.
Why hasn’t her voice gone yet, it’s so loud.
Everyone suddenly gathered our table and we all stood up to complain about this stupid voice thing.

“Attention everyone, can I get everyone’s attention please.” We all heard the short man’s voice said and we all turned.
“the second to the last round of your competition starts in about three minutes so everyone get ready.!” the man continued and Cassie screamed.
“what?? Are you crazy, this wine is ruining our voice and how do you expect us to sing with our voice like this.” Cassie yelled and her voice echoed and I suddenly realized that the celebrities weren’t there anymore.
“I’m sorry but this is order from Mr Dhousten” the man said glared at Cassie for a bit before walking away.
Everyone starts to complain about this and that and noises filled the quiet backyard, and as we all spok our voices turned horsey, Cassie was the last person to get he voice horsey like ours and yet we still complained and cursed the wine.
I like Erick because he’s smart but I can’t believe he’d let hs dad to this to us it’s impossible to sing with a voice like this.
We all turned quiet immediately we saw Mr Dhousten walked into the small, now scattered party, and he smiled seeing all is us.. Yep he looks so much like Erick.
Mr Dhousten walked up to the small stage and grabbed the microphone..
“good evening, I know you are all enjoying yourself tonight” Mr Dhousten said.
“no” Cassie and Leah tried to yell but their voice failed them but Mr Dhousten heard it.
“looks like you all had my French special wine.. Well that’s great” Mr DHouston smiled. “cause if you didn’t have my wine you won’t perform in the next competition which is happening now” Mr Dhousten smiled and everyone gasped except klay zayn and I cause Erick told us already about it. So what’s the surprise there.
“but Mr Dhousten how can we perform like this?” shylock asked,
Though her voice is also horsey she’s still louder than everyone of us.
“that is what I call challenge, you all have made it through all the rounds and to this round and after this round comes to the last and final round, so instead of you all just singing I wanted something to be of challenge to you guys, cause I believe for my judges choosing you your voices must be angelic, so why not add a little something to that angelic voice and just know that nothing is impossible just challenging”. Mr Dhoustensaid and everyone of us starts to glance at each other and nod at each other.
“I mean Mr Dhousten is right but this is impossible”. Cassie cried out.
“didn’t you hear him, nothing is impossible just challenging” grace added smirking.
“you’re so confident do you think you’ll make it through this round its not challenging its impossible” shylock tell her.
“maybe it’s impossible for you but not for me dear.” Grace shrugged. “I’m up for anything”.
Wait this isn’t the grace I once knew, she was always the scared one but now I think she’s the one boosting every one’s confident. Cause Klay started to clear his voice and zayn added that he too is up for it, everyone starts to accept the horsey voice singing challenge until Mr Dhousten said
“Plus I will be the judge for tonight’s competition”.
“okay now I’m getting scared” Leah said and said shylock placed her hand on her friend’s shoulder “don’t get scared he’s going to judge like every one else” shylock said coughing and sniffing out heavily.
Before we knew it Mr Dhousten took a sit in front of the stage while we all stood almost behind the stage in a straight line.
“okay the first person standing in front of the line, would be the first performer” Mr Dhousten said and Grace gasped.
“no way. Why did I get to be at the front”. She added and Travis, klay and zayn laughed, “you were so confident about yourself, don’t give up now” klay teased and he and his two new friends laughed with their silent laugh… Too bad the wine really ruined our voices. “and I am still confident about myself to shut up” Grace said and angrily got up the stage, we all came out from behind the stage to see Grace perform.
She looked scared as she stood at the middle of the stage with Mr Dhousten looking at her intensely.
“okay first what’s your name?” Mr Dhousten asked
“Grave… I mean Grace… Grace… Monroe” Grace stutter and everyone giggled
“she’s scared as hell” klay laughed.

“okay what will you like sing for me tonight?” Mr Dhousten asked
“uh… Goodbye, by..Roxie Tiffany” she said.
“huh? That is way easy to sing” a girl behind Cassie said, I still don’t know her name yet.
Mr Dhousten laughed and Grace face went pale.
“Miss Monroe, you’re not singing that, I just asked that to see what you’re going to say, you’ll be singing ‘wild’ by Ricky Goodman… You all will be singing just that one song, so miss Monroe please start”. Mr Dhousten said and folded his hands.
Suddenly the piano starts to play and Grace hiccups.
“I don’t know this song” grace said lowly.
Neither do I.. I thought
Mr Dhouten sighed and told her to sing any song of her choice and she sang one of Daniel’s song and it was as bad as everyone else thought it would be. Her horsey voice couldn’t go high and she knew she wasn’t going anywhere with that kind of singing.
She was done singing and Mr Dhousten told her to get off the stage without any expression written on his face.
The next person who happened to be going next was the girl whose name I don’t know and her name happened to be Karolina when she introduced herself on stage.
Her voice was the worst and she gave up before ending the song.
I realised I was next to go on stage and when I tried to move at the back of the line to avoid singing next, klay and zayn held me back and pushed me forward
“sorry June. But you’re next and you know you cannot change that” Travis said and I sighed and walked up to the stage confidently.
I mean everyone’s voice is going to be horrible so what’s the point of getting scared. And I wonder how he’s going to judge our voices if we all sound so horrible..
I got on the stage and Mr Dhousten smirked at me. Yeah come to think of it, I don’t think Mr Dhousten likes me. But whatever, his son likes me and I like him too and that’s all that matters.
“I’m June…
“June Peterson”. Mr Dhousten said and smiled. “you’re dating my son, how can I not know your name” he scoffed.
“okay so June.. What are you going to be singing tonight.. I hope its not one of my son song’s” Mr Dhousten said and I sighed.
He hates me!!
“it’s not” my horsey voice echoed and he arched a quizzical brow at me. “then what are you singing?”
“second chance” I replied, cause it was the first thing I could think of, I wanted to sing Erick’s new song but since he’s being so mean I don’t have any choice but to sing any song aside from my boyfriend’s.
Though my confidence was as strong and high and could hold a falling mountain, my voice sounded so horrible but I still didn’t back down I just tried to amend my voice till the end of the song.. I was done singing and mr Dhousten gave a strong freezing look that sent chills to my body. I came down from the stage without him telling me too and I start to feel my head pound. Shylock was next to come on stage and truthfully I was jealous. Cause her voice sounded so good.
Everything around me starts to turn, the stage, Shylock, Mr Dhousten and before I knew it I was on the floor.
My eyes starts to close and I could hear my name from a far distant. And slowly everything starts to fade away.
I woke up with the great smell of fried chicken and rice entering through my nostrils and the sun on my face, my body felt comfortable on the bed I was lying, a shadow suddenly covered my face and I slowly opened my eyes to see Erick smiling at me.
“you’re awake” he said huskily and I slowly got up while he moved back and help me sit up.
“what happened.?” I asked rubbing my eyes and coughing after.
“you passed out last night” Erick replied taking a glass cup and pouring water in it.
“here” he said giving me the glass of water to me and I quickly drank it all and gave him back the cup with a sigh.
“passed out? When?..” I asked and I suddenly remembered last night.
We all drank that weird French wine together and sang with our horrible voices and before… Wait that’s the last thing I remembered. At least my voice is okay now.
“you passed out immediately after singing, your body couldn’t take in the wine and immediately after you sang it started to react and that’s why you passed, you used a lot of your energy just to sing and you were also out of breath”. Erick explained and I sighed.
“well I thought yesterday was going great, but turns out your father made a twist to our happiness, and what kind of stupid idea was that, so sing with horsey voices, as long as I remembered no body sang well except for shylock, and God, I’m so jealous I don’t think I’m going to make it to the last round” I groaned and laid back on the bed.
“you’re so going to make it to the last round” Erick said and I sat up.
“how do you know that? Are you gonna bribe your dad or what?” I asked moving my hair back.
“see no one bribes my dad, not even me or my mom” Erick laughed
“I just have faith in you” he smiled.
“Fath.! I had that before I started to sing but now I don’t think I have faith anymore” I said and slowly got up from the bed.
I paused and look around the room, it was blue. The lights, the cushions the floor, the roof, everything blue.
“where is this?” I asked.
“my suite” he replied.
“oh.. Your room at home isn’t so blue, but this place its looks like a shrine” I said and he laughed.
“I just love the colour, oh and there’s an extra toothbrush in the bathroom, and I got you a dress so you wouldn’t still be wearing that, you guys will be leaving in a few minutes and my dad needs to everyone first”. He said and I looked at my dress,
It’s still the neon dress from yesterday.
I looked up at Erick to see him checking me out and I laughed.
“what are you doing?”
“you have to go change that dress now! Or else something is going to happen?” he said dramatically and I laughed even more.
“something like what?” I smiled.
“something very dangerous” he said and I laughed even harder.
“you’re crazy”. I tell him..
“I know it’s a normal thing coming from you” he said and I rolled my eyes before walking away to the bathroom.
After brushing my teeth and everything, I changed into the red flay dress an flat shoes. I packed my hair into ponytail and after that I walked into the room to see it empty, I headed for the door and immediately I opened it, I saw Daniel and Erick almost walking in and running into me.
“whoa” I said and moved back.
“oh hey June” Daniel smiled.
“Daniel.. Oh are you okay now?” I asked, he looks okay, yesterday wasn’t actually his night.
“I should be asking you that instead, you passed out yesterday” he said.
“were you there?” I asked.
“nope.. I heard everyone talking about it” Daniel said.
“you look great” Erick said and I smiled
“everyone’s at the hotel’s backyard where we had the party last night with my dad and they’re waiting for you” Erick said and I nod.
“Good luck” Erick said and I nod before turning and walking away.
I got to the back of the hotel and it was even prettier in the day, cause the grasses there were green and the dark spooky tree shone a bright brown.
My heart skipped a little when I saw every one in front of Mr Dhousten and they all turned to me immediately I walked up to them.
“oh my God, June you’re okay..” shylock said immediately and came to hug me.
That was surprising.
“you scared the shits out of me when you passed out, I thought you were dead and we were all gonna die too”. Zayn as he walked up to me
“yeah” Cassie added.
“it’s good you’re okay kid” klay said and tapped my shoulder.
“yeah it’s good you’re okay” Travis added. I was expecting Grace to say something but she acted like she didn’t know with the other two girls, Leah and Karolina, at leat Leah and Karolina turned to look at me, but she just acted like I wasn’t there.
After everyone had asked about my health we all watched as Mr Dhousten sighed tiredly and told us to stand in front of him.
We all did and he started.
“you all know why I called you out here?” Mr Dhousten asked.
“so you could give us another French wine?” klay teased and everyone giggled making Mr Dhousten glare at him.
“I called you out here, to tell you who’s staying and who’s going to the last round” Mr Dhousten added and Cassie gasped..
“oh shit.!” klay muttered.
“I’ve gotten only five lucky ones” he said and everyone expression changed including mine.
This is heart throbbing.
“I’m not gonna waste your time and make you all breathe fast, so don’t worry, all of you sang horribly but I wasn’t just judging your voice I was judging with the way you fought with your voice”. Mr Dhousten said and we all shared a glance.
“fought with our voices, what is this man talking about” Travis whispered in my ear and prevented myself from giggling.
“for the last round, my first pick is going to be shylock wilder, Mr Dhousten said and shylock gasped happily.
I mean everyone expected this, she’s so good, I don’t know how others did but she was good.
“my second pick is… Travis__
“what?” travis almost yelled “sorry… I mean wow” Travis added and Mr Dhousten sighed.
“my third pick is klay Bolton and fourth pick is Cassie Akers and my last pick will be June Peterson” me Dhousten said and my aching heart suddenly freed.
“this is… This.. Is so unfair” Grace almost cried.
“thank you all for your participation, we’ll be leaving the hotel soon, I just wanted you all to enjoy yourself, five of you are going home and the remaining five are staying at DH” MR Dhousten said and Leah suddenly bent down to cry, while shylock ran to comfort her friend. Zayn seemed gloomy as Travis and klay talked to him, while Cassie seemed like she was at the top of the world.
“you’re all dismissed, you should all go back and get ready to leave.” Mr Dhousten said and everyone starts to head inside including me. But immediately we all heard.
“except for you Peterson”. I paused when he said that, why is he calling me now..! What does he want with me.!!!!

T. B. C


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Arit Thompson
Arit Thompson
4 years ago

Wow…. I so much love this story
Thanks Ruthie…I pray for more grace and inspiration

But this one that Mr Dhousten called June biko he shouldn’t give her terms and conditions of dating his son ooo

Emmanuel Chukwuemellie Okoye
Emmanuel Chukwuemellie Okoye
4 years ago

Finally. I had an unnecessary heart attack. Weldone June and Erick.

4 years ago

I love this kind of competition where you show what you are made of

4 years ago

I just hope all is well with June.
Sorry for Grace, Zayn, Karolina & Leah.

Congratulations to Shylock, Travis, Klay, Cassie, & June.