Mrs Mitch led us to the bus that suddenly arrived outside DH, and immediately grace pulled my hand and pulled me to the elevator.
“c’mon, I want us to seat together” she said as we both got in the elevator, but Travis quickly got in before the elevator door could close.
“why do you suddenly want to seat with June?” Travis asked.
“none of your business” grace snapped at Travis and he raised his hands up surrenderlike.
“don’t bite me it was just a question”.
“sorry” Grace added lackadaisical.
“so… I wonder why Mr Dhousten just suddenly decided to take us on a one day vacation, I mean is there such a thing as a one day vacation?” I asked breaking the brief silence.
“who knows, and maybe it’s some kind of test for our next competition.” Travis said and Grace and I nod.
“I can’t believe we’re gonna have our last competition, somehow only four of us are going to get qualified, we may all be among the successful ones and we may not, it’s sad to think about things like this” Grace said as she stare at the elevator floor.
“life is all about competition Grace, it’s a situation where we live it or leave it. Travis explained and Grace sighed.
“I love you guys… In case any of us looses I’m telling you two now.” Grace said and a single tear dropped from her eyes.
Okay she’s very dramatic
“really Grace? You’re making this sound like we’re going on a war”. Travis laughed and she sniffed and turned to us.
“this is war, and just so you know, it’s the final competition and even though we’re friends, I’m not gonna let you guys beat me, cause we all want to reach for The Stars and I want to too. So this is war, real war, and during the competition I don’t need sympathy from anyone and we never knew each other.” grace said boldly while Travis and I shared a glance.
“fine. Bring it on” Travis shrugged and so did I
The elevator door opened and we all walked out of the elevator, and then walked out of DH
“whoa the van looks shiny from down here”. Grace said.
“I thought it was a bus” I said.
“I thought it was an R.V” Travis said and I laughed
“c’mon let’s occupy the back seats” Grace said said as she saw the others coming.
Grace, Travis and I got to the back seats and occupied the three seats at the back.
Immediately we sat down, others got in the bus and sat down too. Cassie sat at the passenger’s seat and then the driver starts to drive.
Our journey wasn’t that long, but it felt like we were out of Mahnline when we got to our destination, I didn’t know mahnline city had beautiful places like this, sky scrappers surrounding the whole vicinity.
“whoa… My breath has suddenly seized” a girl said behind me.
“this place is beyond beautiful” Grace said as we slowly look around.
“oh hey look it’s your boyfriend.” Travis said lowly as he pointed to a big poster board of Erick, and gosh he looked dashing.
“he’s pretty handsome Isn’t he?” grace said from nowhere and I smiled.. “you’re lucky June” grace added.
A car suddenly stopped in front of us and Mrs Mitch and the Two other men followed her out of the car.
“okay you guys… Let’s head inside” Mrs Mitch said as start to walk inside one of those tall buildings and we all followed her.
“it’s a hotel!! are we going to lodge here? Just for today?” Cassie asked excitedly and Mrs Mitch nodded.
“wow…” everyone one of us said in unison as we all walked in the hotel.
“Mr Dhousten is so nice getting all this for us” a girl said and Mrs Mitch giggled and turned to us.
“okay you all should wait here while I check you in. And FYI Mr Dhousten is able to do this, cause he’s the hotelier”. Mrs Mitch said and walked away.
“okay, this is epic, I’m going to go crazy” Grace said.
“yeah me too… If only Annie was here” I smiled to myself.
“who’s that?” Travis asked.
“a friend of mine. A really good friend of mine”. I replied
“oh is she pretty? If she is, tell her you Know a guy who’s single and searching” Travis winked and I laughed…
“so Travis… I need your help” Cassie said out of nowhere and suddenly popped up in front of us.
“my help… That’s strange you never ask for my help” Travis smirked.
“shut up, you’re the only boy I talk to, so don’t make this seem like I’m so desperate” Cassie snapped..
“but you seem desperate” Travis said.
“shut up and listen.” Cassie said while Travis raised an eyebrow at her. “okay please” she added and he soften his face.
“okay as a guy”… Cassie glance at Grace and I as we watched her with full attention.
“never mind we’ll have this conversation later”. She said and moved back to where she was standing.
“who knows what she wanted to ask.” Grace shrugged.
“and is it just me or is Cassie getting fat?” I said and Travis laughed.. “she is… She’s been staying with her grandma for almost a week and her grandma’s been spoiling her with food. Food with fat, and gluten and she’s definitely not supposed to take all those, cause Cassie gets fat easily”. Travis explained.
“whoa. How do you know all this?” Grace asked.
“well…” Travis scratched his itchy hair “we both grew up together, we’re childhood friends, she’s supposed to be my childhood sweetheart but eventually when we became teens she started treating me like a stranger. And at school she talks to me when no One’s around, so she’s definitely not a childhood sweetheart and when we were younger she was a fat child”. Travis said and Grace giggled.
“I bet she’d look so cute then” Grace said and I started to imagine Cassie being fat but Mrs Mitch voice drew me out of the sudden reverie.
“okay y’all, you guys are so….. lucky Mr Dhousten let you guys occupy Two of the hotel suites at the last floor and he’d booked up a lot of things for you guys, and also I have the keys to the suites you guys are all going to be staying,” Mrs Mitch said and we all smiled happily
“But since we got just three boys and seven girls it’s going to be like this, the girls are going to share one suite and the boys will share the other one.” Mrs Mitch said and a girl suddenly stepped out, I remembered her for being the flexible and slim girl from the first group.
“Mrs Mitch that’s not fair.” she said.
“what do you mean?” Mrs Mitch asked.
“the boys are going to be just three in a room and the girls seven?—-“
“Mrs Mitch, Shylock is right!” the girl friend suddenly stepped out too.
Whoa Shylock, that’s a pretty interesting name.
“I mean they’ll be just three and we’ll be seven” Shylock’s friend added and Mrs Mitch sighed.
“okay fine we’ll do it this way, you’re all going to take it five by five, five people in one suite and five in the other, that will make it equal” Mrs Mitch explained while Shylock and her friend smiled
“and boys please can you move aside” Mrs Mitch instructed, and Travis and two other boys moved to stand away from the girls.
“okay now, who would join the guys to be equal to five by five Shylock and Leah, why don’t you join the boys so it’ll be complete” Mrs Mitch asked but they shrugged and shook their head negatively.
“okay if you all want it to be equal two of you girls would have to join the boys” Mrs Mitch said almost yelling and Travis gave me a look.
“c’mon.” he mouthed to me.
“no” I mouthed back to him and he he narrowed his eyes at me before turning back to Mrs Mitch.
“uhm Mrs Mitch, June said she’d like to join us” Travis said and I gasped heavily.
“no I did no–
“how lovely you are June, go stand with the boys I just need one more girl–
“I’ll go!” Grace interrupted and rushed up to me as I slowly made my way to the boys.
“you’re dead” I said to Travis and he smiled.
“okay we’re now complete, here’s your key, room 002” she said and handed the key to Grace who stood at the front and then gave the other key to the girls, which was room 004.
We all got into one elevator and it seemed pretty tight, and we all breathed out happily together when the elevator stopped and the door opened.
“wow.” Grace and Cassie together as we all walked into the hallway. It was shiny and the walls were glistening, and so was the concrete slippery floor,
And when I raised my head on I saw small looking night lights arranged on the decking and bringing out different colours of light that made the wall glisten.
“hey this is our room” Cassie yelled and pointed to a fancy looking door with the number 004.
“and this is our room”. One of the boys said and Travis, grace the other guy I don’t know his name and I turned to our suite.
“c’mon open it” Travis said and Grace shoved the key in the key hole and the door unlocked, and she slowly pushed the door open and our jaw suddenly dropped at how beautiful the suite room looked.

“This suite is sweet” Travis said as he moved Grace aside who was lost in admiring the place and he walked in, followed by the rest of us.
I glance back at the other girls and saw they’ve all gotten in and shut the door already. I sighed and slowly close ours.
“whoa this place is crazy” one of the boy with blonde hair, oh both of the boys are blonde, one golden blonde and the other one with dirty blonde, but the golden blonde said looking around and his voice echoed.
“okay everyone before we all settle down, why don’t we get to know each other first” Grace said and everyone paused and turned to her.
“yeah you’re right, okay everyone, I’m Zayn”. The one with the golden blonde hair said.
“and I’m Klay” the other one said.
“I’m Grace”.
“and I’m June.” I said lastly and we all continued with our admiration of the place.
“look guys, there’s a note here” Travis said and within seconds we all gathered him. He picked up the piece of paper beside a telephone. And read it out loud.
“you can all order anything you want without moving just take a call from this telephone and order anything”. Travis read and glance at me.
“Wow.. Let me try it out”. Klay said as he moved to Travis and grabbed the telephone and placed it on his ear, he tapped a green button before clearing his throat and saying “good day– Okay this is the suite room 002–yeah– I’ll like to order a fine meal of fried chicken and dumplings–for five okay thanks” Klay ended the call and smiled. And he somehow got us grinning.
“guys come check out the bedroom” Zayn said and we all walked up to him as he slowly moved the curtains aside and the bedroom came into view.
“goodness this is beautiful!” Grace exclaimed.
“and the bed.” I added.
“it’s huge enough for four people” Travis continued.
“from now on Mr Dhousten is going to receive all the respect he deserve in the whole world”. Zayn said and we all laughed.
We all heard the doorbell and our head turned together to the door. We all hurried to the door and laughed when we realised we’re acting like people from the jungle.
Grace who stood at the front opened the door and we all moved back as a woman pushed a trolley inside, a long Trolley inside our suite, consisting of the fried chicken and dumplings Klay ordered for five of us.
“sweet cheese, today’s gonna be the most meaningful day of my life” Travis said.
“you’re so right dude” Zayn added.
“okay I’ll set up your meal on the dinning table then” the woman said with her tiny voice and as she moved to the dining table, another trolley starts to enter either different kinds of food and deserts and we all looked shocked as we waited to see the lady pushing it in, when we finally saw her she smiled at our surprised.
“but we didn’t order this.” I said to her.
“you guys didn’t! Mr Dhousten wanted us to give the two suite room a meal to never forget” Mrs Mitch voice echoed and she suddenly walked in.
“we just ordered chicken and dumplings now”. Klay said.
“well good for you, you’re going to have an everlasting meal then.” Mrs Mitch smiled and our eyes followed the woman as she pushed the amazing delicacies passed us and to the dining table.
“and…” Mrs Mitch started and we all turned to her. “you know you’re all leaving here tomorrow morning”.
“I wouldn’t mind leaving here by the end of the week” Klay added and Mrs Mitch rolled her eyes.
“you’re all leaving here tomorrow so this is what I have come to pass to you guys, there’s a swimming pool inside the hotel and you can all go there if you want to its at the third floor and I’ll give you a map at every inside out of the hotel, and the celebrities coming will be here in about fifty minutes and tonight there’s a party going on where each celebrities are going to perform one of their songs, and the girls if you want to get your hair and nails done before the party you can both do that at the spa which is at… You know what I’ll give you all the map” Mrs Mitch said, dipped her hand in her purse brought out five piece of paper and handed it to us. And it was a map of the hotel, it even had sauna and two halls.
“after your everlasting meal, you are all free to do what you want and you all get to meet and talk to your favourite celebrities. And they’ll be occupying all the suite rooms Up here” Mrs Mitch explained and I almost jumped out of excitement.
“okay that’s all, for now, if you want anything just place your order with that telephone” she said before walking out.
We all gathered the table they set our meal immediately Mrs Mitch left.
“wow chocolate pudding” Grace squealed.
“and chocolate cake” Zayn smiled.
“ice-creams” I licked my mouth saying that, this is heaven.
“they even brought more chickens,this is a dream come true” Travis said
“okay are we going to keep staring at the food or eat” Klay yelled excitedly and we all laughed.
Eating like never before I broke a fresh fried lobster into two and shoved it in my mouth,
Grace was weirdly dipping dumplings into the chocolate pudding while Travis and Klay were helping themselves with the chickens, and Zayn was helping himself with chocolate cake.
We were all just busy with stuffing our faces until we heard loud screams from the other room.

“what’s happening”. Grace asked as the noise started to become louder.
“Lets go check it out” Zayn said and he stood up and so did everyone of us. We all hurried to the door and I was the one who stood at the front so I opened the door. And to our surprise, Cassie and the other girls were surrounding DH finest celebrities, Daniel, MARIA LI!! Ricky Goodman and Roxie Tiffany.
Daniel turned to see us peeping out from our door and the other three celebrities turned to us and the rest of the girls turned to us.
“whoa… Roxie Tiffany is hot” Zayn whispered and he, Travis and Klay shared a small laugh.

“oh you’re the other five” Roxie Tiffany asked and we all nod at the same time.
“oh you all are so beautiful”. Roxie said and it’s true, she looked pretty hot.
Daniel smiled at me and I smiled back and then turned to my goddess (Maria Li) who was talking to Cassie and Shylock.
“so I really want to meet and talk to each and everyone of them but I’m afraid I would miss my chance of eating this everlasting heavenly meal” Travis said and the Two other boys agreed with him.
“c’mon let’s go meet Daniel” grace said happily as we both hurried to them.
Oh boy.
“Daniel!” Grace squeaked when we got there.
“Daniel we love you so much” one of the girls from Cassie’s suite roomie said and Daniel smiled “love you too”.
Daniel turned to Grace and I and Grace grinned widely .
“you. We’ve met before right?” he asked and Grace nodded heavily getting a glare from the girl who was talking to Daniel first.
“you’ve got something on your cheek” Daniel said and I had no idea who he was talking to until he cleaned my cheek with his thumb.
“uhm.. Thanks?” I said feeling awkward as both grace and the girl looked at me awkwardly.
He shouldn’t do this in public, I wish he would just pretend he doesn’t know me.


|•¤•| JUNE |•¤•|
I moved back a little and whispered in Grace’s ear.
“I’m going to Maria Li now” I said and she shrugged.
I quickly walked away from them and Daniel looked like he wanted to tell me something but I looked away before he could I don’t want him to show anymore care by taking lobster crumbs off my cheek and causing hatred for me and the others.
As I got to Maria Li, my heart starts to beat and she smelled like strawberry and another strong scent that I couldn’t decipher.
“M-Maria Li?” I stutter. And she turned to me with a smile. “yes”
She smiled even more as she watch me make a fool out of myself. I’ve always picture this day, standing in front of Maria Li and having a face to face conversation with her, and now I’m blowing it off.
“I love you” I didn’t know when that came out of my mouth but she suddenly laughed. “I’m your biggest fan I love your music your everything” I didn’t know when that came out of my mouth but she laughed and touched my cheek.
“and I love you too,”
I almost fainted with her hand on my cheek,
“and do you know how I treat my special fans?”. She asked and I shook my head negatively.
“I take pictures with them and tell them what they like to know about me” Maria Li said and I almost burst with excitement.
I felt my stomach rise and fall and my legs starts to feel light.
“gimme your phone” she said.
“I.. I left it at the suite room” I said and she smiled.
“well don’t worry we can take it with mine” she said, brought out her phone and took a picture of us, though I looked like a bloated goat in the picture, I was still happy I took a picture with Maria Li.
“c’mon, you two get in”. Maria Li instructed and Cassie and Shylock who stood beside her too, got closer to us and we all took a picture, I looked like a lost sheep in this one, but it was okay.
“Maria… Someone called her and she turned and so did i, and every celebrity that came started to go down the hallway.
“I have to go, hope to meet you guys later, you’re all so sweet” Maria Li smiled.
Every one of them walked down the hallway, all looking so glamours. I want to be like them, a beaut, a diva and a super star.
Daniel waved at us and so did Roxie Tiffany and we all stood and watched them leave.
“today is the most memorable day of my entire life” Shylock’s friend Leah said as she dried her eyes.
“wait! Don’t tell me you’re crying cause you met Daniel” Shylock scoffed
“of course I am, do you know it’s a dream come true for me, I’ve always wanted to see him face to face, I’ve gone to his concert, but today’s proximity made me like this” Leah said and Shylock rolled her eyes.

“c’mon the boys are going to finish the whole meal”. Grace said out of nowhere and pulled my hand and drew me back to our suite room.
We got inside and shut the door, we turned to see the guys already eating without us and we both hurriedly went to take our seats and we joined them
I continued with my fried lobster even though it has gotten a little cold.
Everywhere became silent and only the chewing, biting and cracking of our foods could be heard with the moans that we made when tasting something sweet.
But grace broke that moment by asking.
“so June, why’d you think Erick-J didn’t come to this vacation?”.
“Why would she know that, is she his Mom or something?” Zayn scoffed, and chocolate cake smeared on around his mouth and he looked funny when he asked that.
“she’s his girlfriend.” Travis and Grace said at the same time and I sighed
Here we go.

“no way, Erick-J made it clear to the media about not being in a relationship”. Klay chipped in as he grabbed a cup of the ice-cream that has began to melt.
“well I’m sure he didn’t mean to say that” Travis shrugged.
“so you’re telling me, that June here and Erick-J are dating?” Klay asked and Travis and Grace nodded.
“wow.” Zayn breathed out.
“so tell me, why didn’t Erick-J show up here” Grace asked.
“he’s having his first music show win countdown on R-net TV” I explained and they all nod
“so I know this is weird to ask but, whatever I’m just gonna say it, we’re all above ten, so here I go…. So what is Like to kiss Erick-J?” Klay asked and Travis nudged him.
“dude, you crazy?? What kind of question is that? Are you gay or something, do you want to kiss him yourself” Travis barked.
“it’s just a simple question you dork, or perhaps you guys haven’t kissed before?” Klay said.
“we have.” I said facing my food, they’re making me feel awkward.
“okay so explain” Klay pressured and Travis rolled his eyes.
“Klay, I don’t see any reason for me to share my passion, pleasure or affection I have with Erick-J to you” I snarled.
“ouch.” Zayn said and he and Travis shared a laugh that made Klay angry a bit.
“well just forget I asked that” Klay said and turned back to his food making Travis and Zayn laugh even more. I smiled and glanced at Grace to see her staring at me awkwardly, more like glaring at me. But her face quickly soften when she saw mine.
“so after this meal, what do you all want to do next?” Grace asked as we broke our eye contact.
“well I’m thinking of going to the swimming pool”. Klay said
“yeah me too”. Zayn added.
“but neither of you brought a swimsuit.” Travis said.
“well clearly, I heard Mrs Mitch said we could ask for anything and we didn’t expect this vacation so how did they expect us to bring a swimsuit when it’s unexpected, so I think we’ll be given one.” Klay explained.
“so none of you are planning to meet the celebrities?” Grace asked.
“I am” I said.
“who Daniel?” she scoffed.
“Maria Li” I replied, Grace is suddenly acting Cranky and I don’t like it.
“why Maria Li, she doesn’t even exist anymore.” Klay asked.
“didn’t you just see her with the others, how can you say she doesn’t exist anymore.” I yelled.
“whoa… Chill June. It was just an irony”. Klay said.
“irony or not, it’s not nice to say she’s not existing”. I snapped.
“well sorry, I didn’t know you liked Maria Li so much too act so cranky because she’s been called a non existing human” Travis said and I glared at him.
“look what Klay meant was that, Maria Li isn’t that popular anymore and it’s been two years now and she hasn’t released any new song”. Zayn said as he poured himself a glass of orange juice.
“what are you talking about? Maria Li released her new song, three months ago. Soaring high!”. I said.
“oh… Looks like it didn’t get popular”. Zayn said and Klay giggled. I rolled my eyes at the two of them and grabbed the chocolate cake Zayn has been eating.
“hey. Give that back” he said.
“you’ve been eating this for ages, I want to have some too” I said and he sighed
“don’t care actually, you can have it”. Zayn and I looked at the cake and started to have some for myself.
The chocolate cake was amazingly delicious and I remained quiet as I ate the cake, and listened to the others conversation.
Grace said she’ll join the boys in the pool after our big meal, while Travis said he’ll just stay in the suite and other for wine and more junk food.
And immediately after we ate our big meal, Klay, Grace and Zayn asked for a swimsuit from the telephone and immediately, three women came inside and Gave them their exact size of swimsuit, and they left, immediately after they left two women came and cleaned the table where we just had our big meal.
It was remaining Travis and I in the suite room, only the sound of the ticking clock could be heard and we just glance at each other occasionally
“so aren’t you going to meet your Maria?” Travis asked breaking the silence.
“actually, I am, the celebrities would have occupy the suite room up here but I don’t know Maria Li’s particular room, and I know we can meet them alone in their room, but I’m kind of nervous.” I said looking at the door.
“okay you know this is your only chance at meeting Maria Li alone, in her suite room, just imagine it, just the two of you!! Now don’t tell me you’re nervous”. Travis said as he stood up from one of the cushion.
“well I am still pretty nervous. Can you come with me?” I asked rushing my words.
“I can’t, I have to–
“order more junk food?” i cut him off. “c’mon Travis, please… I really have to meet her and it’s really important.” I said and he sighed.
“you can order your junk food later”. I added and he stood up lazily.
“I wanted to live lavishly for a day, but you’re making me meet Maria Li… Fine.. Let’s go” he mumbled in vexation as he walked to the door and I smiled.
“thank you”. I said and he rolled his eyes.
“don’t thank me”. He faked an angry face.

We both walked out of our suite room and the hallway seemed empty and a little quiet cause the sounds of girls giggling could be heard.
“okay how do we know which suite room she’s staying?” Travis scoffed.
“look.” I said as I pointed to the door beside Cassie and the other girls room 002. “look, at the door beside room 002 It’s 003 and under the number there’s a letter there, actually two letters R and T and if you look at room 005. Under the letter there’s letter R and G and I think the letter R and T stands for Roxie Tiffany and the letter R and G starts for Ricky Goodman” I said and Travis looked at the door and smiled.
“yeah, you’re right. And look” he said grabbed my hand and we both moved forward, “there’s the letter M under this door room 007 and you know whose room this is.” Travis said and I nod.
We both walked in front of the closed door and we suddenly turned to see the suite room of Daniel Anderson opened. And Cassie, Leah and the Two other girls staying in the same suite room as them surrounded Daniel giggling and laughing, while Daniel who held a tired face was busy giving them his autographs on their palms.
I sighed and turned to Travis. Who held a disgusting face as he looked at the girls in Daniel’s room.
“Trav” I called and he turned to me.
“those giggling girls are making me feel sick, he should have closed the door. Every suite room door here is closed” Travis said and I sighed.
“look just ignore them, we’re going to meet Maria Li now and I don’t want to mess this up”. I said and he nods.
“okay then let’s ring the doorbell” he said about to press the doorbell button but I stopped him and asked.
“how do I look?” my voice echoed through the hallway and everywhere suddenly went quiet, the giggling Daniel girls stopped giggling and I turned to see all of them looking at me because Daniel was too.
“you look the same.” Travis replied, taking back my attention from Daniel and his girls.
“I need your good compliment Travis,” I whispered yelled cause all eyes were on me and I really hate it as Maria Li’s door is opposite Daniel’s and his door is open and all the girls there getting his autograph are staring at me including him
Travis glance back at them and then to me.
“which one do you prefer, meeting Maria Li, or have them stare at you, till you give birth”. Travis asked and I turned and pressed the doorbell.
The door opened after five seconds of waiting, and immediately Travis and I both entered before shutting the door.
Maria Li suite room was exactly the same as ours but had a bit of pink and purple at some areas of the caramel cushions.
Surprisingly Shylock sat on one of the cushions while Maria Li smiled at us as she came into view from her room.
And just like I thought she would be when I will meet her, she was exactly like that.
Nice, so beautiful, perfect talking voice, great personality, and splendid hospitality.
Travis enjoyed meeting Maria Li cause she was not only nice but funny, and Shylock, Travis and I became really quiet and focused when she told us about how she strived as just a trainee in DH, and I listened carefully cause I didn’t know all this about her. And I thought I knew everything about her.
After her big story Shylock suddenly asked.
“why haven’t you gotten married?”
“well you see, i don’t think it’s my time yet, I’m just twenty seven you know”. Maria Li smiled.
“my mom got married at age of twenty”. Shylock.
“well too bad, she didn’t want to enjoy her youth first”. Maria Li said and Shylock laughed.
“Maria Li…” I called softly and she turned to me.. And wow she just did a perfect hair flip.
“can you sing for us?” i asked without knowing.
“I wish I could honey, but I can’t. I’m saving my Voice for tonight’s show”. She smiled.
“Oh okay” I said.
“and that remind me, I have to start getting ready for tonight” she said standing up. And so did we.
“Thank you all for coming, when we were told to have a meet, greet and talk with our fans, I thought neither of you would want to meet me cause it feels like I’m not that popular these days, and since Daniel Anderson is on the vacation too everyone’s going to leave me for him. But the three of you didn’t and I love that and really appreciate your coming.” Maria Li said calmly with a small smile.
“not everyone likes Daniel, you know” Travis said.
“yeah,” Shylock and I said at the same time.
“well thank you all, thanks for coming” Maria Li smiled and we all smiled back before walking out.
Daniel door seemed closed now and the hallway was pretty quiet.
“Maria Li is such an angel.” Shylock said. And I nod. “i agree with you”.
“anyways I’m going back to the suite,” Travis said and started to walk away.
“okay, thanks for coming with me” I said and he nods before walking into the suite.
“so what do you plan to do next?” Shylock ask me.
“I-i don’t know?” I said.
“well do you want to come with me to meet Daniel?” she asked.
“huh? I thought you didn’t like Daniel,” I said.
“I didn’t say that, Daniel is the king of pop music, and who wouldn’t like him, it’s just that I like Maria Li more than I like Daniel” she said and I nod understandably.
“so do you want to come with me?” she asked but I shook my head negatively.
“no.. I just had a second thought about the swimming pool and I think I’m going to check it out” I said bringing out the hotel map from my jacket pocket.
I don’t want anywhere near Daniel.
“okay see you around” Shylock said and I nod and start to walk away.
It’s better to be with Grace, Klay and Zayn than to be with Daniel, I just don’t want to bring any misunderstanding. He’s already created one by cleaning off that lobster crumb off my cheek.
I made my way to the third floor where the swimming pool is and the hallway there didn’t have much doors and I came in front of a door where the word «swimming pool» was written there. I looked at myself as I opened the door, I’m not wearing a swimsuit,
But when I walked in, I appeared in some sort of a lobby and different kind of swim suits were hanged on the wall. Both male and female.
I observed all before picking an orange swim suit, I saw a changing room, still inside that lobby and I quickly walked in to change into the swim suit.
I came out of the changing room and to the lobby and then saw the main door that led to the swimming pool.
The swimming pool was madly big and long, it was blue and neat and the room had big blue lights that gave the room and the swimming pool it’s colour.
As I walked closer to the pool, I was surprised not to see Grace and the others here.
They must have left, I thought. And I can’t swim alone it won’t be fun.
As I stood in front of the swimming pool, I didn’t know how lost I was but I was surely thinking about nothing, until someone voice yelled “BOO!!” in my ear and I flinched and slipped, falling into the water.
I held my breath under the water and I suddenly remembered Erick and I at the waterfall, I came out of the water angrily as I heard a familiar laugh and then I sighed tiredly when I saw his pink hair.
“what in world were you thinking?” Daniel laughed.
I ignored his question as I got out of the water, I was avoiding him but now look at how I met him here.
“where are you going?” he asked as he watch me walk to the door.
“I’m leaving” my Voice echoed.
“why; you just got here” he said walking up to me.
“the people I came here for aren’t here so I’m leaving” I explained and turned the door knob and pull the door open, but it wouldn’t open.
“you can stay here with me, I mean I’m a person” he said but I glance at him then at the door.
“I can’t my friends and I have something to talk about”. I said pulling the door to open, but still it wouldn’t open.
“wait, let me try.” he said and move aside so he could open the door, he pushed his wet hair back and turned the knob and then started to pull the door but it wouldn’t open.
“okay this is like the sixth time this would happen to me, the door is always having this kind of fault, it’ll be stuck like this until someone opens it from the outside” Daniel said and my eyebrows arched up.
“what??” I screamed.
I’m… I’m.. Stuck here with him.
“looks like you’re stuck here with me” he laughed.
T. B. C


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4 years ago

I’m curious right now………
About Daniel precisely ?