★★ JUNE ★★
My heart skipped a beat as Erick hugged me but I maintained my balance and rested my chin on his shoulder.
I could get used to this, this warmth, and comfort. My hands were slowly starting to rise up and hug him back but Augie’s happy voice ruined the moment.
“Erick!!!” he called happily, he and Ella running up to meet him, Erick let’s go of me and with a smile he walked passed me to meet my baby brother and his Ex dog.
I closed the door with a sigh and turned to the happy reunion in front of my eyes.
The door to my grandma’s room opened and of course, my grandma walked out.
“oh, Erick!” she exclaimed
“grandma!” Erick smiled and walked up to her to give her a hug.
“is it just me or you look more younger and prettier” Erick said and my grandma laughed hysterically pulling his cheeks.
“you’ll never change”.
“and why in the world, would I change?” Erick smiled.
“so what should I get you! Water? Juice—
“grandma, am fine and I also ate like a king during dinner, so it’s okay” Erick smiled and my grandma smiled.
My family surrounded Erick and bombered him with different kind of questions.
My grandma asking him about his new life, and Augie at the same time asking him why he dyed his hair blue and Ella barking and jumping around Erick asking him questions of her own, that no one understands.
I just sat still and watched Erick bring laughter to the whole house and I laughed too when he talked something funny, I kind of missed this atmosphere, I missed the days when dinner would be fun because Erick was there and I also missed the days chores became fun cause he was still there too.. He is such an influence.
Finally Augie fell asleep and Ella fell asleep on his stomach, wrapping her small body to fit his small body.
Maltese dogs are just so small
My grandma retired to her room. Wishing us goodnight and I sighed as I slowly carried Ella from my baby brother’s stomach.
I was about to carry Augie up but Erick stopped me.
“it’s fine” I tell him.. “it’s not like it’s the first time I’ll be taking his sleeping body to bed”.
“still, you’re a girl and I’m a guy watching you carry him will just make me a complete useless Person” Erick said and picked up Augie carefully placing him on his shoulder.
I picked Ella up and trailed behind Erick as he walked to my room, the door was open. So we just walked in and I closed the door after dropping Ella on her doggy bed.
Augie was placed on his bed by Erick while I covered his body with the thick blanket.
“whoa” Erick said.
“what?” I asked as I watched him look at sleeping Augie.
“he looks so much like you!” he blurted and I laughed.
“his my brother you idiot! How can we not look alike” I rolled my eyes.
“but you know June, this feels weird” Erick whispered with a smile and he bit his bottom lip still smiling.
“what, feels weird?” I asked.
“it’s like we’re putting our ‘son’ off to bed” Erick said and I rolled my eyes and walked away from him.
“you’re unbelievable” I said as I got on my own bed and rummage through my drawer for a rubber band.
“what?. I am actually making a point, we both look like two young parents” Erick said walking up to me.
“sometimes you say the most stupidest thing ever” I huffed pushing the strands of hair in front of my face to go with my sudden pony tail.
“and sometimes, the most stupidest thing may be the most meaningful thing” Erick said as he got on my bed.
“hey take off your shoes” I warned him.
“what? It’s not like I’m sitting with my feet” he scoffed.
“I don’t care, take it off” I said and he sighed and pushed his shoes off his legs leaving a pair of black stockings on his feet.
“happy?” he mocked
“more than you think” I smiled.
He let out a small sigh and laid on the bed, removing my hands on my thigh, he laid his head on my thighs, and placed my hands on his hair.
“what are you—
“can you please not complain and just let me stay like this for a while” he said with his eyes closed and my vocal chords clogged immediately.
We both remained quiet and my hands didn’t move from his hair, the air was cool and fine minutes ago but now, it seems hot and I feel like I’m gonna burst any minute.

“say something” Erick said, his eyes still closed. “I hate silence”.
“wh–what do you want me to say?” I stutter.
“anything, you can sing if you want to.”
“no, I think I’ve had enough singing today,” I said and his eyes fluttered opened and it was staring at mine and I don’t know how foolish I’ve become that my eyes suddenly adverted to his lips but I quickly shifted them back to his eyes.
“what was that?” he asked with a teasing smile.
“what was what?” I asked looking away.
“I saw you, why did you look at my lips Like that?” he asked, and even though I’m not looking at him I know he’s holding the most teasing smile he could produce.
“I–I–i did not–
“do not lie to me June, I saw you” he interrupted me and sat up.

“you totally wanted to–
“can you just shut up” I yelled and he laughed, shook his head negatively and laid back on the bed with his hair on my thigh.
“June.” he called.
“what?” I barked.
“can you cool it, I was just joking okay” he laughed.
“well have I told you I never find your jokes funny” I asked looking down at him sternly.
“you wouldn’t cause my jokes always comes out as a joke and half the truth” he said and I rolled my eyes.
He breathed out a small sigh. While I looked away…
This feels weirdly comfotable, even though it shouldn’t. I am actually enjoying Erick’s company…

“have you… Dated a guy before?” his voice echoed.
Why Is he suddenly asking “this” kind of question.
“why are you asking?”
“I don’t know…” he shrugged on my legs.
“you’re kind of acting like someone who got her heart broken big time” he said and I smiled.
“yeah, I did got my heart broken once!” I said and slowly looked down at him to see his reaction and he was staring straight at me, but he suddenly stood up.
“really?” he asked as he adjusted a little closer to me.
“yeah.” I said looking away to smile at the wall.
“well that explains why you’re like this.”
“like what?” I snapped.
“nothing” he replied with a grin “so tell me June, this guy that broke your heart, how did it start and how did it end”.
“well see I was in the Nineth grade when that happened” I said with a nod
“okay I’m all ears.” Erick smiled.
“you want me to narrate the whole story to you?” I asked.
“yep” he replied making the “p” pop.
Time for a whole story of lies.
“okay so there’s this guy Jus.. John… No.. Jared… Yes Jared! He’s tall—
“taller than me?” Erick caught me off with a smile.
“he’s– he’s height is just like yours”. I said and Erick nod.
“he has blonde hair, brown eyes, he’s a little bit slender, he’s got perfect nose and amazing lips he also has this smile that makes your heart melt and gosh he’s a smile addict—
“wait! Why do I feel like you’re talking about me?” Erick said and I glowered at him.
“Shut up I’m taking about John this is about John”. I yelled.
“but I thought you said his name was Jared?”
“I did?” God I am so bad at lying
“yeah,, wait are you making this all up?”
“what! No way he’s name is Jared and he’s got a baby brother names John, their names get me confused sometimes” I said with a nervous laugh “so Jared was the captain of the football club then and gosh all the girls loved him cause you knows, he’s our handsome Jared and we always win whenever there’s a football game and whenever he’s around, so luckily out of all the whole girls in school he chose me!” I said and bat my lashes dramatically.
“I don’t see a reason for him not to” Erick said and I blushed.

“anyways… He told me he liked me and I liked him too and we started to go out” I paused thinking of another lie.
“okay, why or how did he break your heart?” Erick asked inquisitively.
“he uhm… He… He stole… My pen and lied about… It, and then we broke up” I said and bit my lip hard, I am terrible at lies!.
“what? That is one cliché story! How can you guys break up because of a stupid pen, are you lying to me??” he asked narrowing his eyes.
“I am not! And did I say pen, that’s what actually happened to his brother, I caught him kissing another girl and he lied about it when I tried to confront him about it” I said and the look Erick gave me made me gulped hard.
“you’re lying” Erick breathed.
“and why would I?”
“cause somehow you think this is fun, telling me about some guy who you described as me and how he broke your heart by stealing your pen then kissing a girl”. I giggled a little when I listened to my story in my head and he grabbed my hand.
“okay, maybe, somehow I am making up stories or so but it doesn’t matter” I rolled my eyes.
“it does matter cause you’re keeping your heart isolated and it’s…” he sighed…
“you know I really like you June and–
“can we not talk about this now Erick” I said slipping my hand away from his and standing up.
“if not now, then when?” he asked standing up.
“I don’t know—but can we please not talk about it now?” I said folding my hand, I’m suddenly feeling cold.
“you always do this, pushing me away or shunning me whenever I talk about my feelings with you, at least am honest and proud about it, how long do I have to wait?” he asked and I bit my lips and looked up at him.
“a little longer” I mumbled and I moved back a little cause he moved closer to me.
He remained quiet for a while and so did I. . .
Finally I heard his sigh and “fine” after that.
“I’ll wait! You don’t know but I’m pretty good at it” he said and I looked up at him to see his slightly disappointed face.
His phone suddenly ring and he brought it out from his pocket, he rolled his eyes and shoved it back in his pocket.
“I have to go” he announced
“oh!” I said and looked away,
Good… For me.
“I’ll escort you to the door” I said but he shook his head negatively.
“don’t! You might not like what I might do and besides, you might not come back too” he said calmly and my eyebrows flew up.
What is this dude saying, Just by escorting him to the door, I might not return home??.

“so… Uhm… Goodnight?” I shrugged
“no… It’s actually a bad night” he said making me flinch.
I’m sorry Erick I don’t know why I’m being like this towards you, I wanted to say so badly but I couldn’t bring myself too.
What is wrong with me.
He suddenly moved closer and gave me one of his comforting hugs,
and I hugged him back.
He said nothing as he let’s go of me and I couldn’t even look at him as he walked towards the door and opened it and walked out.
He did it!
That night I couldn’t sleep, I kept tossing and turning like never before,
My heart is still working and I know that… And I do know I like Erick but I don’t know, I don’t know what to even think.
I screamed in my pillow loudly and turned on my night light,
I hate this!!! Not being able to sleep.
I decided to listen to music, maybe it’ll help me fall asleep. But when I tried it, it didn’t work I just sang along and it’s Maria Li’s song, how can I not sing along.

I haven’t watched Erick’s video yet. I smiled at the recall of that, I head straight to YouTube, it’s been years since I’ve been to the Internet. Aside watching or downloading Maria Li’s song. I haven’t done anything.
I searched the name Erick and Erick-J suddenly popped on the search list and my eyes widen immediately. I tapped on the name and it took me to his music video.
“8.9million views” I gasped as I clicked on watch to watch the video.
After re-watching Erick’s music video for the fifth time I was starting to feel a bit sleepy, but I couldn’t help the smile that made my lips stretch so widely as I watched as Erick gave the camera a breath taking gaze as the video ended.
This guy likes me! I thought as I dropped my phone on my drawer,
But what the hell is holding me back?!! I thought, thinking about that my eyes slowly starts to close and before I knew it, I fell asleep
The rays of sunlight shone on my face and the amazing smell of burnt crust and butter filled my nostrils and I smiled and slowly opened my eyes.
It was twelve pm when I looked at the time and I slowly walked to the bathroom to brush my teeth.
As I brushed my teeth, I looked at myself in the wall mirror,
What the hell did Erick sees in me. I held my brush with my teeth and touched my face, I examined my huge round eyes and sighed, my eyes moved down to my lips, I’ve always wanted full lips but I got thin ones instead.
I stopped examining myself and continued to brush my teeth.
The house seemed quiet, I’ve eaten breakfast but still I feel empty, sitting outside staring at the empty street with Ella jumping around my leg.
“go play by yourself Ella. I’m not in the mood to play with you” I said and she let out a pitiful yelp.
“you just have to wait till Augie’s back from school”. I said and she suddenly jumped at the mention of Augie and ran inside.
I sighed as I stared at the blank sky, my chest feels heavy and I don’t know why.
Actually… I do know why..
I suddenly head inside and putting on my sandals, I yelled from the door.
“grandma, I’ll be back”.
“where are you going?” she yelled from inside.
“uhhh… To Erick’s?” I said truthfully
“okay be back before dinner” she announced
“I will.”
I hurried down the stairs of our building and the wind took over my hair. Today’s supposed to be my resting day for yesterday’s stress, but no! This is more important.


What am I doing here?. I thought as I bit my lips hardly staring at Erick’s door and doorbell, few minutes ago I was so confident about myself running all the way here to tell Erick I do feel the same way about him but now, I don’t know where all those morale went.
I gulped down heavily and slowly raised my index finger to press the doorbell.
I finally pushed the doorbell with a hitch breath and after a few seconds the door opened.

“wh-where’s Erick?” I asked Daniel who stood at the door with a bowl of ice-cream in his right hand and a spoon on his left hand.
“he’s… He’s not here right now” Daniel replied.
“oh” I said feeling disappointed.
“he went for an interview, and he left here not to long ago, and as you can see I’m just hanging out here by myself”. He smiled showing me the ice-cream.
“well. Okay tell him I came or don’t worry I’ll call him and tell him myself” I said about to go but he stopped me by holding my arm with his left hand.
“you can’t just go!” he said.
“huh!.. Why?” I asked as I gazed at his hand on mine.
“you just came” he finally let’s go of me. “and you’re coming from a far place and you can’t just leave cause Erick’s not here, at least it’s different when there’s no one here but I’m here, just take me as Erick’s brother and come in and have a cold drink, the sun isn’t very forgiving”
“c’mon” he said gesturing his head for me to come inside.
“ohh… Okay!” I said as I slowly walked in.
Being with Daniel!!! God I don’t like this, it’s uncomfortable. He’s like Mount Everest and I’m like a mole hill beside him.
I got in the familiar living room and I slowly walked to one of the couch and sat down there quietly.
“ice cream?” he asked.
“no thanks” I smiled forcefully.
“okay, I promised you a cold drink, so I have to get you one” he said dropping his Ice cream and heading to the kitchen.
Why do I feel like I’m in a stranger’s house.

“here” he said as he came back with a can of coke in front of me.
“It’s really cold” he added with a smile when I grabbed it.
“thanks” I said.
“no problems, just doing anything I can for my twin’s brother girlfriend” Daniel smiled, sitting down and grabbing his ice-cream.
Twin brother? Please!
“he’s–I’m–not his girlf–
“don’t tell me you’re not cause you definitely are” Daniel interrupted me smirking and rubbing his forehead.
“what… Do you mean?” I asked taking a big sip from my coke. Why Is everyone keeps saying he’s my boyfriend when we’re not even dating.
“what do you mean, what do I mean? Erick told you about his feelings and you’re not rejecting him or accepting it either, so that only means one thing, you like him too but you don’t know how to tell him cause maybe this is your first time you’ve felt this way… And also if you didn’t feel the same way, you would have rejected him completely, but for the past few weeks you’ve been rejecting him in a way that say ‘wait for me, I’ll be back’. You like Erick, I didn’t know before but now I clearly see it” Daniel said and my eyes widen at his speech.
How is he this Smart?
“well you’re right, I do like Erick… Like So much” I said, somehow feeling comfortable saying it to him.
“see?” he breathed out finally eating his ice cream which is now melting.
“And yes like you said I am afraid to tell him that cause it is my first time liking someone and…
“you just can’t believe it’s too real to be true”
“exactly.” I said authentically looking at the floor.
“June we’re not that tight friends but I can read the minds of my friends, tight or not tight, as long as you’re my friend I can proclaim a prophecy from you” Daniel said and I looked at him weirdly.
What the hell is he blabbing about, when did he become a prophet and since when did ‘we’ became friends.
“I’m just joking, I don’t read minds or see any prophecy” Daniel laughed.
“I know” I said dryly. “you just see what everyone else is seeing” I added and he smiled with a nod.
“so Erick knows I like him that way?” I asked.
“oh” was the only thing I could say.
“so how you going to confess to him?” Daniel smirked.
“what do you mean?” I asked.
“stop asking me what I mean you know exactly what I mean”
“you said, confess to him? I’m just going to tell him how I feel, I don’t need to say any word fancier than the ones coming from my heart already, so asking me how I am going to confess is just confusing” I said slowly and he shrugged.
“anyways, do you want to watch anything?” he asked grabbing the television remote.
“no thanks, actually I think it’s time I leave” I said standing up.
“but it’s Erick’s first interview, it’s happening live in about two seconds, I’ve been calculating the time, and you’re leaving now!?” Danie asked calmly.
“well I didn’t know it was about Erick” I said sitting down again.
“I know you wouldn’t leave when you heard Erick’s name” Daniel smiled in a cheesy way making me roll my eyes.
He ignored my eye roll and grabbed his phone, connecting his phone to the TV, I watched as his forehead furrowed in anger as he tapped his phone.
“dang it!” He sighed after his phone failed to connect to the TV,
“this is the fifth time now and it’s still failing to connect” Daniel sighed angrily.
“maybe, you’re doing it wrong” I said as he tapped and dropped his phone angrily.
“I’m not doing anything wrong and, the interview might be over by now it’s late” Daniel said and I nod. And stood up
“I’ll just watch the full video on YouTube later” I said and he shrugged.
“okay, I have to go.” I said grabbing my phone.
“uhh okay!” he said standing up too… “your next competition, when is it happening?” he asked.
“Next Week Tuesday, we’re just going to sing any song we like and that’s just it, we wait for whatever results to come out”. I explained and he nods.
“okay good bye” I said walking to the door.
“good bye, it was nice hanging out with you!” Daniel yelled behind me. “at least I found out how you really feel for my twin brother” he added and I shook my head negatively as I turned the door knob and hurried out.
I’m glad I met Daniel, at least I didn’t come and go and got my energy wasted.
I got in the bus and goodness it’s been becoming noisy these days. And I just found out the noise is about Erick and Daniel.

“I mean just look at him he’s a god” a lady said in front of me.
“what are you talking about Daniel’s still the winner of best face of two thousand and eighteen. How can you compare this amature with Daniel’s beauty” another lady said balancing her child on her thighs .
“well they haven’t done the best face of two thousands and nineteen yet so don’t boast” the first lady said while I walked passed them to the back of the bus to sit.
A girl who sat beside me kept smiling at her phone with a head phone around her head, and when I peeked at her phone not meaning to invade her privacy.
I was surprised to see Erick on her screen with a woman talking to him.
It must be his interview! I thought.
I wish she isn’t putting on headphones, I could have heard what he’s saying.
I got to my stop and trekked home, my journey was just meaningless, well I wouldn’t call it meaningless since I met Daniel and told him how I feel about Erick. Now I’m starting to fee strange about telling him all that.
I got inside my room and plopped down on my bed and immediately my fingers grabbed my phone and I immediately went to YouTube..
I tapped the search box and typed Erick-J interview’ and immediately it popped on the screen. His first interview, oh I can’t wait to watch it.
I laid on my bed and played the video.
Erick seemed confident as he was introduced in the camera and he waved hi with a smile.
“whoa” the interviewer smiled as Erick sat opposite her “you’re more handsome in real life” the woman added and they both shared a small laugh
“thanks” Erick smiled.
“so Erick-J thank you for coming to qulies show tonight, everyone wants to know about you, I do too and you’ve already gotten so much fans with just a small period of time and those fans out there are going to be the interviewer not me cause this video is going live and here on my tablet Is fans bombarding my notifications with questions already!” the woman said and laughed nervously as she glance down at her tablet.
“well I’m so glad to be an interviewee here” Erick said and shared a laugh with the woman.
Erick was asked a lot of questions from the interviewer who was reading the question from her tablet which was from fans. He was asked about his food, favourite place in the world and he strangely answered, “a rooftop house”
“what’s do you mean by a rooftop house?” the interviewer asked.
“no you asked for my favourite place in the world and I said it!” Erick said and the woman blinked bewilderingly. Which made me laugh .
Erick is so silly…
I continued watching the video and he was asked a lot of silly questions from fans until the woman dropped her tablet and smiled at Erick.
“your fans time are up, now it’s my turn to ask questions Erick-J” the woman said and Erick shrugged.
“sure, blast me” Erick smiled.

“how much do you love singing and dancing?” the woman asked and Erick laughed.
“singing is great actually, it helps with a lot of thing in you, you can let out all your feelings and emotions through singing”.
“and dancing?”.
“dancing is great too” Erick bit his lips to stop himself from laughing.
The woman smiled and breathed out.
“So you saw that your debut got 20.5million views and that’s a lot of views under twenty four hours, it even surpassed Daniel’s debut last year, so when you saw how popular you’re becoming how did it feel?” the woman smiled.
“it felt great, like so great, I didn’t expect that much views actually, and I also want to thank all my fans for that” Erick said and the woman smiled “Awwn you’re so sweet”.

“okay here’s another question, everyone knows you’re the son of Mr Dhousten the CEO of DH entertainment, like who wouldn’t when you both look so deadly alike, it’s even scary you guys aren’t twin, it’s just that you’re way younger” the woman stated making Erick laugh.
“like you’ve got an amazing voice, your voice is outstanding and I don’t get why your father the CEO of DH hid you, why didn’t he let the world know he has an outstanding gifted son, why did he hid you and why did he decide to expose you now?”.
“my father didn’t hide me! He had really wanted me to become who I am now, but I was the one who hid myself” Erick said and moved his hair back and I was surprised by the woman’s reaction to that.
“okay Erick-J why did you hide yourself, were you afraid you weren’t confident enough or you just didn’t want to show yourself then?” the woman asked..
“I… I didn’t know why I did so. I was just being silly then, even if I was being confronted by my father, I still didn’t want to… It was just the silly me talking then, we all have that silliness in Us” Erick smiled making the woman smile too.
“okay what made you give up that silliness and decide to show everyone who Erick-J really is?”.

“well I met someone and that person made me realise life isn’t only about choices, Life is not about what I’ve done, what I should’ve done, what I could’ve done… it’s about what I can do and what I will do. That person made me realize that they’re a lot of things in life we’re yet to find out, so we need to take a hold of everything good thing in front of us, and that person made me realise I can be this and be here today with also some threatening words” Erick said with a smile.
He’s talking about me… I cleaned my sudden tears and continued watching.
“is that someone a male or female?” the woman asked teasingly but she actually meant it.
“That… That is kind of private” Erick smiled.
“well since its private, I see it’s a female” the woman laughed.
“actually, it’s both” Erick interrupted her hysteric laugh.
“that someone is both male and female?” the woman asked and Erick nod.
“wow I don’t know if i should you weird for saying that or call myself weird for asking you that” the woman said and shared a small laugh with Erick.
“and lastly Erick-J before the show comes to end, this is the last question”.
“okay” Erick smiled.

“Why the name Erick-J…?” the woman breathed out, “is it a middle name or your mom’s name or your dad’s?”.
“it’s neither of those and I’m sorry that’s private too” Erick smiled even more.
“bummer” the woman said sadly too and laughed after it.

“that’s it everyone! Give it up for Erick-J…”
I turned off my phone and sighed happily…
I closed my eyes to process my heart beating fast and the excitement building up in my tummy..
Why did I watch this… It’s making me feel different about myself.
My phone ring and I flinched and grabbed it. My excitement worsen when I saw “Erick” on the screen.
“hey?..” I said with a nervous laugh and I don’t get why I’m nervous.
“hey?” He mimicked me and I laughed and apologized.
“so. I heard from Daniel you came over to my place today!” Erick say, his voice sounding sharp and clear.
“yes, but unfortunately you were busy with your first interview!” I said and he laughed and I didn’t know if it’s my head or the phone cause his voice sounded so real like he was here.
“Yeah I know, I’m sorry for not being Around, you just wasted your time”.
“what? No you don’t have to apologize it’s okay, and it wasn’t a waste a time actually cause i met Daniel and he offered me coke, I drank and we talked,” I rushed my words.
“talked? Talked about what?” he yelled and I was sure I heard his voice not from the phone but from outside my door. So I slowly stood up from my bed and walked to the door.
“we just talked about how different kinds of coke tasted.” I lied, he can’t know we talked about him.
“yeah right?” he scoffed.
“where are you now?” I asked as I placed my hand on the doorknob.
“why do you ask?” he said and I sighed, cut off the conversion and opened the door, to see him standing there wearing all black. And he laughed when I as I gave him a look.
“oops! busted” were his words..
I smiled immediately and walked up to him to give him a hug.
Now! it’s my turn


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4 years ago

Wow…… I’m astonished ??