~•~ “June” ~•~
“h-ow is this possible..” Cassie breathed out and I rolled my eyes.
I don’t know if she’s saying that because she’s surprised that I’m dating Erick (which I’m not) and he’s going to be super star. Or she’s surprised that a girl like me is dating Erick. (which I’m not)
“June, I didn’t know Erick sings” Travis said as I held my bottled water close to my chest.
“he does and I sang his song in our last performance” I said and Travis and Grace nodded.
“okay this is mad. I really want to ask you a lot of questions Now June” grace said biting her lip.
Please don’t.
“yeah me too” Cassie primped… I wanted to pretend to have a sudden phone call but thankfully my phone ringed and bless who ever called.
Erick’s name was on the screen and I sighed. This is not the perfect time for him to call me, but I kind of appreciate it since it’ll be my getaway.
“hey… Hi..” I stutter as I said into the phone, cause everyone’s eyes are on me and I don’t know why they’re all staring at me that way.
“is it Erick?” Grace mouthed to me lowly. I tried to shake my head negatively, but I’ll be lying to her so instead I just nod positively but hesitantly.
“hello?” a familiar voice said, but not the voice I was expecting hear.
“Erick will be here any Second now, I can’t believe he called you and left his phone”. The voice complained and my brows arched.
“Daniel?” I asked making Cassie and Grace gasped.
It’s “their” Daniel, but don’t tell me their heads have gone to me calling Daniel already just because Erick’s going to be a celebrity.
“has she picked yet?” I heard Erick’s voice from afar and I breathed out a sigh.
“oh you mean I should come outside?” I said as everyone’s eyes pierced at my ear and mouth.
“I didn’t say that” Daniel said and I suddenly hurried to the door, if only he knew that word was my escape plan. I gave them all an apologetic look before walking out.
I walked into the hallway and I breathed out a sigh of relief, Erick the phone from Daniel and we both started to talk…
We both talked as I walked into the elevator, as I got to the first floor, as I walked out of DH and as I head to the bus stop. I had to end the call as I got into the bus and I smiled as I looked at the window and at everything moved back slowly then with full speed,
It’s a good thing Erick called, it was nice to hear his voice for once it’s been ages and he’s been feeding me stories of making his music video and then who started to ask about how I am and how my competition is going.
I got home that hot afternoon and after taking a shower, I had lunch with my grandma and Ella Who was jumping and barking at the door. telling her about the competition and why I had to come home early, I then moved on to Erick’s debut and she smiled about it and praised Erick about his God’s gift talent. even though she smiled and praised Erick she still seemed a little lackadaisical about the story.

I landed softly on my bed feeling a little tired, but not so much since lunch covered a bit of my tiredness, which isn’t tiredness but hunger, I stretched a bit on the bed and immediately I yawned and started to feel sleepy, not holding back the darling feeling, I turned go Augie’s bed to look at his sleeping body before I closed my eyes and fell asleep.
I suddenly woke up with shock when I felt a heavy painful weight on my body, I breathed out a sigh when I saw Augie on my body.
“what’s this?” I asked as he quickly jumped down from my bed. “so you woke up from your own slumber and the living room couldn’t contain your play date with Ella so you decided to play on me” I said dryly sitting up.
“I’m sorry, Ella was chasing me and I didn’t have anywhere to run so I accidentally jumped on your bed, I thought you weren’t there” he said giving me that sheer look.
“wow, how have I become so transparent, and I don’t know why you’re being so rough these days, is it because of Ella?” I asked with an angry glare.
“cause if it’s because of her then I won’t hesitate to take her back to Erick, cause you’re not the Augie I once knew” I added and he suddenly start to shed tears.
“I’m sorry”.
“do not cry in front of me, do not cry in front of me when you know you’ve done something very offensive cause I won’t fall for your trick this time Augie, what if you killed me! Cause you know I was asleep and you suddenly pounced on me in… my sleep, what if I died huh? Tell me!” I asked breathlessly and he gave me a look, he tried to say something but he stopped himself, suddenly the door opened and my grandma walked in.
“what’s going on?” she asked and I had to explain the whole thing for her.
“Augie when did you become so rough?” my grandma asked Augie who suddenly cleaned his tears .
“I said I was sorry and I didn’t mean to”. Augie said finding his voice.
“you know that was dangerous, she was asleep and goodness what if something happened to her Augie?” grandma sighed and Augie suddenly rushed to give her a hug. He knows hugging grandma will get him on her side.
“June, you have to know he’s just a boy and you shouldn’t yell so much at him”.
“are you serious with me grandma? He’s turning to a complete brat and you still don’t want me to yell at him!” I said and my grandma smiled.
“it’s okay June don’t get too angry, anyways I just came in here to tell you about dinner” my grandma said, tapped Augie’s back and walked out.
“don’t kill me Augie, I still have a dream I haven’t accomplished yet” I sighed before walking out.
We all had a quiet dinner before I went back to my room to have some peace and quiet. I’ve gotten enough rest for today and now I feel like I can move a mountain, how I can’t wait for tomorrow.
Listening to Erick’s song and thinking about him I fell asleep again.
The next morning I woke up feeling a little nervous, the competition is today and well I’m nervous.. So nervous.
Augie was still asleep when I got ready to leave and having just a slice of bread and butter, pushing it down with tea. I found myself on the streets heading to the bus stop.
The day was dull and sombre and before I knew it thick grey clouds blanketed the sky and I was thankful I got into the bus before the rain starts to fall.
The bus was noisy and everyone focused on their phones talking about music, and I suddenly gasped loudly, Daniel’s comeback and Erick’s debut are going to be released today.
Is out yet? Is that what everyone’s so busy with? I thought. I brought out my phone but dropped it back when I realised I can’t do anything to have me distracted from this competition.
I got down the bus and I had run to get into DH to avoid getting wet but still I got a little wet.
DH seemed unusually busy and I saw moved to the elevator I bumped into so many people before spotting Travis and grace getting into the last elevator, I made sure I hurried up to them and we all walked into the elevator.
“when did you get here?” grace asked.
“just now, where are we going?” I asked.
“6th floor, that’s where the competition is taking place”. Grace rushed her words.
“and June” Grace grinned at me.
“what?” I asked while Travis rolled his eyes.
“your boyfriend’s amazing, he his God’s gift to us all, his music video was a blast and his voice, God his voice was marvellous, I cried and watched it three times on YouTube before downloading it to my phone” Grace said with a sigh
“I thought you and Cassie were looking forward to Daniel’s comeback”. Travis said.
“well June’s our friend so we have to see if her boyfriend’s talented and oh God of Daniel please forgive me for saying this, but I think Erick’s more— talented” Grace said and dramatically covered her mouth like she has said a bad thing.
“you’re funny” Travis laughed
“but I can’t betray Daniel, he’s my king, the king of pop music actually and I’ll make sure I watch his video before the competition, he’s like a medicine that ease your pain and his smile can make you forget about your worries and stress—
Grace stopped talking when the elevator door stopped and opened. The three of us walked out letting the four tall ladies walk into the lift with different dresses in their hands.

“I think, this is the room we were told to come” Travis said, opened the door and we all walked in, each group stood together talking to each other, the stage looked more fancier and it had spotlights on each angle of the stage.
Suddenly a woman in casual clothes and a small head microphone walked up to the stage with a sheet of paper in her hand.
“I want everyone’s attention”. The woman said and everywhere went silent.
“thank you” the woman breathed out. “group D, the first group you’re the first to perform and your changing room is that way”. The woman said pointing to a door.
And everyone starts to murmur
“what changing room?” Travis asked, and that same question was asked around.
“you guys weren’t told? For this level of performance, you’re not supposed to perform with your clothes, but the industries, DH is giving you all free wardrobes and makeover for just this performance an–
Everyone screamed in excitement and the woman rolled her eyes.
“and group, D, that’s your changing room, group A, that’s yours” the woman said and pointed to a door at her left and we all turned to look at it.
“group N, that’s yours and group Z, that’s yours” the woman said and showed them to their changing room.
“you can all start changing and you all have just an hour to get dressed” the woman said and ran down the stage.
“where is Cassie for Christ’s sake” Grace asked looking around and suddenly Cassie stormed in, she sighted us and started walking up to us.
“finally you’re here” Grace said
“sorry I woke up late” Cassie said as she followed us to the changing room.
“where are we going?” she asked.
“our changing room, we are going to be given free wardrobes and makeover for today’s performance” Grace explained and Cassie gasped.
“are you serious?” she asked and Grace nodded.
We got into the changing room which has purple dark paintings. mirrors surrounded the wall and has two white drawers and chairs behind every drawers.
“wow” Cassie said as she opened a drawer, “this is amazing” she said sitting down to explore whatever she saw inside the drawer.
Four middle aged woman walked in wearing all black and with a smile one of them said.
“we are all here to get your ready, we’re the stylist and they’re the make up artist” the woman said and gestured her hand showing us the make over artists and the stylist.
Few minutes later we were all glued to the chair in front of each drawer and stared at the morrow, watching what the women did for us.
Cassie and Travis had already got their hair done so the stylist switched places with the make over artists, as Cassie and Travis got their make up done Grace and I got out hair done.
My straight hair was weaved a little at my left side and the rest was curled into dark bouncy waves.
I peeped at Grace and her brown curly hair was made into more curly curls and the front was stylishly weaved to her side.
“oh you look pretty” The woman who made my hair said and I smiled “thanks.”
“I totally forgot Cassie, have you watched Erick’s debut music video?” grace asked looking at Cassie’s reflection in her mirror.
“no!” Cassie replied plainly.
“what about Daniel? Did you watched his?” Cassie asked.
“no” Grace replied.
“what?. Then you’re seriously missing, his comeback this time around was mind blowing and goodness he melted my heart with this song and even though I haven’t watched Erick’s.. I don’t think his would be up to Daniel’s comeback” Cassie cranky voice filled the whole room and I sighed.
“well… I haven’t watched Daniel’s comeback, but now I love Erick’s music video” Grace said and the woman making her hair smile.
“ugh, I don’t know how Erick’s music video like but whatever I will go check it out” Cassie said, grabbed her phone and after tapping for a while she screamed.
“1.4million views in just four hours!!”.
“my re-watching did really pay off” Grace laughed.
“well I’m about to find out how ‘talented’ Erick is” Cassie said and did air quote around talented.
“he’s not only talented but handsome and gosh his new blue hair really suits him, he’s amazing and I love him… No offense June” grace said and I shrugged.
And Erick’s gone blue.
“can you just shut up and let me watch please?” Cassie yelled, she’s through with her makeover so she can yell and move whichever way she likes.
“sorry” Grace apologized lowly
“can you for once try to be nice in your life” Travis voice echoed but Cassie ignored him and played the video.
She was the one watching the video but the song could be heard around the whole room and at the chorus Grace sang along but she was told to stop moving and singing cause she is getting her own makeover and so was I.
The song ended and Cassie played it again.
“he is talented” Cassie said as Grace laughed lightly
“told Ya” Grace said happily and the lady giving her a makeover gave her a look that made her to apologize.

“goodness, Erick is some competition” Cassie said as she dropped her phone.
“yeah” Grace agreed.
“but Daniel’s song is still way ahead of Erick’s, he’s gotten 4million views already” Cassie primped.
“you cannot compare Daniel and Erick, Cassie. Daniel’s a world super star and Erick’s just an upcoming super star in Mahnline” Grace explained, and breathed a sigh of relief when her makeup was done, and immediately mine was done too.
The four ladies stood together and the same person who introduced them said; “we’re done and lastly were going to get your clothes” she said and they all walked out.
We all had the chance to turn and take a good look at each other, Cassie looked beautiful even though her hairstyle is still the same, Travis looked like a prince,his brown hair was gelled all back and because of the gel, it made his hair looked more darker and his voice looked good with the light makeup and he looked breath taking.
“wow” he said to me and then turned to Grace.
“I don’t know if it’s still June or Grace cause you guys looks so different right now” Travis said and grace and I shared a flushed laugh
“you look so different too” I said and Travis rolled his eyes.
“different in a bad way”.
“no” I said and he shrugged.
“aren’t you seeing me?” Cassie asked primping along
“you look good too” Travis said with a small smile and Cassie prissily looked away.
“so.. I want to ask you this question June” Grace said and I turned to her.
“have you met Daniel before?” she asked.
“yeah” I said calmly.
“like in real life, face to face?” she asked again looking very pretty as she bat her straightened lashes .
“yeah” I replied.
“how did he smell like?” Cassie suddenly Turned to me and Travis brows arched, “I’ve seen him like once of twice here in DH but I haven’t really got close to him to smell him” Cassie said and we all looked at her worldly.
“he smells normal” I breathed out.
“Aww c’mon and stop pretending June, you’ve mu–
Cassie was interrupted by the clicking of the door and we all turned to the door.
“oh our dresses must be here!” Grace said happily.
But well to her disappointment, I wouldn’t say to her disappointment but to everyone’s astonishment, like rays of sunlight Erick and Daniel came shining through the door and I noticed the way Cassie’s breath seized.


쇼 June 쇼
Erick smiled at me and goodness his blue hair was to die for. And Daniel’s gone pink, which suit him too.
“oh my God” Grace said standing up.
“D-Daniel..” she stutter.. “E-Erick”.
Daniel smiled at her and Cassie quickly stood up,
“Daniel, I am your biggest fan and… ” she sighed breathlessly giving both of them a loving look.
“and you, and I just love the both of you”. Cassie said and Grace nodded.
“well that’s great.. cause we love you guys too” Daniel said giving them a small smile.

“oh if it isn’t Travel” Erick said smiling.
“it’s Travis”. Travis snapped.
“yeah, whatever” Erick smiled and walked up to me.

“hey” I said with a smile and he held my hand making me stand up.
The number of eyes staring at us made me gulped down and I had to avoid their eyes and look at Erick.
“h-happy debut’s day” I said and he laughed.
“that’s not a thing” he said.
“sorry… I’m just out of words” I said lowly.
“you look beautiful” he said and grace coughed and held myself not to glance at her and give her a glare. “thanks”.. I beamed.
“you’re all getting ready for the competition right?” Erick asked and I nod.
“luckily, I found a pen in my bag, Daniel can I have your autograph, I missed your fan signing event” Cassie said and Daniel smiled.”sure” and took the pen from her.
“where would you like me to sign?” Daniel asked.
“on my wrist” Cassie replied immediately.
Daniel took her wrist and grace yelped. While Erick turned back to me “I missed you, it was kind of stressful and bored without you there”.
“oh” I said my cheeks heating up. I can’t help myself when he’s being like this
“And I also–
His buzzing phone interrupted him from finishing his words, and he sighed and he read whatever was on his screen.
“dang it!” he muttered as he dropped his phone back in his pocket. “I have to go, these days I’m gonna be a lot scarcer than ever because of my debut” he sighed and pushed his hair back.
“your hair. . .” I said
“what is it bad?” he rushed his words
“no! it’s beautiful and so is Daniel’s” I smiled and glanced at Daniel to see him crowded by Grace and Cassie.
“I asked for myself not for Daniel too, you could have just complimented me alone”
“can you not be a jealous freak!” I rolled my eyes and he laughed.
“I’ll try, anyways I have to go I’ll see you when heavens tell us too” he said and gave a charming smile.
“okay,” I laughed.
He let’s go of my hand and sighed tiredly looking at me.
“what?” I asked.
“i-i… I could have kissed you but I’ll ruin your makeover” he said.
°It doesn’t matter° I wanted to say but good thing I stopped myself cause I don’t know what’s wrong with me.
I stopped talking cause I keep saying “I” which means I don’t know what to say, even if I really do.
“anyways, I’ll see you real soon” he said, smiled and walked up to Daniel, Grace and Cassie asked for Erick’s autograph and he gave them too.
“don’t you want one?” Erick asked Travis, referring to their autographs
“I’m good” Travis replied sternly.
“okay… Here’s your pen” Erick handed Cassie her pen.
“good luck to you all” Erick said.
“thanks” Grace grinned and Erick glance at me before he and Daniel walked out.

“today is the most happiest day of my life” Cassie smiled sitting back on her chair.
“yeah I almost cried” Grace added.
“tch” Travis scoffed.
“oh and Travis, have you met Daniel and Erick before?” Cassie asked.
“they would have probably have, cause how would they know his name” Grace said
“I’ve met them and they hate me, you could have heard Erick called me Travel” Travis said and he turned to me while I gave him an apologizing look.
Cassie suddenly laughed hysterically and we all turned to her.
“Travel? Wow that’s more convenient than Travis” she said while Travis rolled his eyes.
“but I have to say this June! I’m jealous, you’re dating a celebrity and he’s also best friend with the king of pop and wow… You’re lucky” Grace said whimsically and I smiled briefly.
The door opened and our stylists walked inside with our clothes.
“wow…” grace beamed as she gazed at the clothes happily, the clothes were all purple and black and it was shiny and sparkly like that of a clothes worn at disco balls.
“here”. One of the stylist said and gave Travis his clothes, And ours was handed to us.
“you! You can change in here” one of the stylist said and moved Travis to a door, and no one knew there was a door there cause there was no knob, the door just rhymed with the wall.
We were all moved to a small dressing room and I don’t know if anyone’s room is as tiny as mine cause mine’s suffocating.
I quickly changed into the black crop top and sparkly purple bum short, the shorts surprisingly came with purple sparkly suspenders and after bracing it up, I slipped the black shoes on which has sparkly shoe laces and lastly put on the sparkly purple hand gloves that came with the clothes.
I walked out of the small room and met Travis who was already dressed in a black pants, a black shirt and a sparkly blazer on top of the shirt. Cassie came out next and hers was a purple sparkly short jumpsuit with a black belly belt around her waist. Grace came out last and hers was a simple armless purple crop top and black trousers with purple sparkly belt and the same shoes as mine.
We heard noises coming from outside and one of the stylist said to us “our job here is done and everyone’s outside you guys need to go”.
We all walked out after the stylist who went their own way. And I was surprised to see every group looking fabulous with their group colour code. And everyone wearing sparkly outfits, ours were purple and the first group were green, the third group were blue and the last group were orange.
We all gathered together cause we were all told to and suddenly four judges walked in, two male two females, all wearing thick red suits and none of them smiling.
Why do they always give us mean looking judges.
The judges moved to the four chairs facing the stage and they all sat down.
A woman walked up to the stage with a smile and a microphone in her hand.
“um… Hi everyone.” she said and the curious eyes made her smile again and continued, “you all know that during your last round, you were told that this round you’re all going to perform three times before entering the next round, but guess what! Due to some stuff going on in the industry that rule has been terminated, you get to the next round with just this performance, so you all should do your best with this performance and reach for the stars!!!” the woman said and everyone clapped. While she walked down the stage.
The first group were called on stage the song they chose got everyone’s body moving to the beat,
“I don’t know what song this is, but this is pretty good” Cassie said.
“guys is it just me or are these clothes tight and suffocating” Grace said and fanned herself with her hand.
“it’s not! It’s fabulous” Cassie said.
I glance at Grace and she looked scared as she watched the first group display their awesome dance moves.
“are you nervous?” I asked Grace as I stood beside her.
“no!” she scoffed. (this story is written by Ruthie Lee)
“you don’t have to lie, I know you are and honestly I am too” I said and she breathed out a sigh of relief. “I am so nervous I feel like crying” Grace stated and Travis turned to her, placing his hands on her shoulder.
“you don’t have to be Grace, just act like you’re still in dance class and just let your body go with the music okay, we’re all human here don’t act like someone’s going to slaughter you for not performing well, and let me tell you nervousness ruins everything, so just get rid of your nervousness and Let’s blow everyone’s mind and I believe we have the best dance moves and amazing song to go with, so Grace, I don’t see any reason for you to be nervous” Travis expound and Grace pulled him in a hug.
“thanks Travis” she muttered
“you’re welcome” he said as he hugged her back.
We watched the first group dance together and Travis hand laid on Grace’s shoulder the whole time, he was keeping her calm the whole time and she felt comfortable under his under his arm and rested her head on his shoulder.
Cassie kept looking at them and I kept looking at her looking at them without her knowing .
Finally the first group ended their performance and everyone clapped.
“remember guys, Let’s give our best!” Travis stated strongly as our group name were being called.
We ended our performance with a catchy pose and everyone clapped.
“wow that was magical” Grace said happily, as we all walked down to the crowd.
We all did great no one became the best dancer when we got on stage cause everyone did their best in singing and dancing, the lyrics giving to Grace was strong and she did a pretty good job drawing the song and dancing at the same time. And I think getting that part perfectly is making her happy
“see I told you there’s nothing to worry about” Travis said and she flashed him a smile.
Cassie rolled her eyes at that I started to wonder what was wrong with her.
A woman came and handed us bottled water and everyone chugged down the whole thing, I can’t believe I’ll be so thirsty to ask for another bottle.
The next group chose a slow song and everyone giggled to how slow and funny the dance looked and oh their poor souls, the judges are looking pretty angry and I don’t think they’re going to stay. It’s not their fault, it’s their dance teachers and I am so glad we got Justin.

The last group performed well but I still think we gave the best performance, and after the last group ended their dance everyone were called on stage and we all stood separately, but side by side with our group members.
“group D. Move forward” one of the female judge with the meanest face said and the first group moved forward.
“you guys were wonderful, but I’ll take back my “ful” cause you guys weren’t completely wonderful, you with the tiny waist, your body’s flexible but doesn’t go with your voice while you dance, and you with the gloves, your voice is amazing and so is your dance steps but you don’t have confidence in you and that sucks. You, the only boy in the group, you’re the worst, whatever vibe the group had you ruined it with your frozen body and trembling voice, you suck!” the judge said minding her foul words and everyone gasped.
“and lastly you, you did just perfect, so you and you, you’re out and you and you are in” the female judge said and everyone watched as the girl with the tiny waist and the boy with the frozen body walked down the stage sadly, leaving the two girls to feel happy for themselves.
“group A. Move forward” the room echoed with that and my heart skipped a beat as we moved forward.
The woman sighed and shook her head negatively while Grace starts to tremble.
“you’re all wonderful, and I’m leaving my ful thus time”.
“you with the blonde hair” the woman said to Cassie “you’re not so good with dancing but you have a nice voice and you keep up and there’s so much confidence in you and that’s the first thing a super star needs, confidence! So congratulations dear, you made it” the woman smiled and Cassie gasped and covered her mouth giving the woman a small bow.
She made it.
“you” the woman said to Travis and he kind of flinched, “your voice isn’t that great, but I’ll put it in the list of okay, but the way your body moves with the beat, made me wish I was teenager and you carry this catchy aura that makes someone smile seeing you dance, you were wonderFUL young man and I’m not taking my ful this time, congratulations!” the woman said and Travis smiled giving a small bow.
“and you” dang it! it’s my turn, can she stop referring to us as “YOU” it’s scary.
“you have a nice voice and a flexible body, you’re full with passion and you smile while you dance, and just everything a super star needs, congratulation” the woman said and I smiled happily and gave her a bow.
I made it!!!! I screamed happily in me,
I cannot believe I did it.
“and you!” the woman said to Grace and she held her breath, holding my hand.
“you were not so good, but honey people like you who are not-so-good are the best and I mean it, there’s a part where the dance part became harder and the song note became higher, I thought you’d be a vibe killer and destroy your group by singing that part badly and dancing stupidly, but sweetie you blew my mind when you dance and drew the song like it was nothing, your singing talent Is to die for, so dear congratulation!” the woman said and grace screamed before giving an apologetic and thankful bow.
“we all did it” Travis said as we all walked to the back stage
“yeah, I cannot believe it” I said and he laughed.
“me too, I was so scared I almost peed on stage” Grace said and we all laughed.
The third group only the boy made it and the last group, three of them made it, making us a complete ten.
We were giving speeches on how and where our next performance will be taking place, and this time around they’re going to be just four winners and that was sad cause anyways one or two of us are going to make it and the rest is going to loose. I wish we could all make it but it’s not possible…
That day after sharing happiness with my groupies I made my journey home, inside the bus I listened carefully to the bus radio as the broadcaster talked about out certain things and then moved to celebrities.
«“and now with this news coming live, DH industry. One of the biggest music entertainment in Mahnline, announced a new star’s debut, who goes by the name Erick-J, Erick-J debut was released at 6:00am today, ten hours ago and grossing 8million views in just ten hours and that is mind blowing cause it is the fas—
I smiled as I got down the bus, look at Erick being adored, and he wanted to throw all that away.
I got home and I met my grandma eating dinner with Augie and I happily joined them, I told my grandma about the competition and how everything went and she happily listened as I spilled the whole story to her.
It was nighttime and I just finished doing the dishes about to go to my room to take a long lasting nap, when a soft knock landed on the door, I yawned softly and walked to the door, wondering who it could be.
I opened the door and he smiled showing his complete white teeth.
“what are you doing here?” I said can’t help my smile
“are you gonna let me in or ask me more questions till I freeze out here and die” Erick said and I rolled my eyes and opened the door wider for him to walk in but instead he hugged me.


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4 years ago

Congratulations to Group A. I’m happy you all made it to the next round.

Erick-J is in Town?
Can you beat that?????