“are you crazy. What are you doing?” I said moving away and looking straight ahead to see Travis singing and staring at us.
“look singing Travis is even feeling embarrassed for you standing up there cause of your juvenile atitude” I said and he rolled his eyes before looking at Travis who’s tone suddenly became High when he got to the chorus, he sang there beautifully and I couldn’t help but smile as I watch his nose get red from singing to high.
“June!” Erick said and snapped his fingers in front of my face making me flinch.
“what?” i asked.
“so I’ve been talking to myself for ages now?” Erick asked.
“you know I was paying attention to him and yet you were still talking to me.” I said and his jaw dropped.

Erick said nothing as he faced Travis and fold his arm angrily. Travis was pretty good I’d say, and finally he ended the song and gave a small bow before dropping the microphone and walking down the stage.
As the judges scribbled something down on their papers, Travis walked up to us and stood in front of Erick.
“uhm.. This is my sea–
“your what?.. I’m sorry but this seat is already taken” Erick said and Travis glanced at me before backing away and sitting on the empty chair beside Erick making Erick sit inbetween us.
“how did I do?” Travis asked leaning out from his seat so he could clearly See Me.
“you sang like you had a glue stuck to your throat” Erick said before I could reply and I shook my head at him,
“Erick.” I called and he turned to me. “what?.. I’m saying the truth” he smiled, while Travis sighed and turned to his front without saying anything.
To break the awkward tension I leaned out and smiled at Travis “you did great Trav” I said and he smiled while Erick turned to me.
“you’re impossible” he repeated my word and I almost laughed “see who’s talking.”. I smiled and he nods and looked away.
The Next contestant was called and a girl walked to the stage confidently.
Erick didn’t talk to me after that, he was just busy with his phone, his head down and his phone on his thigh, his cap covered most of his face, but not from my angle of view, cause from this angle I could see as his black hair fell to his neck and some strand of hair on his ear, his eyebrows were worried and so as his breath, his lovely eyes stared at his phone with anticipation and he just shut his eyes every now and then, making his eyelashes fall on his bottom eye lid like strained rain, his lips weren’t happy and his ne— I paused when I caught Travis staring at me from his seat and I quickly looked away shyly, cause he caught me looking at Erick and I cannot believe I’ve been studying Erick.. Gosh I am unbelievably stupid.
I turned to glance at Travis to see if he was still looking at me but he wasn’t and I breathed a sigh of relief.
Everyone gasped and I suddenly looked up to see what happened and I saw the girl on stage coughing. What in the world happened to her.? I asked no one but myself.
A woman walked up to the stage and helped the girl down before handing her a bottled water and she was in tears cause she knows she’ll not make it to the next round.
The judges with their mean faces called the next person and a boy stood up and I watched him walk to the stage, I thought Travis was the only boy cause this place is filled with so many girls.
After waiting and listening to different kinds of voices, they finally got to two hundred and one.

“it’s your turn” Erick tells me.
“I know” I said as my breathing hitched.
“it’s okay, just breathe calmly and you’ll be fine” he said holding my hand and giving it a light squeeze.
“just imagine you’re singing to just me”.. Erick said calmly
“yeah sure thanks..” I said and quickly got up from my chair and Erick slowly let of my hand..
Every eyes followed me as I walked to the stage, and as I climbed the stage I took the microphone and stood in front of the stage.
Here I go.
The guitar starts to play.. And I breathed, when the piano starts to play I placed the microphone under my mouth and glance at Erick who gave me a teasing smile that warmed my heart.
And then I start to sing .
? .slowly getting there
It’s just how we’ll get up
Sleeping soundly,
It means we’re already near…
Waking up and suddenly loosing the motivation to keep going..
The train of life was struggling forward cause the track of dreams have been broken.
My once useful youthful heart have been stained.
I need to ignore the thorns beneath my feet and throw away the chains of restrains..
We all need to.

Chorus: Wake up!!!…
Wake up
My voice rose High as I got to the chorus and I tried hard not to close my eyes as the the first judges told me in the first round, but I couldn’t help but shut my eyes when I got to a higher part and my eyes opened when the song ended, I breathed out softly and dropped the microphone.
I walked down from the stage and moved some stand of my hair back, I hope I did great.
I got to my seat and I couldn’t help but smile when Erick and Travis welcomed me with a smile.
“you did great.” Erick said to me as I sat down.
“you think.?” I said with a shrug
“oh you certainly did” Erick smiled and I breathed out a sigh of relief, Erick glance at his phone .
“anyway I have to go home I have practice, I just came here to see you sing, I know you’ll make it to the next round, even the final round.” Erick said and I smiled.
“thanks Erick” I beamed.
“no need to thank me”. He said shoving his phone inside his pocket and I know he’s about to leave.
“Reach for the stars June” Erick breathed and gave me a surprising kiss on the cheek before standing up, adjusting his cap and walking away before I could utter any word.
I just froze and watch him leave with my mouth opened, until Travis tapped my shoulder.
“you’re drooling” he said taking over Erick’s seat, well which was once his seat.
“w-what?” I said touching my lips but he laughed. “I was joking”.
I rolled my eyes at him and looked away. .
The three judges started to pass papers and talk amongst themselves and everyone starts to murmur.
Travis and I stayed quiet, we just watch the judge do their stuff and before we know it Cassie stood up from her seat and walked up to us, she sat beside Travis and breathed a sigh of relief.
“what are you doing here?” Travis asked her.
“truthfully, I don’t know I’m just as nervous as everyone” she said and Travis rolled his eyes. “so you’re nervous and the only way you’ll be calm is by sitting with us?”
“shut up Travis!” Cassie snarled.
Travis ignored her and turned to his front, and slowly the judges got up from their seats and walked to the stage. Immediately one of them grab the microphone, every where became silent.
“I just want to say, good performance everyone,” the lady judge started and her voice kind of shook the whole room cause it was thick and scary.
“you all gave a wonderful job but not everyone will make it to the next round” the woman said and I breathed in and out heavily, I hate that sentence.
“calm down June, your boyfriend even told you that you’d make it to the final round.” Travis said with a smile.
“boyfriend?.” Cassie laughed, “someone like her having a boyfriend? I bet he’s just toying with her”.
I ignored Cassie’s word and Turned to Travis. “he’s not my boyfri– you know what just forget about it and let’s hope for the best, it’s what we always do, hoping for the best” I said and he smiled.

“apparently, it’s supposed to be twenty participant passing this round, but unfortunately we got sixteen passing this round” the lady judge said and everyone gasped.
“this is ugly to hear” Cassie said biting her lip.
The other woman took over the microphone holding a paper in her hand and with her loud voice she begin.
“the contestants making it pass the rounds are number, 12.. 27..
Travis and I turned to each other happily as his number happened to be the first one to was called.
“congratulations..” I smiled and turned to the woman on the stage as she continues to call the numbers.
“36.. 47.. 57..58 ..”
“ahhhh… ” Cassie screamed excitedly as she heard her number and giving Travis a hug.
“get away from me.” Travis said angrily removing her hand from his body. She rolled her eyes at him and gave me a “i-passed-and-you’re-a-looser” kind of look but I just ignored her.
“and lastly number 200 and 201…” the woman said and I smiled happily.
“I made it” I tell Travis.
“I know I heard, congratulations” he laughed. The people who didn’t hear their numbers sadly walk outside remaining the successful sixteen of us.
“everyone move forward” the woman on stage beckoned and every one did, leaving their seats and standing opposite of the stage.
“you all made it pass this round, congratulations.. But just know the next round won’t be easy, you’re all going to perform three times before reaching the successful ten. And the next round you won’t just be singing, you’ll be dancing too.”
“dancing!!!!?” a girl screamed as the woman explained .
“if you have any problem with that, the door is that way” the woman replied rudely.
“but my body’ has stiffened already” the girl said and I smiled cause her word reminded me of Erick.
“I don’t care miss” the woman said and continued with what she was saying before.
“We must see how good your body is towards dancing, we’ve heard your voice enough, and now we need to see how good your voice is while dancing.. And the first next round is this Sunday and this is what you’re going to do”. The woman explained and a piece of paper was placed in her hand by her paper. And she stared at it before reading.
“you’re all to sing any song of your choice, using your own instrument, and you cannot sing without an instrument, and that instrument must be played by you. Once again congratulations DH is hearing your calling” the woman said and walked away with two of her judge partners walking away with her.

“finally.” I breathed out.
“yeah finally, this is way harder than I thought it would be” Travis said and I nod agreeing with him.
“so.. Do you dance?” Travis asked.
“well… I don’t– I pause as I recall my self dancing Maria Li’s dance steps perfectly on my bed
“I think I can manage.. How about you?” I asked.
“you didn’t need to ask, cause I was born to dance” Travis said and did a break dance with his hand which made me laugh.
“lucky you” I beamed.

= = = ~ june’s pov contd ~ = = =
Travis and I walked out of the room we had performed, feeling Happy that we’ve passed this round.
As we both walked through the hallway, my phone starts to ring and I was surprised to see an unknown number on my screen.
“is it Erick?” Travis asked with a teasing smile.
“no.. I don’t know” I said looking at the screen.
“well answer it” Travis said raising the phone to my ear and I quickly answered it.
“June.. Wow grandma… she answered” I heard Augie’s happy voice and Ella happy bark
“Augie?” I called happily.
“June! Grandma showed me how to make a phone call and we decided to call you” Augie yelled and I laughed.
“you don’t have to yell, I can hear you clearly” I giggle.
“it feels like you’re so faraway that’s why I’m yelling” he said still yelling and I laughed. I remembered putting a password on the tablet and immediately I said,
“I know I fixed a lock on that phone, how did you open it?” I asked.
“grandma unlocked it for me” he said.. “Ella stop.. Grandma please get her away from me” I heard Augie’s voice said.
“what is Ella doing?” I asked sternly.
“nothing.” Augie quickly replied.
“Augie…!!” I called
“she’s just licking the tablet screen and my ear, grandma said she wants to talk to you” Augie said and I rolled my eyes.
“I think it’s time Erick takes back Ella”
“no.. Please, Ella’s my best friend, I don’t want her to go, Erick’s gone already, you go out everyday and come back late and grandma is always alone in her room, so I have no one but Ella” Augie said lowly and I sighed.
“you.. You know what! Give grandma the phone” I said and waited for a second before I heard my grandma’s low voice say, “hello?”.
“hey grandma, how are you?” I asked.
“never been better” she replied and I smiled.
“good to hear.”
“how is the competition, hope you’re making us proud” my grandma asked in her most soothing voice.
“yes I am, I made it through this round and the next competition is next week Sunday,” I ended my explanation with a tired sigh.
“well honey, I give you my blessing, you’ll be successful with whatever you do” she said and I smiled. “thanks grandma.”
“oh where’s Erick? Is he there?” my grandma asked.
“no, Erick’s at home… He’s busy” I said hesitantly not knowing why.
“oh, I really wanted to talk to him, I missed that kid” my grandma poured and I could feel her smile from my phone. I looked up and saw Travis looking at me. I almost forgot he’s here.
“well grandma, no need to say it all on the phone cause we’re done here and I’m going to be home any minute” I said.
“are you sure?” she asked.
“pretty sure” I tell her.
“okay honey, but don’t worry you can take your time” she said and I smiled. “okay bye.”
I hanged up and sighed happily.

“lemme guess, family?” Travis asked as we started walking again, and I nod.
“your family knows Erick?” he asked again.
“yeah,” I smiled.
“he was everyone’s favorite when he lived with us” I said recalling the days he lived with us.
“he once lived with your family, why? Were you guys betrothed or what?”
“betrothed? What? No way!” I said and he laughed.
“I was just joking” he mused.
We both got to the elevator and we got in with two other girls and I recognized one of them, the girl who screamed when we were told that we’re going to dance. We all remained quiet in the elevator waiting for it to the reach the first floor and after waiting for what seems like eternity, the elevator stopped and opened.
And immediately someone screamed Daniel’s name making the two girls fly over Travis and I and running in the direction Daniel’s name was called.
“some girls.” Travis scoffed which made me laugh.
We both walked outside DH, saying our goodbyes I asked.
“what instrument will you be playing on Sunday?”.
“oh, I can only play the piano a little.. so yeah I’m playing the piano, I don’t have one but, my cousin has one and I’m gonna practice a little with him and decide on the song that’ll be easy for me to play” Travis explained and I nod.
Good for him he has a tutor, I don’t have any instrument neither can I play one. And worst of all I don’t have someone who’ll lend me or teach me. Dang it.
“well good luck, and good bye” I said and giving him a faux smile, cause I was too jealous. He’s got a piano and a tutor.
“goodbye” Travis said and we both went our separate ways.
I took the bus home and I got home by six pm. Augie welcomed me with a hug whi’ve Ella licked my leg. Eww.
I met my grandma preparing dinner and I took over telling her rest.
During dinner I didn’t know I had a worried look on my face until my grandma told me, and I had to tell her I was actually worried and it’s about the stupid instrument stuff.
“isn’t Erick a singer, doesn’t he have a guitar or a piano, you can learn from him.” my grandma said.
“Erick?” I pondered.
Yeah Erick, why didn’t I think of him, he’s a pro when it comes to music, I should totally ask him to help me out, I just hope he’ll be less busy before Sunday.
“you’re right grandma, Erick is perfect.” I breathed a sigh of relief.
“and you need to focus and practice hard, you have only two days to learn whatever you’ll be playing” my grandma advised and I smiled. “I know gran, have you forgotten how sharp my brain is, I learn things within a blink of an eye” I bragged and my grandma laughed hysterically.
During nighttime, I laid on my bed looking at pictures of Maria Li on my phone. It’s been ages since I’ve admired her from my phone like this, I smiled when I remembered I’ve seen her in real life. She’s so pretty.
I was surprised to come across Daniel’s pictures on my phone, I smiled softly when I remembered when Annie took my phone from me and put all Daniel song and pictures.
Annie. Missed her.
That night I slept soundly hoping tomorrow would be great.
The next morning I woke up and to my surprise the sun shone very brightly into my room, and the sun doesn’t shine into my room until it’s one in the afternoon. I quickly grabbed my phone and gasped loudly when I saw the time “12:49”.
I overslept like so much, what am I even dreaming about. How could this be. I paused and stopped panicking when I realised that it actually doesn’t matter if I wake up late or early cause I have nothing to do.
I breathed out and laid back on my bed, but quickly got up again when I remembered I have to think of a I need to play, and the instrument I need to play and learn. But this is torture, how can anyone learn to play any kind of instrument in two Days.
I slowly crawled out of my bed and slowly walked to my bathroom, I brushed my teeth took my bath and before I knew it I was eyeing the odd cloths in my closet.
Everything in my closet looks old and gloomy but who cares, I’m going over to Erick’s, I mean he’s seen me in my worst clothes.
Minutes later I was pulling a pair of denim shorts up my legs and I wore a yellow T-shirt. Like the only good shirt I have.
I let my hair fall over my shoulder and after dressing up, I ate breakfast, well brunch, alone and told my grandma I was off to Erick’s.
I grabbed my phone and took my heels to the bus stop.
I got to my stop and trekked to Erick’s house, good thing I remembered and sang his address in my head.
I got to the street and remembered the familiar houses and I breathed out a sigh of relief when I saw Erick’s house and it looked even more bigger than the last time I came here.
I walked to the front of the door and I could hear music playing from the inside.. Well actually it’s just some kind of a beat, cause it had no voice singing with it.
I pushed the doorbill and sighed,
How is anyone going to hear me even that kind of music is playing so loudly.
I kept pushing and pushing and ousting the doorbell but no one answered so I angrily, made a turn and head to the living room first window,
I touched the glass window and smiled when I saw it wasn’t sealed to the building, with all my girly strength, I pushed the window up creating an open space for me to pass to get into the house, I must find every possible way to learn how to play that guitar.
I squeezed my self into the space and before I knew it, I landed into the living room.
The music became loud and I turned and shut the window. I endured the loud music bursting the whole house as I look around, I slowly climbed the stairs following the path where the music was coming from. And it let me to a room at the end of the hallway.
The music became loud as I got in front of the door, I knocked heavily on the door but no one answered, I sighed and banged the door heavily and the music stopped. I heard the door clicked and the door opened revealing Erick who was sweating profusely.
“June?..” he called surprisingly but in a happy tone.
“how did you get in here?” he asked.
“through your window, I’ve been ringing the door bell for hours” I said and he smiled, “sorry?”
“Frederick, who is that? You can’t have any distractions you’re doing a great job, come back here and let’s continue” I heard a man’s voice say from inside and Erick turned and moved inside while I trailed behind him seeing the man who seemed strange with his little feminine body and heavy beard.
“too bad Vishnu, we’re done for today, don’t you see I have a guest” Erick said to the guy and I looked away when he glowered at me.
“fine. I’ll leave I’ll make sure to tell your father about this” the man Viju or whatever his strange name was, said and grabbed his bag before walking out of the room.

“let me guess you’ve been dancing?” I asked as we both walk out of his dancing room.
“yeah, and I’m getting better, I think” he said and I laughed.
“you think?” I repeat his words.
“well let’s just forget about that and talk about you! What are you doing here, cause it’s shocking, like mind blowing” he asked as he grabbed a bottle of water from his drawer when we entered his room.
“I need your help” I tell him sitting on his Comfortable bed.
“with what?” his brows arched.
“our next competition we’re going to use an i–
“instrument?” he interrupted.
“h–how di-d you know?”
“June, DH will be now few years from now, how can I not know what’s going on in my future industry” .
“it’s still under your father’s name and you’re still a trainee, so put down your ego” I said and he laughed.
“so.. What song will you be singing?” Erick asked.
“I have no idea, I came here to learn how to play a guitar since you’re good with it, but now that I’m here I don’t think that’s possible cause how can I learn it in two days”. I said and let out an angry groan.
“don’t worry, learing from me, you can be a pro in two minutes” Erick said and I smiled rolling my eyes.
“yeah right?”.
“I’m serious, think of a song you want to sing”.
“uhhh.. Second chance?” I said.
“a lot of people are going to be singing second chance you have to choose another song”. Erick tells me.
“uh.. Okay?..”
“you know what, I have to shower, think of a song first and then I’ll teach you how to play the tone and note” Erick said, Smiled at me and Walked out.
‘what a life saver’ I breathed out lying on the bed.
I stared at the ceiling thinking of a song, I think of all the Maria Li’s song i have on my phone but I shook my head passed them.

After thinking for some time I got up from the bed and smiled, deciding to sing Erick’s song. And immediately Erick walked in, wearing a sweatpants and a black shirt, his hair was wet and some were glued to his forehead while some were falling down releasing droplet of water that stained his black shirt with darker dots.
He’s gorgeous.
“so have you think of a song yet?” he asked and I smiled.
“you.” I said.
“what happened to me”. He asked pointing to himself.
“i–i mean I’m going to sing your song” I said.
T. B. C


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Sherri Adejoh
Sherri Adejoh
4 years ago

This is getting so interesting, next please

Bea uty
Bea uty
4 years ago

This episode is amazing pls opradre I look forward to another episode today.tnx in anticipation

Sulaiman zainab
Sulaiman zainab
4 years ago

More please

4 years ago

I’m very proud of you June.
I thought as much………..