BONDAGE Part 1 – Chioma Excel

BONDAGE Part 1 - Chioma Excel

BONDAGE – Chioma Excel

Suitors started coming for my hand in marriage when I graduated from secondary School but my aim was to further my education but there was no money .

A sister in our church and his brother come to ask for my hand in marriage I refuse at first but my family pressurize me to accept the proposal and I accepted it.

2months after my marriage I became pregnant , my husband left me in the village and traveled back to Canada where he base.since he left me he never call to ask about me even when I but to birth.

His sister was the only one decision for the family before I do anything I will first take permission from her . I cannot go out without being question , she restricted me from communicating or visiting my family.

She beat me up like a small child , my life becomes a living hell , for the past five years I have not seen my husband or hear from him I plead with my sister in law to allow me talk to my husband for once but she refuse, I sneak out one day to go and meet my father but he chase me back to go and look after my family , I left the place with broken heart and disappointment.

One day my husband return I was happy to see him again and that my problem will be solve but it become worse,I told him everything his sister has been doing to me but he never do anything, there only concern was only on my son.

He was trying every means to get me pregnant but I refuse which becomes a very big problem for both of us sister will beat me up and ask me to submit to his brother but none of there maltreatment moved me.

I was looking for a way to run away with my son but they always guarde me as if I am a prisoner

I was cleaning my sister in law’s room when I saw a file hidden under her bed I open the file to see what was inside but I got the shock of my life.

The file contains a marriage certificate of my husband and my sister in law, I was already feeling scared but I gather the courage and rushed out with the file.

I rushed out with the file but my father in law block me from going outside,he take me to his room and ask me to sit down and I did as he said.

I’m sorry my daughter for keeping quiet for all these years but now you have know the truth I will not hold back anymore you husbands and ijeoma we’re married but 2yrs after they got married ijeoma found out she has a fibroids and she went for surgery , one week after the surgery they had an accidental on there way back from hospital and resulted that she cannot give birth again. I told them to go for adoption but they refuse, my son and his wife decided to get another wife that will bear children for my son and they brought you into this mess.

But I never knew there plan was to use you and get children after you were done given birth they will take the children and chase you out. I kept mute for al these yrs because I don’t want my son to have a problem with me but now am willing to help you escape from this bondage called marriage.

I saw you with this file that is why I followed your but don’t confront them because if you do they never allow you to live this place , take this file inside and keep it where you see it and pretend as if everything is fine , I will find a way and get you out of here , you are still young to pass through this pain ,” he said

I see reason with what he said and I did as he said but am stil angry with him for keeping quiet for all this yrs.

My husband and his wife went for child dedication along with my son,they warn my father in law not to allow me step outside but once they left the house my father in law ask me to follow him to the police station I followed him without asking any question.

When we get to the police station I explain to them everything i was passing throug and plead with them to help me get out of this marriage , my father in-law offered them some money before they agreed to help us,they told me to file for divorce and bring the divorce papers back to them, that they will handle the father in-law said he will go about for the divorce papers . I pray day and night asking God to make this plan go successful.

I was washing clothes outside while my husband,his wife and my father in-law were also discussing outside when two police men walked into our compound I saw them coming and say a silent prayer (God it is time pls perfect you work )they walked over them and call me to come over.

Are you Mr James obi….

Read this Awesome inspirational Story > TALITHA CUMI!


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