BLOODLINE Episode 9 by Ironkurtain

BLOODLINE Episode 1 by Ironkurtain

BLOODLINE Episode 9 by Ironkurtain

“I told you so many times that we shouldn’t have brought this boy back home until his madness is cured”, Agnes fumed at Barry. “Look at what he did to Daniel’s leg”, she pointed at Daniel who was standing with a slightly swollen right leg. “We have to send him back to the hospital before he does something worse”.

Barry, who was sitting on the sofa with Agnes remained silent. Eric and Daniel was standing infront of them. Daniel had a downcast gaze while Eric held his head high; glancing at everything in the living-room except Agnes. Victoria, who had told their mother her own version of what happened, was sitting on another sofa while Mary was in the kitchen with the cook and other house help, telling them what really happened.

“And the worst thing is…….”, Agnes continued angrily. “…….no matter what i say, he just keep smiling like nothing happened. After almost breaking Daniel’s leg”.

Then silences followed as she kept quiet and stared at her husband. Waiting for his reaction.

“Can i say something”, Eric broke the silence.

“Will you shut up your mouth!!”, Agnes barked at him.

“I thought in this situation, we are supposed to be asked what happened”, he continued, ignoring Agnes. “Atleast know the reasons for it happening, than making a conclusion that it was caused by a poor state of mental health. Which i highly doubt”.

“So what’s the reason?”, Agnes snapped. “Tell me the reasons for doing this to his leg…..huh?”.

“First of all, i didn’t do anything to him. He was the one trying to fight me. He was using his……karate moves and ended up hurting himself. Secondly he insult my mother by referring to her as ‘bloody mother’. That’s enough for me to not only break a leg but also leave the person with irrevesible damages”.

“Then go ahead and…….”, Agnes began furiously.

“‘Enough! “, Barry interrupted her. Then he looked at Daniel. “Did you say that to Eric?”, he asked him. Daniel sighed and said something inaudibly. “Did you say that to him……answer me!!”, Barry asked him again with a loud angry voice.

Daniel nodded his head and glanced at his mother who gasped and looked at victoria and the back at him.

“And which mother are you talking about?….”, Barry demanded. “Am asking because there is only one mother in this family”, he said and glanced at Agnes who scoffed and looked away. Daniel remained silent still bearing the downcast gaze.

Barry sighed and pursed his lips. Then he said, “All of you should leave”.

Victoria got up immediately and headed towards the stairs leading to the mansion bedrooms. Daniel followed her quietly and still limping. Agnes stared at her husband surprisingly. It wasn’t what she expected.

“I said you should excuse us”, Barry said to her with a firm voice. She obeyed her husband and left; but did so angrily.

Barry gestured at Eric to come sit on the sofa. Eric did so. Then Barry picked up the t.v remote on the side table beside the sofa and switched on the 50 inches flat screen. He watched the seven o clock news In silence while Eric waited intently to hear the man’s verdict on the situation.

After a few minutes of waiting, Eric’s mind began to wonder away. He wondered what he would be doing now if he hadn’t gotten into his present situation. He would probably be in the gym or dojo as always. And doing the same thing he had been doing for the past thirteen years. Eat, sleep, study and workout.

He had never gone to a relative’s place to spend some time or a vacation because it was only him and his mother. They had no relatives. His mother came into the country at a very young age as a refugee who lost all her family in a war torn country. His biological father that he never had the chance to meet, died before his wedding to his mother so the man’s family rejected her.

“So…….why did you run away from home?”, Barry asked without taking his eyes off the bright screen and interrupting Eric in his thoughts.

“I don’t know…….”, Eric began with a shrug, not really knowing what reasons to give. “Maybe i just wanted to get away……..especially from all these things going on here”.

“You mean your stepmother’s attitudes?”.

“Well……maybe…….but i have realized that sometimes you can’t change how some people feel about you”.

“Can’t change how some people feel about you”, Barry repeated with a nod. “You see………”. Barry began as he moved his weight and the expensive leather sofa making a crinkling sound. “For the past eighteen years i watched you grow up. And all those times i had known you to be a very timid boy. Never participated in your school extra-curricular activities, hardly had any friends and embarrassingly weak despite your size”, then he paused ….and continued. “When i started seeing the way Daniel disrespected you and you backing away with fear, i lost it and gave up on you. And felt that i must have failed in building you into a man who can be able to stand on his own”.

Eric stared at the old man and said nothing.

“But yesterday evening at the dinner table, i saw a different person. A different Alex”, Barry said and looked at Eric. “As if you have been reborn… had so much confidence when you talked, seemed to challenge your stepmother whom everyone else in this house are scared of, and………”, he paused thoughtfully. “You had that look in your eyes”, he continued. “It reminds me of……….”, and paused again.

Eric gazed at Barry, waiting for him to finish. But the man remained silent and still thinking.

“Reminds you of what?”, Eric then asked

“No …….it’s nothing”, Barry waved his hand and shift ed his attention back to the t.v.

“So……is that all?”, Eric asked as he slowly got up.

“Why do you ask?”.

“I kind of have a load of school work to do. I have to catch up after two weeks of none attendance”.

“Ok…… can go to your room but…..”, Barry gestured his index finger at Eric. “……you have to bear this in mind. I will find out where you had being or who you had being with for those two weeks you disappeared”.

Eric said nothing and headed towards the stairs leading to the bedrooms. He paused and looked back and saw Barry still staring at him. He turned and began to ascend the stairs.

Eric closed the door of the bedroom and exhaled deeply. Then he sat on the bed and slide the laptop lying on it towards his side. He hit the screen power button to reveal the activities that had being going on before he got called to the livingroom to explain why one of Daniel’s legs was several sizes bigger with a blue-black colour.

Eric clicked on one of the new mails in Alex’s inbox.

“Why don’t you give me a location and also bring your crew cos i will be coming with mine to destroy you and your f@cking loser!!”. Eric read the message sent by Chunky-guy with a smirk. “What a clown”, Eric muttered and clicked on another message

“Have you heard of the J.C Boys??….the Jack Crew Boys!!……well am the Capo so dont let me find you cos i already put an X on you. And if your family interfere, they are gone too”. Eric read and shook his head. All these just because he earlier sent a message to Chunky guy telling him that it was time to stop all the childish bullsh!t.

Then he clicked on the last one.

“Better hope your mother and sisters dont be around when we get you cos we gonna run a train on them all night long so better kill yourself u f@cking dead meat”.

Eric was tempted to send a message to him; asking him if he is writing all these as a result of masturbating furiously because he sounds like he is doing so. But Eric decided against it.

Then he went to the wardrobe and opened it. Eric checked the cloths to select the one he is going to wear for Lisa’s birthday party.

4 pm saturday evening. The number of guests at Lisa’s birthday was quite bigger than what Eric had anticipated. He didn’t know that so many people will be attending because Lisa doesn’t seem to be the kind of person with a big circle of friends. Well, the number of people in her place showed that the girl was quite popular and the lively atmosphere made by the fast music pounding out of the loud speakers thrilled everyone as some danced with a partner or alone while the others held their drinks and watched the colourful scene.

Holding the neatly wrapped present that Mary helped him select for Lisa, Eric gently made his way through, trying his best to avoid bumping into some of the guests that were dancing like there is no tomorrow; especially the females. He was looking for the birthday celebrant, Lisa.

After a few glances here and there, Eric saw Lisa. She was standing with a plastic cup in her hand, held close to her bossom and away from the three boys she was having a conversation with. She wore a pink short sleeved pink shirt with a “Birthday girl” inscription and a tight fitted black mini skirt. Eric saw the male guests that were drooling over those youthful thighs and behind of hers and didn’t blame them. Lisa, who didn’t notice some of the stares nor cared to, was smiling and conversating with the boys.

Eric got closer to her and said, “Hello”.

Lisa paused in her conversation when she heard the voice and looked over her shoulder.

“Hey Alex!…….” she began excitedly and almost knocked the wind out him as she gave him a tight hug; her bossoms crushing against his chest and the content of the plastic cup in her hand almost spilling on the brown jacket he wore.”…… so glad to see you”, she continued, still hugging him.

“Hey Lisa…..”, Eric said trying to break away from the tight hug. He knew she will be glad to see him but didnt expect to get a hug. Especially a really intimate one.

“Oh you brought a present for me”, Lisa said after she finally let go and looked at what he was holding. “I hope you still remembered the gender of the celebrant”, she joked with a smile.

“Don’t worry…….i had the memo in my pocket and wallet so i was constantly reminded”, Eric replied to the joke.

Then Lisa turn to the boys she had being having a conversation with before Eric came. They were staring at him with curiosity and envy.

“Hey guys……this is Alex philips”, she began and introduced him to them. “Alex is my classmate and friend…….my special friend”.

“Hello”, they chorused indifferently.

“Hello”, Eric said with a faint smile. Wondering what she meant by ‘special friend’, he looked at Lisa. She seemed alittle bit too excited today and suspected alcohol because her breath smelt alittle bit of it.

“Come let me show you around”, she then said and almost dragged him away, leaving the boys staring at them with disappointment.

Eric looked around the place as both of them head towards the entrance of Lisa’s two storey bungalow home. The house was modern. Even though it was no where compared to the Philips mansion, the building speaks of affluence. And better than most of houses Eric had seen in the upper class neighbourhood on his way to Lisa’s place.

Eric and Lisa made their way through the front yard lawn crowded with party guests and entered the house. Inside the cozy living-room were four girls were sitting and chattering among themselves.

“These are my best friends”, Lisa said to Eric and introduced him to them.

After the hellos and getting to know the names, Lisa guided Eric upstairs to her bedroom. He could hear her friends’ giggling behind him. Lisa told him not to mind them with a playful smile and warned them with a playful tone of voice. Eric started thinking of that ‘special friend’ she earlier said.

“So how was your day?”, Lisa asked as she closed the door while Eric glanced around the bedroom and sat on the bed.

“Well……same saturday routine”, he answered and studied the room that almost had everything in pink colour. And very clean.

“Okay”, Lisa murmured and opened the mini refrigerator. She brought out a bottle of red wine and a couple of glasses. She poured one for Eric and the other for herself.

“It’s quite a big birthday party going on here”, Eric began and placed his glass on the bedside table after taking a sip. “I didn’t know that you knew alot of people…..even though we are yet to know each other very well”.

“Well……most are from some high school clubs am a member of and others are my old classmates”, Lisa said.

“Old classmates?”.

“Yep……i once finished high school in a different school…….last year”.

“Really?, so why are you in school again?”.

Lisa shrugged and looked at Eric. Then she said, “Our high school certificate exam result was cancelled”.

“Cancelled?…..why?, Eric asked.

“Well…….”, Lisa pursed her lips and shook her head. “They claimed that there was a case of massive exam malpractice”.

“They claimed or there was indeed a massive exam malpractice”, Eric chuckled.

“Whichever one you choose”, Lisa said raising her eyebrows.

“So that’s why you are in Rock Valley?…….to retake the exam?”


Then Lisa refilled their glasses and placed the bottle on the floor.

“So can you tell me more about yourself?”, she asked and crossed her legs. Thighs abit revealing because of the mini-skirt she wore.

“Okay…..what do you want to know?”, Eric looked at her in the face.

“”Everything…….if you are willing to share”, Lisa looked back at him keenly.

“Well there is nothing much to know about me…..” Eric started. “I don’t usually participate in school extra-curricular activities, not much of an outgoing person, my classmates think am a wuss, i don’t have a girlfriend because the girls think am a loser, my brother and sister don’t want anything to do with me because they see me as nothing but an adopted boy and now am taking medications for some mental condition”.

Lisa giggled at what Eric said while he gazed at her with a smile; congratulating himself on how he just scared away a potential girlfriend. Even though he is not interested in having any.

“You are only telling me what people think about you”, she then said. “Except for the part of taking medications. I want to know who you really are or who you think you are”.

“Do you really want to know who i think i am?”, Eric asked.

“Yes of course……is there anything wrong with it”,

“No, never……it’s just that if i tell you, you might get too scared”. Eric was right. If he told her his past medical condition that started when his was just six, she will probably get too scared and disgusted.

Lisa laughed. Then she said. “Most guys would say alot of things and even make up lies just to impress girls. But you seem different and i kind of like that. Being straightforward and no bootlicking”.

Eric poured the remaining wine in their cup and looked at Lisa.

“So….what about you”, he asked


“Yeah…….tell me about yourself, or like you said, who you think you are?”.

“Okay…….” Lisa began as she raised her beautiful face up. “Am Lisa Richards. A girl from a multiracial family. My parents are divorced, i lived with my mother till i was twelve then i came to this country to live with my dad who i think is a real pain in the ass. But he is still better than my mom because whenever she is mad at me, she always tell me that i was the mistake that happened after too many booze and a careless sex with her black friend at a college party. I used to have an identity crisis but am over it now”.

Eric gazed at her after she was done talking. Then he raised his own glass.

“To our strange lives”, he toasts and they drink.

One of the girls in the living-room opened the door.

“Lisa, i think you should come outside”, she said quietly to Lisa.

“Oh what is it?”, she asked.

“I don’t really know……there is this guy who wants to see you and he is creating alot of scene with some of the guests”.

“Who is he?”, Lisa got up and straightened her skirt.

“He said he is your boyfriend”, the girl replied and glanced at Eric.


“What are you doing here?”, Lisa asked Greg

“You are having a Birthday party and you didn’t invite me?”, Greg answered her question with another question. Three of his friends were squabbling with the two boys Lisa had put in charge of checking the list of people invited to the party.

Lisa had gone outside and saw Greg and his friends having an argument with the boys. They were threatening to start a fistfight when they were being refused entry because their name wasn’t in the invited list. The commotion was about to get out of hand as some guests got involved. But Lisa managed to diffuse the situation and quietly led him away to a secluded place in the house compound.

“I didn’t invite you because i didn’t want you to come here”, Lisa replied. “And i told you so many times to stop going around and telling people that you are my boyfriend. Please don’t let me involve the authorities”, she warned.


“Why?………first you are not my type….second, i don’t like your attitudes, especially towards other students or anybody you see too weak to defend themselves…..third am not interested in having a boy friend”.

Then Greg saw Eric walking towards them. He stared at him with a frown when he stood beside Lisa.

“What are you doing here!”, Greg growled at Eric. “Did you invite this fool?”, he asked Lisa.

“Yes……i invited him and he is not a fool”, Lisa retorted. “Atleast he can hold a sensible conversation…….unlike some people who think they know better”.

“Sensible conversation?…..”, Greg scoffed. “We will soon see how sensible his conversation will be when am done with him”. Then he looked at Eric. “I told you to meet me at our usual spot in school and you didn’t come. Now you are here……i can see your so called mental sickness have made you bold….. huh?”, he said condescendingly.

“Bold?……dude i got invited to a birthday party and i honoured the invitation. I don’t see anything in it that have to do with being bold”, Eric said coolly.

“Are you talking back at me?”, Greg sneered surprisingly and approached Eric. He looked threatening . His three friends were now coming towards their direction.

“Greg just go and leave us alone!”, Lisa warned and stepped inbetween Eric and Greg. “Leave my house before i call the police!”, she threatened and glanced at Greg friends who have now surrounded them.

Greg stopped and stared at Lisa. And then said, “I can see he is your taste; your type of guy…….Well you better enjoy the boy with mental sickness while you can because one day he might not be around to be enjoyed……stup!d b!tch”. Then he gestured at his friend and started walking away.

“Well i will advice you to be wary of guys with mental issues”, Eric began as Greg was about to leave with his friends. “Sometimes they are the ones to be avoided at all cost”, he continued with an expressionless look on his face.

Greg looked over his shoulder and said, “I will see you and your rat face friend on monday”. Then he strode away with his friends as they smirked at Eric and Lisa.

“Are you okay?”, Eric asked Lisa who seems too upset to look at him.

Lisa said nothing. Then she sniffed and looked at Eric. He saw the tears in her sad eyes. Eric felt really bad because it was her birthday and suppose to be enjoying every moment of it. But here she is, crying because of some bloat headed fool. Eric was having the massive urge to go meet that douchebag, that punk who always thinks he is a big boy and show him how the big boys play.

“Just say the words”, Eric thought as he dried her tears. “Just say it and i will bring pieces of them as your birthday gift”.

But Lisa didn’t say the words. She just told Eric that she wanted to be alone for sometime and also told him to mingle around with some of the party guests because she wanted to go into her room in the house. Eric said he was okay with that and Lisa left without saying anymore word; not to him or anybody.


Eric finished his drink and glanced at his wristwatch. It’s almost an hour since Lisa left him for her bedroom and she hasn’t come out yet. Probably being comforted by her best friends and having those long girls talk, he thought as he watched the party scene and the guests dancing to the music.

A girl came to him with a smile and said hello. Eric gestured at her that he wasn’t interested and she left with the smile fading away. That was the third girl that have approached him. The other two wanted to dance. One was quite tipsy and said things he could barely understand, while the other was quite cocky and has a boyfriend who was also present in the party. So Eric wasn’t going to take his chances with the third. Not after dodging an incoherent discussion and a situation that could lead to a physical confrontation. Besides, after what happened between Lisa and Greg, he wasn’t in the mood to interact.

Eric thought about Lisa and wondered if he was somehow responsible for what happened between her and Greg or just someone who got caught in the middle of it or even both. Sometimes he gets confused and dislike being so because it clouds his judgement at times. Anyways, he had decided to wait for one more hour. If Lisa doesn’t come out, he will be on his way home.

Then Eric went over to the table with numerous cups filled with fruit punch drink. The boy incharge of mixing the drink saw him and smiled. This was Eric’s third round.

“One more?”, the boy asked with a smile.

“Yeah one more please”, Eric said. Then he paused and looked at the boy. “Is alcohol also in mix?”, he asked the boy.

“Just little……..we dont want to have drunk guests here and some are not of age”, the boy answered.

“Really?……..i wish it was abit noticeable because it tastes like fruit juice to me”, Eric said.

“Are you sure?”, the boy asked in disbelief. “Because i can see some noticeable effects on the guests……especially the girls.

“Well it is not working on me”, Eric sighed.

“Oh really?…..”, the boy nodded. “….so do you want to amp it up abit?”, he asked.

“What do you mean?”.

“You know……boost it up”.

Eric stared at the boy for a few seconds and handed him his cup. The boy glanced left and right carefully. Seeing that no one is watching, he brought out a blue coloured bottle from inside his jacket and poured a shot into Eric’s fruit punch.

“More”, Eric demanded.

The boy looked at him curiously and added two more shots.

“Don’t do anything stup!d”, the boy warned and handed Eric the cup.

Eric took a sip and grimaced hard.

“Holy mother of God!”, he gasped under his breath. “What did you put in this?,…….jet acid?”.

“What the hell is jet acid?”.

“I don’t even know…….whatever you put in this almost knocked me into the clouds and at the same time burning through my gut……..jet acid is all i can think of”.

The boy poured some juice into another cup and handed it to Eric.

“You better mix it if it is too strong for you because that thing is hardcore…… could make you go home walking sideways”, the boy said and attended to another guest.

Eric left the guy with both cups in his hands. He sat down on a bench that was quite aloof from the guests. He took another sip of the mixture and grimaced harder. Placing both cups on the bench, he rubbed his 360 waved low cut hair with his right palm and nodded his head to the beats of the rap music being played as he watched the party scene. Then a boy came over and sat down beside him with a cup in his hand. Eric recognized him. He’s one of the boys Lisa was having a discussion with earlier. He looked plain but well dressed in a white long sleeve shirt and black Levi’s jean with black Louis Vuitton sneakers. He is young just like Eric, probably nineteen years of age or more.

“Alex Philips…..the Alex himself……”, the boy began without looking at Eric. “…..the guy who ran away from home because he got too scared of a school mate. Got too scared that he even developed a mental condition”.

“So…..are you admiring or mocking me?”, Eric asked without looking at him.

“Does it even matter in you own case?”,

“Eric remained silent.

The boy took a sip from his cup and then said, “Lisa is the kind of girl every guys desire to have as a girlfriend”, the boy continued. “She is very beautiful, very intelligent, caring, jovial and most of all very sexy. There are rumours that she is still a virgin. Some of her best friends said it is true because she said so. They even said that she said she will lose her virginity after her eighteenth birthday…..this birthday. So alot of big boys are trying to court that girl”.

“So why are you telling me all these?”, Eric interrupted.

“Well…..with all these big boys all around her, I’m wondering how is it even possible for someone like you to pop up in her radar?”, the boy asked. “How did you even get to be quite close to her?”

“You heard what she said earlier…….am her classmate”, Eric replied.

“Yeah……and so are dozens of other boys in your school”, the boy noted. “And i also heard her say that you are her ‘special friend’……so what’s so special about you?”, he asked Eric and looked at him from head to toe.

“I think you suppose to be asking Lisa that question”, Eric answered. “It came out from her own mouth not mine”.

The boy smirked and took a sip from his cup. Eric noticed the expensive gold wristwatch he wore.

“Anyway, Lisa is a member of our group; fraternity group. And this group associates with some certain type of people…….”, the boy then said. “……cool guys and girls from rich family and guys that make things happen”,

Then the boy looked at Eric from head to toe and said, “You don’t look cool to me…….i heard you are the adopted boy of the Philips family so that means you don’t have their blood running in your vein. You are just related to them by paperwork. And you don’t make things happen…….rather, things happen to you. So i don’t think you should in anyway be associating with Lisa. Though i will soon let her know how we feel about her friendship with you”.

“Oh really?……”, Eric began after taking a sip of his ‘jet acid’. “So this fraternity that you are talking about is made up of a group of cool guys and girls from rich family and people that make things happen?……..or let’s just call it the fraternity of cool rich people who make things happen……..”, then he took another sip. “…….well if your members associate with guys who make things happen, then i am more than qualified to join and associate with you guys because i also make things happen. Am a happening guy and alot of things have being happening”.

“How?,” the boy asked.

“Well i can begin by tying you up and leave you dangling upside down from the frame of that swing over there”, Eric pointed at the swing in Lisa’s house compound. “Yeah……..”, he nodded at the boy as he stared. “………..and use you to show all these people here how hard i can hit a punching bag for straight five minutes without a single pause to rest”, Eric gestured at the boy with his hands like a teacher giving a lecture in a classroom. “And you will see that am more than qualified because the happening will make the headline news on t.v.”,

The boy stared at Eric in silence for some seconds and threw his cup on the ground. As he made an attempt to stand up, Eric grabbed him by the collar of his long sleeve shirt and sit him down forcefully.

“Now look here…….”, Eric began sternly, still holding the collar of the boy’s shirt. “…….am beginning to have a really bad day and the last thing i wanna hear is some stup!d words of advice from a clown who belongs to a group of a bunch of milkshakes. If you ever come to me again with these bullsh!ts, you will be very very sorry for doing so”,

Eric then let go of the boy’s collar and pat him on the back.

“Why dont you go relay my message to your frat friends”, Eric said coolly with a smile as he continue patting him on the back.

The boy got up and quietly left.


“She is waiting for you in her room”, Lisa’s friend said to Eric and sat down on the sofa.

“Oh okay……but…”, Eric looked at the girl. “Is she still upset?”, he asked.

“No she is feeling better now”.


The girl smiled at Eric. He did the same and ascend the stairs leading to the bedroom.

“Lisa……”, Eric began as he closed the door of the bedroom. “How are you doing now?”, he asked her.

Lisa looked at Eric and smiled. Without saying anything she wrapped her arms around his neck and rest her head on his broad shoulders. After some seconds she drew back her face and looked into his eyes as he apologized for what happened earlier. Then she planted her lips on his and started kissing him, interrupting him in his apologises. Eric responded, though surprised. He couldn’t remember the last time he kissed a girl, though most were done unwillingly which didn’t feel right to him. But this one felt so good and it made him feel like he was levitating.

The kissing start getting intense and Lisa slide her wet tongue in his mouth and caressed his own with it as her lips keep crushing into his. Eric gently slide his hands from her waist down to her behind. He grabbed it gently and pulled her body closer. This made Lisa’s breath to quicken. She held him tighter and her tongue got ecstatic in his mouth. It made Eric’s heart to thump hard and faster against his chest; like a beast in his body trying to get out.

After what seem to be like an eternity of tongue kissing, Lisa stopped and rest her head on his shoulder again.

“Eric….”, she murmured.


“I want you”.

Eric heart skipped a beat. He looked at her in the face to be sure she wasn’t sleeping.

“I want you right now”, Lisa said again, looking into his eye.

“Arent we going abit too fast?”, Eric asked.

Lisa thought for a while and shook her head. Eric sighed with a worried look on his face.

“What is the matter?”, Lisa asked slowly in a low tone of voice when she saw his facial expression. “You don’t like me?”.

“No…..i like you so much”, Eric replied and looked away. “But i just want you to be sure that you really want to do this”, he then look at her.

Then Lisa let go slowly. She sat on her bed and stared at Eric as he stood in front of her with his hands in his jeans pockets , anticipating what might happen next. Then she slowly took off her short sleeve t-shirt to reveal a black bra supporting her youthful mounds and slide her mini skirt down from her waist to show him that her black underwear is the only thing preventing him from seeing what no other boy have seen.

Lisa slide into her bed and stared at Eric. With the look in her eyes telling him that he is invited to come take off the rest of what she is wearing. That is what Eric is about to do as he begin to take off his jacket.


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4 years ago


4 years ago

Wawu ????