BLOODLINE Episode 13 by Ironkurtain

BLOODLINE Episode 12 by Ironkurtain

BLOODLINE Episode 13 by Ironkurtain

Barry took out a bottle of Hennessy and a couple of glasses from the liquor cabinet and went over to spacious living-room, heading towards the man sitting on the sofa with his long legs crossed. The man looked the same age as Barry and almost same built though Barry looked abit bigger. But the man was not as good looking because he was bald. He wore a dark grey suit with a white shirt inside and a deep blue tie. His eyes looked friendly and he also wore an eyeglass.

Barry poured a generous shot in one of the glasses and handed it to him and poured one for himself as he sat down. Both of them continued their discussions with some laughters and a few friendly arguments.

Then Eric descended quickly from the stairs leading to the bedrooms clutching a few textbooks. He decreased his pace when he saw Barry and the man. He didn’t know who the man is and neither did he expect to see Barry still in the house.

“Good morning dad……”, he began as both men turned their faces to him. Then he looked at the man and said to him, “Good morning sir”.

“Good morning my son……”, Barry began with a smile. Then he looked at the books Eric was holding and also saw that he was dressed up. “Son……are you going somewhere?”, he asked.

“Yes dad……to the library”, Eric replied and glanced at the man in suit. He noticed the strange look in the man’s face. “Arent you going to the office today?”, he asked Barry.

“No…….am feeling abit under the weather so i decided to take the day off”, Barry replied with a smile. “Anyway my friend Williams came to see me……he came back from the states just yesterday…..and he also wants to check up on you. He heard what happened”, he added and looked at the man. “You can see Alex is doing great”. Barry said to the man.

“Oh…….i hope you enjoyed your trip Mr Williams”, Eric said to the man, trying to be cautious not to give himself away because he didn’t know who he is nor did Nina say anything about him.

“Mr Williams?…..”, Williams chuckled and looked at Barry. “So you no longer call me uncle Williams?”, he asked Eric as both men laughed.

Eric smiled at what Williams just said but had one word in his mind. ‘Damnation’.

“Oh come on…Willy, boys do grow up you know…..”, Barry said. “…..he is now a big boy so no more uncle this or that”.

“Ahh…..i see, anyway i hope you are okay now but if you in anyway don’t feel well, you let me know so i can do some check ups on your health”, William said to Eric.

‘A doctor’, Eric thought to himself as he stared at Williams and nodded.

“By the way…..why are you not in school?”, Williams asked.

“He got suspended……for singlehandedly beating up four boys in his school……Willy can you believe that?,……four boys….and even saved a girl. I told you that my son had it in him”, Barry said excitedly with pride in his voice.

“Really?”, Williams furrowed his eyebrows. “How come?”.

“And do you know the most interesting part?……”, Barry continued. “……that boy who always bullied him in school was one of them and got the worst beating. I heard he was admitted to the hospital”.

Williams said nothing. He held his glass of drink with his hands resting on his laps and stared at Eric.

“How is that even possible?”, he asked and looked at Barry.

“I don’t know…..but i guess he was saving it for his final year in school so that he can unleash hell and graduate as a famous student”, Barry said with much excitement. “You know how we did it during our school days”.

“So….what about the boy in the hospital?”, William asked, still staring at Eric. “What if his parents sue you?”.

“Sue me?……..”, Barry scoffed. “…..Well they better don’t try it because am gonna make their life miserable for them”. Then he looked at Eric. “Son…..when will you be back because i want to go get you a drivers licence……i know someone who will help fast track it for us”.

“Alex also knows how to drive?”, Williams looked at Barry surprisingly.

“He is very good……i think he must have learned it secretly so that he can surprise us all”, Barry said and looked at Eric with a grin.

Eric can now see the suspicions in Williams face and decided that he better be on his way before his suspicions are confirmed.

“Oh……”, he pretend to check the time in his wristwatch. “I have to go now…….my friend is probably waiting for me”.

“Tell Jim to drive you to the library”.

“Okay…..oh one more thing dad,….can we employ one more driver for the family?’, Eric asked. “I know someone who is very good in driving”.

“Why do you say that?”.

“Well…..i think we are making Jim to overwork himself with constant driving to and fro. Besides it’s high time you stop driving yourself to work everyday”.

“Well i enjoy driving myself around though”. Barry noted.

“Of course……but it could be one of the causes of you being under the weather…….you know….. driving through the horrible rush hour traffic and at the same time thinking of how to move the family company forward. Won’t it be better if you relax and do the thinking while being driven in the car?”, Eric stated. “And alot of men in your position are being driven around. So i don’t understand why you prefer to do the driving yourself”.

Barry thought for a while and smiled.

“I think he is right…….isn’t he?”, he asked and looked at Williams.

“Williams said nothing, still staring at Eric.

“So who is this person that you know?,…do you know him very well?”, Barry asked Eric.

“Yes dad……he is a taxi driver and a very good one……and extremely loyal”, Eric replied.

“Okay…..why dont you bring this fellow for an interview”.

“Okay dad”, Eric said with a smile. Then he went over to Barry and gave him a hug. Eric wanted to put up a show for Williams because of his suspicions.

“Take care of yourself today”, he whispered to Barry and left.

Barry stared at the door as it closed and smiled happily. Then he poured himself another shot and glanced at Williams glass.

“Drink up willy….”, he boomed happily and swallowed the shot. “Alex is now becoming the son l have always dreamed of”, he said and poured himself another shot.

“Barry, are you sure that boy is Alex…..your son?”, Williams asked quietly with some concern in his voice.

“Of course”.

“I don’t think so…….that boy is not Alex”.

Barry heard those words and almost choked on his drink. Then he looked al Williams amusingly and glanced at his glass.

“Are you drunk already?……what do you mean by that?”, he asked Williams. “I hope you saw the same person that i saw minutes ago”.

“Am telling you……that boy might not be Alex”.

“Do you even know what you are talking about?, are there two or three Alex in this world?”.

“I don’t think so but……”,

“Then what makes you think that he is not Alex?”, Barry interrupted.

“Barry,……don’t be blinded by all these sudden feats”, Williams began with a sigh. “I mean, how did he even get the strength and heart to take out four boys and even put then in a hospital?……remember that i spent alot of time with Alex to know why he was so timid and his disturbing lack of confidence……why did i find it hard?,…….because he could barely communicate with me or even with anybody. But now see how confident he is, even making suggestions on how to things should be done. Can someone build that kind of confidence in just two weeks?”, he asked.

Barry stared ahead thoughtfully.

“Besides you heard him call me Mr Williams……Alex never called me Mr Williams, even if he was talking to someone else about me”, Williams continued. “Not to talk of how he seemed not to recognize me”.

Barry thought for a while and shook his head with a smirk.

“So what are you saying?……that someone had a plastic surgery to look like Alex, changed his voice to sound like Alex, learned everything about this family and replaced Alex?”, he asked. “Does that even sound possible to you because to me it is impossible in all the realms of humanity”,

“I know but we have to take a closer look……put four boys in a hospital and he being unscathed?……aw come on Barry……what is he?, a trained hitman?…….i have seen the boy who bullied Alex constantly and he was quite big and scary…… the entire boys in that school were scared of him. Yet you believed that Alex took him out. Him and four other boys……the Alex that i know multiplied by four can’t possibly do that”.

“And like i told you, he must have had it in him but didn’t know”, Barry put in irritatedly. “He beating those boys is not impossible for him because i know he can do it!”.

Then he got up and paced around the living-room while Williams sipped his drink and stared at his friend.

“Confident, hardworking, tough and intelligent”, Barry muttered and then looked at Williams. “Just like her”.

Williams heard it and stared at Barry with his mouth open. He looked down and sighed. Then he got up and went over to Barry and placed his hand on Barry’s shoulder.

“Are you still thinking about her after all these years?”, Williams asked almost in a whisper.

Barry sighed and nodded. And said, “Ever since he ran away and came back, he had been displaying all those qualities. One time i almost told him the whole truth about everything”.

“Barry, you know you can’t do that……you might destroy your own family if you do so”.

“But for how long will i keep the secret?……the longer i hide it the more the damage it will cause if they eventually find out”.

“You have to let them know for sure……but to me this is not the right time…..besides how do you know that Alex is even her child?”, Williams whispered and looked around the living-room carefully. “She never told you that she was pregnant. She just told you that she wanted to break up and vanished, only to call you about nine months later to tell you to go to some motherless babies home to adopt a certain baby”.

“My friend do the maths……”, Barry said to Williams. “She disappeared……..and called me nine months later…..that means she was pregnant and didn’t tell me and called me nine months later after having the baby…….sometimes i wonder if you studied to be a medical doctor or native doctor”, he said sarcastically.

“Two other women claimed to be pregnant with your child after she left you and they also vanished”, Williams said quietly. “Maybe she got to know one of them and decided to call you. Remember she was the one that called Agnes and convinced her not to divorce you.

So dont you think that she might have convinced one of those women to give up their baby for you to adopt. Especially for the fact that you and Agnes were in desperate need of a child. Alex’s blood test showed that you are his father but we can’t tell who his mother is because we have neither of those women blood samples”.

Then Williams pat Barry on his back as Barry stared down thoughtfully.

“It’s high time you just forget about her and move on pal…..”, Williams said quietly. “If she really loved you, she wouldn’t have left you for no good reason. Even after telling her how willing you were to dump Agnes for her.

Then Barry went behind the counter of the mini-bar and took out another bottle from the cabinet. He poured a shot for himself and another for Williams who sat on one of the stools there. Both men raised their cup to the secret known to only both of them and sipped. Then Williams thought for a while and looked at Barry.

“Why don’t we check him again”, he said.

“What do you mean”, Barry asked.

“I mean why don’t we check your son again……i keep having this feeling that something is not right”.


“Let’s him undergo another blood test”.


“Mr Tommy?…….Mr Tommy?….”, one of the two young female receptionists behind the desk called out as she glanced at the clipboard she held and looked at the visitors waiting patiently for their turn to see the medical doctor in his office.

“Am here”, Eric raised his hand as he answered the fake name he had written down in the name space of the form he had earlier filled. Now his is going to get the treatment for the ‘Unending Massive Headache’ he also wrote in the ailment space.

“Oh, Mr Tommy……you can go and see the doctor now”, the plain looking girl said and gave Eric a bright smile.

Eric got up and straightened his white short sleeved t shirt and followed the receptionist to the corridor leading to the doctor’s office. As he followed her, she stole a glance at Eric and smiled again. He did the same and noticed that she was putting a little more twist to her hips. But he wasnt impressed at all. When they came to the door of the doctor’s office, the nurse knocked twice and opened the door. Eric followed her into the office as she entered and went over to the doctor to hand him the clipboard she had with her.

“Good morning doctor”, Eric greeted.

“Good morning to……”, the doctor began as he looked up and stop midway when he saw Eric’s face; too surprised to utter another word or say anything.

Eric smiled and sat on the chair opposite the man. The man still looked the same as he was the first time Eric set his eye on him. That time being the day he woke up in that same hospital to take the impersonation instructions from Nina. And sitting on the swivel chair behind the desk made the small mousy man look even smaller.

“Thanks….you can go back now”, the doctor dismissed the nurse without looking at her after collecting the clipboard.

The man waited until the door was closed. “What are you doing here?”, he then asked Eric.

“What am i doing here?……”, Eric began with a chuckle. “This question is kind of odd because there is a sign outside this building that has ‘hospital’ written on it. And the nameplate on your desk has……”, Eric looked at the the nameplate infront of him. “…….it has ‘Doctor Dick. P’ written on it”, the name made Eric to furrow his eyebrows. ‘Dick. P as in Dick Power?…….Dick pounder??’, he thought to himself. The last one made him purse his lips.

“So what?………”, the doctor demanded.

“Can’t i go to a hospital to get a treatment or did Nina give you the instruction not to allow me come here?”, Eric asked.

“Treatment for what?…….”, the doctor asked and looked at the paper on the clipboard. “…….Unending massive headache?…….what does that suppose mean?….Mr Tommy??”, he blurted out.

“The kind of headache that makes it feel like there is an anvil bouncing around inside your skull each time you shake your head”.

“I thought i told you that my work with you was done…….and if you are having a massive headache, you should go to the drug store and get some pills……so you better get out of my office or else……”,

“Or else what?,…… you call the security to have me thrown out?”, Eric asked coldly.

“Yes!”, the man barked and reached for the phone on his desk.

“Before or after i beat you to death with that phone handle?”.

The doctor paused with his hand over the handle of the phone on his desk and stared at Eric in silence.

Eric sighed. “Look I’m not here to have any argument with you or cause any problem. Am just here to ask you something”, he said quietly. “I came here to ask you about that woman call Nina, since you and her had some kind of dealings. Sir……i need your help”.

The doctor slowly retrieved his hand from the phone and reclined in his seat.

“The day before yesterday, i called my mother but her line was disconnected”, Eric continued as he gazed at the files stacked on one side of doctor’s desk. “Yesterday i called her workplace and they told me that no one have heard or seen her after she was given a month leave……i made more inquires to know why she was given a month leave. Her co workers told me that they themselves were surprised by the hospital management move to do that because it was unlike them to suddenly give a worker a month leave for no reason. So i suspected it was Nina’s doing”.

Then Eric looked at the man. “That’s why am here…….i want to see if you can give me some informations……any kind of informations about that woman so that i can take care of her, should anything happen to my mother”, he said.

The doctor laughed and looked away. Then he shook his head and stared at Eric.

“Son……this is my advice to you…..”, he began. “I know how hot headed you young men can be but whatever that woman is making you to do, you better do it and even ask her if there is more to be done……if you are dreaming of crossing that woman then you better say some prayers and stop sleeping”.

“What does that suppose to mean?”, Eric asked surprisingly.

“You know what i mean”.

“Am sorry i dont really know”.

“By the way how did a young man like you get into a mess with a woman like that?”, the doctor asked, gazing intently at Eric.

“I have nothing to do with that woman…..i don’t even know her”, Eric replied. “Two months ago me and my mother met her in Metro-city and she seemed so nice and very kind. Then last week i came to this city for some job……only to wake up in this hospital and me being told to do something or else my mother go to jail for something she did a longtime ago”.

“She is blackmailing you?”, the doctor asked.

“Yeah….she is blackmailing me and my mother……and i am only doing what she told me to do because i don’t want my mother to go to jail for whatever it is she had done”, Eric sighed. “I know all this sound kind of crazy”.

“Yeah it does sound kind of crazy……”, the doctor said thoughtfully. “….Because blackmailing is not Nina’s kind of thing”.

“What do you mean?”, Eric was confused.

“She never uses blackmail as a tool to get things done…….as far as i know…’s either you do it or she will cause you great pain or end your life in the worst way……..and she is very very good at it”, the doctor said. “This blackmail thing is new and unlike her”.

What the doctor just said baffled Eric. He had always seen Nina as a cheap blackmailer who probably had some connections here and there. Not some kind of a bringer of pain and death which he kind of believed because of the fear he saw in the doctor’s eye when he talked about Nina. But he had seen her and the way she carried herself. And she doesn’t in anyway look like what the doctor said she was. Well, looks can be deceiving and she might truly be some kind of a “lucifer’s daughter”.

“Then why is she blackmailing me and my mother instead of threatening to bring pain and death if we don’t do her biddings?”, Eric asked. “Why would she threaten to report my mother to the authorities when she knows very well that the fear of death will make anyone do anything?”.

“Son…..i don’t know, but my advice is you better do whatever it is that she wants because Nina blackmailing you to do something means that she is in a very very good terms with you and your mother whom you shouldn’t worry about either”.

“Why shouldn’t i worry about my mother?”.

“Because if Nina wants something to happen to your mother, she will make you watch while it happens before she take your own life……”, the doctor said, pointing his index finger at Eric “……..maybe your mother is somewhere else or maybe Nina had given her the order to cut off any kind of communication with you”.

Then Eric remembered what Nina said about making sure that he cannot contact his mother when she was giving out her instructions.

“So you are telling me that the woman is very bad”, Eric asked.

“No……am telling you that the woman is a freaking monster and never to be messed with”, the doctor replied.

Then silence settled between the both of them. The doctor stared at the paper on the clipboard on his desk even though his mind was somewhere else while Eric stared at the files on the table and thinking to himself.

“I think i get it”, Eric then said with a faint smile.

“Get what?”, the doctor asked.

“This thing that Nina wants me to do for this so called client……’s not about the client”, Eric murmured. “He is not a client or perhaps there is no client……’s about her…. Alex doesn’t know what is going on……or he is probably dead. I mean…..why won’t he be glad to come back to a house that was a nightmare to him to see everybody respecting him?……..or go back to the school where he would be hailed as the guy who put the terror of the school in his place?”.

“Terror of school?,……..what are you talk about?”, the doctor asked; he was confused.

Then Eric got up and smiled at the doctor.

“Sir…..thank you for the info”, he said to the man and headed towards the door.

“What info?…….son, please don’t do anything foolish if you want to live long”, the doctor said with a nervous tone of voice.

“Who said i want to live long?”, Eric said as he reached for the door handle. “At some point i might get bored and blow my brains out”.

“Whatever you do please just don’t mention my


8 pm……..later in the evening at the banquet hall in the third floor of a five star hotel. The guests in their fashionable clothings and expensive jewelries held their champagne glasses. Some mingled around with other guests while some discussed inbetween laughters, hand gestures and smiles. A live jazz band made the atmosphere of the party lively and also entertained the guests with a slow and smooth jazz music.

“You know…….i always admired your beauty ever since i set my eyes on you……”, A burly looking man in his fifties wearing a black three piece suit, said to Nina as he looked at her from head to toe; admiring her and her close-fitted purple dress showing her body figure with the sleeves gently wrapped around her elbow. The dress was tight around her waist and it’s bottom draped around her ankles. Some male guests standing behind her stole a few glances at her with their eyes rolling from her body down to her waist.

Nina heard what he said and her thin lips parted into a smile as she raised her champagne glass to her lips.

“Oh really?…….”, she began and took a sip from her glass. “General, are you flattering me?”, she asked the man.

“If you consider it to be so……..but i still don’t know why a beautiful woman like you prefer to be single. Not even a boyfriend………or a lover”, the man gave her a mischevous smile.

“Maybe am not interested in having one……or maybe am yet to meet the man who can sweep me off my feet”, Nina said with a wink.

“Not even a man like me?”, the man asked.

“I would have considered you but you have a wife and a few girlfriends here and there…….and i don’t like competing”.

“Well i can still get rid of them if you say the word”.

“General……i don’t want to put you in that situation… could be bad for business”.

Then the man took her hand gently and they walked.

“If you and i had tied the knot, with your connection to the family and the power that i wield in this country, you and i would have made a good couple”, the man said to her. “…….we would have done alot of big things in this country”.

“Really?…..that sounds really interesting”, Nina nodded.

“Especially now that I’m in the process of achieving my political ambition”, then the man looked her in the face. “Why don’t you join me”, he said.

Nina gently looked away with a faint smile. Then she saw the big man coming towards them. He handed Nina a cellphone and whispered into her ear. She nodded several time and looked at the burly man.

“General am sorry i have to take this call…….i will see you in a few minutes”, she said to him and headed towards the ladies restroom.

“I hope you have gotten rid of that girl…….”, Nina said to the phone mouthpiece as she stood close to the pearl white ceramic hand sink and gazed at herself in the mirror.

“Nope…..i told you last time that it’s not gonna happen”, it was Eric’s voice.

“You think this is a joke…..huh?”, Nina asked. “You think am playing with you?……..well playing time is over”.

“Well play time was over when i called my mother only to find out that her phone was disconnected… the way, what did you do to make her boss to give her a month paid leave?”, Eric asked.

“I told you not to ever contact your mother until the job is done and you still went ahead and disobeyed my instructions”, Nina asked. “So you want me to make the call and have her arrested and prosecuted… that what you want boy?”, she asked again.

Well……that is not going to happen because i know you won’t do it as far as am concerned”.

“What do you mean by that?”,

“You know very well what i mean…….anyway i didn’t call to listen to your instruction, rather i called to give you some instructions because the rules of engagement have changed and you better listen carefully”.

Nina laughed. “You are joking right?, tell me that this is a big joke”, she said.

“No, this is not a joke so you better listen if you don’t want this job to get more complicated than ever……”, Eric stated. “I know you are the one responsible for making my mother to disconnect her phone… you have to contact her and give her this number to call me…….i give you until tomorrow and she better don’t call me with a complain of being threatened”.

“And if i don’t do it?”, Nina asked with an irritated tone of voice.

“Then you better start finding a suitable explanations for Alex when things start happening…….like his face being on the news for one thing or the other he didn’t know about”, Eric said. “You know it will be bad for him and really really bad for you”.

“Are you…….threatening me?”.

“Threat?, no one is being threatened here……it’s just my leverage…..just like you said to me the last time we met. So you can either do what i said, which is relatively easy or ignore it and keep enjoying your bingo night”.

“Do you know how easy i eliminate brats like you?, boy don’t let me show you the really bad side of me”, Nina warned.

“You think brats like me really give a rat’s ass what happens to them?……..if you want your job done well then you better do what i said”.

The line clicked before Nina could say any other thing. She stared at the cell phone for a few seconds and then laughed. Another woman walked into the restroom and saw her staring at the phone and laughing. She stared at Nina like she was crazy.

“Can i help you?”, Nina then asked her with out looking.

“Are you okay?”, the woman asked

“Yes am okay”, Nina replied.

“Are you sure?, i hope there is nothing…….”

“I hope you mind your damn business and take your piss”, Nina said to her and gave her a stern look.

The woman quietly left the restroom as Nina dialled her cellphone.


BLOODLINE Episode 13 by Ironkurtain
BLOODLINE Episode 13 by Ironkurtain

Esther poured what was left in the bottle into the her glass and left the bottle on the floor carelessly.

“Careful with that bottle honey”, the man sitting on the sofa said as he put down his own glass of drink. “Unless you want to be the nurse pulling out pieces of glass from my skin”.

She smiled and went over to he was sitting; staggering abit. She was quite drunk and tried very hard to control her steps. Placing her glass on the table beside the sofa, she sat heavily next to him.

“What is wrong with you today?”, he asked as he put his arm around her shoulder. “I have never seen you drink like this, is there anything wrong?”,

“David why are you asking?……..”, Esther asked and rested her head on his shoulder; her voice abit slurry. “You ask alot of questions… all ask alot of questions…..and am tired of answering alot of questions”.

“You have been here for the past three days, i hope everything is okay?”, David asked.

“Why…….do you want me to leave?”.

“No…….not in a million years dear. Am just worried because there seem to be something bothering you and am also worried about Eric……i hope he is okay because you havent said anything about him…….neither have you called since you came here”.

“Eric is old enough to take care of himself now Dave, don’t worry”, Esther said and placed her hand on his own. Squeezing it gently and looking at his face.

“Dont you miss him?, you always told me how much you cared about him and that he was all you got in this world?”, David said, staring at her.

“Yeah……”, Esther began with a sad look on her face. “Just like others that i had cared for and they all got taken away from me…..”, the sad look on her face then turn into a distant gaze. “……everytime i put so much energy and work and…….love to something or somebody, one way or the other it get taken away from me”.

Then she looked at david. “Tell me……why do bad things happen to good people?”, she asked.

“Well…..”, David sighed and rubbed her shoulder gently. “In this world it’s like there is a constant war between good and evil and alot of good people get caught up in it”.

“Then evil had certainly declared war upon me i guess”.

“Why do you say that?”.

“Take a look at me David…..”, Esther began deeply. “All i ever wanted is to love and be loved, have a family, be a happy mother…..but every time am so close in achieving it or think i have achieved it, it all get taken away from me……or only find out am being used”.

Then Esther looked at David with tears rolling down her cheek

“Don’t i deserve to have that……..or am i cursed?”, she asked with a sob.

David held her tight and wiped her tears

“No you are not cursed and you deserve every good thing this life can give to us”, he said. “And we have each other”.

“That’s why am scared…….scared of you being taken away from me”

“Don’t worry honey, am not going anywhere…..that, i promise you”.

Then a phone rang. It was coming from her handbag lying on the living-room center table. Both of them stared at the bag as the phone inside it keep ringing.

“That phone have never ringed since you came here”, David noted as he keep staring at the bag. Then he looked at Esther. “You don’t have to answer it”, he said to her.

“Nope….i have to….”, Esther began as she got up and tried to maintain her balance. “Whenever that phone rings it means it is important”, she said as she reached for the phone inside the handbag.

“Hellooo…..”, Esther said with a slurry voice.

“Hello…..Esther?”, it was Nina’s voice.

Esther looked at David and whispered, “the devil”.

“Yeah this is Esther… are you doing and how is he doing?”, she asked Nina.

“That’s why i called you…….are you drunk?”.

“Am not drunk…….do i sound drunk to you?……maybe your phone is faulty, it happens sometimes”.

“Whatever…….anyway i want you to call Eric your son……you have to talk to him because he is going way out of line in our deal”, Nina stated. “You have to tell him that he has to stick to the instruction given to him”.

“You want me to call Eric and tell him to stick to your instructions?”, Esther asked. “What is the matter woman?……..are you finding it hard to control him?…….is he giving you headaches?……it’s like the hospitals over there are being overwhelmed by the people he is bashing up left and right or is he now leaving dead bodies in the hallway just like i feared he will do someday”.

“I don’t know what you are talking about woman, if you don’t want to lose your son then you better do what i said”, Nina said impatiently.

“And who told you am worried about losing him?”, Esther asked.

Nina remained silent.

“The day you brought that file to me was the day that i accepted that i had already lost him. How i got him is clearly written in that file…….i had lost someone so dearest to me and i moved on……so i can also do the same if i lose Eric”.

“Oh… you don’t care whatever happens to your own son?”, Nina asked.

“You asked the question, you answer it yourself”.


“Why?……..”, Esther began with a chuckle. “Woman let me tell you something that nobody knows…….after i lost my fiance in a terrible fire, i held a baby…..the baby responsible for him getting roasted in that inferno…..the baby that was responsible for him dying a very painful and agonizing death……have you ever seen a man with third degree burn in over 90 percent of his body?, anyway, as i looked at the baby, all i could think of was the best possible way to take it’s life……but before my fiance died, he said i should take care of the baby… i decided to fulfill his wish.

The baby grew up to be a handsome kid and soon i became so fond of him and liked him alot. Five years later i found out some thing terrible about him. He had a mental problem. Mental psychosis was what the doctors said it was. How did i find out?…… dead cats around our house, neighbours complaining about their pet dogs missing.

And each time he got back home with bloody hands without any explanation of what really happened or how he got bloods on his hands. So one day i bought a lovely pet dog for him. Then i return from work one day to see him beating the dog to death……i was shocked but what scared me most was the look in his eyes while he did it.

It haunted me for days and i even locked myself in my own room at night. Anybody in their right sense would have taken him to a mental institution and left him there to rot. But i never gave up on him. I made him undergo treatment after treatment, therapy after therapy, money spent by the boat-loads……until i fixed him abit. Since then i had always lived my life trying to prevent anything bad from happened to him because i know that one day it’s going to happen………maybe that time has come and am done trying”.

Nina remained silent.

“So why don’t you tell Eric that his mother doesn’t want to call him”, Esther continued. “And i want you to show him that file you have with you…….he will understand when he sees it……so please don’t you ever call me again”.

Then Esther threw the phone at the wall and it destroyed on impact. David stared at her with his mouth open.

Nina heard the crashing sound and the line clicked. She heaved a sigh and looked at the big man standing beside her.

“There is something i want you to do in Metro-city”.

BLOODLINE Episode 13

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4 years ago

It’s getting more interesting. I sha hope Nina won’t kill Esther

4 years ago

I love this story

Alaka Moses
Alaka Moses
4 years ago

Interesting, the story is getting more twisted. Naturally Eric and Alex will somehow later meet each other and I believe that Lisa too is like a detective or not an ordinary student. Kudos to the writer, nice job!

4 years ago

This story is mind blowing

4 years ago

I’m enjoying this beautiful story ?

Next pls ?️

4 years ago


4 years ago

This story is intriguing.