BLOODLINE Episode 10 by Ironkurtain

BLOODLINE Episode 1 by Ironkurtain

BLOODLINE Episode 10 by Ironkurtain

10:30 am monday morning. The mathematics teacher, a pretty woman in her mid thirties stood infront of the quiet students who listened to her keenly and took notes as she explained the mathematical equation on the board. She held a chalk on one hand while using the other hand to explain the formulas and how to solve maths problem.

Like the other students, Eric seems to be paying attention and taking notes. But he was just glancing and making a crude drawings on a paper. Drawings of what looked like a man being attacked by a Minotaur with the man labelled as Chris and the Minotaur, Greg. He wrote “Your life today” on top of the drawing and nudged chris, who was extremely focused at what was being taught. He looked at Eric and he showed Chris the drawing. After seeing it, Chris continued what he was doing with a frown.

Then Eric slipped the drawing inbetween the pages of his notebook. He shift his eyes to Lisa and watched her as she listened attentively to the teacher with her hands folded under her chin. She had remade her hair and was very beautiful. As beautiful as she was last saturday when he was on top of her and staring at her face as she bit her lips with alot of pleasure in her eyes.

After what they did at her place, Eric have being asking himself why he had allowed such a thing to happen because he later realized that his situation had gotten more complicated than ever. He lost focus and totally forgot about his mission, the reason why he is Easthill………Nina’s job.

Now he will have to find a way to explain to the girl who lost her virginity to him how he is not the person whom she think he is. Even if she is okay with that, how is he going to explain to her that he just have a month or less to stay in Easthill before going back to Metro-city. For the first time he regretted not following Nina’s instructions; to stick to the plan.

Lisa is not the kind of girl who will let go easily. He might be wrong. But even if he somehow developed a bad character or habits to see if she will shun him, the way she sang to the heaven and earth when they were “doing it” and her endless text messages that flowed into his phone the following day meant that he will have to do more than developing a bad character or habit. He will have to do something and do it fast before Alex comes back and start asking “what in Satan’s butthole happened to his already complicated life”.


The call brought Eric back to reality. He shifted his eyes to where it came from and saw the teacher staring at him.

“Alex can you show the class how to solve this equation”, the teacher said, pointing at the blackboard.

Eric got up and quietly went over to where the teacher was standing. He could feel all the eyes staring at him as he stared at the geometric equation in silence with a blank expression for almost fifteen seconds.

“He can’t remember anything”, someone at the back of the class said and the whole students except Lisa, erupted into laughter.

The teacher quiet down the students and asked Eric if couldn’t solve it. Eric turned and looked at the other students with a smile.

“There are three ways to solve this equation”, he began and looked at the board again.
Then he took the chalk from the teacher and wrote down all the three ways to solve the equation with all having the same correct answer.

“The first is the very easy way, the second is the normal way and the third is the hard and complex way”, Eric explained. “So……how you solve the equation depends on the type of question asked. If they want to know just the answer, i would recommend the first one. But if they want to know not only the answer but how you got to it……..i mean the step by step, then you can either use the second or third one, depending on that person’s mathematical intelligence; be it ordinary or advanced”.

The entire students in the class remained silent and stared at Eric in amazement while the teacher stared at what he had written on the board. She was dumbfounded and could only nod with her mouth open as she went through them.

“Excellent…..”, she managed to say and looked at Eric. “I have always said that you all should study ahead of what you being taught in school”, she continued and motioned him to go back to his seat.

“Dude…….” Chris began quietly as Eric sat down. “When did you learn all that?”, he asked.

“I did what the teacher just said”, Eric answered quietly. “I always study ahead”.

“I am so definitely coming to your place to study with you……you literally blew the teacher away”.

“Okay…….she was boring anyway. I just wanted to make this lecture abit interesting.

As the lecture progressed, a junior student stepped inside the classroom rather timidly and whispered something to the teacher. Then the teacher looked at Eric.

“Alex…….the principal wants to see you in his office”.


Eric entered the office and quietly closed the door behind him. He took a quick glance around the well lit place that had a few metal storage cabinets and alot of bookshelves. A bald headed man in his mid fifties with a thick moustache and sharp eyes sat on a swivel chair behind the big dark brown coloured mahogany desk.

There is a desk nameplate on the desk that reads “MR. DONALD. E”. Sitting infront of him is Suzanne and another male junior student, probably her classmate. Eric looked at him and recognized his face or what was left of his face. He is Thomas, Greg’s younger brother. He has a lump that slightly changed the shape of his head. His lower lip is also swollen and eyes very red.

“Good morning sir”, Eric politely greeted Mr Donald, the school principal and gave Suzanne a “what have you done” look.

“Good morning Alex……have a seat”, Donald replied and motioned to the chair next to Suzanne.

“So…….” Donald began after Eric sat down. “I called you to my office because your sister insisted that she wants to see you before she can tell me what happened between her and Thomas”, Donald pointed at the boy.

“Okay sir”, Eric murmured.

Thomas said they had a fight and Suzanne hit his face against the wall…….well you can see the injuries inflicted. So i wanted to hear Suzanne’s part of the story but she said she wants to see you first”,

Then Eric looked at Suzanne and asked, “What happened?”

“He had been insulting me and calling me names”, Suzanne began quietly. “I ignored him but he didn’t stop. Then i told him to stop and also said to him that i came to school to study and not misbehave like him. Then he…….”.

“Sir, she grabbed my hand, twisted it and hit my face against the wall”, Thomas interrupted.

“Be quiet and speak only when i tell you to do so!”, Donald warned Thomas and told Suzanne to continue.

“Then he started making fun of my brother”, she continued. “I was very upset and then decided to leave the classroom. But he followed me. He grabbed me and pushed me against the wall. Then i pushed him away.

“You….pushed him…..away?”, Eric asked and glanced at Thomas face.

He knew exactly what Suzanne had done. Through out yesterday morning, Suzanne had asked him to teach her how to fight. Knowing that it was because of what he did to Daniel that brought about the new interest, he flatly refused to do so. But after much begging and bothering, Eric decided to enlighten her on some of the art of beatdown but only gave her lessons on how to defend herself.

After spending more than half an hour in teaching her some techniques and moves, Eric thought she would go back to doing the usual girls stuff. But she didn’t. She kept practicing and practicing. She abandoned every other thing she was suppose to do and practiced hard all that day.

“So Thomas……is she telling the truth?”, Donald asked Thomas. “Did you insult her?”.

“Yes sir”, he murmured.

“For what reason?”.

Thomas didn’t say anything. Then Donald looked at Suzanne and asked, “Which of your brothers did he make fun of?”.

“Alex”, Suzanne answered.

“So is that why you wanted him here?”.

Suzanne didn’t say anything. Donald rubbed both eyes with his index fingers and relaxed on his swivel chair. Then he looked at two junior students.

“Am letting both of you go with a warning”, he began. “Thomas…..if i ever hear that you insult Suzanne again, not only will i suspend you but i will make sure that you will be punished for the whole day. And let what Suzanne did to you be a hard lesson to you”, he said to Thomas. Then he looked at Suzanne. “You are one of the brightest student in this school so i expected you to report to your teachers about his behaviour, rather than taking matters into you own hands……”

“She took it too seriously”, Eric thought and it amused him but he didn’t show it.

“……….so next time i don’t want to hear that you had a fight with anybody” Donald continued. “You all can go back to your classes.

“Thank you sir”, Eric said and took Suzanne’s hand as he left, almost dragging her out of the office.

“What did i tell you at home?”, Eric asked her angrily when they got outside. “I warned you to never do that in school and you promised me”.

“But you told me to defend myself”, Suzanne said sadly.

“And i also told you that you could just walk away” Eric retorted. “You could hurt someone or get hurt yourself”,

“But how can i walk away when he had me against the wall?”, Suzanne asked, almost in tears.

Eric thought for a while. Then he pulled her closer and pat her on the back. And said, “It’s okay don’t be upset…….it’s just that am worried about you……sometimes it’s just better to walk away from trouble”.

“I know…..but i got tired of just ignoring Thomas insults. I wish i had hit him more”, Suzanne said with a determined voice.

“I think you have done more than enough damage already”.


“He will spend alot of time thinking of how he got beat up by a girl more than anything else……that is a serious mental torture”, Eric smiled.

Suzanne thought for some moments and looked up to Eric and asked, “What about his brother Greg?”.

“What about him?”.

“Aren’t you worried about what he might do to you if he hears what i did to his brother?”.

“No…..not really”.

“Anyway i don’t care…… going to join you to fight him if he comes”.

“And how do you intend to fight him?”, Eric asked and held up her small smooth hands. “Are you going to hit him with these?”.

“If i can’t hit him hard, i will bite him”, Suzanne answered with determination.

Well…….”, Eric began with a smile. “…….unless you have butcher knives for teeth, that will only infuriate him and he will tear you apart like a piece of paper”.

“Suzanne sighed and asked, “What are we going to do?”.

“Nothing”, Eric replied.


“Yeah……nothing. Why dont you go back to your class and let me worry about Greg…..okay?”. Eric said to her.

Suzanne nodded and started walking towards the junior students classroom block.


“Hey firecracker…….”, Lisa began with a smile as Eric came towards her. “Where have you being?”, she asked.

“Firecrack?”, Eric furrowed his eyebrows at her.

“Yeah…..firecracker……that’s what you were last saturday”.

“Hm…….am quite disappointed”.


“I thought you would have said demolition man”, Eric feigned sadness.

Lisa laughed wholeheartedly and held his hand and they locked hands as they walked.

“So why does the principal what to see you?”, Lisa asked.

“Just a minor issue”, Eric shrugged. “My kid sister got into a fight with her classmate. The funny thing is she told the principal that she wanted to see me before she would say anything. So that’s why i was called to the office”,

“Hm…..your kid sister likes you alot……am jealous”, Lisa chuckled.

“You don’t have to be”, Eric smiled.

Both of them keep walking towards the school gymnasium building as Eric told her about the three girls who had approached him during her birthday party and the “jet acid” drink. But he didn’t mention the boy he had a conversation with during her party and what he said about her being a member of a fraternity.

Eric opened the door of the school school gym that wasn’t locked and Lisa followed him in. Then he looked at her.

“Well… you want to follow me to go meet the school principal”, Eric asked.

“No i was told that the principal wants to see me here”, Lisa replied.

“Did he say why?”.

“No…….the junior student that was sent to deliver the message didn’t say why…….what about you?”

“I was in the male bathroom when i was told that am needed here. I thought it had something to do with Suzanne”.

“Why would the principal want to see the both of us in the school gym instead of his office?”.

Eric remained silent and looked around the empty gym. He was suspicious. He glanced at his wristwatch and saw it’s just a minute to lunch break and all the students will be trooping to the school lunch hall. All the students and teachers in the lunch hall means that nobody will know what is going on in the classrooms, or any other place. Especially in the school gym that is farther away from the rest of other school buildings.

“Lisa, i think we have to go……”, Eric began and grabbed her hand. “This doesn’t feel…….”

Before Eric could finish the statement, two boys stepped into the gym and stood infront of the door after locking it. Then Greg and another boy stepped out of the storage room. Lisa saw them and froze while Eric sighed with a smirk.

“What does he want now……what do they want?”, Lisa asked Eric with a whisper.

“I guess to fulfill a promise……the promise he made at your birthday party”, Eric murmured to her as he stared at Greg.

“The two love birds……”, Greg began as he clapped. “…..boys, why don’t we give a round of applause for this beautiful couple”.

The boys clapped mockingly.

“So……”, Greg began as he and two other boys approached them while one boy manned the door. “I hope the both of you have enjoyed yourselves enough. ….i hope the enjoyment was memorable”.

“Dude……this is between you and me”, Eric said to Greg and glanced at the other boys. “Just leave her out of it……..just let her go”.

“Oh dont worry about her, i want her to be here to watch while her mentally unstable lover get manhandled”, Greg chuckled. “And we intend to take our time in doing it”.

“Greg……why are you doing this?”, Lisa asked deeply. “Because i refused to be your girlfriend?”.

“Hey, no time for your sentimental crap”.

“What do you want from me?……from us?”.

“Well……”, Greg glanced at the other boys with a sinister grin. “……..You can help your boyfriend’s situation abit if you let me and my boys have some fun with you. Then we might consider not being too severe with him”, he looked at her still grinning.

“Never……”, Lisa shook her head and held Eric hand tight. “It’s not gonna happen….i rather kill myself than let you and your boys touch me with your filthy hands”, she said angrily.

Females, Eric thought. They always say or do things out of feelings and not facts. If she had checked the fact on the ground now, that they are being outnumbered, she wouldn’t have made that outburst.

“Do you know what,…”, Eric then began as he gently took off his school jacket and unbuttoned the cuffs of his long sleeved school uniform. “I am getting mighty tired of your sh!ts”, he said to Greg and rolled up his sleeves. “So let’s just make this situation more interesting”.

Eric got hold of Lisa’s arm and pulled her behind him.

“If you guys can take me out,……..beat me down, then you can do to her what you douche-nozzles see in the porns you masturbate to for as long as you like”.

“Alex…….”, Lisa began quietly and surprisingly.

“Shh…..just trust me”, Eric looked over his shoulder and whispered to her. Then he looked at Greg. “So are we going to start this sh!t or keep measuring the length of our cocks?”,

“Get that fool!!”, Greg bawled and two of the boys went at Eric.

The two boy came at him with one infront and the other following behind. One moment Eric’s hands were on his sides, the next moment ,the right hand shot out and delivered a laser precision straight punch to the face of the boy infront. Eric could feel the boy’s nose bone collapse under his fist as it met his face. The boy crumbled to the ground, bleeding profusely from his nose.

The second boy was too eager for some action to stop and think about what just happened to his fellow comrade. So he threw punches that Eric easily dodged and blocked. After about half a dozen failed attempts to get a hit, Eric showed him how it’s done. The boy threw one more, Eric dodged again and this time countered with a right hook that hit the boy’s chin and a left hook that hit his right jaw and rattled the boy from his jaw to his neck bone, putting some dizziness in him.

Then Eric grabbed his school uniform. He tugged the boy closer and unleashed three thunderclaps. Whaam!!…..a right fist to the rib cage, two ribs snapped……whaam!!…..another right fist to the gut, alot of excruciating pain………whaam!!……right uppercut to the left jaw, head almost got knocked off from the shoulder. And a hard front kick to the gut of the collapsing boy that added more momentum to his crash to the floor.

Greg and the third boy came rushing wildly with Greg wielding a metal pipe that Eric didn’t know where he got from. Greg was quite a big guy and the other guy almost the same. Confronting both of them at the same time with one wielding a weapon seems to be a very bad situation for a lone boy. But not for this one with a second degree blackbelt in Kyokushin karate and almost a decade of boxing and krav maga training.

Eric changed his stance and the fight got intense.

Kick to the groin, fists to the jaw, kicks to the ribs and gut, hooks, uppercuts, jabs followed by straight punches, Greg groaning painfully, elbow to the face, metal pipe clattering on the floor, pulling, grabbing, headbutt to the face, another headbutt, boy collapse to the ground, grunts, fist pounding, more fist pounding, endless fist pounding.

Lisa stared in utter amazement as Eric took the boys out one by one. She was expecting herself to wake up from a dream in any moment. But as the scene of Eric unleashing an endless barrage of merciless beating got longer, she then realized that the drama unfolding before her was real. This is definitely not the person she had heard stories about. Sad stories. This is not the person…….this is not even a person.

Eric wiped the bloodstains off his knuckles on the shirt of one the boys he knocked out and looked at Greg lying on the ground writhing in pain. Then he looked at Lisa

“Are you okay?”, he asked her.

Lisa didn’t respond. She just stood wide eyed, staring at him with her mouth open.

Eric went over to where Greg laid and stared at him as if thinking of what to do with him. He looked at Lisa for a few seconds and back at Greg. Then Eric bent over him with one knee on the urethane surface floor. He grabbed Greg by the collar of his shirt with both hands and pulled him closer.

Eric put his mouth closer to Greg’s ears. “I am not Alex”, he whispered. “But you are right about one thing. I was once mentally unstable and you are about to find out”.

Then Eric took a swing at him and hit him across the jaw. The blow bounced Greg’s head against the floor. Putting his palm on Greg’s face, Eric pushed it against his nose hard until the cartilage broke. Greg groan out in agony. Then Eric grabbed his right thumb and dislocated it. Greg screamed. But Eric wasnt done. He grabbed the index fingers of both hands and snapped it. Greg couldn’t scream again. An overwhelming spasms of pain made his body to tremble. Then Eric got up and left the mangled boy, whispering, “Goodluck in writing your certificate exams”.

Lisa stared at Eric with horror as he approached her.

“Lisa, let get out of here”, Eric was about to hold her hands but she backed away from him.

“Who are you?”, she asked with a shaky voice.


“Please stay away from me”.


Donald heaved a sigh and rubbed his scanty hair with his thick palm of his left hand as he stared at the documents the Secretary gave him. Documents faxed from a hospital. Then he flipped the pages rather lazily as he glanced through each page. He had earlier gone through the four A4 sized papers. But what he had seen, made him to keep glancing through the papers with disbelief written all over his face.

After a minute or two of flipping pages, Donald rubbed his eyes and reclined in the swivel chair that squeaked as he did so and shift his gaze at the two senior students sitting infront of him. A male and a female.

“So they lied that i wanted to see both of you in the school gymnasium in order to lure and attack both of you”, he said as he gazed at both of them keenly. Trying to study them.

As a seasoned psychologist with Ph.D degree, Donald could read peoples minds and understand what they are thinking by just looking into their eyes, watching their body languages and facial expressions. He knows what the girl is thinking. She had seen something quite disturbing and it is bothering her inside. And it must have being done by someone really close to her. But the boy beside her is different. His face gives away no expression. And looks extremely calm like nothing had happened.

“Yes sir”, the girl replied without looking at the principal.
But the boy maintained his steady gaze at the old man infront of him.

“They attacked the both of you?”, Donald asked her again.

“No…..they attacked Alex”, the girl said slowly.

“What did you do when Alex was being attacked?”.

“Lisa couldn’t do anything nor escape because one of the boys had locked the door and had the key in his pocket”, the boy put in.

Donald leaned forward from his reclined position and took the papers on his big mahogany desk.

“These are the fax i received from the hospital those four boys were taken to…..and what i read here speaks otherwise……it’s like the boys got attacked savagely”, Donald waved the papers at them. “It says….”, he began to read the contents. “…… boy has two broken ribs and a multiple fractures in his jaw”, he place the paper on his table and read the next one at hand.

“……..This one has a broken nose with the possibility of him undergoing surgery to fix it”, he dropped the paper. “……this one is worse……a thumb and index fingers of both hands broken, three ribs broken, nose badly broken and a skull fracture”.

Then Donald dropped the last paper on his desk and said, “The hospital was asking if they had being in car that had a collision because it’s hard for a normal person to beat someone that bad with barehands. Unless the person is well trained with years of hitting hard surfaces or the person was swinging a tyre iron or wrench”.

Then he sighed and looked at Lisa. “It is clear that you didn’t play any role in those boys terrible beatings”, Donald said to her. “So you can leave……i want to talk to Alex”.

Lisa said “Yes sir”, and quietly left without making any eye contact with Eric. Eric stared at her until she was out of the principal’s office, closing the door.

Donald got up from his chair and went over to one of the metal storage cabinet. He slide it open and took out something. A bottle. Eric saw it and his lips curved into smile.

“Sir….are you suppose to have that in school?”, Eric asked.

Donald glanced over his shoulder and took a sip from the bottle and put it back to it’s former position.

“The school is already over so no worries”, he said to Eric casually and returned to his seat.

“You still have to drive back home sir……the authorities really frown at driving with the smell of booze in your breath”.

“Young man, we are here to talk about you, not me”, Donald said sternly.

“Okay sir”, Eric replied, reminding himself not to get too familiar with the head of the school.

“So……”, Donald gathered the papers on his desk and put them in the top drawer. “Tell me exactly what you did to Greg and his boys?”, he asked Eric.

“Sir……i said it before. We had a fight….that’s all”, Eric replied.

“And you did what?, throw bricks at them during the fight?”.

“No sir”.

“Then explain the fractures and broken bones they sustained”.

“Well……if you hit someone at the right places with the right amount of force, things tend to break”, Eric smiled.

Donald gazed at Eric thoughtfully for about a half a minute and said, “After you went missing and got found, your character have changed. You are no longer that student that always walked into my office to complain about Greg or other students treating you bad. I first noticed it the moment you stepped into my office when i called you because of your sister, Suzanne. But i thought you might have decided to start building your courage”.

Donald paused for a few seconds and said, “But to take out four of some of the most feared students in this school single handedly…….if i hadn’t reviewed the CCTV footage and seeing just you and Lisa going inside the school gymnasium, i would have sworn that Greg and his gang got beat up by a mob”.

“So what happens”… i free or getting punished”, Eric asked.

Donald got up and paced around the office quietly. Then he stopped and looked at Eric.

“You know that Greg’s uncle is the proprietor of this school”, he then said to Eric.

“Yes i know that”.

Then he stood near Eric.

“In normal circumstances i suppose to let you go because it was self defence and you prevented a girl from possibly being molested or even being raped”. Then he sighed. “But his uncle, my boss might get angry if i dont punish or even kick you out of the school. You know what that means.”

“Your job being on the line?”, Eric murmured

“Exactly…… i hope you understand my situation. So i will have to suspend you……but just take it as a holiday”

“No hard feelings sir…….infact, i think i might need it”,


“What’s up rock-valley hit man”, Chris hailed Eric as he stepped outside. “How did it go with the pal man?…….did he present you with any trophy?”, he asked.

“Yes…..a week suspension”, Eric answered.

“What?,…..why?…..that’s unfair, those brutes wanted to beat you up”, Chris protested.

“I know…..”, Eric said with a smile. “But it is okay”.

Then he looked around.

“Where is Lisa?”, he asked Chris.

“She left…..she had gone home

“Did she say anything”.

“No, not a single word to anybody”.

BLOODLINE Episode 10

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4 years ago

Next episode pls ?️

4 years ago

Next episode please

4 years ago

Opradre wat we do is boring oo not even one episode ???