Beat the Best and be the Best – D. K. Olukoya Mp3 Download

Beat the Best and be the Best - D. K. Olukoya Mp3 Download

Beat the Best and be the Best – D. K. Olukoya

The journey to destiny recovery is personal and you must be determined in order to get fulfilled In life. As the Bible rightly puts it that the race of life is not for the swift neither Is the battle of life for the strong; so also Is the quest to defeat a defending champion – it is no joke at all.

So, for you to beat the BEST and be the BEST you need to follow simple spiritual instructions that will help and guide you on the road to destiny discovery and fulfillment.

This seminar shows you a chronological approach you need to take In order to beat the BEST and be the BEST. Enjoy the spiritual meal.


Download his Inspirational and Relationship Messages HERE

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