ANGELINA Episode 9 By Adelaide Asaf (Daisy Cartel)

ANGELINA Episode 1 By Adelaide Asaf (Daisy Cartel)

ANGELINA Episode 9 By Adelaide Asaf (Daisy Cartel)

After the breakfast conversation, I had agreed to the suggestions of Lady Nash. She made it clear to me that,she always had important visitors so she needed to tie me out to the spa,saloon and boutique to transform my look. I didn’t hesitate. I took my bath immediately and dressed up in one of the clothes Comfort brought me last night.
We left Katherine in the care of Comfort and left. I was feeling quite shy that I was being graced that way. Even though my parents used to pamper me a lit. We both arrived at the spa and even though I felt some pains in my abdomen, I layed down and got a warm soothing massage. It was so relaxing, after that,they took me straight into the saloon and used expensive creams to wash my messed up hair,they did my nails. My eyes were closed when all this was going on. They did my make up and when everything was due,I looked into the mirror and I was extremely surprised. I had completely transformed and looked like an adult.
I looked charming and the resemblance between my mum and I was visible. She took me out to the boutique and shopped for my clothes,shoes and bags. She was really rich. Money was nothing to her…and I craved to be like her. I was super pampered that day. We got out from the boutique and drove straight back to Lady Nash’s home. She then told me to take some rest and get ready. She told me to prepare my heart and mind to get ready for a surprise visit. I kept wondering what kind of surprise it was.
(Jordan’s Mansion).
Back at the Jordan’s Mansion, Gina arrived in the mansion from abroad in elegance and entered the hall since all her knockings headed no permission to be allowed in. She looked around the hall in all smiles.
” Katherina!!! Katherine!!! Kelvin!!!! ”…
Aunty Ikere walked down the stairs from up there.
” Who is there?!!!……Gina?!!! ” Aunty Ikere shouted in shock as she reached in front of Aunty Gina.
” Helena!… Helena is that you? ”. Aunty Gina asked in surprise.
” Of course it’s me,are you blind? ”. Aunt Ikere rudely replied. ” Unwelcome guest,what do you what here? ”.
” Hey! Wonders shall never end oo. See Helena,what are you even doing in your sister’s matrimonial home…and also,where’s Katherine herself? ”
” Hey hey…stop shouting madam! You’re disturbing. Also,Katherine is not here. You call yourself her best friend and don’t even know that Katherine has died for a year now ”.
” What?!!! Katherine? Dead? No no…”
” Both she and Kelvin were in involved in a fatal accident. My sister and her husband died instantly. Everyone knows and they all came to the funeral ”.
Aunty Gina was absolutely shocked. She bent down and seeped her best friend who me she didn’t she ever since they last visited her in abroad. She wiped her tears and stoop up.
” My friend my friend, this isn’t a funeral ground to weep okay? As you have now heard the truth,you may leave now ”.
” If Katherine is not there….then where’s Angelina? Why is this house quite like that? Where’s Angelina, Helena?!!! ”
” Am I. Angelina’s mother? Did you come and meet Angelina here? Gina please get out! ” Aunty Ikere shouted.
” Oh shut up there!!! I wonder how you must be treating the poor girl for the hatred you’ve had for her mother this whole years. You better tell me where Angelina is now!…Angelina!!! Angelina, Darling!!!….”. Aunty Gina kept shouting.
” Gina shut up there! Don’t dare involve yourself in our family matters okay? You’re not part and was never part of this family ”.
” Well,I was so much more important than you. So much part of the family to Katherine and Kelvin to the extent that,they made a documents from the law court with my lawyer and Katherine’s lawyer to make me the sole owner and guardian of Angelina when they are not around…..”.
” You’re lying! You? They made you Angelina’s guardian? Impossible! ”.
” Believe what you want! But they came to America four years ago and gave me the documents to keep themselves. I have full evidence, which the court can testify to my favor, that it is only I alone,who have full custody of Angelina, and this !mansion as well…so tell me! Where’s Angelina? ”. Aunt Gina asked in a bold voice.
” Look,Angelina run away from home! She’s not be found since. I don’t know where she is…she’s not my priority okay? I can’t add her to my headache ”.
” You’re so heartless Helena! All because Kelvin could never live you! And chose your sister over you,is that the reason you’ve harness so much hatred in your heart for her and her whole descendants? Well,for your information, I am back. I suspect something fishy here. And I am going to find out. You better watch out,I know you must have mistreated her for her to run away. But I will find her! ”. Aunty Gina said and left.
” We shall see Gina. I won’t allow you,come from no where in just one day to destroy, what I have suffered and gained ”.
(Lady Nash Mansion).
That big,I had wanted to rest,from the long day,but Lady Nash told me it as time to meet the queen mother. I was frightened. We left the mansion in her brand new car at exactly 10pm. And she drive us to the beach. I was very much confused. Why should she bring me to the beach by this time of the night. She told me to just keep quiet until the time comes for me to talk.
We walked slowly to shore of the sea and the air was cold and wild. It carried the soft sand on the beach to and fro. I was starting to begin to wonder,what was about to happened as we stood there like statues without doing anything. She told me to remove my slippers. I did as I was told and she also did same. This was a strange beach,quiet,with no one around to supervise it and I was worried.
When we became barefooted, she told me to close my eyes. I closed my eyes and I realised she stars walking me into the sea. We were walking forward and forward in the water and she told me to open my eyes. When I opened,behold,we were in the middle of the sea and I was so scared. My legs were now in eater and my head was outside, looking at her opposite me.
” Oh my God,plea let’s leave now! Let’s get out of here! ”.
” Shut up Angelina! We don’t make noise over here,and don’t mention that name here again!!! ”. Lady Nash warned. ” Is that clear?! ”.
” O..oh..okay. Sorry ”. I whispered.
” Now,close your eyes again ”.
I closed my eyes and she pushed my head down into the sea.
Strange thing was,I could breath under water. This is the shockest thing I have ever seen. At last,in some minutes time,she told me to open my eyes. I slowly opened my eyes,and behold….I was in the marine kingdom…in front of the all famous, marine queen.
This was the most beautiful I have ever seen. There were all kinds of fishes swimming around me. Ladies in silver gown and gold feet surrounded the queen in her throne. They were holding trays filled with roses and snail shells. Men with very big masculine features also surrounded the whole kingdom. I looked around me and I saw Lady Nash, sitting among seven other ladies of our age on the floor,bowing to the queen repeatedly.
I was under water. The maidens surrounding the Queen mother separated themselves from her and walked to Stan behind me. The Queen spoke and her voice echoed around the whole place.

” You! You are welcome, to the kingdoms of the marine world! You are in deed welcome!!! ”.
” That..the..thank..thank….”
” Don’t be afraid Angelina!!! Don’t be afraid! ”.
” How did you know my name ”. I asked in shock.
” Because I am an all knowing goddess! Angelina is thy name! But henceforth, your name shall be called…Lady Sona!…

ANGELINA Episode 9

To be continued!

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5 years ago

ah! i dont like this o!
mammy water kuma?

4 years ago

This is ridiculous ?….. Of all things, why join the Marine world??