ANGELINA Episode 34 – 35 By Adelaide Asaf (Daisy Cartel)

ANGELINA Episode 1 By Adelaide Asaf (Daisy Cartel)

ANGELINA Episode 34 By Adelaide Asaf (Daisy Cartel)

(Angelina’s Mansion).
I lighted the matches and quickly, a strange wind snatched me away from the kitchen and I appeared, falling down at the bank of an unknown island. I was still holding the matches and lying on the white sand. I was confused, wondering what had got me there. But the air was fresh and beautiful and sweet. It blew the hair that covered my face. I was already wet and tears had blinded me and I seriously couldn’t see anything around me. Bit it was still dark in the night and I suddenly saw flashes of light around me.
I didn’t understand, then instantly, Queen Marina was standing in front of me. Was she the one that saved me? Buy why would she do that if she wants me dead? I. As surprised that she saved me from dying in the fire. Oh God,if only she knew how I hated her and didn’t want her close to me at all.
” Are you okay? ”. She asked in a calm voice an with a smile.
” What do you want from me,and who told you that you can interfere with my life at all? ”.
” Do you think am as stupid as that pastor of yours to watch you cry out loud that ,you need help before i come to your aid. No…and besides, are you mad,how dare you try to kill yourself because of a man? ”.
” Hey,don’t interfere in my life ever again. You have no rights at all! ”.
” Well,for that you are lying, because once that snake tattoo has being made at your back and you still have powers from under the sea,we are inseparable ”.
” Is it the powers that you want? Fine! Then take it back because I don’t even see the use of it. I am sick and tired of you following me everywhere I go…the person whole even introduced me to the cult is dead! ”.
” Yes! And it is your fault. That’s why I will never let you rest until I have you back into cult ”.
” Then in your dreams! ”.
” If you don’t agree to my conditions then…. ”.
” Then what? ”. I screamed at her face.
She raised her hands in the sky and a big transparent bottle of red hot oil in it appeared into her hands. Then started laughing evilly.
” Then I will destroy Nickel ”.
” I don’t care about Nickel you witch! I don’t care about him anymore, he can rot in hell for all I care with that witch therapist of his ”.
” Hahahaaaa… if you do not live him anymore, that gives me more power than you! ”.
When she said that,I don’t know where the power of fire flew from and hit me on my stomach and the force carried and landed me back on the floor fatally. I was feeling wo dizzy that I couldn’t even get up.
” You witch,did you save me just to kill me again? ”.
” No I didn’t… I saved you so you could join me and let’s go back to the sea ”.
I painfully got myself to stand on my feet. My arm had become worse,I couldn’t do anything. I couldn’t harness my powers because of my weakness. I tried disappearing but it didn’t happened. I fell back down and suddenly, all the ladies appeared at the back of the queen.
One was holding a crown an the other was holding a crown. I saw lady Chisel whispering something in the Queen’s ears and she was shocked and angry. She screamed in fury.
” She what?! How dare she make such a mistake? ”.
” Yes your highness… and when I tried confronting her about it,she said and she was not going to stop until the pastor’s son fall truly in love with her ”.
” Noooo!!! ”. With that scream,she started burning up an she pushed the lady with the anaconda away and hit the crown on the other’s hand away ”. Coronation for Angelina will be later! I will teach that stupid girl a lesson ”.
” I think she has completely fallen in love with the pastor’s son now Queen Marina! ”. Lady Gbose made the mistake of shouting and pouring the whole truth out.
The queen panicked and looked at me on the floor while I also looked at her in stunned state. She looked back at lady Gbose and slapped her very hard. She,after slapping her,raised her hand up and vanquished lady Gbose worth a rock,there was a big rock beside her and she lifted it up with the power of air,making it land on lady Gbose who was on the floor already. Blood splashed all over us and the beach.
The queen then raised her hand at me and I saw fleas of arrows coming towards me but I blew the power of strong air and returned the arrows back to her which she smartly dodged like always and I got to my feet.
” You witch…I knew it! So you sent that nurse to pastor Brandon’s mansion? ”.
” Yes! Yes I did,I sent her to destroy you and she has stupidly fallen in live with that boy…now she will be as strong as you. Am not going to allow that ”.
She said that and joined forces with the other ladies and they all held their hands together and a metal cage came from no where and surrounded me and looked me by itself into it.
” Let me out!!! I won’t spare you at all when I get out of this! ”.
” I won’t let you out until the love portion disappears from your boyfriend’s system and I kill him ”.
” He’s my ex boyfriend you idiot! And what love portion are you talking about? ”.
” Awww, you are so naive right now Angelina, you never mature. You are still a kid by heart ”.
” Answer me! ”.
” I gave Lady Molio a live portion into Nickel Brandon’s drink to make him fall in love with her madly,so that you become nothing but an enemy…Hahahaaaa,and after that even,you couldn’t see through Lady Molio because she had left all her powers under the marine kingdom ”.
” Lady Molio huh? That’s her name,and not Rita ”.
” And I also made your stupid friend get the accident to prevent him from exposing the truth ”.
” Nickel was charmed? ”. I kept asking myself and tried to understand but I couldn’t. I was too weak. ” Let me oh now Marina…don’t get me angry ”.
” You no longer have any feeling for that boy,do your worse and let’s see ”
As quickly as my eyes could see,two goat men appeared there and they looked so exhausted and their bodies were burnt. They fell at the Queen’s feet and held her egg.
” What are you doing here you fools! You are supposed to guard the kingdom. Foolish fools,I will soon eliminate you all ”. She vented out angrily.
” It is not our fault your highness. Lady Molio ”.
” What? ”.
” She came into the kingdom and we didn’t see her looming behind us,but when we caught sight of her,she had already break the pot her powers were kept in and she took it back. But it seems she had got extraordinary powers to fight us now your highness ”.
” No! This is too much. First,Lady Sona… and now Lady Molio? ”.
” Let me out now…I won’t spare you at all ”.
Before I could say anything else, they all disappeared. I quickly loosed all hope. I was now weak and my hand was hurt badly. I begun to remember the deaths in my life. From my parents to Katherine, then to aunt Gina. Now,was I going to allow this useless queen kill him too. Nickel? We were not together anymore, but after all Mr Brandon had done for me,I wasn’t going to let him feel the pain of loosing his son as well.
I knew how that felt. It was painful. I couldn’t. I got to my feet and touched the cage gate. It was completely locked with no way out at all. I needed to get out quickly to go and warn Mr Brandon. But I had no idea on how to go out. I checked on my hand and forced straighten it. I screamed in pain and was feeling dizzy because I had not eat from the morning before going to the hospital.
But I needed to get to Mr Brandon as soon as possible. I stretched my hand to the gate and took a deep breath. I held my breath. My body begun to get so cold and started freezing up. The ice grew bigger in me. And appeared from my pointed finger running towards the locks of the cage gate. The gate was completely frozen now. I opened my eyes and threw heavy rocks from my third eyes in my right hand and the gate was knocked down. I got out of the cage and pictured the Brandon’s mansion in my heads and opened my eyes,then I was already standing in front of the gate. The rain had stopped.
I tore the bandages from my hand since it was wet and itchy. I used my strong hand,the right one to knock violently on the door. I kept knocking and shouting Mr Brandon and Diana’s name but it looked like they were all fast asleep. The entire estate was also quiet. I then knocked violently like I was being chased by some armed robber. I was still in my night gown,but I wasn’t worried about that of course.
Diana opened the door,yawning at me and I pushed her aside and entered the room,shouting Mr Brandon’s name. As usual,he was in his pyjamas and I saw him walking quickly down the stairs.
” Angelina… are you okay? ”.
” I have found out the whole truth Mr Brandon. Rita is a fake human being. I heard it from the queen of the sea herself. Rita is Lady Molio and she’s part of the ladies who have sold their souls to Satan. She was sent here to destroy this family. We must stop her at once! ”.
” Jesus Christ of Nazareth! That means,an evil spirit has being living in my house all this while and God did not even reveal to me? ”.
” This is no time for all that Mr Brandon ”.
I climbed fast upstairs and went into the room and found no one. Danny also got out and we both entered Nickel’s room and found the room empty. It was left with only the decorations in his room. But his clothes were not there. Danny and I were dumbfounded. I quickly went to his wardrobe and opened it and found it empty.
” Oh my God,this is impossible. When did Nickel even leave the mansion? ”.
” No! Lady Molio took him away ”.
I run out of the room and rushed downstairs followed by Danny. My breath was becoming thicker and thicker. I knew Mr Brandon was definitely going to get a heart attack after hearing this.
” So,what now? Where is that witch,bring her here so I teach her a bitter lesson ”.
” Go upstairs and bring me some clothes Diana ”.
” Clothes for what? ”. Mr Brandon asked.
” They have left okay!…Lady Molio has left the mansion with Nickel ”.
We all rushed back into Nickel’s room and Mr Brandon held his chest in pain. I quickly attended to him in tears. I slowly made him sit on Nickel’s bed and gave him a galso of water. Diana se a piece of paper under Nickel’s pillow.
” There is a letter here ”.
” Give me ”. I took the letter and read it out loud. ” If anyone is reading this letter, I am far gone. It looks like dad does not want understand the fact,that am not really well. I am still sick. But he shouldn’t be the one to decide that,it is Rita. And dad wants to kick her out of the mansion. And I love her to stay. Dad,I don’t love Angelina anymore… I don’t think I ever even loved her. I guess I only fancied her beauty. But what I feel for Rita is the true definition of love. And I know dad won’t accept because he likes Angelina so much. So am going far away with my new found love to start a new life. I am sorry dad,but this is the only way Rita and I can be together..without you or anyone else interfering. Bye! ”. I finished reading.
” No! This is impossible ”. Mr Brandon moaned painfully, holding his chest very hard.
” Mr Brandon… please don’t do this to me and yourself ”. I said and bent down towards him,holding his hands.
” The witch is going to kill my son at the end of the day. And you expect relax. Should I start singing praises and worship now Angelina.. and I know you don’t care one bit for Nickel now after all he’s done to you ”.
” I will find him Mr Brandon. I will bring back your son to you ”.
” Angelina, you? ”. Mr Brandon was astonished. ” After all he did to you? ”.
” I am doing this for you Mr Brandon. You have done a thousand lot for me. Nickel is the only family you have left, I won’t let you loose your son at all cost. Start being strong, and pray after me ”.
” But how would you find them? ”.
” She has her powers now. It’ll be easy to track her down ”.
I said and edt the room and they followed me. Diana met with one of my black top and jeans and I immediately wore it. We all got downstairs and Danny suggested to go with me. I tried to reject, since this was a spiritual matter and not physical but he still insisted.
So we left the house together and Mr Brandon and Diana started praying heavily. Walking on the estate’s streets, I realised no one was around. Except Danby and I so I stretched my hands and he put his hands in mine.
” What the hell are you going to do now? Don’t scare me off ”.
” Well no one asked you to follow me so relax and keep quiet. I am going to close my eyes right now to follow her spirit and see where they’ve reached. You keep your eyes opened and be on the lookout if someone’s coming and alert me ”.
” Okay cool ”.
I closed my eyes and took a deep breath,mentioni
ng her name silently on my lips and my spirit got out of my body at once. It roamed about the neighborhood and the wind blew me far away from the estate. It felt like I was flying. Then suddenly, I reached a small road where no one was walking on. It felt strange and quiet, just like a desert. There was a little lake in the middle of the road and I saw Nickel and Lady Molio sitting on a small boat, crossing on the lake. She raised her head up and saw me in the wind and lifted her hands,slapped me in the spirit and crashed me with thunder. Back at the estate, I screamed in pain and fell.
” What the hell happened? ”.
” I saw them! Ouch! ”. I groaned painfully and blood drizzled from my mouth.
” Angelina… let’s go back to the mansion ”.
” No..I won’t go back. I never back out from a fight ”.
” I think this sea girl is too much for you,what did she do to you? ”.
” Danny if I don’t go fast…she will create an invisibility forum and I won’t be able to see them again ”.
I got to my toes and took a deep breath. Then held Danny’s hands tightly.
” You ready? ”.
” Ready for what? ”.
” For war ”.
And we disappeared…..

ANGELINA Episode 35 By Adelaide Asaf (Daisy Cartel)

We disappeared and with my imagination of where they were,we appeared on the strange quiet and lonely road. Danny was now beginning to feel scared. He held my have tightly. The place was filled with so many trees,but just a small line of road in the middle, and I was looking around for the lake and I saw in the spirit.
Danny walked by me,looking around and shaking his head. I on the other hand was alert and study to see the lake. We didn’t hear out footsteps on the ground because the whole ground was full of sand. Tomorrow was my birthday. And I needed to do this fast as I could to get this memory of Nickel and I over with,once and for all. I kept swinging my head from left to right. I spotted the lake from a far distance from where we stood.
” Wait ”. I stopped Danny from walking any further.
” What now? ”. He asked frowning.
” This is the exact place I saw in my vision. And that’s the lake ”. I pointed at the direction.
” Oh God,Angelina, am beginning to regret ever following you here, this place feels like a ghost land. How are you even feeling confident enough to walk around here? ”.
” Danny, stop disturbing me please, I must concentrate ”.
” Do you still love Nickel, that you are risking your own life for him? ”.
” This has nothing to do with Nickel okay? I am doing all this because of Mr Brandon.. he’s done a lot for me ”.

As we were talking, a large and long black cobra crawled put from the near by bushes and layed in front is us..Danny quickly go to my back.
” Angelina,what are we going to do now? ”.
” Danny keep quiet and relax. This is an easy job ”.
I stretched my hand to the cobra and it begun crawling quickly towards us with its tongue swinging in and out at us. I created a dark smoke from the third eye in my hand and blocked the cobra’s view and it begun to get weakened and turned to the other side shaking.
Danny and I quickly bypassed the cobra and walked towards the lake and I stopped him from walking any further. I wanted to make sure that there was no danger waiting for us in front. Now I had to protect two people. Danny and then Nickel. I went nearer the lake and I didn’t see the small boat they were sitting on, and I didn’t see them either.
But there were other boats at the bank of the lake. I called Danny and he also got there.
” Why? ”.
” They were right here Danny.. oh my God,what if we have loosed them? ”.
” Relax sister,there are boats here,you let us take one and search around ”.
” Are you sure you are willing to go with me? ”
” It is almost 12 am at midnight Angelina ”.
” Oh no!!! ”.
” What? ”.
” Danny,this is worse time ever. Nickel is under a love spell with Lady Molio. The queen said that it was going to last for seven days. And the seventh dat ends on my birthday. Which stats exactly at 12. ”.
” Oh God,meaning, it’s just 5 minutes more and when the charm clears from Nickel’s brain,he will realise he is lost ”.
” And will start arguing with her,ad when she gets upset and realises her plan failed, she will surely take Nickel’s life ”.
” Angelina, we have no time at all ”.
” Settled one boat Danny,and let me take the paddles from under that coconut tree ”” Yes,be careful sis ”.
I looked around me and saw a small stone and took it. I blew a little amount of air on it and threw it into the lake.
” What was that for? ”.
” Half of my powers is following that stone to defend Nickel in case Lady Molio tries anything silly ”.
” Wow,how smart ”.
He said and begun to pull one of the small boat onto the lake. I went straight under the coconut tree to pick up two paddles which we would use to paddle the boat. I took them and upon raising my head up,an arrow pieced through my shoulders and I screamed in pain.
I looked behind the coconut tree where the thick forest were,containing uncountable trees. I eight goat men holding bows and arrows pointing at me. Their leader lowered his bow down and removed another arrow from the pack of his back and fixed it to the bow and pointed it at me from far away.
Danny quickly got to me while blood dripped from my shoulders. He was in shock and he was shaking, I was in so much pain,with total courage, I got hold of the arrow in my shoulder and pulled it out with force. The leader set the arrow free and it flew towards us in full speed,I pushed Danny aside and got hold of the arrow with all my strength.
My eyes suddenly lighted with fire and it appeared at the too of the arrow. I don’t know why fire appeared but I guessed was because I was fed up with this sea goat men. I threw the arrow hard back at them and threw the one that pierced me at them also and saw two goat men get pierced by the arrow and they blew up with their body meat scattered around.
Danny and I saw them running fast with their goat legs towards us.
” Angelina hurry! ”.
” Run Danny,I can defend myself. Get into the boat and paddle away ”.
” I am not leaving you alone ”.
” I told you I can defend myself,listen to me and go! ”.
I gave the paddle to Danny d pushed him away,he ended up falling on the floor. He got up and got I to the boat and started to slowly to saddle I to the lake. I raised my left painful arm in the sky and pulled thunder from the skies and pointed at the goat men but they kept dodging my powers. They were left with six now and I kept loosing blood and feeling weak.
” Come on Angelina! You can’t do this alone please! Let’s get out of here ”.
I rushed to the boat and entered, Danny quickly paddles into the lake and out boat swam away from the bank even before the goat men got there in anger and threw arrows at us but we were far to be seen now.
” I am weak Danny. I am dizzy ”.
” We should have taken some food. I can’t believe you possess thins kind of powers. Can’t you become a normal human being again? ”.
” When the battle with the queen is over,Mr Brandon will deliver me and I won’t have this evil powers again ”
” Let’s continue searching for them. It’s already 12 by now ”.
In the middle of the lake,where Lady Molio and Nickel were also in their own boat sailing away, he couldn’t atop starring at her am smiling until suddenly he started coughing and sneezing.
” What is wring with you? ”. She asked whole paddling the boat.
” I don’t know,but I hear voices in my ears ”.

Suddenly, Lady Molio remembered that the seven at for the love portion was up. She looked into Nickel’s eyes and they turned red. His breathing seized and he opened his mouth to gasp for breath. She stopped paddling the boat and red vapour slowly rushed out of his opened mouth and as soon as the red light in his eyes disappeared and the vapour stopped, Nickel collapsed into the boat.
” What the fuck do I do now? When he regains consciousness, I am already done for. I have to act fast,stupid Angelina will also arrive here and fight me. But should I create a permanent live portion for him to drink or create an invisible forum to prevent Angelina from finding us. Because there is no way m going to loose Nickel, he’s mine! ”.
She looked ahead of her and realised that,the next town was just a little swim away,and so she macho her paddling.
Angelina and Danny had also reached the middle of the lake and she was loosing consciousness because of the blood she WS loosing.
” Water ”. I whispered.
” Angelina, hold on,if you collapse, what will happened to me,you are the one leading me to wherever we are going, please be strong. When we reach the town,you will get water please! ”. He said and took out his phone and checked bit there WS no signal. He put it aside and paddled faster and faster.
(In the strange town).
Lady Molio arrived at the shore and got out of the boat. She looked around her and found no one walking around. It was getting to day break and she pulled Nickel out of the boat and layed him on the floor. She quickly walked around looking for a bowl. She found an abandoned old bottle near her left side and picked it up.
She scooped some water from the lake I to it and sat besides Nickel. She started chanting and blowing dark smoke from her mouth into it. She then wine her hand around it seven times and blew red vapour into of. Making the water in the bottle turn red.
” I wonder if this is the same ingredient queen Marina used to make the previous portion ”. She shook the bottle and turned to Nickel, she opened his mouth and is about pouring it into his mouth…

” Don’t even try! ”.
” Huh? ”. She turned and it was Angelina, standing in front of Danny,frowning terrible with thunder and fire gloved around her two hmds.
” Get away from him now Mezmolio! ”.
” And what would you do to stop me? ”. She got up with the portion in her hand.
I raised my hand up and the stone I inserted half of my powers into got into my hand and I infused all my powers back,and it !ade me stronger. But the pain of the arrow was intense. I pressed both hands together,starring at Lady Molio. She also held the bottle tightly in her han and the other hand was fired up.
” Stay away Angelina. I am stronger than you now. I am the only one who lobes Nickel now,not you. Back off,and I won’t hurt you ”.
” You are the one who is going to get hurt Molio, leave him alone so I can take him back to his father ”.
” Why are you even fighting forna man who betrayed you? Who embarrassed you in front of me. Did you know,if he truly loved you with very bit of his heart,the love portion wouldn’t have really worked on him ”.
” Don’t listen to her Angelina, she’s trying to get into your head…”. Danny whimperd.
Nickel turned himself to the other side and opened his eyes. He then sat up and scratched his eyes as if he had been in a very long sleep. His eyes were red and his lips were dried up. He looked around him,looking lost and confused,but as soon as his eyes saw me,he was surprised.

Like he had seen some gold. He smile and the lovely look in his eyes for me was quickly back. He got to his feet and tried walking towards me but lady Molio blocked his way with one hand stretched at his chest.
” What the hell is wrong with you Rita?! ”. He asked,confused and upset.
” You are not going anywhere Nickel, you are mine now ”.
” What nonsense?! ”.
I got heated up,burning furnace blazing inside me and I flashed speedily towards Lady Molio, she also flashed with lightening towards me and we both clashed fatally…

ANGELINA Episode 34

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4 years ago

The battlefield on?…… We move!!