ANGELINA Episode 32 – 33 By Adelaide Asaf (Daisy Cartel)

ANGELINA Episode 1 By Adelaide Asaf (Daisy Cartel)

ANGELINA Episode 32 By Adelaide Asaf (Daisy Cartel)

This men had no idea who they were about to face. I was in a real hurry to get to the hospital and get all this suspicion over wit. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. They raised their bows and arrows at me. I started raising my hands slowly into the sky and the wind around us started blowing violently and carrying things around us.
All the loose and heavy objects, then the wind started carrying me into the sky. And my eyes turned red,the goat men threw their arrows towards me into me into the sky and I created a hurricane and came down in full speed,descending on them.
The earth break,swallowing them into its stomach. I loosed my strength because of the full power I commanded and the wind left me,I fell from the sky and landed on the ground, breaking my left arm. I layed on the ground beside the opened earth. It looked like an earthquake. I was bleeding from my forehead and I couldn’t get on my feet. I was dizzy and my eyes were scrolling around the sky.
I heard heavy noises coming from no where. It looked like people were getting closer to the scene. I heard police cars and sirens coming closer and I was not able to lift my head up to even check what was happening. I suddenly saw flashes of lights in my eyes. Then I realised that it was the journalists taking pictures of me,I also saw police men and women getting them out of the way and doctors bent besides me,checking on me. My eyes were opened and also I could speak.
” Are you okay ma’am? ”. One nurse asked as she checked my pulse.
” My phone ”. I replied and tried getting up.
” No no don’t move now miss. You are badly injured. So just be still…. ”. She said and screamed for the ambulance to bring a flat bed.
” Please, my phone is in the car,just get it for me ”.
” You are dying and you are thinking of your phone? Like seriously? ”. One of the nurses standing said.
” Just get her the phone. Look into the car and bring it ”.
They brought the flat bed and three of them carefully carried me into the bed. The other nurse brought my phone and I took it with my left hand. As they carrying me away,the journalist kept taking pictures of me into it. I saw the ambulance origin. It was from the For Life hospital and I was happy.
The nurses kept asking what had really happened but I just told them it was an earthquake and they believed me of course. They also said that the police was going to take care of the car and bring it to the hospital later on.
(For Life Hospital).
Doctor Graham had woke up from the sleep and the entire hospital was happy about it. Bit he was not able to talk and that was heavy blow. His lips were crooked and his entire body was paralysed and he just opened his eyes to look around the hospital room in lots of pain.
Kelvin his son arrived into the hospital and walked straight I to the ward and Mrs Graham got ready to leave.
” I have to go and take my bath and rest for a while son. Stay right here with your father and don’t go anywhere, I will be back as soon as possible ”.
” How is he now? ”.
” He opened his eyes earlier this morning. But he can’t talk ”. She sobbed.
” What the fuck! ”.
” His mouth is crooked because of the stroke. But the nurse told me that, he might be able to get better, sad thing is,he’ll stay silent forever. And he will never be able to walk ”.
” How about that pastor of yours mam? ”. He said and sat beside the bed. ” Have you not heard of that pastor of yours? ”.
” I have tried as much as I could. His phone is still switched off. But Kelvin, you know your father owns this hospital ”.
” Yeah…so? ”.
” Now that he’s in this situation and can’t take control of himself, he can no longer manage the hospital. Son,you will have no that choice but to take control ”.
” Mam,don’t even go there,okay? I have told you and dad so many times that….. ”.
” Look,I know okay? I know you hate the hospital job an everything, but remember, that was the only reason why your father sent you to America. To study medicine and take over the hospital when he can no longer do so! ”.
” Wait,I don’t even live here! I am a qualified citizen of the United States. I am not going to be in Africa for long mam ”.
” Oh you will be. Because you were born here,and you lived here way long before your father decided to send you away. And you have graduated from your medicine school. You are 19 now…ever old enough to run the hospital. You are an adult. So start preparing yourself because you can’t let your father’s dreams tremble into chaos ”.
” Are you emotionally blackmailing me? Because it’s not gonna work on me mam ”.
” I don’t think seeing your father’s condition, you will be so heartless to leave him like this. And seeing how much he’s built an work on this hospital to become one of the best in the country, you will be so heartless to leave it to crumble into chaos. You are his only son Kelvin, you have no choice bit to just take over the hospital ”. She said and took her handbag. ” I will be on my way now ”.
” Whatever…. but make sure you arrive here early in the evening, cook something at home for me so that when I arrive, I won’t be hungry. But arrive here early to take over so that I can also go home ”.
” No problem. But think about what I said ”.
She said and left the hospital.
Outside, the ambulance had arrived and the doctors opened the back of the ambulance and brought me out. I held the phone cry hard in my right hand and was feeling so much pain in my left arm. They carried me on the bed I to the hospital and into an empty ward and placed me on the hospital bed.
They all got out and I took my phone with the right hand and called Diana’s number. I called because I wanted to know what was going on since I was going to keep quite long than I expected.
” Hello? ”
” Angelina… Angelina, are you on your way here? ”. She whispered.
” Diana, I was involved in a little accident so I will take a bit long to come home ”.
” Accident?! Are you okay? Oh my God! ”.
” Relax… I will be back home by evening, pay? ”.
” We thank God ”.
” How is Nickel? Has he ate and taken his bath? ”.
” I have a good news. Nickel stepped on his feet and bath himself today ”.
” Oh wow! Thank goodness ”.
” Yes. When I went to serve his breakfast,I saw him get out of his bathroom alone and he ate ”.
” Oh good. I am so happy ”.
” But there is one problem ”.
” What now? ”.
” Since 9am when the nurse entered his bedroom for the massage session, she hasn’t come out. She hasn’t come out oo my dear ”.
” That idiot! How dare she try to turn Nickel against me and now,she’s trying to separate us? ”.
” You should act fast Angelina ”.
I hanged up in anger and tried to get up but the pain in my arm caught up with my shoulder and I screamed in pain. My arm had already started swelling up.
( Doctor Graham ward).
Kelvin kept sitting besides his father but with his phone in his hands. One of nurses entered in a haste with a tray of needles and bandaged then scissors and ointment. Kelvin turned with a frown.
” What is it? ”.
” Sir,am so sorry. But we have got a patient with a broken arm in the net five wards and she’s pretty hurt right now. The people here who fixed broken arms or any part of the bodies are your father, doctor Graham d doctor Pintsil, but doctor Pintsil is not in the hospital and doctor Graham is also lying here ”.
” So? ”.
” Sir,please… I just wanted to know whether you can help us with the young lady who’s suffering in the other ward ”.
” Do you think I came here to check in sick people or what? Can’t you see am watching over my dad? ”.
” Sir please the girl had an accident. Please don’t be angry sir ”.
” Can’t Naomi do it? ”.
” Naomi is a surgical nurse sir…and she’s in the theatre right ow,helping other doctors to operate on a pregnant woman having difficulty to give birth ”
” So who would look after my dad? ”.
” I will sir. I will go and show you to her and come back here ”.
” Yes,do so because he can open his eyes at any time ”.
” Okay sir ”.
They both walked out of the ward and went into the ward Angelina was layed.
I turned to this two people and saw the nurse,but I also saw one very cute guy. He was so fair and handsome. He was tall,just like Nickel. He stood with the nurse,looking at my face but he wasn’t smiling. The nurse gave him the tray of bandages and walked out immediately. He pulled a metal chair besides him and sat besides the bed then placed the tray on a table besides the bed.
” How are you feeling? ”.
” I’m okay. Just my right arm hurting badly ”.
” What happened? ”. He asked as he took an ointment from the tray.
” I…I urrmmmm..well,I fell from my car,because of the little earthquake ”.
” What? There was an earthquake….where? ”.
” It’s far from here. It will soon come into the news and you’ll see it ”.
” Well okay…let me check tour arm ”.
” I can’t raise it up sir ”.
” Hey…don’t call me that! I hate it ”.
He siad with a frown. ” My name is Kelvin ”.
”I am sorry please. I thought you were one of the workers here ”.
” No am not… am not a worker. I’m the owner ”.
” The owner? ”.
” Kelvin Graham…at your service ”. He said and stood up and slowly took my left arm.
” Wow…you are doctor Graham’s son? ”.
” Yes…hey,breath deeply, because this is gonna hurt like hell ”.
As he said that,he sprayed the ointment on my elbow and flashily straightened my arm and it snapped nd I screamed in pain while tea fall from my eyes and begging him to atop. But he didn’t. He pulled it the more and it snapped for the second time and he layed it down slowly. He stood there looking at me as I wept. He went closer Toto the opposite wall and pressed a bell on it and I heard it belling loudly from outside the ward. He turned back to me and I was surprised to see him smiling handsomely.
” You are brave. Even though you cried,you were strong enough to stand the pain ”.
” It was painful ”.
” Yes I know. I did that so that if there was any dislocation… you would be free from it and it will reduce the pain ”.
He said and started bandaging my hand. The blood on my forehead was dried up even though the cut was still fresh and opened. A nurse quickly entered.
” Sir…sorry,Kelvin, did you press the bell? ”.
” Yes…bring a plaster,a tissue, a cotton, and spirit liquid ”.
” Okay ”. She said and left.
” The pain ia still there ”. I said.
” It’ll go soon ”.
” How’s your father? ”.
” He’s okay. Do you know him? ”.
” I live with pastor Brandon ”.
” Oh,then I guess you know more han I thought ”. He finished bandaging my arm and sat down.
” I need to see your father Kelvin… Please, can you do that for me? ”.
” Mayi know the reason? ”.
” I..I…. ”.
” Just tell me okay? You have nothing to fear. My dad is asleep and…… ”.
” This has to do with my family. Your father sent a nurse to the Brandon’s mansion to be a therapist for Mr Brandon’s son Nickel… But the way she’s acting, am sure she isn’t the nurse he sent. She’s stepping against her boundaries and disrespect everyone ”.
” Well that’s strange. Why do you think that way? ”.
I told him the whole truth about my suspicions. But idn’t tell him Nickel was m boyfriend. He helped me sit up and a nurse quickly entered.
” I thought I told you to stay with my dad ”.
” Yes I know. By the doctor has opened his eyes and is straggling to talk. That is worsening his condition ”.
” Holy shit ”. He said and got up and looked at me ”.
” Please Kelvin… help me too ”.
” Okay,let’s go together ”.
They helped me get to my feet,using my right hand to hold my phone and we walked into doctor Graham ward. He layed there,starring at us and his son went to calm him down. After he was calmed,we asked him to blinkhis eyes once when he wants to say yes. And blink his eyes twice when he wants to say no. And Kelvin explained everything to him.
” Doctor Graham, please do you remember the face of the therapist you sent? ”.
(He blinked once).
” Okay sir ”. I stretched my hand with the phone to him with the picture. ” Is this her? ”.
(He blinked twice).
One of the nurses injected him with a sedative and he quickly fell asleep. I turned my face to the door way to get out.
” This is so shocking and unprofessional,
pretending to be someone else ”.
” Yes ”. I said,furiously.
” Where are you going? ”.
” I am going home to make that fake bitch wish she was never born ”….

ANGELINA Episode 33 By Adelaide Asaf (Daisy Cartel)

(For Life Hospital).
” You are going to do what? ”.
” Look Kelvin, whoever that girl is,she has a motive…a mind set before coming to the Brandon’s mansion. But her cup is full now ”.
” So,what are you going to do now? ”.
” I don’t know what am going to do,but when I get there…I will know ”.
I started walking away with one hand,heavily bandaged and the other, swinging up and down with the phone in it. And someone touched my shoulder from behind and I turned, it was Kelvin. God,he was so cute. His green eyes pierced into my soul and his red lips penetrated well,and fitted his pointed nose. He !ade me stand and was looking closely at me and he smiled. I didn’t know why though,but I smiled back.
” I didn’t even ask about your name…what’s your name? ”.
” Angelina… you can also call me Christine ”.
” Angelina is perfect. Look Angelina, act calmly please ”.
” What do you mean? ”.
” Look at yourself…you are already broken. You are in so much pain. Don’t go and make any hasty decisions okay? I know I don’t you that well but it’s better you stay in the hospital to be under observation ”.
” I am absolutely okay Kelvin..seriously, there’s no need to worry ”.
” Okay…. then raise your hand up for me to see you are okay ”.
” Hahaha…come on,you know I can’t. It still hurts inside ”.
A nurse entered in a haste with car keys.
” Angelina Jordan? ”.
” Yes that’s me…any problem? ”.
” The police just brought your car back please ”.
” Oh thank you so much ”.
She said and handed the keys to me.
” I must leave now Kelvin, thanks for everything ”.
” It was a pleasure. But don’t you think this case you are dealing with should be given to the police? ”.
” Yes…I will give it to the police… after I take my own justice ”.
” No no no…I think you are going to do sometimes crazy,and I mustn’t let you do that ”.
” I can take care of myself ”.
” Are you sure? With that one hand,do you need my help? ”.
” I..don’t thinks so ”.
” You forget it…I wish you the best..okay? Just relax yourself and take my number,so that if there’s anything I can help you with,you just tell me,okay girl? ”.
” Hmmm…okay ”. I smiled.
I took his number and he also took mine and we both saved on each other’s phone. I said my good byes and walked out of the hospital. The road was empty and the weather looked like it wanted to rain heavily. So I needed to hurry back to the mansion. I entered the car and drove slowly away.
(Brandon’s Mansion=In the hall).
The telephone was ringing loudly. Diana quickly went into the hall and answered the call. And fortunately and heavenly favoured, it was Mr Brandon.
” Oh pastor… wow,this is a good day. Very good day! ”.
” How are you Diana… I just saw on the news that there was an earthquake in the morning, on the road leading to the estate housed. I am very worried, I saw Angelina on the news too! It looked like she was affected by the earthquake, where on earth was she going ”.
” Oh my God pastor… there is fire on the mansion ”
” What? Is she and Nickel fighting again? ”
” This is even worse sir…doctor Graham had a gory accident three days ago ”.
” Jesus Christ! What happened?! ”.
” We don’t know sir…so many things happened in your absence sir…and the house is tearing.. please I would suggest you come home immediately. Doctor Graham is dying and Nickel has completely separated himself from Angelina because of that nurse ”.
” What?! Rita the therapist? ”.
” Yes sir ”
” This is too much…am on my way right now Diana, make sure you let know one know about this ” .
” Okay sir ”.
Diana put the telephone away and thanked God silently and she turned to go back to the kitchen and heard someone scream out of something that seemed like pleasure. She was shocked. She wondered what was going on up there. So she walked upstairs and went closer to Nickel’s door,and that was when the noise as becoming more visible.
She quickly put her ears at the door and listened more carefully. It wasn’t any normal noise. It was a moaning. And it was Lady Molio whom they all think to be Rita’s voice. Moaning and laughing with pleasure. She slowly opened the door and poked her head into the room and was shocked to see Lady Molio thrusting on Nickel. They were both completely naked and having real and hot sex.
She was about to scream when she heard a car parked into the compound. She quickly closed the door silently and races downstage. She stepped out into compound and an exclusive car was there,the engine went off and the window was dark so she couldn’t make of who was in the car.
” Oh God,this shouldn’t be Angelina or pastor Brandon, else hell will loose tonight ”.
As she kept thinking about it,Danny stepped out of the car in all smiles Diana was shocked the same. She quickly went to embraced Danny and took his two bags from and hugged him again. He was absolutely excited wanted to get inside because he was so tired and exhausted. But Diana was acting annoying to him,she was hindrance to his rest. He didn’t understand why Diana wouldn’t let him get into room.
” So…how was school Danny? ”.
”Diana… you have asked me this question for about a thousand times now ”.
” Well,am asking again, is that wrong? ”.
” Well yeah! I’m so tired. Can I go inside and rest now? ”.
” Hope you have being studying well ”.
” What?! What is really going on Diana. Please let me in…I need to speak to Angelina ”
” Angelina is not in ”.
” Diana that’s enough!!! What is all this? Don’t you want me inside or what..should I leave? What are you hiding..and what is inside there that you don’t want me to see? We have graduated and I have come back home to rest, won’t you let me in? ”.
” You don’t understand Danny..something terrible is happening right now ”.
In the car,I drove into the estate and saw the Brandon’s mansion main gate opened widely. I drove into the compound just with one arm driving. I saw Danny and when I was supposed to be excited to jump out and embrace him,I didn’t. I was in so much pain wit my left hand.
I slowly stepped out and Danny and Diana were both shocked at my condition. There was a plaster on my forehead and bandage on my left arm. They both rushed to my side and held me. It was dark in the evening at 6pm.
” Angelina… what happened to you sister? Oh my goodness ”.
” This is no time to explain anything okay?! ”.
” Oh my God, the accident was so bad? ”.
” Let me go…get out of my way ”.
I said that and started walking angrily and they following me. Diana tried stopping but I got her out of the way and entered the room. I looked upstairs and started climbing while they followed me. I went to Rita’s room and it was empty. And I heard some mysterious noises coming from Nickel’s room and I quickly walked to his door.
” No Angelina no,don’t go inside ”.
” Why? What’s wrong Diana… what’s wrong with you? ”.
” You’re going to see what you don’t like! ”.
I ignored her and batched into the room and was shocked to see what I saw. My heart jumped out and I was about fainting when Danny who was shocked as I was caught hold of me from behind.
” Nickel!!! ”. I screamed out loud and they both panicked and separated from each other.
” Angelina? Holy shit…Angelina, I swear I can explain ”.
” And you? ”. I said,getting closer to Rita and gave her a dirty slap. ” You prostitute! I knew from the start,how an animal you where ”.
” Shut up! ”. She screamed at me,slapping me back. ” A man who loves you wouldn’t dp to you what Nickel has done,he loves me now,bitch.
” You snake! ”. I gave her a big blow under the cheen and she went falling to the other side of the room ”.
” Angelina, that’s enough! ”. Nickel shouted angrily, with bedsheet tied around his waist.
” You beast! ”. I said and slapped him harder. ” How could you do this to me after telling me you had no interest in her? ”.
” As you can see…I do have interest in her get hold of yourself! You are not the only girl whose being left by her boyfriend ”.
” I hate you so much. Keep in your head,we are never getting back together. Why did I get myself to fall for a demon like you. It’s over ”. I cried and slapped him again.
Nickel raised his hand to slap me back but Danny held his hand tightly in mid air.
” Don’t even dare. Nickel,you are a loose ass dare try touch my sister.. And I will beat your daddy’s boy face so bad…you won’t be recognised by your father, or even your new lover ”.
” You both should keep your mouths shut and get the hell out of my house! ”.
I walked out of the room in years and went I to my room. I opened the drawer close to my bed and took out my mansion’s keys and run out of the house in tears and as soon as I stepped out,thunder stroke hard and it started raining heavily. The main gate automatically opened with the arrival of a car and the car lights shined into my eyes.
The car parked on the compound and I covered my eyes with my right hand to prevent the light. The rain was heavier than ever and I wondered who was in the car. My whole body and hair were soaked in the devouring rain and the car lights went off.
Then to my surprise, Mr Brandon stepped out of the car and he was in his usual suit and tie,he was with an umbrella. I rushed and embraced him tightly… soaking him with my wet self. He was excited but worried to see e weeping. Danny arrived outside into the rain too.
” Angelina, oh Jesus Christ, I must have missed a lot ”. He pulled me. ” What is wrong with you? ”.
I said nothing but raced out of the house and got to my mansion. I opened the main gate with the keys and entered. I saw Danny running towards my mansion. But I quickly opened the door and entered. Then locked myself up. I was not going to allow anyone come to me to console me like I was pitiful. I touched my back with the door and slowly sat on the front.
Danny kept knocking and asking me asking me to open the door. I wept freely as I was all alone.
(Brandon’s Mansion=Living room).
Everyone in the house had being summoned by the owner. Mr Brandon was glad glad Nickel was already standing again,but he wasn’t going to show it at that crucial moment. He looked around the room and nodded his head.
” Congratulations Rita… and thank you for helping Nickel ”.
” Thank you sir ”. She replies innocently.
” So..that means your job here is over ”. Mr Brandon said relaxing in his favourite sofa.
” What?…Sir..please I don’t understand ”.
” Well…you should understand, my dear nurse..I mean,I would really appreciate it if you left my mansion tomorrow morning ”.
” What do you mean by that dad? ”.
” My friend shut up there! Are you not standing on your own two feet now? So what is the nurse still doing here? ”.
” Standing on my feet does not mean that am absolutely well dad ”. Nickel said and held Lady Molio’s hand ”. She is not going anywhere dad ”.
Danny entered with a frown while soaked in the rain and he was wet. Mr Brandon got up and went to touch his shoulder.
” What is it Danny? I told you to come back with Angelina ”.
” She has locked herself into the mansion,I have nocked a lot of times but she’s not opening. All I can do is hear her cry ”.
” Oh my God ”.
” Fuck you Nickel… I swear to God,if you ever go closer to my sister again,I will rip your heart out and watch you eat it ”.
” Oh I’d love for you to do that with gust and let’s see ”. Nickel vented.
” What is really going on here? ”.
” Ask your son,who Angelina saw having sex with this nurse ”.
” What…in my own house? On this holy ground? ”.
” I will spend the night here,then go and see Angelina tomorrow, she needs to be alone tonight ”. He said and walked upstairs.
Mr Brandon couldn’t control his anger. He just slapped Nickel away from his sight..
” And you..madam nurse,I am very disappointed, I made a very big mistake leaving home. I don’t want to wake up tomorrow and see you in my house,is that clear? ”.
Mr Brandon said and walked upstairs with Diana.
(Angelina’s Mansion).
My face looked sick. I was sick of the world. I wanted to end it all,once and for all. I apologised to Mr Brandon and God in my heart,but my life was over. Even after finding out the truth about that nurse,teaching her a lesson wasn’t important anymore.
Mr Brandon was back and he was going to take care of it I guessed. I went into the kitchen and I was wearing a night gown after taking a bath. I have suffered enough and I wanted to end it. I went close to the cylinder and took off the cover and the gas began to escape out with force. It was unbearable to breath and I coughed a lot because the scent was terrible and poisonous. I looked up at the wall cupboard a matches and started feeling dizzy.
I break down and fell on the floor. I took one matchstick to light a fire and blast the whole house and myself in it.
And I lightered….

ANGELINA Episode 32

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4 years ago

I’m heartbroken as well…??