A WISH Episode 9 – 10 by Ebunoluwa Ademide

A WISH Episode 1 by Ebunoluwa Ademide

A WISH Episode 9 ?‍♀


Theme: Job Hunt




It was on Sunday evening and not much doing. They had dinner around 6:30pm. James,Ephyra and Gideon sat around the table filled with Stacks of Advert Papers. Ephyra was used to the Human world. Being a fast learner and desperate to know things about her new world, she was able to learn what normal humans could do with the help of James ams Gideon. Even though she was happy and satisfied in the new world,the MERWORLD had still popped into her thought again and again. She liked her new Life and World and she has a good body. And she was forced to ask if her body was the same as that of a 18 years old Human. Gideon had replied her,he said she does not look like any of his high school seniors. Then Ephyra realized that the 18 years old mermaid was trapped in the body of a 26 years old Human. And she enjoyed the fact that she was not treated as a kid or the 18 years old baby sister she was in the MERWORLD. Instead she was an Adult in the Human world. A 26 years old Woman,old enough to make decisions on her own without any interference. And she had no idea how to thank James and Gideon for making her a real and complete human.

“I don’t want you to work in a bar or clubhouse”

James frowned at the paper in his hands

“Why? Is there something wrong working in any of those places?”

James looked up at her

“You can’t understand” he muttered

“Oh! You don’t know?!” Gideon asked

“I don’t know the reason but if the pay is good then I will go for it. I just want to earn money so I can help in paying the bills”

“Ephyra I don’t have any problem paying the bills”

“Then I can take care of our feeding when I start work”

“No..I’m not complaining -“

“But I don’t like the fact that you are the only one doing everything for us”

James stared at her

“Gideon is there something wrong in wanting to help him?”

“No..but -” he stopped and bit his lower lips

“I won’t advice you to work in such places”

Gideon completed


“You look too innocent to work in a clubhouse or bar.. Or let me just say that you are too beautiful to work there and it really dangerous for a woman like you”

“Why? Is it that bad?” She questioned frantically

He nodded

“Men won’t let you rest..they can harm you”

“I am old enough to protect myself” Ephyra replied

She balled her fists as if she wanted to throw bad punches at someone.

They rolled in laughter. Too much watching of wrestling,boxing and America movie stunts has thought her few fighting skills. Ephyra was sure she could take down any man with the help of her super strength. That was the only power she possessed in the Human world. It seemed strange at first because she didn’t exhibit such ability in the MERWORLD.

“Not in this World..Beautiful Women are not safe in Clubhouses and Bars” James said

“Then I am not beautiful -“

“You are beautiful Miss Ephyra Adams” Gideon said

He leaned forward on the table and placed his hand on her shoulder.

“And I suggest you try modelling. It would suit you better than working in those places. You have the qualities.. Trust me I see you becoming Miss World”

He said with a serious face. Ephyra frowned and said

“Me?! Miss World?!”

She shook her head.


She wondered if it was possible for a mermaid like her to become a Model not to talk of becoming Miss World. And she was not ready to ask them about it because they might think she’s crazy again

“No she can’t -” James objected before Ephyra could say anything

His voice stunned her out of thought

“What did you say?” She asked

“You can’t become a model”

“Why?” She asked

“You can’t because -” his voice

He thought of what to say

“I think my brother likes you” Gideon blurted before James could utter any word

James glared at him

“I like him..I mean I like you too. And we all like each other like a family”

Gideon exchanged glances with James

Ephyra didn’t understand Gideon’s statement. And she couldn’t tell where he was driving at.

“I didn’t mean that.. Sort of likeness”

Gideon was interrupted by a growl from James

“So what sort of likeness?” She asked

“Never mind”

Gideon focused his attention on the paper in his hands.

“Well James it seems you don’t want me to work. It really boring staying at home alone all day. I want to work like a Human”

“Ephyra I’m not asking you not to work”

“Then why do you keep saying I can’t do this and I can’t do that”

“Well I suggest you go into tutoring”


“Yes Gideon can tell his friends to sign up for extra classes after school and during weekends. The classes can take place right here” James suggested

“No I am not doing that. I don’t want to be with school kids”

“And I object to the suggestion bro. I can’t bring my naughty classmates to our home”

“Then let’s keep checking” James said after he realized there was no way he could win against these two.

Seconds clicked by and Ephyra screamed, sending papers flying around the room and startling her family.

“I found it!”


“A job”

Gideon touched his chest

“You startled me”

“Sorry” she apologized in a low tone

“Let me have it” James said

She gave him the sheet

“Here” she tried to point

“Got it”


James read loudly

“No..not that one. There’s a job vacancy on the left side -” she said


“They put up two adverts under the same company” Gideon said

“What is Goldmynes?”

She asked

“Never mind”

She picked her phone and pressed the screen and went to Google. A tiny blue microphone appeared on the Google page. She tapped on it and said

“Google give me details about Goldmynes company in USA”

And it answered with a beep. It showed an article and series of pictures

“Goldmynes is one of the most successful company in USA. It is owned by Late Mr James Jones” she read out loudly from the phone

“Mrs Isobel Jones took over the company after her husband’s death in a plane crash”

She felt pity for Isobel and she looked at her family

“Have you guys read it before?” She asked when she noticed they weren’t paying attention to her.

James was lost in thought

“We know about it. Everyone know about Goldmynes” Gideon replied

“Well I need to know about it too” she said

Gideon responded with a shrug

“She is one of the most influential women in USA. And her only son Harry Jones next in line to take over Goldmynes company. He is currently the CEO of Goldmynes Modelling agency” she scrolled down to see more images.

She saw Isobel and Harry pictures.. Mostly Harry’s pictures.

“Wow! He’s so cute!” She exclaimed

“You don’t remember him?” James asked


She smiled broadly

“I haven’t met him before -” she replied

He nodded

“Wow! He’s even a model..an international and top most Model in USA. Gideon.. he looks like that guy’s picture in your room”

“He’s the one” Gideon replied

“I know those facts about him. Everyone knows him very well except you” He said again

“Yeah I don’t know him” she responded

“So which one do you want to go for?” James asked

“I will opt in for the workers vacancy. I don’t want to be a Model”

“Why?” Gideon asked

“I don’t want to go around in tight dresses that will make me look like a grilled fish”

They rolled into laughter

“James do you have any idea of the type of work I would do at this company? They didn’t specify it here”

“Uhmm..I don’t know..but probably a secretary”

“Secretary? I don’t have any qualification. No I don’t remember anything about myself” she said in a low tone

“We already planned to work on it”

“Yes I know”

“Then maybe..a Janitor or delivery girl or errand girl..they don’t require any qualification in some companies” Gideon said

“It better than working in a clubhouse or bar right?”

She asked

They nodded in unison

“So what do I do now?”

“Call the advert agency. I’m sure they will link us up”

James answered


He picked up his phone and dialed the number attached to the advert. A man picked on the other end.

“Good Evening Sir. I am James Albert”

“Good Evening Mr Albert”

“Actually I saw this advert just now that Goldmynes need workers”

“Okay..are you the one applying for the job?” The man asked

“No my friend” he replied

“Is your friend a female or a male?”


“Good..exactly what they need”

“Can I at least know what job she would be doing at the company?”

“Well I can’t disclose that until you fill the application form”

“And how so we get that done?”

“I will send a link to you now. You click in it and fill in her profile”

“So what happens after that?”

“They might select her for an interview with the Chairlady”

“Okay…Thanks” he hangs up

“Ephyra -” he was interrupted by a beep on his phone. The man forwarded the link to him.

“Did I get the job?” She asked with a broad smile

“No..not yet”

Her smile dropped

“We have to do some certain things before you can get the job”

“Like what?”

“Going for an interview”

“Interview?” She panicked

“Don’t be scared Miss you will get the job” Gideon said

“How can you say that when I have no idea what to say?”

“You’re smart.. and I’m sure you will pass whatever test they will give you especially if it an IQ test”

“Stop the flattery” she said

James Yawned

“Keep quiet Gideon I need to concentrate please” He said

“Okay Bro…I guess we won’t be needing these papers anymore”



Isobel couldn’t take her eyes off the document on her desk. She leaned forward to look at the Resume on it. No doubt Harry won’t object to this – And I’m sure he will convince her to work for him or even be a Model at his agency.

Isobel thought deeply. She was stunned out of thought when she heard a sharp knock on the door.

“Come in” Isobel said

Her secretary walked in

“Ma’am a young woman is here to see you” Tracy said

“What’s her name?”

“She said Ephyra -“

“Ephyra Adams” Isobel completed

“Yes Ma’am”

A smile formed on Isobel’s lips. She couldn’t wait to see Ephyra.

“Please let her in”

“Okay Ma’am”

Tracy exited the room

Ephyra stepped in

“Good Morning Ma’am”

“Oh! Good Morning”

Isobel greeted cheerfully

“I am here for an interview”

“Please take a seat”

Isobel stared at Ephyra for seconds. Different thoughts flooded her mind. She was extremely stunned by Ephyra’s beauty.

“Ephyra Adams” she said

Isobel picked the Resume on her desk.

“You are 26”

“Yes Ma’am” Isobel read out information about her.

“Perhaps have you worked as a care worked before?”

“No Ma’am”


Ephyra raised her brows


Isobel dropped the file and looked at Ephyra with a serious face. Ephyra’s heartbeat accelerated

“I..I don’t have too much working experience.. But Trust Me I can do anything because I am a very hardworking woman” Ephyra said

Isobel relaxed

“Then let’s talk business. I mean let’s put the interview aside”

“What do you mean Ma?’

“I will tell you what the work is all about”


“I want to hire you to work for my son”

“Your Son? That’s a great privilege” Ephyra said with a half smile. She was still nervous because of the serious look on Isobel’s face.

“Yes it is but most people I have hired don’t know that”

“So do I have to work as his Secretary?”


“Driver or errand and delivery girl?”

“None of that My Dear”

Ephyra shot Her a confused look

“Then what?”

Isobel cleared her throat

“18 years ago I accused my husband of having an affair with an employee. And our argument led him to travel out of the country. My Son and I awaited his return but we only heard the news of his death. I lost my dear husband in a plane crash. I  felt guilty after I found out my husband was loyal. He didn’t have an affair with his secretary. And my son blamed me for his father’s death. We’ve been apart for years now and He doesn’t regard me as his mother” she stopped

“My son stopped believing in love after his father’s death. He felt like if I could accuse the one I love till death and also accuse his father unjustly then love never existed between us. He said I never loved my husband dearly”

“So what do you want me to do for you?”

“I need your help. I need someone who can change mg son’s outlook and make him believe in love”

“No I don’t think I can help you”

Ephyra felt Isobel was asking her to make her son fall in love.

“No from where I’m sitting,I am looking at someone with a brain and beauty. A woman who knows how to go for a jugular. A woman who is definitely my son’s type. A tall,leggy,beautiful woman. And I know you’ve got the extra something that can make the difference”

Isobel studied her expression. She took in Ephyra’s features. She was beautiful. Her hair straight and long in a single braid that ended down her back. She wore no make up and her very sharp chin was cute. Ephyra tended to wear what she had,simple gray woollen dress,long sleeved and tight around her hips with Sandals. Without warning Isobel was out of her chair.

“Look you’re what is going to make this happen” her hands rested iyn Ephyra’s shoulder

“I have hired so many women to work for him. Everyone tried everything but gotten nowhere. He is like a cemented wall and he is tough. And I got to thinking that my son has to have a weakness. Something that will get him and make him change his mind. And from everything I think his weakness must be an extremely beautiful woman like you with a goof heart”

“I am not sure about that. And I don’t think am the right person for the job”

“You Also know I’m right”

Isobel said right from behind her. Ephyra never considered herself beautiful. Since she found herself in the Human world,everything about her changed. No more Brunette Hair but straight and long brown hair. She had a sharp chin,flat stomach, long legs,breast that were big enough to make any man look twice,eyes with long thick lashes and full lips. One things didn’t change which is her Vibrant Aquamarine Eyes!

And she had seen beautiful Humans. Women that are pretty! So No! She can’t be Harry’s type no matter Isobel’s words. She thought deeply.

Ephyra stood up from the chair

“I’m not the right person for your son” she said meeting Isobel’s gaze with a Frown

“No make up,no implants,no false lashes. I am too thin,too tall I guess and too pale and I’ve got strange eyes too”

Isobel frowned at her

“You have to stop scowling like that and put on a bit make up with maybe your hair loose with those eyes. Even without makeup you’d stop traffic”

Ephyra nodded impatiently

“Please help me – I can tell that my son’s hurting. Work for me and help Harry out of that lonely shell”

She squeezed Ephyra’s hands gently

“Please” she pleaded

Then the thought of her mother flooded her mind. Images of when Tethys was begging her to stay flashed through her mind. She saw the pain in Isobel’s expression.

“What do I have to do?” She asked in a low tone

“You’ll be like his personal assistant but you have to move into his house”

“What?! Why..why do I have to live with him?”

“By so doing you will be able to get close to him and talk to him”

“Then it’s like I’m going to work as his maid too”

“Not really -” she paused

“Yes..Harry lives alone by the beach. And it worries me that he’s Far away from home. I just want to know if he’s doing fine -“

“How old is he?”


“He’s not a kid anymore”

“I know Ephyra… Please just accept the job and help Me renew the bond between me and my son” Isobel begged

“I’m sorry..I can’t”

She knew James wouldn’t like the idea of moving into her boss house.


“Nothing” she replied with a shrug

Ephyra motioned towards the door

“$1000 if you last a week in his house”

Ephyra stopped at the door

“And I know you can do this Ephyra”

She twisted around to face Isobel.

“Ephyra.. Its a challenge”

Isobel was determined to convince Ephyra to work for her!

Familiar tingle of excitement starting to grown in her at the challenge of getting Harry to talk when no one else could and even let him know about love.

“I’m not doing this for the money” Ephyra said.

She had seen Isobel’s pain and she was also ready to do anything to have her old son back. And Ephyra felt Harry needs to forgive his mother and learn to love.

She went back to Isobel’s desk.

“We can sign a contract”

Oh! She was serous about the Money! Isobel reached for a folder and held it out to her.


Ephyra took it from her. It was a thick Manila folder with “Goldmynes” in bold type in the right edge. She opened the cover and shuffle through the document.

“This won’t be easy” she muttered

“Sorry if it were that easy someone would have done the job for me”

Ephyra nodded in agreement

“But there has to be a way to make him stick his head out of the bunker”

“Getting him to talk and making him see that James death wasn’t my fault and intention is your main job”


“And you can as well use what you have to get what you want”

Ephyra raised her brow. She couldn’t make sense of Isobel’s last statement.

“There’s a bonus attached to the job”


“I will pay you if you survive one week with him. And I will pay double of it after two weeks. And you also get the chance to shop at Gold Mall without paying for the items”

“I get all of that?”

 “Yes But under one condition”

“What condition?”

“That’s if i see some changes. All I want is to be a mother to my son and see him smile again”

Isobel nodded

She was offering too much. Ephyra thought

She didn’t want to do the job because of the money but she remembered that she was indebted to James. She could use the money to repay James for saving her life and taking her in. That was the main reason she wanted to work.

“And you also get paid at the end of the month. Ephyra I will reward you greatly If things changes”

Then she thought of what  she would do with all the money. Gideon’s tuition,bills and probably go on a vacation with her family if she works for a month or two.

“Do you have family?”

“Yes..perhaps can I go and see my family in the process of working with your son”

“Yes after I see changes. And you don’t have to give in now. I can give you sometime to think about it”

“What do I have to do?”

Are you accepting now?”

“Yes but you have to give me a day or two to talk to my family..and spend time with them”


“So when should I start?”

“You have to move in with him”

“Will he let me in?”

“That’s part of your job”

“Okay..I’ll try my nest”

She collected the pen from Isobel and signed the document. And Isobel did the same too.

“Is that all?”

“For now that’s all”

Ephyra stood up

“I’ll take my leave now”

“Thank You”

Isobel shook hands with Ephyra

“It nice meeting you Ephyra”


Isobel gave her a card

“Call me whenever you are ready”

“Okay” Ephyra said

She walked out of the office

“It’s going to work this time. And I can’t wait to have my son back” Isobel said

She silently prayed over and over again that Ephyra would be able to move Harry’s heart.




A WISH ??‍♂

Author: ADEMIDE ✍?

Episode 10

Theme: Hidden Feelings



“How was the interview?”

James settled down beside Ephyra on the couch after giving her a glass of apple juice.

“Hmm..fine” she said coldly

She didn’t know how to tell James about it

“Is something wrong?”


“You sounded cold”

“The interview went well James and I got the job”

“That’s good news”


“So tell me about the job”

“Like you know I met with Goldmynes Chairlady”

He nodded

“And Mrs Isobel want me to  be Harry’s personal Assistant”

“Sounds Good” James said with a half smile

“Are you sure you want to take the job?” James asked as he rubbed his palms together

“Yes..but James that’s not all about the Job” she said

“So what else?”

“As..Harry’s PA I have to move in with him”

“What?!” His jaw dropped slightly and his gaze met hers.

And Ephyra studied his expression.

James stood up

“What kind of job is that?”

Ephyra stood up and went to him

“Listen to me James..I won’t stay with him for too long. I just want to help Mrs Isobel”

She explained to him

“Her family problem is none of your business. Isobel should find a way to settle with her son. And why did you sign that document?”

“I -“

“You signed it because of the money right? Do you even know who Harry Jones is?”

“I don’t know” she replied sincerely

“Fine…Ephyra you are not taking that Job”

“James I need to work. I don’t want to be a burden to you. I -“

He went to her and cupped her face in his hands

“You are not a burden to me. And remember you have to regain your memory -” he rested his forehead on hers

“I’m fine James”

“I can’t allow you live with someone you barely know”

“Please James -“

“We can get another job”

He said

“Or You will enrol in a college for now”

“No James” she pulled back

That was his way of stopping her from taking the job.

“Why do you insist on taking this job?”

“Look James..you took me in without knowing me, same thing applies to me working for Harry”

“It was different. You don’t remember anything about yourself”

“No you barely knew who I was back then but you helped me. I don’t know Harry Jones but I’m ready to work for him. It all about taking the risk -“

“Risk?..No I can’t allow you take such risk. You are not doing this Ephyra”

“I already signed the document and I am resuming work on Wednesday”

“Wednesday? You even agreed without consulting me? Without bothering to talk to me about it first”

“I’m sorry”

He cursed under his breathe

“Damn it Ephyra!”

He stormed out of the house. Ephyra felt sad. She sank onto the couch slowly. She did not like the fact that James was mad at her.


She lay on the couch waiting for James. Ephyra was worried about him. The door clicked and Ephyra stood up. It was Gideon.

“Hi Miss World” Gideon greeted

“Welcome Gideon” she lay back on the couch. Gideon noticed her tone was different.

“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing” Her answer was immediate

“Where is James?”

“He stepped out five hours ago”

“To where?”

She sat up again

“I don’t know”

“Something is wrong. So tell me what happened”

“James and I had an argument earlier”

“About what?”

“The job”

“Yeah how was it?”

“Good..and I got the job”

“I knew it”

“I have to work as Harry’s PA”

“Wow! That’s awesome!”

“Yeah..but the thing is I have to move in with him”

Gideon smile disappeared immediately.


“I need to help Mrs Isobel convince her son that her husband’s death was not her intention” She explained

“So James was mad at you for accepting the job?”


“My brother is scared of losing you”

“Scared of losing me? What do you mean?”

He didn’t respond

“Gideon I’m not leaving forever. I will always come around as soon as Madam Isobel sees change in her Son..and I can do the same whenever I’m less busy at work for the main time”

“It seems you don’t understand James. And I’m not in the best position to tell you anything. But don’t worry I will talk to him”

“Thank You Gideon”

The door clicked again and James stepped in.

“James -” she stood and went to him. He tucked his hands into his pocket and walked towards his bedroom. Ephyra followed him.

“Can we talk?” She asked but he didn’t respond

“You know it fine if you don’t want me to take the job -“

He slammed the bedroom door at her face which interrupted her words. She stood outside for seconds. She had no idea why James was acting differently. Ephyra turned and saw Gideon staring at her.

“Don’t worry I will talk to him” He said

She nodded and walked Into her room.


Gideon walked into the room. James was staring out the window.

“Hello Bro” Gideon greeted

James didn’t respond. Gideon dropped his school bag in the wardrobe and dashed off Into the bathroom to take a quick shower. James sat on the bed rubbing his palms together anxiously. Gideon knew his brother was disturbed by Ephyra’s new job.

“Can we talk?” Gideon asked

“I want to be alone” James replied

And Gideon said after a long pause.

“I think you went too hard on Ephyra. I mean when she tried to talk to you earlier..you ignored her and now she is sad” Gideon said in a low tone. James met his gaze.

“I’m sorry Gideon.. I don’t know what came over me to act like that” Gideon said

He went closer to James and sat beside him on the bed.

“I know how you feel for her”James frowned at him

“What do you mean?”

“Come on bro…I know you are in love with her and you are scared of losing her”

“That’s not true”

“Then why won’t you let her take the job”

“She’s still getting better”

“No she’s fine now…I know what’s going on in your mind. You don’t want to confess your feelings to her because you are thinking it would change your relationship with her and at the same time you don’t want her to work so you won’t lose her to another man like how you lost your Ex” Gideon stopped

“You know too much than your age kiddy” James said

“Am I right?”

“Yes Gideon”

“Miss Ephyra want to work so that she can help you”

“I don’t want her to repay me for anything. You know our inheritance is more than enough for us even if I decide not to work for years”

“Yes I know but you should let her do whatever she wants”

“I’m just concerned about her moving in with Harry Jones. I don’t trust that guy,someone who doesn’t have any regard for his biological mother then how is he going to respect a lady who will be a personal assistant at work and maid at home…but Ephyra doesn’t understand. Gideon you might think am selfish because I want to keep her around me but this is beyond that or my feeling for her”

“Why don’t you just put her interest first?”

“Then what if she falls in love with Harry Jones?”

Gideon was silent

“If she ends up falling in love with Harry then I have to let her go again..just like what I did with the other women in my life” James replied in a tight whisper. Gideon placed his hand on James lap and pats him gently.

“Hey bro if Ephyra is the woman for you then no one will take her away. If you guys are meant to be together,even Harry Jones won’t be able to take her away” Gideon responded

They lapsed into silence. Gideon was aware that James has been through many breakups in the past. The women he loved and dated, somehow they ended up dumping him. His last girlfriend complained that he was too busy with work and he never had time for her,so she cheated on him and broke up with him the day James found out she was cheating on him. Then he decided to remain single till he finds a woman who would make him fall in love again. A woman who will love him,Gideon and understand the nature of his work and also be loyal to him. Then Ephyra came Into the picture and he found himself falling in love with her while he was teaching her things Humans could do. James couldn’t confess his feeling simply because…he didn’t want Ephyra to think he was taking advantage of the fact that he helped her. He clearly knew that Ephyra doesn’t love him. She liked him as a helper and sees him as a family.

“She might end up running away from you if you don’t let her work” Gideon said after a long momentary pause.

“I won’t let that happen…but..i keep having this feeling that sooner or later Ephyra would end up leaving us someday”

“What are you thinking?”

“It just a feeling.. Or maybe my instinct” He smiled at Gideon

“So will you let her?”

“I have no choice Bro”



Ephyra rolled on her bed when she heard a soft knock on the door. She looked at the time on the alarm 6:30am. Then she hopped out of bed and wore her soft slippers.

“Good Morning Ephyra” James greeted when she opened the door

“Good morning” Ephyra replied

“Can we talk?”  He asked

She nodded

“Come in”

James stepped in

“I’ve decided that I would call Isobel and turndown the job”

She said before he could say anything.

“Look James am not going to do anything you do not support” He tucked his hands in his pocket.

“What about you?” he asked

“I’ll be fine” she answered

“So you want to turn down Isobel’s offer because of me?”

“I’m willing to James. I don’t want you to be mad at me or us fighting because of a Mere job. I value our relationship than the Job. And you are right Mrs Isobel Family’s problem is none of my business. So let’s leave it that way”

James stared at her.

“And I will stay at home too if you don’t want me to work. It okay by me because with that I can do more cleaning and our laundry”

She sighed out loud. Ephyra went to him.

“Don’t worry I won’t take the Job” she said

And she was almost leaving to the bathroom when James said

“You can take the job”

She turned to face him

“Ephyra don’t turn Mrs Isobel’s offer down”

She walked back to him

“I thought you said -“

“I changed my mind” he interrupted her statement

Ephyra studied him. His expression was serious

“Are you Sure James?” She asked

James covered the inch left between them

“I know you want to do this” he whispered

“And I don’t want you to think I’m caging you around here” he brushed strands of hair from her face.

“I’m sorry for how I acted yesterday” He apologized

She nodded

“I want you to work and earn your own money”  he added

Ephyra almost burst of happiness. She was happy,so she hugged him tightly. Ephyra swept him off His feet and swirled him.

James was shocked

She didn’t even realize it until she was dropped him.

“Sorry..I..I..” She stuttered

She had forgotten she has super strength

“How..how did you manage to lift me like I weigh nothing?” He asked in a surprised tone

“I..I don’t know -” she lied

“Thank You James” she placed a kiss on his cheek quickly

“I’m leaving to work now. Pack your things so I can drop you at Goldmynes before heading to work tomorrow”


“Take care” he leaned in and placed a kiss on her forehead.

“Have a nice day at work” she followed him to the living room

“Call me if you need anything”

 He said and she gave him a nod.

“Let’s go Gideon”. James said

“Get back on time so we can hang out later in the day”

“I’ll try” he replied

“See you later Miss Ephyra” Gideon waved

“Bye Gideon”

She tried to stop the scream that welled up in her throat by placing her hands on her mouth. If she screamed right there James would come rushing inside like something bad had happened to her.

She was extremely happy that James agreed to let her work!

Ephyra looked down at her wrist when she felt the power around it. The bracelet glowed and she rushed to her room and locked the door. She saw her reflection in the Mirror. Her eyes glowed brightly.

“What’s wrong with you Neifion?!” She asked the bracelet.

The Energy increased and she felt power within her system. Then she went to her bed and lifted it up like a piece of paper. She did it with heavy objects she could find,lifting them like they didn’t weigh anything. She got tired and waited for the bracelet to stop glowing but it didn’t. She wished it would just come off from her wrist.

“Neifion will stop glowing… I need to take a shower” She said to the bracelet in a tight whisper

And the light faded slowly

She sighed with relief

“Thank goodness… You have to listen to me when I talk. And don’t glow when I’m with any human”

She came out of her clothe and went Into the bathroom.


A WISH Episode 9 – 10


To Be Continued……
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5 years ago

Awesome ?