GOOSEBUMPS – Yùñg Tygä stories ✍️



I met my house filled with Dėmons, one friday evening from work.

Initially, i locked my compound before heading for work, when I got home from work at 8:00 p.m., I was really exhausted.
I pulled to the gate and honked nonstop, but nobody, not even the gate man, came to open it.
Already, I was furious.
I secretly had plans to fire him the following morning for not showing up for work.
Alternatively, my spouse or the kids would have hurried to open the gate for me, but she had gone to the village to spend the Christmas break with our kids.

So I got out of the car and went to the gate to open it for myself.
When I touched the gate, I found it wasn’t locked.
I was taken aback.
I got back into my car, drove in, went to the garage, and packed the car.
As I approached the front door, I noticed it was unlocked. I was taken aback because I had locked it earlier in the morning before leaving for work.
What struck me to my core was that when I entered the sitting room, the television was turned on.
Could my wife and children be back from their vacation?
That could imply they were the ones who opened the entrance because they had access to some of our compound’s keys.
If that’s the case, why would they switch on the TV while no one is watching?
I called my wife several times but she did not answer.
I called Jamel, my oldest son, several times but received no response.
I turned off the TV and began climbing the stairs to our bedroom.
When I proceeded to the door, I observed blood streaks on the ground immediately next to it.
It didn’t disturb me much because I assumed it was the blood of mice eaten by the cat in the house.
Even though there was no trace of the half-eaten mouse, it didn’t worry me.
I opened the door, walked in and shut it behind me, then dropped down on the bed, looked at the ceiling and feeling exhausted.

I quickly grabbed my phone and dialled my wife Garmai’s number, but her phone appeared to be out of service range.
It took a few moments for her to pick up.

Garmai: “Hello, honey” – She answered the phone joyfully.

“Hey wifey, missing you already.” -I responded.

Garmai: “I’m sorry.” “Honey you sound tired, hope you aren’t stressing yourself up.”

“Of course I am,” I say. Guess what? I just got home from work. The television had been turned on since the morning.
I think I forgot to put it off, on the way to work.” I remarked humorously.

while we were on the phone,
I heard loud laughters from the sitting room which sounded like two people speaking.

That’s when I realised those things weren’t normal.

Hey, honey, I’ll call you later.

Because this has to be one of those pricey jokes that I despise. (In an abrupt voice).

Garmai: Hello, honey. Are you home with someone? (She inquired, intrigued)

“There’s nothing wrong, baby. “I need to use the loo to relieve myself.” I lied.

I suppose she noticed the change in the tone of my voice or she might have heard the laughters.

I dashed downstairs to see who was making those strange noises.

I was halfway down the stairs when I noticed two mature men dressed in black robes sitting in the sofas, both with snake heads and three kids dressed in white robs, each holding a lighted candle with chalk wiped over them.
The kids were rushing about in a circle chanting.

When I saw such beings, I instantly stopped running and was about to turn around to speed back to my room, but it was too late. They quickly turned towards me after hearing the sound of my feet coming.

My eyes couldn’t take the sight of those horrible creatures.

I promptly passed out.

To be continued…

Episode 2 loading….

©️ Yùñg Tygä stories ✍️❤️

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