True Life Story Part 2 – The Humans of ABUJA

True Life Story - The Humans of ABUJA

True Life Story – The Humans of ABUJA

“I didn’t respond to her at all, I just broke down in tears. I knew nothing was wrong with me because I asked my doctor severally if I needed CS and he said that there’s no need for that except the need arises later.

When I gave birth to my baby, she was very healthy and nothing was wrong with her. My doctor is a specialist gynaecologist that came recommended. He frankly told me before I left the hospital that I should seek spiritual help because whatever happened via my placenta coming out and my baby passing on immediately is very far from the ordinary and he hasn’t seen such in his many years of experience.

I was weak in my heart, body and soul. Whenever I see my neighbor with her baby, or hear her cry at night, it breaks me down because we both gave birth the same week. After 2 months, I fell very sick and all the medications I was taking wasn’t working.

My husband suggested that we go to one woman of God he knows. The day we were supposed to go, my husband had an emergency at work and I had to go alone.

The woman told me that I was a month pregnant and should quit all medications I was taking then as it could harm the baby. I doubted her shaa because I’ve had intercourse with my husband just once since I lost my baby and I wasn’t even ovulating then.

She also instructed me never to accept any edible gift from anybody especially from my in-laws until I give birth. She told me to thank my God for saving my life because my life and that of my baby was the target but mine was spared.

She also told me that my husband is being manipulated and used as an access to get informations about me and my welfare to people who want to harm me.

She advised that I keep my current pregnancy a secret even to my husband until it matures to an extent encouraged me to be very prayerful and never ignore my instincts and dreams about anyone or anything. She told me to always come to her whenever I have a dream that I do not understand.

After i left, I went to do PT test and it was positive. I didn’t know how to feel, I was happy to have another hope of being a mom but at the same time I was scared of the uncertainty. My husband came home and I told him some part of what the woman told me.

I started awakening my spiritual and prayer life again and just like a coincidence, my mother inlaw came visiting unexpectedly with her usual cooked foods and other foodstuffs. I just thanked her but made sure I didn’t taste any of them with the excuse of not having appetite for anything.

When my baby was almost 4 months, I told my husband that I was pregnant and begged him not to tell anyone. My husband isn’t much of an attentive person, he should have known I was pregnant even before I told him.

I took my prayers very seriously, started going to that woman’s church and she was monitoring me closely. My pregnancy journey was so smooth and easy unlike the previous one. I was very strong and working comfortably.

As I entered 8 months, my instincts told me to stop taking any call from my I laws and I obeyed. It was as if a whistle was blown and they all started calling me even the ones living abroad that normally don’t even call me began to call me.

I didn’t pick any of them for weeks, they started using different unknown numbers to call me and I stopped picking any unsaved contact. By then, I was now living in the church premises and going to work from there as that was the direction given to me to stay there till I put to bed.

I entered my 9th month and my husband came to visit me in the church with a message from my mother inlaw for me. She sent him to tell me that I’m due for delivery and I shouldn’t attempt vaginal delivery again.

I asked him how she knew I was pregnant and who told her I was due because even my husband doesn’t know that I’m due. He said he didn’t tell her anything and was even surprised when his mom talked about it.

I just told him that I’ve recieved her message and we discussed about other things before he left. I went on my knees and rejected that message with prayers. The woman of God told me not to worry, that it’s only God that has the final say.

My two EDDs passed with no sign of labour. After 3 days, the woman of God drove me to the hospital where I registered and told them to check me and know why I’m not having any sign of labour….”

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