“What do you actually mean by getting rid of her?”

Ada asked, a bit  worried.

“Well send her to a boarding school so that I can get enough time with kelvin”.

“Do you think he will ever let go of her?”

Ada asked doubtfully.

“I will try my best to persuade him,”she replied.

As the conversation was going on poor Special woke up and was about to enter the living room when she overheard her Mummy Cynthia discussing her with Ada.

She stopped and listened when boarding school was mentioned.

“Well boarding school is not bad”.

” You see,it will even help her morals and prepare her for the future, that girl she can’t even sleep if her daddy isn’t back home ,how will she live in her husband’s house eh,or will she stay with my Kelvin forever, think about it na,I am not a wicked person ,I am just doing her a good thing as a good stepmom”.

Special was confused

“Why is mom sounding this way,referring me as that girl and her as my step mom,am I going to live in a boarding school?,i can’t live in a boarding school”

She sobbed silently and ran back to her room to cry.

“Is that not her ?I heard footsteps from inside”.

Ada said pointing towards the room passage.

 “Let her cry na,whether she likes it or not ,she’s going to a boarding school,and that’s final”Cynthia said with an air of authority.

“Hmm I hope this won’t bring problems between you and Kelvin oo”.

“When I am carrying his son,he is not the type that will abandon a pregnant woman,trust me”.

Ada shrugged.

“Anyway I should be on my way,think well before taking actions ,extend my greeting to your husband to be, Kelvin’s iyawo”.

They laughed,Cynthia lovedw it when addressed as Kelvin’s wife.

“Special!! Special!!

“Yes mom!!!”

Special came into the sitting room sobbing loudly.

“Kini? Eh,what’s your problem? Why are you sobbing, answer me!!! Be doing like possessed being”she eyed her from her head to toe repeatedly.

Special hugged her dear Aunty Cynthia crying.

“I don’t want to go to boarding house mommy,please forgive me if I did anything wrong,I don’t want to go,I promise I will be a good girl, I don’t want to be separated from Daddy”.

Cynthia rolled her eyes annoyed and sniffed mockily at her.

“You don’t want to go?”

Special nodded shivering with her runny nose.

“It’s okay,stop crying”.

She replied and stared at her disgustedly, as Special cleaned her runny  nose  with the back of her hands,in a childish way.

“Stop crying before your dad comes home and thinks I hit you”she scolded.

“Clean your face very well”.

Special nodded still shaking then return back to her room


I came back from work,Cynthia was first to welcome me. That’s odd, Special was always the first to run out and hug me.

“Where’s special?”I asked instantly.

“Am I not good enough to welcome you first?”

Cynthia said, pouting annoyed.

 I kissed her,we chuckled and kissed passionately while entering the living room.

“She removed my suit and took the suitcase”.

I was still looking around.

“Seriously baby, where is Special?”

“In her room eating”.

She replied not looking up to meet my eyes.

“Well I thought we always eat together,and whenever she hears the car honk she comes running to me”.

“She’s old enough now baby and about eating together,we are a couple, we will eat together if that’s what you want”.

We got into the room,and she put my dirty clothes in the dry cleaner and arranged the footwears.

“Thanks love”I said to her but then where is Special.

“Special!”I called out.

“Yes Dad”.

She was wearing a blue gown with blue beads decorated into her fresh braids.

I smiled immediately,I saw her, I guessed Cynthia must have given her princess treatment.

“You totally forgot my existence,so you completely choose mom over dad huh?”

I tickled her.

She smiled a little. That’s unlike her, she would always crack up loudly.

“Well Moms are the best”.

Cynthia said and drew something on my face , forehead and cheeks with a blue marker.

“What did you do?”I asked amused.


She shrugged and pulled off her jacket.

“What’s with the blue matching uniform with your daughter?”

I asked still clueless

“Check out what I wrote on your forehead and cheeks” she finally said.

“My fore…”

I went to the mirror and saw my reflection,the notes read.

“New dad can’t wait to see his son”.

“Hurray!!! I…am..pregnant honey”.

I could hold back my joy,I hugged her tightly, in tears.

“Thank you,thank you,I kissed her tummy and back on her lips”.

“Special you are going to have a baby brother”.

I said to Special,she came and hugged us.


Mom and dad seem really good and happy together.

Something is wrong,I don’t understand mummy today. An hour ago ,she came to me and forced me to eat food without dad also told me not to be the first to welcome him when he gets home,that was why I didn’t welcome daddy as usual.

I wanted to tell dad that mom suddenly changed towards me but….

(Cries silently)

It’s been years since I have seen him this genuinely happy.He is going to have a son with a woman who loves him and cherishes him. The only problem is me,I guess I’m the bad luck to dad. I am the reason my mother left,I am the reason, school teacher and principal insulted him.

Tears began to cloud my eyes, I stood there absentmindedly while Dad and mommy continued celebrating my new baby brother.

I will go to boarding school, I am sure dad will stay happy alone with her.

“Come over here baby, what are you think at this age”

Daddy called out to me.

“You are finally going to have a brother,are those tears of joy?”

I cried out loudly hugging Mummy’s tummy.

Even though I know , Mom is no longer the same as me ,I love the feeling of having a little brother. I will love him with all my heart,I will have someone to play with if other kids ignore me.

Dad kissed my cheek consoling me, then he carried mommy happily and they went into their room.

I picked up dad’s suitcase and his tie and put it on the couch.

I remembered my real mother’s statement back then.

“Why do they all hate me? I didn’t remember what I did wrong”

I cuddled myself on the couch and cried silently.


Poor special,a pure hearted baby girl, she slept off on the couch crying.

Her dad Kelvin noticed something was wrong. He decided to go to the Parlor that was after he and Cynthia had a steamy quickie and a brief discussion about their upcoming wedding,since the baby is already knocking.

He came to the Parlour and found her sleeping on the couch.

He pecked her, and felt her body temperature was so hot,he can actually feel the heat on his skin.


She was so sleepy ,and she’s really bad at waking up immediately after a long sleep So he carried her to her room.

Used a towel and bowl of cold water to damp her body after he hugged her and sleep on the bed.

Few minutes Cynthia was restless and envious.

“Even after this news,he can’t glue to me”

She thought angrily.

She had to go get him back to their room.

She walked in to Special’s room and found them.


Kelvin rubbed his eyes and let go of Special.

“I am sorry,she had a fever so I had to be with her,did she complain about any symptoms?”

He asked curiously.

Cynthia shook her head

“Come on baby, she’s asleep already,our son need you too you know”

Kelvin sighed as Cynthia pulled him up from where he was sitting beside Special.

He turned and looked at some Special, again before leaving the room with Cynthia.

Special woke up hearing their voices then but pretended to be sleeping,crying silently

She will be 9 in a few months but as smart as a teenager.

So when she was sure they were gone,she slowly got up from the bed and tiptoed to their room’s door to eavesdrop on them.

“Baby are you worried?”Cynthia asked.

“It worries me,she isn’t this cold normally,did you noticed ,during the announcement, I thought she was crying happily but i think she was sad actually, what could be wrong”.

“Maybe she is jealous. “Cynthia suggested.


“Of what?”

Kelvin asked, surprised.

“Of her new baby brother, don’t get me wrong, it is normal with children, especially an only child for 9 years. Come on, the change will touch her”.

“I guess you are right”.

He replied with a deep breath.

“I have a suggestion oo,I don’t know I don’t  know if you will go with it”.

“What is it sweetie?”Kelvin asked impatiently.

“Let our sweet special go to a boarding…”.

He didn’t even allow her to finish her statement.

“No…no..no.i can’t let her stay away from me”.

Kelvin cuts in.

“Honey I love her,as much as you do ,but if she continues this way don’t you think she might end up badly. Please let her get trained on how to be independent,have good morals and prepare her for other areas of life. She is 9 and can’t stay without her daddy, a baby that is going to spoil our baby girl, I am suggesting it out of love as a mom”.

Kelvin was disturbed same time he think maybe Cynthia was right and meant well for Special, but they have never been apart before.

Cynthia patted his back and kissed him.

“Baby she won’t be with you forever right?Come on, let’s train our child now,her little brother will join her in the same school when he is of age,let’s do the best for our sweet Special besides she is all yours during the holidays”.

Cynthia continues to persuade him.

Kelvin sighed,”I guess you are right”.

Special covered her mouth hearing her father’s reply and ran back to her bed to cry herself to sleep.


I couldn’t sleep that night. I don’t know what I want to do. Special is everything to me,I am not yet able to get over my obsession with her. I love my daughter dearly ,I never imagined putting her in a boarding school.

I think Cynthia maybe right,my daughter is too attached to me,so letting her through that kind of lifestyle will prepare her for anything in the future but how will I tell her this, it will break her heart.

I sighed and closed my eyes deep in thought.

Cynthia pecked my cheek and put my hand on her tummy.I totally forgot about our son’s announcement.

I smiled a little and kissed her, held her close to my chest, trying to force myself to sleep.

Special hope you will understand,mom and Dad meant well for you.


Sarah got home and overheard a scream from inside.

She rushed in and found her son crying ,holding his tummy.

“What’s wrong Junior !!!”

“Mummy, he suddenly started shouting, please Daddy don’t kill me in his dream”

His sister cried loudly.


She screamed loudly with fear and carried him out of the house.

But it was useless,junior already vomiting cold clots of blood  enough to fill a bowl.

She put him in the car.

“Open the gate!!”she shouted, then she turned to the boy and held his face in her palms. “Junior, my son, look at mummy, mummy is here”.

The gateman was fast to obey the instructions. Her daughter cried while she watched her mom drive nervously away. The housekeeper came and took her inside the house.


TIME 1:00 AM

Venue : The billionaires cult.

Sarah’s husband was seen with his members, in their usual gathering.

“No 666f”A man with a half Mammoth body called.

“Sir I present the souls of my mother and that of my son,they’re killed last night”.

The leader laughed out and other members joined.

“No 666g”.

Sarah’s husband bowed.

“My lord, a month ago I renewed my usual fetus sacrifice,this evening my son died too,bless me more my lord”.

The leader laughed loud

“Your daughter will be in line if you really wish to be the richest among all members. The great beast, your ceaseless sacrifices and untouched emotions,well done,then it’s your choice, your daughter?or ..”

“Take her my lord,”he replied with a bow.

They all laughed wickedly.

“Go home,you will be in the news  and blogs soon, you will be the top richest in this country”.

Excited, he thanked his leader.

Poor Sarah all these years of watching her unborn babies die ,now her children will be next.

Money is indeed the root of all evil , but

Clean money is a blessing from God

I  wonder how the future of Special is going to be, she might be seperated from her father forever.


               **KELVIN’S POV**    

The next morning I summoned the courage to tell Special  about the decision of her going to a boarding school.

“Thanks honey”.

Cynthia smiled at me and heaped another plate of chicken wings for Special but she hardly touched her food.

“Baby, how is your night?”I asked.

She nodded slowly

“Fine daddy”.

I smiled back ,then nervously opened my mouth to speak about the issue but I just couldn’t.

Cynthia noticed,she sighed and turned to Special.

“Honey, how do you like to go to a boarding school, the best in the country!Nice right?”

Special gazed at me, her eyes said it all,I forced a smile.

“Whatever you want mummy “

She replied slowly and stood up.

“Baby where are you going?”

She didn’t look up at me to meet my eyes.

“To the toilet ,I want to pee”she ran out of the dining room.

I wanted to follow her, but Cynthia held me back.

“Honey let her be,she will get used to it and get better with time”.

I sighed deeply, still disturbed, I felt like I failed my daughter.

After breakfast, I went into her room and found her lying down.

I knocked on the door and opened it slightly.


She turned to the wall.

 I smiled sadly and walked to her, I  sat down on the bed beside her.

“You went to pee and vanished,come on what’s the problem,talk to your daddy”.

“Nothing”she snorted and coughed.

She was still crying.

“Next week ,you will be going to your new school excited right?”I queried hoping for positive feedback.

She nodded.

I sighed and spoke softly.

“I will miss you so much,but it’s for the best.I want to prepare you for the future. I promise boarding school isn’t that bad,you will make friends easily and…”.

She cuts in like an adult.

“It’s okay dad,I get it,I will love to go”she sneered.

“Well at least look up to my face and tell me how happy you are about it”.

She hesitated then got up from the bed and looked at me,tears rolling her cheeks,her lips quivering.

“I am so happy about it , can you leave me alone now”.

I hugged her tightly,as she broke down in her embrace.

“I promise you if you don’t like it, I will take you out of the school after,just give it a try,trust me I will miss you more, any slight chance I will bring you back home”.

She nodded and cried more as I consoled her.

Cynthia came in and helped to console her too.

“We want the best for you sweetie,mom and dad will be visiting as regularly as possible,just to see your precious face,your little brother will be so proud”.

She pecked Special’s forehead.

I smiled at them

“Who is daddy’s big girl?”

Cynthia asked with a teasing smile.

Special raised her hand

“That’s my baby”.

I love the way they interacted,I just still don’t believe my baby will be leaving home soon.

“Honey you will be late for work”

She reminded me.

“Oh!!! Thanks hun”I snapped sharply,I went and kissed Special on the cheeks,before leaving her room.


As soon as daddy walked out of the room,mom grabbed me by the ear.

“So you are now old enough to walk out on us,you are really spoiled I see,I will tell your hostel warden you help brush you up, you lack discipline”.

“I don’t want to go mom”.

“(I don’t want to go mom)mimicked her.)…mtchewww,you have to at least give my baby a little space  in his father’s house”.

She said in a whisper, cautious of any movement from the passage.

“I promise I will really love my baby brother ,please let me stay with daddy”.

I started crying.

“When you are done crying,go and wash the plates”.

She walked out of the room,I tried to cry on,but it just continued hurting me,each time I thought about staying away from daddy.

Next week it’s just a few days away.

I slowly walked to the kitchen and started doing the dishes.

I overheard mom and dad laughing at the top of their voices.

“Bye baby ,I love you”.

She saw him off to the entrance door before coming back to the kitchen to see my work.

“Let me see that one you just rinsed,”she instructed.

I gave her the plate,and a hard knock landed on my head.

“So why is that stain on it!”

She yelled at me.

I slowly took the plate and washed it again then gave it to her.

“Good,now that’s a neat one,you see that knock worked, I should go and buy a cane ,since your brain needs some touch ups before you leave for school”.

She stayed till I was done,she inspected and asked me to rewash the ones she thought were not clean enough until she got tired.

She went back to the sitting room and put on her favorite channel.

I dried my hand with the kitchen towel and walked to her.

She noticed and sneered

“What is it? Are you done with the plates?”

I nodded, she gave me a look and continued watching her TV.

I sat beside her,she gazed at me and ignored me.

I took her hand,that she placed by her side.

“Mommy,I really love you”.

She ignored me.

“I didn’t know what I did wrong please tell me”.

I got no answer,I rested my head on her lap

“Ouch. .”

She screamed, and I quickly got up from the couch ,scared of my life.

“What is it,don’t you see I am pregnant eh?,if I beat you now,you will say I  am heartless,if you want to sleep, carry yourself inside your room,this programme is not for kids,so to your room immediately “she instructed.


Its Monday and the D_day,we drove Special to her new school.

She wasn’t crying but not happy either,just moody.

“Baby we will visit every weekend”

I bent to get height and told her to cheer her up.

“Sir the visitation day is twice a term”

Her hostel mistress corrected it.

“I know mah but please..”.

“Darling , stop embarrassing our Special, she can do it,right baby?’

Special hugged me tightly.

“I don’t want to go daddy!”

She breaks down crying.

“Hey honey I know you are scared,don’t worry”I said then in a whisper “I paid the hostel mistress  to take good care of you,if anyone bullies you, report to her,okay,you will be fine I promised”.

She was sobbing loudly, she went and hugged Cynthia.

“Awww,I will miss you the most, my Special “Cynthia said and kissed her.

The hostel mistress took her packages inside the school hostel and came back for her.

She was glued to my legs.

“Come ,the other students are watching you,be bold dear”she told a special who seemed to ignore her and stayed with me.

The woman got annoyed and looked at me

I shrugged,then  I lowered over to Special.

“Baby,you have to let go”i said to her softly.

“I think we need help”.

The hostel mistress said and called two secondary school students to carry Special into the hostel.

“Daddy!!!mummy”Special cried loudly.

We waved as they disappeared into the hostel.

The security men shut the door entrance.

I stood there frozen,I felt like something really bad happened to me.

A tear dropped from my left eye,I dapped it off with a finger.

“Aww,so sweet,stop being such a baby, Kelvin”.

Cynthia said and chuckled .

“Can I at least see her just once..”.

I said in a shaky tone.

“Noo noo let’s go,she will be fine,I have the mistress’ number and will remind her to check on our baby”.

I nodded as we headed back to the school’s parking lot.

I could hear her voice screaming loud,from the hostel. I tried to take my mind off her.

Cynthia entered the car,she seemed a little overjoyed about this.

I looked back one more time before entering the car and drove off.


I lay on my bunk bed crying.

When the bell for dinner time rang in the hostels. I was the only one that stayed behind,I cried till I slept off.

The next day,the hostel mistress woke me up with a cane.

The whip was so painful that even if I tried to sleep that day ,I wouldn’t be able to.

I rubbed my fingers over my back and ran out of the bed crying.

“Other students are already taking their bed”.

“Sorry mah”.

I cried out, my back felt so sore.

“What are you waiting for? you are really as stubborn as your mom said,we don’t use cane on our students but I was given the right to use it on you by your parents, so better be careful next time,okay carry yourself to the bathroom,the shower is rushing”.

I took my bathroom robe and kit ran out of the hostel heading to nowhere.

“The bathroom is this side, i give you 5 minutes,if you don’t want this all over your naked body”.

“Ah ah aunty Vicky ,why are you  now using a cane on the fresher ,she’s also young,are we now allowed to flog them?”

Another hostel mistress asked.

“Her parents instructed ,her mother actually so who am I to say no”.

“Hmmm oh,easy abeg, they no say make you kill am”the elderly hostel mistress continued.

“Make you dey try dey mind your business Rosa”

Aunty Vicky  snapped back.

I went to the bathroom, my back pains so much I can’t even scrub my back.

“Are you done?'”she yelled out at me.

I quickened whatever I was doing then put on the shower, sobbing ,dad always the one doing all this stuff while bathing me

I remembered how he used to tell me to spread my legs and wash myself ,I should not let anyone come close to theat area

I did that and dried my body,I put on my bathroom robe,before walking like a ghost out of the bathroom, shivering and sobbing

I walked into the hostel,most of the students were already dressed.

“If you don’t do fast,they will punish you for lateness”

My bunkie mate warned.

I felt somehow relieved,and thanked her and quickly started dressing.

She helped me with my zip  and other things. I didn’t even ask her for help.

“Thank you”I said and sniffed back my runny nose.

“Hold my hand don’t worry you will be fine”.

She said and smiled at me.

“I am kamsy”.

We walked out of the hostel.

“I am Special”.

“You are what?”

She chuckled.

“I am Special”I repeated.

“Oh your name is special”she snapped out in awe.

I nodded slowly.

“I am in class 6”.


“I am in class 6 too”

“You look 10”.

“I’m 9”

“You are young for class 16. I’m 11,so I am your senior”.

She giggled.

It was so addictive that I did the same.

The school bell sounded,she ran off,still holding my hand. I tried to meet up, I think I found a friend in Kamsy.



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