36 DAYS WITH A MAD WOMAN Final Part – Sire Prince Jhay

36 DAYS WITH A MAD WOMAN - Sire Prince Jhay

36 DAYS WITH A MAD WOMAN Final Part – Sire Prince Jhay

Few hours later, Desmond’s friends and some of his relatives had heard about his whereabout. Desmond saw them coming toward him hurriedly. They were really pissed

“Desmond, don’t tell me what I heard about you is true, what are you doing here with a mēntally derångēd pērson, huh?, what had come over you Desmond?” His elder brother yelled

“Brother, nothing came over me. Please whatever it is you think i am doing here is none of your business. Please, you guys should leave me alone” Desmond replied

“I’m highly disappointed in you. What do you see in her that you chose to stay with her here in this dirty, filthy place. So disgusting. Nöw I’ve closed my eyes,, don’t let me open it and still find you here” one of his friend threatened

“Make sure you close your nose too, not only your eyes. See, even though you pour out fire like dragon, I will never move an inch” Desmond attåckêd back

The war- of-words between them lasted for couple of minutes till the mådd wōman angrily took a plank and chase them away.

Few days later, Desmond and the maddd wōman were already used to each-other. they play, eat and do almost everything together.

Desmond made sure he took care of her and her pregnancy, he pets her whenever she’s in pain, get her necessary drugs by all means. Life wasn’t friendly with the mådd wōman too, she had become extremely weak. She groans in pain always as the time to put to bed is getting closer.

Sometimes Desmond would turn himself a begger bēgging for alms to provide food and other necessary things for himself and the maddd wōman.

Desmond’s case with the mådd wōman went viral and cause a lot of controversy among people in the community.

Rumor had it that Desmond was the one responsible for the pregnancy, Some says he was attacked spiritually and some assumed he had rūn mådd as well

24th day of staying with the mådd wōman. It was getting thougher, he was already looking like a mådd person too. His appearance was terrible. He never toōk his bath, changed his clothes and every other things every normal human being could do. He was as lean as an HIV patiént, his skin turned dark, rough and shrink.

On the 35th day, Desmond was happy he was left with just one day. He couldn’t wait to encounter the success, breakthrough, riches the maddd wōman said on the first day.

He started appreciating God for the ability to go through those hard time in a very dirty and contaminated place with a mådd person.

But he was more concerned about the the wōman because the pain she was feeling was getting worse.

She was groaning in pain, weeping and wailing so loud. Desmond was confused and unspecific about what to do

He started praying passionately for God to intervention

Desmond started praying passionately for God’s intervention

The following day was the last day. Desmond was fully prepared waiting readily for whatever it is that would show up

by 9am, The mådd wōman started breathing heavily, groaning, screaming and grunting in pain. Desmond knew instantly that she was about to deliver her baby

Desmond knew nothing about childbirth. He had neither seen nor experienced such before aside the one he watches in movies where doctors will be pressing stomach and be shouting PUSH PUSH.

he called people around to help but none of them accede to his pleading.

All of a sūddēn, something came over him and Everything started happening like a miracle. Desmond wasn’t aware what he was doing and how he was doing it. But what he was sure of was that, he was doing something

The woman delivered the baby, it was a bouncing baby boy.

the moment she delivered the baby, she became relief and she recovered from the mental illness immediately

“What happened to me” the woman asked surprisingly

“You.. you.. you” Desmond stammered

“I SAID WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME AND WHAT ARE WE DOING HERE?” The wøman shouted loudly at Desmond holding his shirt angrily with her both hands

“You just gave birth, look at him (he pointed at the baby).. I’ve been here with you since 36 days ago.. have you forgotten?, you’re the one that says I should stay here with you..”

The woman stood up still wondering and perplexed, looking around and she noticed people were already staring at her. The fact that she still have the energy to talk and shout after delivery still baffles them

“so I’ve been staying in this dirty place for long?” the moman asked

“Yes, God but had taken absolute control now, “

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhh, wait…, so I wasn’t normal, like I was mådd before right?” The woman asked.

“Hmmm, not really” Desmond responded still surprised at the drama the wōman was portraying

“Not really what, what should we call it?” She started wailing holding her head with her both hands

“Wait… take a look” Desmond brought out the photograph in her bag and showed her.

The woman stood still, glanced at the picture, she collected the picture, stares at it closely and screamed very loud and started weeping

A woman living nearby suddenly appeared and helped them out of the place to her apartment. Desmond and the woman freshen up. Had their hair cut

Few minutes later, a lot of people were already aware of the incident, many journalist from different TV Stations came to record purposely to get it publicized

Desmond was interviewed, he narrated everything. His 36 DAYS challenges and experience with the woman.

The wōman was also interviewed, she narrated her own side of the story, her name is Elizabeth, she met a man the previous year named Johnson, Johnson got her impregnated and later denied responsibility despite his promises had made.

The information went viral that people were amazed and impressed at what Desmond did for 36 DAYS with a mãdd woman.

He was compensated with huge amount of money and other valuable expensive property from government and different wealthy people.

Desmond became Rich and wealthy, he started getting love from people and society as a whole.

Johnson was later arrested and was given 20 years imprisonment for incurring mådness on Elizabeth

The end


©️Sire Prince Jhay

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