This My Ex Who Broke My Heart Fiercely – Victor Firdance

This My Ex Who Broke My Heart Fiercely - Victor Firdance

This My Ex Who Broke My Heart Fiercely – Victor Firdance

There’s this my ex who broke my heart fiercely that I find it very hard to move on, her name is Imelda.

It’s been years though since this happened,

So two days ago, my aunt who is my mother’s younger sister visited me with her two little children, a five-year-old girl, and a year-old boy,

Yesterday, I decided to take them out and flex since they’re going back today.

We went to Shoprite and after buying food and ice cream for them, they ate and I even bought take-home for them.

Soon, my aunt told me to look after the children so she could go and use the restroom.

I was carrying the first son who is one year old, and the other one was licking ice cream and running around.

Soon, I heard my name from behind “Victor Firdance” I turned, and behold, it was Imelda, my ex-girlfriend.

I became nervous immediately but as a grown man, I have to hold myself and act well.

She asked what was up and I said I’m great.

“So whose kids are these?” she asked

“Oh… They’re my kids”


“Yeah, are you surprised?”

“Of course, I am, wow. So you’re married”

“Yes, I am,” I said,

She asked where my wife is and I told her she went to the embassy to prepare our visa for our trip to Dubai next month.

She was stunned,

She smiled and said that’s nice,

While she was still looking surprised.

My Aunt came out of the restroom and walked straight toward me.

“Victor please give me my son let me go and breastfeed him”

She took the boy and returned to our table and started breastfeeding him.

Imelda being a w!cked girl as always then looked at me and sneered.

“So Victor you later settled with a sugar mommy?”

Shame no gree me talk again and i don’t think I’ll forgive my aunt for this.

Oya aunty, come and be going🚶‍♂️🚶‍♂️🚶‍♂️

2nd August 2022

Victor Firdance Page

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