A NIGHT WITH HIM Episode 32 – 33 by Azeemah Salami

A NIGHT WITH HIM Episode 1 by Azeemah Salami

A NIGHT WITH HIM Episode 32 by Azeemah Salami

The sight before her left her shocked and if she hadn’t held on the armchair beside her, she would have hit the ground.

“Everything in there is yours” Harold said to her and tears filled her eyes.

The little room she thought would probably be an unused place is now set up beautifully.
And the most surprising part is it was set up to be..to be a fashion designing workshop!
She could sight working tools at every corner of the room.

Tape measure, threads,needles, a sketch pad,scissors! A card scissors, lightweight scissors and shear scissors which has always been her father’s favorite, even though she prefers lightweight scissors.
There is a weaving machine, embroidery machine, dress maker dummy and tailors chalk, pear Head pins and a complete set of sewing machine!

The wall paper displayed fashionable items.
Looking at it alone is a great motivation.

There’s a computer too!

She stood on that root for so long, dumfounded.
And when she finally got herself,she found herself screaming and jumping into Harold’s arm.
She felt speechless for so many seconds and she just stayed in his arms not believing her eyes.
“Thank you so much but…” Irene paused to breath ” i can’t accept this” she added, pulling away from him slowly.
“W..why?” Harold asked.
“T this is just too much, it’s not..like i’ve done so much to deserve this.” Irene said.
“I understand you” Harold smiled ” but do you have to do anything for me before i can help you?”
“No..but…!” Irene sighed.
“I don’t expect anyone to do anything for me before helping them. I do it cause i want to, i did what i did for you willingly, i wouldn’t let you give your contact to those ladies without having a plan. My plan started right from that party. So please,you need to accept it except you want my efforts to go to waste” Harold faked a frown.
“Thank you so much Harold, you’ve done so much for me. You pay me a lot and now this. I really appreciate your efforts and i promise to pay you back in every little way i can. Thanks so much” Irene wiped her tears..
“Aww. Stop” Harold drew her close.
Her head was on his chest as she cried, mumbling thank you..

“So where do we start from?” Irene smiled, checking out her workshop after some minutes.
Harold had left her to do the tour.
She’s so grateful.

thing she needs is here! Even more things she knows she can’t even buy herself.
She had planned to buy just few necessary things but Harold bought so much.
She’s so happy and feels indebted to him .
She chuckled, imagining how shocked her mum and Damien would be when she tells them .
She would have called Damien immediately but he’ll be in school.

Nola had said she would check on her later on.
She had told her she knew about the whole thing, she helped Harold in the plan.
And Irene now knew why she had caught Nola smiling.
These people are full of surprises.

first thing is accepting the orders.

She pulled the comfy chair closer to the table, grabbed a pen and a notepad.
She unlocked her phone and started accepting the orders with smiles on her face.


“How’s Irene?” Ivory asked hoping into Harold’s car excitedly.
Harold hopped in after her.
He had come to pick her up like he promised.

“Irene’s at home” Harold said, pecking her forehead.
He helped her pull off her backpack and then ordered the driver to start driving.

“Why didn’t she come with you?” Ivory asked .
“Well..she’s busy” Harold said.
“Ohh…with Nola?” Ivory asked.
“No, I’m sorry i didn’t tell you this earlier, i wanted it to be a surprise though”
“Really?” Ivory smiled.
“Yes princess”
“What is it?” She asked curiously.
“You know the little building in the garden that was once used to store flowers?” Harold asked .
“Yes daddy”
” I furnished it into a fashion designing workshop for Irene” Harold said.

“Wow!!!” Ivory screamed in excitement.
Irene had told her how worried she was after giving out her contact to those ladies with no hope but now her dad just gave her hope!
“Thank you daddy” Ivory smiled happily.
Harold grinned, wondering the type of love that exists between Irene and his daughter.

“She was so happy right?” Ivory asked.
“Yes she was” Harold said.
“She’s working already” Harold added.
“Really?” Ivory smiled widely.
“I can’t wait to get home” She grinned happily.


had went to get the cloth material after accepting the orders.
She jotted down their measurements and started cutting and sewing.

She so much love the sewing machine.
It gave her the perfect stitching.
She sew five dresses already and it just needs to be packaged and delivered.
Yes, she’s that fast at sewing.

Though she still have so much more to go but she’s up for it.

She smiled while at it.

Sewing again after so long brought so much joy to her.

Nola had brought her coffee while she came to check on her and she had left to prepare lunch.
Irene had offered to help her but she declined, insisting Irene should continue with her work and Irene who has so much to do didn’t refused.

This is just like a dream.

Who would have thought she’ll be…sewing in her own workshop today!
It’s just so unbelievable, she would have argued vehemently if someone had told her that.
She really need to thank Harold over and over again.
He made her life change for better just in few minutes.
Her clients are starting to transfer their bills to her and she knows that’s gonna go a long way in her mother’s surgery and her brother fees.
She’s just so happy right now.

“Irene!!” Ivory called happily rushing into Irene’s little workshops.
“Ivory” Irene beamed happily, stopping what she was doing to hug the little girl.

She feels more happy to see ivory.


Ivory and Irene stepped into the dining room after Irene had dressed her up for the afternoon.
Harold loved the way Irene didn’t neglect Ivory, despite how busy she is.
He had told her to continue with her work that he’s just gonna take care of ivory but she had refused and rushed to take care of ivory before he could persist.

“Looking good” Harold smiled at his daughter who smiled back.
“Where’s Nola?” Ivory asked.
“She went to get the meal” Harold said and ivory nodded.

“So, how’s work going?” Harold asked Irene,who had wanted to go help Nola.
“Great, thanks” she smiled, sitting back.
“Thank you so much Harold” Irene added.
“Stop it. You’ve thanked me more than i can count already” Harold said.

“Harold, Allysia is coming home” Nola said excitedly, walking out of the kitchen.
“With your parents” She added.

A NIGHT WITH HIM Episode 33 by Azeemah Salami


“Harold, Allysia is coming home” Nola said excitedly, walking out of the kitchen.
“With your parents” She added.

“Yaaaaay” ivory squealed happily while Harold smiled.
“When will they be coming?” He asked.
“Next weekend” Nola said, dropping the tray on the dining table.
“Okay then, we would be gladly expecting them” Harold said.
“I can’t wait to see them” Ivory grinned.
Irene smiled, not saying a word..
She can’t actually wait to see nola’s daughter and Harold’s parents too.

“Let’s eat” Harold said.


Irene made ivory have her nap after eating lunch.
She returned happily to her workshop to continue her work..
She should call Damien that she won’t be coming home for the weekend.
There’s so much to do here.

She sat on the chair and grabbed her phone.

?Why won’t you be coming home for the weekend!” Damien frowned over the phone.

?Chill Dam, i have a lot to do.

?A lot? Is the nanny work that stressful?

?Not the nanny work” Irene smiled. “My own work” she added.

?Your own?

?Yes Dam, I’m going to send you a picture now and make sure you show it to mum too” Irene said before disconnecting the call.

She started taking pictures of her workshop.

?Oh..my! Mr Harold did all that for you?” Damien nearly screamed over the phone.

“That’s unbelievable…” Irene heard her mum said in the background.

?Yes he did.

?D..does he want something in return?” Damien asked curiously.

?No, he doesn’t” Irene said,moved to tears again. “He’s just so nice” she added.

?Can we come over to thank him?” Irene’s stepmum asked.

?No Mum, do not bother. I’ll just send your greetings to him.

?I’m so so grateful to him. I wish i can just see him and thank him profusely” Damien said.
?This is so so surprising” Mrs Neave said.

? Yeah” Damien conceded.

?We should leave you to work now”

? Okay, bye.


“The scissors is gonna hurt you Ivory” Irene warned for the third time.
They had both returned to her workshop after ivory woke up from her nap and she read to her in the library.
“What do you use this for Irene?” Ivory asked and Irene sighed.
She just can’t count the amount of questions Ivory has asked during her stay here.

“Well that’s tape measure, it’s used to get people’s measurements before sewing” Irene said.
“Ohh…so you went to their houses one after the other to take their measurements?” Ivory asked.
“No, they sent their measurements to me” Irene said.
“Ohh…” Ivory said.
“What should i help you with” She added.
“Absolutely nothing dear” Irene said.
“Are you sure?” Ivory asked.
“Yes, you can just watch me” Irene smiled.

Days flew past and Irene was done with the orders.
She got more orders but she’s yet to accept them.
She needed to finish the first set and now she’s done.
When she’s back from delivering this last one, she might start accepting the new orders.
She’s so happy Daire fashions is getting known little by little.
She already opened a page for people to contact her.
She do post samples of her wears and she always got great reviews and recommendation.
Not only that, her bank account is getting fat.

She’s just so grateful to God and Harold.
She has been working with him for few weeks now and she can’t deny her feelings for him any longer.
She has feelings for Harold and she’s afraid to admit it.
She hadn’t planned this from the start,she didn’t even see it coming,it just came and she can’t stop it.
The feeling’s good.
It had been so long she felt her heart race, so long she felt this good.

She always look forward to every night with him in the library.
Yeah..they still spent nights in the library and they’ve gotten so close than she would have ever imagined.

She now feels so comfortable around him,she feels so free to call him Harold.
Other workers do raise eyebrows when she does that but she doesn’t care anymore.

She sighed before picking up the last wear she’s to deliver.
It’s well packed already.
She walked out of her workshop and closed the door behind her.

“I’ll be right back Nola” she called out as she walked past the kitchen.
“Going to deliver?” Nola asked.
“Yeah, the last piece” Irene said.
“Ohh.. okay”


“Let’s go to your workshop” Ivory said to Irene after they were done with lunch.
“No, you’ll need to take your nap. Besides I’m done with the orders and I’m gonna rest for few days before accepting the pending ones”
“Uh..huh” ivory pressed her lips together.
“I’ll have my nap then” she said and Irene led her to her room.

She tucked her in bed and pecked her forehead before moving into her own room.
It’s been long she had a nap and she decided to do so now.
She sighed softly as she fell on her bed.
She can’t wait to go home for the weekend.
She misses Damien and her Mum.
Her mum’s surgery bill is almost ready.
She can’t wait to see her back on her two feets and her heart working perfectly again.
The huge pay she received from Harold and the money she received from the orders helped in almost completing the surgery bill.
Few months ago,she never believed she’ll get more than half of her mum’s surgery bills this soon .
Things are just so unpredictable.
She’s so glad to have met Harold.
He’s slowly making her dreams come true.

The dream she never thought would even be fulfilled.


They laughed over dinner as Nola cracked jokes.
“Dad…table manners” Ivory reminded even though she had laughed too.
“Ohh…i got carried away i guess” Harold smiled.
Irene gulped water, still feeling the urge to laugh again.
“Such jokes shouldn’t be cracked over meals, it almost choked me” Harold laughed and Irene followed.
Ivory also giggled while Nola smiled.

They continued with their meal in silence and they were almost done when a bodyguard came to whisper into Alex’s ear.
He nodded and walked up to Harold.

“I apologise for interrupting your dinner Mr Harold but i was told now that a guy named Damien is here seeking to irene,his sister” Alex said.

“What!” Irene exclaimed rising to her feet.
“I’m so sorry Harold, Damien must be out of his mind to visit me here, I’m so sorry, I’ll go chastise him immediately” She said about to make a move when Harold stopped her.
“He could be here to tell you something important” He said.
“That’s why i have my phon..” Irene was saying when she realised she left her phone upstairs.

But still ..

“Even if he came on a visit,I’ll gladly welcome him. Bring him in Alex” Harold ordered.
“Huh?” Alex asked.
“You heard me” Harold said and Alex quickly carried out his order.

Irene sat down slowly, unsettled.

The dining room door opened and Damien walked in.
Irene stood up quickly seeing the look on his face.
She knew something had gone wrong…

“What happened?” She asked in a shaky voice.
“It’s Mum..” Damien said, stopping to catch his breath.
“What happened to mum?” Irene almost screamed.
“She..’s..not.. moving anymore” He bursted out crying.



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Erakpoweri Blessing
Erakpoweri Blessing
3 years ago

Pls nothing should happen to Irene’s mom now tht the money for the surgery is complete and I thought Harold’s parents were coming?

Jidda mj
Jidda mj
3 years ago

Oh no pls when irene is abt to complete the surgery money keep her safe pls i hope this isnt ethan’s doing