5 Benefits of Downloading and Listening To 5 Sermons A Week

5 Benefits of Downloading and Listening To 5 Sermons A Week

5 Benefits of Downloading and Listening To 5 Sermons A Week.

There are many reasons why a person might add sermons  to their phones and mp3 devices, but if you haven’t been doing it,let me advice you todo so for your personal growth….

1. You get to hear different perspectives.

We all know our own preacher’s style and we can sometimes even come to know his illustrations, questions, and jokes so well, we expect them.  This isn’t to say that the preacher is stale or boring but when you listen to another expound on God’s word, even the same passage, it can be like listening to it for the first time!

2.  It is a good resource for stirring up your own thoughts.

As you listen to a sermon, if you are truly trying to gain wisdom and insight into God’s will,  you will find yourself thinking “That’s a good point” or “That is something that can help me in this area of life” or “i never knew that, WOW! That makes this parable more meaningful”. And when those thoughts stick with you or help you improve your life in some way, the benefit is very long lasting.

3. For preacher’s it can be an invaluable tool of learning from others.

No preacher would ever think he knows it all, but how many think they have to DO it ALL on their own? That is a fallacy. Listening to fellow Christians teach is a way for teachers to sharpen their skills and increase their knowledge. They may even pick up a style, delivery technique, or a new illustration (see point 1).

4. It helps keep the world out of your head. 

That is always a good thing.  Let’s face it, if you don’t spend 30 to 40 minutes listening to a sermon as you drive along, exercise, or relax, what will you listen too? Something from the world? Will you watch a TV show that is mindless and has no value (at best) or one that is full of worldly morals and standards (at worst)?  Reading God’s word, listening to God’s word preached, hearing the reading of the Scriptures as you go through your day will help keep you more focused on what is important, truly important.When Paul said in Phil 4 to think on the things that are true, honorable, just, pure, of good report, etc, I think that God’s word would be one of those things. David said that he hid God’s word in his heart so that he would not sin against God. Jesus said “Pay attention to what you hear” and one way to do that is to pay attention to what you allow yourself to listen to.

5. You can grow in an area that you have a need to grow in.

All the sermons I know of use titles, so search for a topic  you need to know about.  So look for lessons in areas that you already know you need to learn about. 

Do you want to learn more about Sin and how to Overcome it? 

This message “Delivered From All Sins” by G.O Adeboye will help.  

Do you want to develop more humility? listen to Joshua selman on “The Gift of Men“. 

Are you single and searching for the right one? “Who Should I Marry” by Kingsley Okonkwo will bless you

Want to develop a business mindset? “Start Your Business” by Sam Adeyemi is all you need

Now you can find these and more here @ INSPIRATION ..
the only thing you need to do is go search for it @ OpraDre.com 

Reference @ lostpineschurchofchrist

5 Benefits of Downloading and Listening

Question: What are other benefits you might receive from listening to more sermons?

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