You are not the FAVOURED by Allison Bisongs Hyacintho

You are not the FAVOURED

You are not the FAVOURED by Allison Bisongs Hyacintho

When he says, “If you know what it costs me to convince my mother and my entire family to accept you, you should be grateful that I am even marrying you.”

Aunty let it be the last time he will open his mouth to talk such nonsense to you. If you go on with that marriage, be ready to spend the rest of your married life convincing a bunch of people who didn’t want you there in the first place.

No man is doing you a favour by marrying you. Let me repeat it louder, NO MAN IS DOING YOU A FAVOUR BY MARRYING YOU. You are favour personified. You are an embodiment of favour. The favour you carry is so powerful that it will never drop on him if you don’t say so. You are the one doing him a favour, you are the one doing his family a favour, if his family is not treating you like a blessing they have been praying and waiting to have, then you’re marrying a wrong John the Baptist, you’re not the one they’ve been prophesying about.

You are not the FAVOURED oo, you are the FAVOUR!
You don’t get it? Haa!

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5 years ago

yes sir, uncle Allison has come.
i am truly a FAVOUR