WIFE MATERIAL Episode 4 – Ayogu Oluchi Eze

WIFE MATERIAL Episode 1 - Ayogu Oluchi Eze


Episode 4

Amara’s family were so happy when their visitors left. They sat back in the living room discussing about their visitors.

Some of the drinks that their proposed inlaws didn’t touch were still on the table.
Amara’s younger sister gathered them and carried them back into the fridge.

“I can’t wait for them to meet up with all the requirements so that I can be his wife,” Amara said looking so enthusiastic.

“This was how I was so felt when your father came to marry me,” her mother added.

“You both need to take things easy. Marriage is for better or worse, so you need to be careful in picking a life partner,” her father said.

“Ok Daddy, I believe he will make a good husband,” Amara replied.

“He’s so cute,” Amara’s sister said.

Amara gave her a bombastic side-eye and she hid her face in shame.

“She was just complementing now, I can see you love him so much,” her mother said.

Amara started blushing.

Some minutes later, Ikenna and his mother got to their house.

Immediately Angela heard the sound of their vehicle, she rushed out to welcome them.

Ikenna and his mother alighted from the car.

Angela collected her mother’s purse and followed them as they entered the house.

“Mummy, how did it go?”

“Angela, allow us to enter the house now.”

Angela smiled.

When they got to the house, they all sat on the couch in the living room. Mrs Ndu asked her daughter to get her a bottle of water. In no time, she came back with a chilled bottle of water and handed it to her mother.

“So, how did it go?” Angela continued.

“It went well, I think I love the family, they were so humble,” Mrs Ndu said.

“Little wonder where Amara got her humble behaviour from. I’m a lucky man,” Ikenna bragged.

“Brother you should be thanking me oo. You have my account details, do the needful,” Angela said looking nonchalantly.

“You too like money,” Ikenna said and then turned to his mother.

“Mummy, what’s next.”

“I need to inform your uncle. He will tell us the right way to go about those necessary procedures.”

“Okay, mummy. I’ll be on my way now.”

“Can’t you stay with us for this night?”

“Mummy, I have some work to do at home.”


“Let me know when you have spoken with Uncle.”

He then stood up to leave. Angela and her mother saw him off to his car.

He entered and drove off as they bade him goodbye.

Later on, Mrs Ndu called her husband’s younger brother and informed him about Ikenna’s plan of getting a wife. He was so elated.

“That’s good news, your father will be proud of him in his gra.ve. I’ll be glad to help,” Uncle said over the phone.

So uncle helped them in visiting the inlaws and going about the necessary arrangements, and Ikenna joined him when needed.

After all the procedures were completed, a wedding date was fixed.

Two weeks later, Ikenna and Amara had an elaborate traditional and church wedding.
Their families, friends and well-wishers were invited as they celebrated their beautiful union.

A night before their wedding, Amara’s mother called her to her room and advised her on what was going into.

“My daughter, build your home. Give your husband all the respect he deserves. Remember where you came from, represent your family well over there.”

After the celebration, everyone left for their houses. lkenna and his new wife left for Ikenna’s apartment.

The couple had their bath together as they prepared for their first night.

Ikenna had craved for that night because, throughout their courtship period, Amara never allowed him to get intim.ate with her. She had always reminded him that it was against her faith to defi.le the bed before the wedding.

Later on, they came out of the bathroom with their towels on.

Ikenna was eager to get it on.

So he gently untied his wife’s towel.

She felt shy and was almost covering her nak.edness.

Her husband started smoo.ching and fondling her.

In a moment they were in bed and Ikenna was on top. It was difficult for him to pen.etrate because she was tight down there. Amara was just lying down looking inexperienced and watching her husband’s actions. Ikenna then forced himself in with the help of his hand.

He was surprised that he was the first person to be there. He felt so pleased but his wife was cr.ying in pa.in.

A few minutes later Ikenna stopped because he was p.itying her.

He got up and held her close to his heart and consoled her.

“With time the pains will stop, okay.”

Amara nodded.

She then stood up to get the towel and cover her body.

Her husband looked down and saw the blo.od stains on the bed. He was so delighted.

When she got back to the bed, Ikenna held her closer.

“You are one in a million, I never knew that people like you still exist. Like seriously, you passed through the university without defiling yourself. I respect you my love and I am the luckiest man on earth to have you.”

Later on, Amara went back to the bathroom and cleaned her body.

The duvet was changed and they both slept off.


I am Ayogu Oluchi Eze

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