WIFE MATERIAL Episode 18 – Ayogu Oluchi Eze

WIFE MATERIAL Episode 1 - Ayogu Oluchi Eze


Episode 18

Ikenna was thrown into a dilemma. He was confused and didn’t know what else to do.

He paced around his office for some time and later on started searching through some files. About an hour later, he discovered he hadn’t achieved anything since Sandra left.

So he picked up his bag and car key and then left.

Some minutes later, he drove into his compound. His wife was cleaning the kitchen when the doorbell rang.

She cleaned her hands with the kitchen towel and went to open the door.

She was surprised to see her husband at that hour of the day.

He looked demoralized.

“Good afternoon baby,” Amara greeted.

“Good afternoon.”

“Is everything alright?”

“Yes, everything is fine.”

“But your look is saying a different thing and you came home earlier than usual.”

“No dear, everything is alright, I’m just stressed up and needed some rest.”

“Okay,” Amara said as she collected his bag and carried it to the bedroom.

Later Ikenna had freshened up and was lying on the bed. His wife came to inform him that his food was ready.

He then followed her to the dining room, ate and went back to the bedroom.

His wife continued what she was doing in the kitchen.

The following day, Ikenna looked better than the previous day. So he and his wife were having breakfast and conversing.

“How far with Sandra?” Amara asked.

“Sandra?!” Ikenna said looking surprised.

“Yes, I haven’t heard from her for so long. She hasn’t even come to see my baby since I put her to bed.”

“Oh, I too haven’t heard from her. Maybe she’s not in town.”

“Okay, maybe.”

“Let me run.”

“Okay, have a nice dear.”

“You too. Take care of Junior.”

He then turned and left the house.

A few days later, Ikenna had left his office and was headed to Sandra’s shop.

He got there and was trying to get a nice space to park. Sandra was standing inside her shop. She saw Ikenna through the window and quickly went and sat down waiting for him.

When he was done packing, he entered the shop. He went to where Sandra was seated and they both greeted indifferently. Ikenna then sat down on a chair before her.

They were both silent for some minutes before Ikenna spoke.

“I didn’t hear from you again.”

“Hear from me on what?”

“The pregnancy, have you come up with what to do with it?”

“I’m not doing anything with it other than keeping it.”

“If that’s what you want, you can keep it but be sure you don’t get my wife to know about it.”

“Now you are talking. I won’t have any reason to tell her if you provide my needs.”

“That won’t be a problem.”

Sandra smiled.

“I don’t know why you are avoiding me. I still need you around especially now that I’m carrying your child.”

“I’ll see what I can do about that. I have to leave now, I have a lot to do at the office,” he said as he stood up to leave.

“Wait a little, let me get you something to eat,” she said and started calling one of her salesgirls.

“Don’t worry, I don’t want to take anything. See you later.”

He then turned and left.

After that day, Ikenna continued reaching out to Sandra.

Some weeks later, in the morning, Ikenna was getting ready to go to work. His wife was carrying her baby and sitting in the living room, looking furious.

“I don’t know why you are finding it difficult to accept this,” Ikenna said.

“We never bargained for this. We can get a helper that will assist me in taking care of my baby or we can enrol him in a daycare center,” Amara said.

“He’s too tender to stay in a daycare centre. Just stay at home and take care of him. It’s not a big deal. If the salary is the problem, I’ll start paying you salary from the end of this month.”

“I’ve been hoping to resume work immediately after my leave period ends, only for me to hear that I should quit my job. It’s not fair.”

“Please, my love, do this for me and I’ll forever be grateful to you.”

“It’s not an easy decision for me to accept.”

As she was talking, Ikenna brought out his phone and made some transactions. He then informed his wife that he sent some money into her account.

In a moment, Amara’s message tune beeped. She checked her phone and confirmed a credit alert of 400,000 from her husband.

She appreciated him but wasn’t looking cheerful.

“This is double my salary but money is not even my problem. I just want to remain relevant in my field of study.”

“I understand, just do this for me. I’ll take care of all your needs and that of Juniors. I sent this money now to tell you that I’m serious about my decision.”

Amara grudgingly accepted and her husband left for work.


I am Ayogu Oluchi Eze

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Ilyas Yetunde
Ilyas Yetunde
11 months ago

Hmmm! I hope things don’t go haywire before Ikenna realize what he has brought upon himself.