WIFE MATERIAL Episode 17 – Ayogu Oluchi Eze

WIFE MATERIAL Episode 1 - Ayogu Oluchi Eze


Episode 17

Amara later sat back in the living room and was engrossed in thought over what transpired between her and Paul.

“My husband, enjoying himself with his ex. Not possible, my husband is caring and disciplined. But what if it’s true, can one be with a side chick and still show his wife love? I don’t think that’s possible.”

Ikenna later came back in the evening. His wife welcomed him and carried his bag to the room. He looked and saw his child sleeping in his crib.

“Junior is already asleep, hmmm. Hope you are ready for a vigil this night,” he said and smiled.

“That’s not a problem yet because I’ll still have enough time to sleep, I’m not going to work.”

“That’s true.”

“I can’t wait to resume work.”

“You still have two months to stay right?”

“No oo, a month and two weeks.”

Both of them laughed.

Ikenna later left for the bathroom to freshen up.

Amara then went and served the dinner. She sat in the dining room and waited for her husband. He later came and they both ate happily.

After their meal, Amara carried the plates to the kitchen.

Later on, they were in the living room discussing.

“Baby, something happened today.”

“What happened?”

“Your friend came here.”

“My friend? Do you mean Paul?”

“Yes, he came to tell me that he still loves me and that we can continue our relationship.”

“Continue what! Is he insan.e?” Ikenna said looking furious.

“This is just the way I felt. When I became ma.d at him he said that I was keeping myself while you are enjoying yourself with your ex.”

“What?! Why could he say such a thing?
Remember you told me you guys knew each other? Paul wants to do anything possible to get you back. Don’t you ever listen to him?
He wants to frame me up just to get my wife. I won’t take it lightly with him.”

“Please take it easy. I just want to tell you so that it won’t repeat itself next time.”

“No, you don’t understand how I’m feeling right now. Another man, in fact, my bosom friend wants to have something with my wife.”

“God forbid,” Amara said.

“He wants to destroy our happiness. Oh, I understand his plans. He wants to destroy my marriage but he doesn’t know that I have a virtuous woman at home. Thank you for resisting him. I love it so much,” he said and pecked his wife.

“I love you too. I just want you to be aware of what’s going on. I don’t want you people to have issues.”

“I’ll go and warn him to stay away from my family. Never allow him to enter this compound when I’m not at home. Okay?”


When Ikenna was done ran.ting, he angrily left for the bedroom. He laid on the bed and was contemplating.

“What is even his problem? What will he gain from telling my wife about Sandra? Thank goodness he didn’t mention the name of the ex. If not that my wife trust me, maybe by now we will be having a serious problem. I need to be careful.”

His wife later joined him in the bedroom but didn’t say a word because she believed he was still m.ad at his friend.

As time went on, Ikenna stopped visiting Sandra. He also stopped taking her calls.

Paul was avoiding Ikenna and Ikenna never bothered to reach him but Ikenna never spoke to Paul as he promised his wife.

Later on, Ikenna was in his office going through some documents when someone knocked at his door

“Who is it? Come in,” Ikenna said.

The person didn’t say a word but opened the door and entered.

Lo and behold, it was Sandra.

“Sandra, what are you doing here?” he said looking infuriated.

“What sort of question is that? You’ve been avoiding me and you expect me to be calm.”

“I want us to stop this Sandra, I want to face my marriage.”

“Like it’s just dawning on you that you are married. Do you think I’m stu.pid? You always love to use and dump me. You see this time, I’ll never allow that to happen again. Take this,” Sandra said handing him a white envelope.

“What is this?”

“Open it and read.”

Ikenna opened the envelope and brought out a paper. He then opened the paper and read.

“Sandra, what’s the meaning of this?” he said looking heartbroken.

“It means that I’m pregnant for you!”

“Please Sandra you need to do something about it. Do you want to destroy my marriage?”

“I don’t care! You see this pregnancy, I’m keeping it and you must take full responsibility for the baby. I’m leaving now. You know how and where to find me if you need me.”

She then turned and left the office.


I am Ayogu Oluchi Eze

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Ilyas Yetunde
Ilyas Yetunde
11 months ago

I knew all along that Paul is a bad friend. He is such a hypocrite and a home wrecker. Sandra wants to pin a fake pregnancy on Ikenna.