WIFE MATERIAL Episode 14 – Ayogu Oluchi Eze

WIFE MATERIAL Episode 1 - Ayogu Oluchi Eze


Episode 14

That night, Amara was awake around midnight contemplating what was going on between her husband and Sandra.

“There’s something about that Sandra. I was open-minded about this relationship but I think there’s more to it than meets the eye. It’s high time I discover what’s going on. I will keep calm and play along until I find tangible evidence.”

So, four weeks later, Ikenna was in his office checking through some files when someone knocked.

“Come in,” he said looking up to know who it was.

Sandra walked in looking so sleek in her ski.mpy golden latex sleeveless gown.

“Wow, Sandra! You are back already,” his eyes popping up in admiration of the glamorous outfit on her perfect figure.


“Have a seat.”

“Thank you,” she said and sat down.

“To what do I owe this abrupt appearance?”

“To see you of course. I’ve missed you.”

“I was thinking you would stay for two months or more as usual.”

“Well, I’m back and may not be leaving anytime soon.”

“It’s like you bought enough wear that could stay a longer period.”

“Not really, I just want to focus more on my business here.”

“Ok, it’s a nice idea. By the way, you look so h-o-t.”

“I know. Thank you. Just want to let you know that I’m back,” she said adjusting the chair to stand up.

“Not so soon, I won’t let you leave like the other day.”

He then stood up from his chair and went close to where Sandra sat. He held her up and hugged her passionately.

Sandra reciprocated by holding him close to her exposed cleav.age. They clutched each other for some seconds.

“Your fragrance can’t be easily erased from my head,” he whispered into her ears.

He then went ahead to brush his lips on hers.

Sandra surrendered to the magic of the moment, like she had craved it all the while.

They locked their l.ips feeling breathless and wanting for more.

Suddenly Ikenna’s phone started ringing.

He looked and ignored the call because the number wasn’t saved on his phone.

The call came in two more times and he picked up.

“Hello! Who is this?” he said sounding h.arsh.

“Hello sir, it’s your wife’s colleague.”

“Yes, is my wife alright?” he said moving away from Sandra.

Sandra looked unhappy.

“Sir, your wife is in l.abour. She was just rushed to the hospital.”

“What! Which hospital please?”

“Redemption hospital.”

“Ok thank you.”

The person ended the call.

It pa.ined Sandra more that they were distracted because of Ikenna’s wife.

“Sandra please, I need to rush to the hospital. My wife is in labour.”

Sandra was mute

“I’m sorry, you have to leave now. I’ll talk to you later,” Ikenna said as he persuaded her to leave.

Sandra adjusted her sk.impy dress, took her bag and angrily left.

Ikenna took his car keys and rushed out of the office.

A few minutes later, he got to Redemption Hospital. He parked at the hospital’s parking lot and quickly alighted.

He went to the receptionist to enquire about his wife.
He described his wife’s look to the receptionist and was directed to the labour ward.

He rushed to the place and saw two heavily pregnant women walking around the ward in p.ain.

He then looked again and saw a midwife coming out from an inner room of that ward. He rushed to the midwife.

“Excuse me ma,” Ikenna said while panicking.

The midwife stopped.

“I was told that my wife was here. Her name is Amara.”

“Amara Ndu?”

“Yes, ma.”

“Are you her husband?”

“Yes, ma.”

“I came out to check if you were already here. Congratulations, your wife has just given birth to a baby boy. My colleague is cleaning the baby now.”

“Wow. Thank you ma. Can I go and see her?” he said excitedly.

“Yes, follow me.”

She led him to the labour room.

Amara was lying on the bed looking w.eak.

Ikenna was filled with emotions watching his wife and hearing his son’s vagitus.

He then held his wife’s hand and kissed her forehead.

“Congratulations to us. I’m sorry for all the p.ain. I wish I was here to console you.”

“It’s ok.”

When the midwife was done cleaning the baby and dressing him up, she handed the baby to Ikenna.

He was so excited.

They later moved to a private ward where the newborn and his mother would be monitored for complications before they would be discharged.


I am Ayogu Oluchi Eze

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