WIFE MATERIAL Episode 1 – Ayogu Oluchi Eze

WIFE MATERIAL Episode 1 - Ayogu Oluchi Eze


Episode 1

It was a sunny afternoon, just a few hours after Ndu’s family came back from church service.

They had just finished preparing their usual Sunday white rice and tomato stew.

Mrs Ndu was seated in the living room receiving cool air from the standing airconditioner and watching a television program.

The living room was closed up and the nose-blinding aroma of the well-spiced stew filled the environment.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang.

Mrs Ndu stood up and walked to the door. She looked through the peephole and smiled. It was Ikenna, her son. She then opened the door.

Ikenna walked in excitedly and hugged his mother.

“You are welcome my son, have a seat,” she said as they both went to the couch and sat.

“Thank you, Mummy. How are you doing?”

“I’m fine my son, how is work?”

“Great, where is Angela?”

“I don’t even know why she’s not here yet, let me call her,” she said and started shouting her daughter’s name.

“Angela! Angela!!”

Angela answered from within the house and in no time, she came to the living room.

“Wow, brother Ikenna is here!” she said excitedly as she hugged him.

“What kept you inside?” Ikenna asked.

“I was in the restroom.”


“Brother, this one you remembered us today. Hope all is well?”

“Have I not been coming, abeg what’s this aroma I’m perceiving? I need a taste of it.”

“Are you hungry or do you just want to taste our food?”

“Madam, I’m hungry besides am I not free to eat the food my family prepared?”

“Sheila didn’t prepare anything for you.”

“We usually eat out because she doesn’t cook.”


“Yes, please get me some food.”

Angela quickly left for the kitchen to get some food.
Later on, she came out with a plate of rice and chicken stew and bottled water all in a colourful tray.

She kept it on the dining table and called her brother’s attention.

Ikenna quickly left for the dining room and started rushing the food as if he hadn’t eaten for days. When he finished the food, he requested an extra plate of food.

When he had finished the extra food, he went back to the living room and thanked them for the food.

Angela went to the dining room and carried the empty plate back to the kitchen.

She later joined her mother and her brother in the living room.

“I’m sure it’s Mummy that prepared this stew,” Ikenna bragged.

His mother smiled.

“Are you now saying I can’t do better?”

“I didn’t say that but I always know the taste of Mummy’s stew and it’s the best for me.”

“You better go and marry so your wife can be cooking for you,” Angela said looking a bit angered.

“As if you knew why I was here,” he said smiling.

“You have finally made up your mind to marry Sheila,” Angela continued.

“I can’t marry her.”

“Why bother?”

“Sheila is not my ideal lady for marriage. She doesn’t know how to do anything, she can’t even cook, how long will I continue eating out?”

“Who then is your ideal woman for marriage,” his mother asked.

“I haven’t seen her. I came so that you people could help me find her. I need someone who’s well-behaved, decent, beautiful, intelligent, and most importantly someone who can cook very well.”

“Mind you, you may not find all these qualities you want in one person,” his mother continued.

“I think I know someone who possesses those qualities,” Angela said.

“Who please?” Ikenna asked.

“Amara, she was my roommate at the university. She used to come here then. Mummy, you know her.”

“That tall black lady that usually joined us during morning devotion,” her mummy said.


“She was a nice girl. She possesses those qualities that’s if she hadn’t changed.”

“I think I have her picture. Let me search for it and show it to brother.”

Angela then scrolled through her phone and later saw Amara’s picture.

“See her here,” Angela said as she handed the phone to her brother.

He collected the phone and scrutinised the picture, he zoomed in and out.

“She’s okay,” he said.

“She works at Diamond Firm down Vox Avenue. I’ll talk to her about you. If she agrees that both of you should meet, I’ll tell you.”

“I’d like to meet the girl, whoever that my sister and mother approved must be a nice person. I hope she’s not taken.”

“I hope so,” his mother added.

As they were discussing, Ikenna’s phone rang. He picked it up and spoke with the caller for a few minutes before the caller ended the call.

He then stood up to leave.

“So soon?” his mother asked.

“Someone is waiting for me at my house now. I’ll come back some other time.”


“Let me run along, we will keep in touch on the phone.”

Angela and her mother stood up and followed him to his car.
He entered and drove off.



I am Ayogu Oluchi Eze

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Ilyas Yetunde
Ilyas Yetunde
11 months ago
