Why Are You At My House By This Time Of The Night? Victor Firdance

Why Are You At My House By This Time Of The Night? Victor Firdance

Why Are You At My House By This Time Of The Night?

She knocked on my friends door last night and walked to his window to whisper.

“Frank open up the door.”

His eyes jolted open.

“Sandra.” He called out.

“Yes. It’s me. Open up.”

He reached for his phone and checked the time. It was exactly 1 a.m

He stood up and rushed to the door to open it. Sandra sneaked in almost immediately without shoes.

Her hair was rumpled and her eyes different.

“Why? Why are you at my house by this time of the night?” He asked.

“Babe, I had a nightmare. I had a nightmare that you broke my heart and left me to be with another woman.”


“Yes. I couldn’t sleep anymore. I had to come here.”

“Barefooted? Sandra.”

“Babe you would not understand. You would not know how much I love you. The moment I woke up from that dream I had to just run over here to meet you.”

“Why will you run over in the middle of the night without shoes to see me. Why? What if something bad had happened to you. What if you were attacked by robbers. Sandra. What were you thinking?”

“All I was thinking was you. I kept thinking about you. You are the only one who can make me do crazy things. Things I cannot imagine. You are the one who owns me and you know how much I fear losing you.”

Sandra’s eyes were teary. He wiped her tears with his hands.

They were as cold as ice. He held Sandra’s face and stared into her eyes.

“Baby, you know how much I love you and how I will never cheat on you no matter what happens. You know I care so much about you. As long as I live, no woman will own my heart. No woman will ever take me away from you.”

“Then why did I have the dream? Babe my dreams always come through. They always come through. This one sounded so real. You literarily left me hurt.”

He kissed Sandra’s lips and led her to the bed.




“Do you want me to sleep well tonight?”


“Do you want me to return home?”

“Of cause, I want you to. Before your parents begin to look for you. You know your mother. She will call me thinking you are here with me.”

“But I am here with you.”

“I know. But it’s not like it was planned. Please let me take you back home.”

“I will go home and sleep well on one condition”

“What condition is that?”

Sandra looked into his eyes and held his hands. At that moment his phone rang. It was Sandra’s mum calling.

“Sandra, your mum.”

“Do not pick it until you fulfill my condition.”

“What condition is that.”

“Make a covenant with me not to leave me.”


“Yes. If you say you like me and you will never leave me, make a covenant with me.”

“Covenant? Why covenant.”

Sandra showed my friend her bleeding thumb.

“Lick this.”

“Did you come prepared for this?”

“Babe, if you love me you will not be thinking twice. Do it now or I will believe you only want to use me and dump me. And when I leave here I will stab myself. Do it now.”

“If it will make you believe that I love you, I will do it.”

He grabbed Sandra’s thumb and sucked her blood.

“Happy now?”

Sandra smiled.

“Now promise you will never leave me.”

“I promise you, Sandra I will never leave you.”

She embraced my friend frank and kissed his lips. Sandra stood up walked to the door and waved to him.

“Goodbye Frank..”

“Let me walk you.”

“No. Stay. I will find my way home.”

He nodded.

“Goodnight Sandra.”

She shut the door and he turned to his ringing phone once again. It was Sandra’s mum. He picked up the call and her crying voice wafted into his ears.

☠ “My Son, Sandra is dead!. She died in her sleep in the parlor. Frank, my daughter is dead.”

His phone fell from his hands!

My friend interacted with the late girlfriend all the while without knowing. Now there’s a covenant that needs to be broken which I must do for him and it’s a serious problem.

They both spent the day together but then, he didn’t know that would be the last time seeing his girlfriend.

I’ll be traveling to see frank and the family of his late girlfriend because the pain and shock are unbearable.

In case you are just joining, I see, feel, and communicate with ghost and this is my ability. I no dey do jazz so don’t bring that close to my inbox.

The Night The Night The Night The Night The Night The Night


14th July 2022

Victor Firdance Page


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