There is something the bible calls forbearance..
Forbearance means the ability to be patient with people..
You see….let me tell you….
one of the things I see that destroys people both in five fold ministry and leaders generally is that many leaders do not have patience .
You see when you rise…..mastery makes things easy and you forget the fact that it takes a while for people to get to your stage whether spiritually, financially and otherwise..
Many people forget that God started with them gradually. As a man of God you forget that you made mistakes too..You thought you heard God but realized it wasn’t God ..Until you began by tunning your perception to gain accuracy… You must have the heart to be able to walk with people the way God did with you.
When they were making the shew bread, he told them to put a little leaven.. The leaven stands for a little impurity and he says add it to it, that means create space for the mistakes and limitations of man who is in making..
Many leaders cannot reproduce themselves because they are not patient. You can pray for six five hours, it didn’t start in one day.. Look at the dealings of decades God took you through.
Sometimes people come to me to report people and sometimes I keep quiet and people wonder why I keep quiet..by the time you rise in leadership and know God more…
you will understand why many times God just keeps quiet..You need a lot of patience with people.
It is easy to see the made version of any man..Its easy to see the young man now become a prayer warrior.. I knew when many people around me started.. It takes more than the heart of a father…..
it takes the heart of God to be patient.
People will fall and people will rise..
People will disappoint you…
People have stolen from me…
People have taken things from my life…
I have blessed people and they have gone to create wrong impressions about me..
You must have patience.
You will raise somebody who will act tomorrow as if you didn’t do anything in his life ..
You must be patient ….And still continue to pray for them..
This is the heart that you must have if it is anointing you want.
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