Valentina’s Groom Final Part 2 – Royal Matters

Valentina's Groom Part 1 - Royal Matters

Valentina’s Groom Final Part 2 – Royal Matters

The beautiful flower that was given to me by John Jealous was burning slowly in my left hand – the same thing was applied to my body.

John Jealous left me in the room with fire consuming the flower which he gave me as a gift.

the flower was búrning slowly after he snapped his fingers and left for his wedding with his girlfriend, Jen, that póssessed my girlfriend’s body.

As the flower was búrning in my hand, smóke was coming out of my body, yes I was also dying slowly inside.

My knees were already tilt to the floor, I lost control of my body.

I gather a little strength and courage in me and stood back to my feet.

I need to stop the fire with water before everything go out of hand.

I careened through the space heading directly to the kitchen for a little water to quench the fire on the flower.

I was slowly losing control to some parts of my body, I pushed myself through the small kitchen door, my body was just stuck in the middle of the door due to how my body kept growing in size every minute and second.

I decided to exit the door frame, yes that was the only easiest where for me to think fast.

I walked backward with full energy then run forward with my shoulder and smashed the wall leading to the kitchen.

I hurriedly pass through the broken wall and head directly to the water in the sink, I tried turning on the tap for more water but my new big hand damaged it.

The flower was just remaining small to be completely consumed by the fire, I hurriedly put it into the sink.

I was more than shocked when I noticed that the particular fire burning the flower can’t be quenched with water.

I brought out the flower from the sink and placed it on the floor .

I go down uncontrollably with my knees on the floor.

My two giant hands landed on the floor sluggishly, my heart was brôken beyond repair.

I can’t save myself and I can’t even save my Valentina. I promised to protect her till death do us apart.

All those good times I had with Valentina took over my brain, and all those loves we shared took over my broken heart.

I closed my eyes when I noticed the life of the flower is about to come to an end,

my body was just waiting to turn to charcoal as soon as the flower will finally be consumed by the unquenchable flame.

I just imagine how Valentina will feel if only she knows that someone else is slowly taking over her body? how will she feel when she come to realize that she’s married to John Jealous and not me anymore?

All this forlorn thought make tears escape my eyes and dripped down slowly from my eyes,

I started losing my bréath.

I know my time has finally come to depart from this world. More tears dripped down landing gently on the already burnt flower.

I began suffocating due to lack of breathing organs in me. the fire has already burnt down important items inside me.

The last tears that dropped from my eyes landed on the flower.

I saw the flower changing slowly from the burning color which was grey to light green, the flower was slowly coming back to life.

My eyes close gently. I felt my heavy body land on the cold floor of the kitchen.

I pass óut, after few seconds, I felt my heart beating very fast, I hypervéntilate with my eyes open very wide across the kitchen.

I was alive again, I looked at the flower, it was back to life and fresher than before.

I stood up happily and grabbed the flower from the floor. This alone was a sign of relief to me.

My body did not transformed back to human being i still remain a minótaur

I did not have much time to waste in the house again, I need to stop John Jealous from getting married to my girlfriend, Valentina.

I hare out of the room. Running very fast to the abandoned church.

everywhere was still dark and gloomy, it was over years since I visit the church after my blood union with Valentina.

I pushed the metal gate open slowly, nothing changes in the church, it was still abandoned.

The leaves were still littering the floor, which was well-cemented,

I walk fast to the church door and push it open, the moon ray was penetrating through the windows, the church was still dusty and spider webs hanging everywhere.

The bones were still there, the bats and other creatures of the abandoned church were just watching me making my move slowly in the aisle

I spotted three different people standing on the altar,

One of them was the Pope,

while the other two must be my Valentina and John Jealous.

John Jealous was about inserting a ring in her hand.

“Valentina!!” I screamed out loud for her attention, she turned around and look at me.

Her face was divided into two halves one was Valentina and the other half belong to Jen.

Valentina’s beautiful face was divided into two halves when I interrupt her marriage ceremony with John Jealous in the abandoned church where we carried out our blood covenant years ago.

I called out Valentina’s name like my own life was depending on it.

the sound of my voice which was very loud and heavy interrupted John Jealous from inserting the ring into Valentina’s finger.

She turned round slowly

her face was divided into two, one half belong to my Valentina while the other half belong to the lady John Jealous talked about earlier,

if only I’m not mistaken about her.

If truly she’s Jen, then using such words as beautiful to describe her appearance is like underrating her beauty.

She is more than beautiful, if only her half face is this beautiful then her full face is unimaginable to the human brain.

If only these two were successfully married to each other in the past then this popular sentence the beautiful ones are not yet born would never come into human existence.

The red gown Valentina wore was outstanding, the moon ray touching it, make it blink continually.

“Adam!!!!” John Jealous called out angrily.

The pope that was holding the religious book in his hand, wearing a white pallium, stepped back when he saw me.

I was never surprised about how he got the pope to join their love union in this abandoned environment, that everybody is just afraid of. He could go about doing the impossible possible with just a blink of his brown eyes.

His shiny hair bristled when he called out my name angrily, he was more than angry. dark flames were afloating his body.

“I will take it from here JJ,” she confined him.

This only stop him from taking his anger to the next boundary but did not calm him down completely.

Valentina glare at me, I understand this look in her eyes, the same look she gave me – when she alerted me to get my hand off her garment or I watched my head roll on the floor.

I gulp down saliva and watched her take her first steps. The leaves in the abandoned church was showing me how powerful her steps are.

John Jealous seeing her actions, grin. He was more than happy to see how my life will finally come to an end.

I gather courage and walk closer to the altar, her aura was enough to destroy anything it come across.

I know I was afraid of her but I can’t watch someone else taking over my one and only Valentina.

She lift her left hand in the air slowly

the dead leaves in the church gather around her body, the two different faces were just looking angry and dangerous to understand that I’m Adam Token.

The pope was just silently watching what was going on in the church. What do you expect him to do when John Jealous could just descend his anger on him for trying anything out of his order?

As her beautiful hand was going up in the air slowly, my feet were detached from the concrete floor.

I felt a strong force pushing me forward to her on the altar,

She squeezed her hand gently.

The bónes in my body understand it very quickly, she was breaking bones inside my body. I gróaned in serious pain.

My body finally float closer to her, she looked directly into my eyes,

Now I could clearly understand – she mean every word she said the last time; to make me watch my head rólls on the floor.

She was about detáching my búllhead off, I gróaned as I felt the pain in my neck, I smiled bitterly at her and lift the flower with my last strength closer to her nose.

She sniffed it,

There was a short silence as the fragrances pass through her nostril. Her eyes closed gently.

I thought everything has finally come to an end, she opened her eyes again, it was very dark.

The flower in my hand that she sniffed earlier was slowly turning black. it looks like I was infécted by her spirit, my skin was also changing as the flower does.

Valentina’s eyes turn dark few seconds after she sniffed the flower that was given to me by John Jealous.

Yes, i thought everything is back to normal but the pówer she póssessed was too much that it inféct the flower in my hand – same inféction goes to me that was being held in the air by Valentina’s unknown forces.

The color of the flower was slowly changing to black.

it looked to me that she took the life of the flower when she takes in the fragrances through her nose.

My body was just changing color as the floor does.

this the final bus stop for me now, i can’t fight them any longer.

All my hopes were depending on the flower, but now that i used it and testify nothing,

then all i need to do now is to quit.

Her dark eyes were just watching me die slowly as the flowers were falling off one after the other.

Nothing can save me now, nothing, not even my love for Valentina.

The pope was just watching the flowers departing from its bunches, he was afraid of what will happen to him after my life is finally put to an end by one and only Valentina.

John Jealous was enjoying everything; from the flowers down to me that is slowly dying of the dangerous infection Valentina transferred to the beautiful flower, knowing fully that my life depends on it.

“You thought you are smart Adam Token?” She asked slowly but her voice was very powerful and dangerous to ask for any further explanation to her question.

“You should have asked for a few guidelines before you take a your steps of attáck me,”

The two beautiful halve faces display no sign of pity for me but rather it was more of anger and revenge.

“Yes the steps you take earlier would have worked perfectly but guess what you forgot?”

I looked up at her again, my strength was long gone to guess anything.

yes, i suggest the flower, to bring back Valentina but how it failed me is really something i don’t understand till now.

“You don’t know Adam Token?”

” I’m not a human being like you, that’s why I destroyed the flower instead of it destroying me like you always wish for, Adam Token”.

I was just in the air with all hope gone.

“Jen, i know you can hear me,” i force out my voice and focused my eyes on hers.

“I know you believe in nothing but love and you can never hurt your loved ones”. Tears rushed down my eyes.

She pretend not to listen to my words but her eyes can’t reject my tears, yes her eyes can’t reject my tears.

John Jealous walked closer, his influence make the inféction work very fast on the flower and the same goes for me.

“Jen dosomething about this,” i called out with a lot of pain in my heart.

She released me to land on the floor. The flower was back alive and same to me.

She faced, John Jealous, that was surprised about her actions toward me. The dark flames that were afloating his body grow calm,

his hair that was bristling earlier, sleep.

“What’re you doing Jen? This is our only opportunity to be together now and forever”.

John Jealous’s brown her was something that nobody could ever resist.

It got me again.


she placed her hand under his jaw, and their eyes met together. I could understand the relationship that is going on between these two

“This can’t change our past, JJ. We can’t hurt someone else for our benefit”. Her voice was something else,

“We can’t destroy someone else relationship because ours was destroyed,” tears dripped from her eyes.

I can’t believe i saw tears drip off from the two different faces, yes i know they both were hurt.

The pope was unable to hold his tears, he also let them out with full force, Jen’s word was very touching.

“You’re the only one that understands me better. Always remember this, i will always love you forever JJ”.

John Jealous’s eyes were filled up with tears, which dripped out gently, making a vestige on its face.

“I understand everything Jenny and i will always love you forever,” he embraced her.

John Jealous’s body was depleting as the spirit from Valentina body was transferred into his body.

He waved goodbye and finally, he turned brown leaves of the abandoned church and spread on the floors

Valentina was back to herself,

she first looked at the environment with surprise, why won’t she be surprised when all she could remember was sniffing a flower in my house?

She looked down on the clothes she wore, it was also different from her previous clothes.

She noticed the Pope and scary minótaur which is me.

she was afraid of us.

“Don’t kîll me!! Don’t kîll me!! She pleaded for her life, if only she knows what was going on with her before now then she would act brave before us.

“Valentina, it’s me Adam Token”, she was shocked when i told her that I’m Adam Token,

she did not believe me till she noticed the flower on the floor, the same flower that she was with earlier in my house.

“Adam is that you?” She asked with thousand confusion on her face.

“Yes, it me,” I did not drop my word completely when she gave me a serious hug.

“Adam, I’m very sorry, what happened to you and when did all this happen?” She asked different questions looking into my minótaur’s eyes.

“It’s just a long story, i truly love you, especially now that i have you back in my arms”. I embraced her strongly

“I love you too Adam and i will always love you forever”.

After she said she loves me forever, i felt serious changes in my body and when i open my eyes i was back to my main body.

“Valentina, I’m back”, she opened her eyes and saw me. She was very happy, she kizzed me on the lips.

The pope was just wondering if everything he saw was real or not.

After that, we returned back home happily.

#OpraDre Valentina’s Groom Valentina’s Groom

The end

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Adebayo Oluwatosin
Adebayo Oluwatosin
2 years ago

Hmmm..power of love