UNFORTUNATE REALITY Episode 1 – Missing Pen

UNFORTUNATE REALITY Episode 1 - Missing Pen

UNFORTUNATE REALITY Episode 1 – Missing Pen

After our wedding my wife denied my of having s3x with her, giving the excuse that she was praying and fasting for a successful marriage.

I took it to be reasonable not until it was two months into our marriage and still nothing was happening. The worst part was the fact that she restricted all of my family members from visiting.

Normally, I work from 9 to 4 and my wife fast from six to six. I had never been at home these 2months during the day hours, including Saturdays and Sundays.

On Saturday I will leave once it’s 9 am to go pay my mother a visit in the hospital and would return by 3 pm. While on Sundays I pay my mom a visit after church and as normal I would return home by 3pm.

Time passed and I got really tired of how long her fasting was taken and decided to talk to my best friend at work. My friend couldn’t believe it and he further concluded that she was cheating.

I trust my wife so much, but ken kept on telling me she was cheating. His words kept playing in my head like my favourite movie/songs.

I became overwhelmed and asked ken to wait for me at my office while I go spy on my wife.

I knew it wouldn’t be wise to knock on the gates, so I called David, my gate man, on the phone to come and open the gates for me.

Sneaking and peeping, I went in to spy on my wife. I was astonished to see my wife with a bowl of ice cream and chicken while watching the TV.

” Is she not supposed to be fasting?” I asked within me.

I initially wanted to approach her, but David, who was following me without my knowledge, held me back.

“David, is it that my wife always eats by the afternoon?” I asked curiously as we both went outside the gates.

“Boss, madam dey eat every time but I no know why she no dey fat . Yesterday was pizza and ice cream”David answered sarcastically.

I eventually went back to the office in despair. On seeing my face, Ken, my best friend,began laughing and asking how it went at same time.

Ken was never a fan of marriage and everytime he would rain words on me for going into the family way.

After I told ken everything he refused to believe, he still insisted a man was inside the house. He immediately asked me to go with him so he will teach me how to catch a cheat.

Speedily we got to my house, and through same quiet pattern we got inside the house. We check the parlour but found no one.

About going to the kitchen, ken waved at me to come towards the stairs. From there I could hear sounds of moans like never before.

We quickly followed the soundtrack, which later led us to our ( me and my wife) room. Truely it was my wife’s moan, but we couldn’t find anyone making love to her.


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