True Life Story Part 3 – The Humans of ABUJA



” One of the guys that brought her back, looked at me with shock on his face. He asked me when I got there because my face is obviously new there. Out of anger, I didn’t even respond to him.

He told me he was going to beat me up if I don’t respond to him, I still snubbed him. He dragged me out of that room and started taking me to where I didn’t know. I was just hardened at that point and wasn’t scared.

He took me to another bigger room quite distant from the one I was staying earlier and he asked me again of when I got there. I answered him this time and he told me that I’m not supposed to be in a place like that and I looked so much like his cousin.

At that point, I felt safe a little. He asked me if I knew my way around and I didn’t. He tried describing the location and I still couldn’t grasp it. He got really upset and told me that he can only help me to sneak out of there, but what happens outside of there with me doesn’t concern him.

He told me that I should be at alert whenever he comes to that room the next day. He also warned me never to relay our discussion to anybody including those girls, else I would be on my own. He then took me back to the room he brought me from.

I didn’t know how to feel, I wasn’t sure if that guy really meant well for me or he wants to learn me into more dânger. I was so scared of the uncertainty, how do I find my way in that very bushy area? What if I run into more dângerous people?

The next day started with a loud shout of three women arguing and cussing out themselves over a baby issue. We could hear their voices from our room. One of the women even threatened to involve the police if they don’t refund her money to her.

I wished that their quarrel will escalate more to the extent of involving the police. Next was male voices that was trying to calm the situation and instead of calming it, it went over the roof as more threats and cusses kept flying.

We were trying to know what was going on through the iron protector in our room when that young guy that promised to help me came to unlock the protector and ordered me to come out with a very harsh voice.

I caught the signal immediately and came out wearing only my tight and singlet. I didn’t know he would come that early and wasn’t properly dressed but I didn’t want to take chances. He told me to avoid eye contact with anyone even though everyone’s attention is divided due to the misunderstanding going on.

I was gripped with fear but we walked past that building without notice. He showed me the way out through a dwarf fence and gave me not so clear direction. He just ordered me to keep running till I come out to a road where cars and bikes ply.

I don’t know how it happened but I ran with all my strength ( thank God I was slim then and a fast runner too). I didn’t know how I also managed to shot out every fear in me because it would have crippled me.

I kept running in the very track road with so many corners until I came out to an old abandoned fuel station just by the road side. It was a road but still quite lonely so I ran further until I started seeing cars passing.

I was out of breath, thirsty and hungry with no single money. I kept flagging down incoming vehicles but none stopped (they were mostly private vehicles). Finally a car stopped and it was a Catholic bus with reverend sisters in it.

I didn’t need to explain myself because I was looking like my situation, they asked me to enter the bus and that was how God showed up for me. It was almost evening already, I covered a long distance running for my dear life.

I managed to narrate my ordeal to them, they weren’t so surprised(seems it’s a usual happening in that area) and they told me they were going for a function in town. They took me to a store and got me a gown, bought me street food and water. I ate and slept off in the bus.

They woke me up when they reached a point I would have to part with them and gave me N1200 for t.fare to get to my house. God helped me get to my house safely, my mom freezed when she sighted me from afar.

I never went back to that school again, my mom and uncle went and brought all my belongings back. According to my mom, they also found out that my course mate who lured me into that is not a student in that school.

It’s over 8years now and that ugly incident still makes me have trust issues. I also wish that place has been or will be uncovered because I honestly cannot trace that place if I am asked to.”

(True life story)
The Humans of ABUJA


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