This message, I DELIVERED! (Ghost Story) – Victor Firdance

This message, I DELIVERED! (Ghost Story) - Victor Firdance

This message, I DELIVERED! – Victor Firdance

Years ago,

When I was a gateman in a company,

I got used to returning home late because of my work and it wasn’t funny because it was always a new day.

Every night on the road was hell for me because of the numerous ghøst that either escorted me to my house or pushed me to pass fast.

Why was it so,

There was a prayer house along the road where many lives were lost due to sickness and all.

..And they always gathered around the church every night and these guys can make noise which one might feel it’s the wind.

Truth is, if they notice you can observe them, they’ll try to cause fear thereby making you have goosebumps.

So, one particular night I was heading home, and these guys came to escort me home, as usual, I think they were happy that day and if it’s the day they aren’t happy, they’ll push me with force, and i’ll feel goosebumps all over.

So I asked them why they always follow me home, and they said because I am the only one to help them deliver a message since I can see them and if that is done, they’ll leave the area.

Unknowing to the pastor, they were angry with him because he was a fåke one and what was the message?

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That I should go tell the pastor to close his church and leave his fake ministry or else, they’ll keep causing deåth.

This message, I DELIVERED!

But, the pastor was stubborn and kept luring people to believe he was a genuine prophet which led to many deåths in the Church.

One day, they slapped him outside the church and he fell, and immediately in his condition, a few ghøsts came to call me at home at about 11:36 pm. My mom had locked the gate and ofcos no one can go out again so I had to jump the fence.

I got there and saw plenty of ghøsts including the ones I haven’t seen before with angry faces and a very strong smell like a black insect we call ‘Ntàfióng’ in our language telling me to inform the church members who he is and that he won’t make it even with prayers.

I delivered the message and they all packed out from the prayer house the same night out of fear and left the man thereof which he diêd the next day inside his church.

My name is Victor Firdance, I have the rare ability to see and communicate with strange beings.



29th December 2022
Victor Firdance Page

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