This is the Message – Apostle Joshua Selman (Koinonia Abuja) Mp3 Download

This is the Message – Apostle Joshua Selman (Koinonia Abuja) Mp3 Download

This is the Message – Apostle Joshua Selman (Koinonia Abuja)

“This then is the message which we have heard of Him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in Him is no darkness at all.” – 1 John‬ ‭1:5‬ ‭(KJV‬‬)
As a Minister, it takes more than preaching to truly be a blessing. There are dimensions in the spirit, yet to be manifested; all you see is not all there is.
You must understand the dynamics of prayer, learn how to stretch your spirit man and enlarge your capacity in the spirit realm.

There is a level of hunger you must sustain to eliminate all forms of excuses that may limit you.
The value of a man of God, a ministry and any spiritual platform is measured in the kind and quality of the message given to them and how intentional they are in dispensing the message.
Every spiritual attack on a man of God, a ministry or on any vision is ultimately intended to silence the message.
Satan attacks people, so that they get to a point that they’re not heard.

Every ministry, calling and commission from God that seeks to find expression, must have these 5 essentials:

1. The Message/Mandate:
A holistic capture that represents your contribution to the Body of Christ.
(Matthew 4:17, John 10:10, Matthew 10:7-8)
For every vision that must strive, people must be committed to establishing that mandate.

2. The Strategy for Execution (The Pattern). (Matthew 10:5-16)
Having the correct mandate does not equal success; the pattern for it’s execution plays a vital role to guarantee success.

3. The Platform:
The platform represents any structure, physical or otherwise, that allows you communicate the counsel of God.
You must have a structure that enables you carry out the mandate given by God, to you.

4. Resources ( Human and Material):
(Romans 10:14-15, Haggai 1:8)
It is not money that makes the vision; money only amplifies it.
As a Preacher, people will vet and assess you to see if you’re worthy of committing their resources to you.

5. The Backing:
(Mathew 10:1, Micah 3:8, Acts 1:8, Acts 4:33)
In addition to the message, you must obtain empowerment by The Spirit

It is dangerous to run with the message alone, you need power to run with precision and efficacy.

In this powerful message, Apostle Joshua Selman reveals what makes the message of a minister effective and powerful.


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