THIS GOT ME!! (A Short Inspirational Story)

THIS GOT ME!! (A Short Inspirational Story)


Once, I smacked a teenage boy in my class with a meter rule

for his reluctant attitude towards class work and assignments.

I came to school the next day to the rumors of his mother planning to come over at the school to flo.g me in return.

“Ada Calistus in the mud” I teased myself as I always do

I was familiar with parents attitude towards teachers,

especially when the school is a big one

I’ve witnessed a teacher  made to go over at a parent house to beg for punishing a child that outrightly called him a ‘dumb @sss’

Because the patent threatened to withdraw her kids from the school.

There’s no limit to what these parents could do

“The boy said his mother bought a cane in your name yesterday, “

One of my colleagues narrated what she had heard the boy tell the other students.

I noticed how  bright eyed the students were

They really loved drama

The teenage boy’s shoulder was all puffed up

Finally, his mother came to the school,

She was a huge woman with strands of hairs on her jaw

You know what women with beards are known for right?

“Chisom e dom red today” I said to myself.

She held the cane firmly in her hand.

The children were beginning to buzz around.

My principal who was aware of her plans already met the parent half way trying to pacify her.

I looked from the window of my class

My heart skipped a beat or two when my principal let the woman walk to my class.

Few teachers had followed suit .

“You guys should hold this woman bikonu!” I said in my mind.

“You are the one that flo.gged my son?” Her tone was mean

“….This cane is for you, I got it specifically for you”

She continued without letting me say a word.

“Use this cane on my son when he misbehaves”

I almost fainted.

You know that kind of relieve that comes like heart attack.

it was not what I had expected.

“Mommy! No !” The teenage boy cried.

“Tipulum ajo mmuo nisi this boy, Flog the de.mons out of this boy for me” She dropped the cane on my desk

She turned to her son that was already crying

“We are not spending this big amount in your school fees to have you play around the school.”

After recovering from the shock,

I found a permanent marker and wrote that boys name on the cane, and added ;

Donated by mommy Chidalu, 2020.”

Written by Unknown


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