The Value of Encounter – Apostle Joshua Selman (Koinonia 2023) Mp3 Download

The Value of Encounter - Apostle Joshua Selman (Koinonia 2023) Mp3 Download

The Value of Encounter – Apostle Joshua Selman (Koinonia 2023)

The quality of your christian experience and faith journey hinges on the type and extent of your encounters with God.
In the spiritual realm, certain spiritual levels, mantles, and graces require corresponding encounters to be obtained.

If you truly hunger for God, you must earnestly long for and seek divine encounters.

An encounter is simply an experience a believer has with God that reveals God in a structured way and crystallizes that reality.
The dimension of God that you experience and encounter is the dimension of God you reveal to your world.
Encounters with God are essential to avoid a mundane life. It takes genuine encounters with God to access power!

In this kingdom, the trajectory of a believer’s life and future hinges on the confidence derived from these divine encounters with God.
You need an encounter with God to give you the audacity to do that which God has committed to you.
When God gives you a promised land, it is not without giants. The art of disposing of those giants is predicated on the encounters you have had.

Studying Scripture without the Spirit of revelation, will not provide you with an encounter. The light hidden within the verses, parables, and prophecies of the Scripture must be revealed to you; otherwise, you have not had an encounter.

Apostle Joshua Selman in this ministration reveals and teaches about the two levels of encounter believers must press to have and hoe to get them.

1. Encounters by The Word – Light from The Scripture. (1 Samuel 3:21)
2. Word-based visionary encounters or experiences. (Luke 4:18-32)
Everything contained in God can be revealed to a believer, through an encounter with Him.

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