THE TECHNICAL VIRGIN Episode 4 -5 – Precious Obialor


THE TECHNICAL VIRGIN Episode 4 -5 – Precious Obialor

Episode 4 (unedited)

“Brother where are you taking me to?” Sade out bursted opening her two eyes wide and looking behind several times in fear.
“Hahaha… Ah! Sister mi, are you scared?” Kehinde asked laughing hard in such away that displeased her,so she frowned her face but her heartbeat increased rapidly as she began to imagine the worst. Soon some Bible passages started dropping on her mind and she began to combine the quotations with prayers silently in her mind.

” Fear fear baby! We are almost there” he said pointing to an old sign post which read,
“This way leads to Aladura mountain” the sign post with a rusted black arrow symbol pointing to the left read and in no time, the car pulled over to the backside of the mountain which was almost a place land and she recognized the place.
“Ah! Boda Kehinde, you raised my blood pressure. I thought you were going to use me for rituals” she said, breathing down with her two hands on her chest.

“Kini? How can you even think of that?” He bursted into laughter.
“I’m a Christian not a ritualist” he said calmly and off the car ignition.
“So, what are you saying about my condition ?” He asked looking at her as she turned her wristwatch over to check the time.

“Am still waiting for you to name it” she said and began to put herself together to climb down the car.
“On the condition that you hang out with me after the service so I can more about you and your Christian faith” he said and waited for her response.
“Well, I can’t promise you that yet because I already have an appointment with my fiancé. We shall be visiting his elder sister in the hospital that Sunday” she said without looking at him. He shook uncomfortably on hearing the word fiancé but he adjusted himself and feigned a smile.
“Wow! Good to hear that my church sister is already engaged. But you can at least squeeze out little time out for her church brother too. I don’t think am asking for too much.” He said and twisted his neck pleadingly.

“Okay, let’s see how it goes first. If we comes back in time, I will call you but if not; we schedule for another day. Let me go and pray before it gets dark. I need to leave this place before 6pm today.” She said and began to open the car door.
” Can I come pick you by six?” He asked and saw her restlessness then continued,
“You know this mountain is almost my second house. You may find it difficult getting a bus that will convey you home because today is Friday” he explained but she didn’t respond so he released her to go for her prayers.

After 3hours of Marathon prayers, Sade noticed that it was getting dark, so she checked her time and found out it was already past 6pm. She quickly said the grace, packed up her bible and jotter and walked down, following the major road she was familiar with. She had to carefully climb down the rough mountain which was covered by bushes and large stones. By the time she arrived the valley, she was panting for air and sweating profusely. She trekked a long distance and arrived the major road where she would board a bus but just as Kehinde said earlier, there was no bus. The few buses that passed bye were filled with passengers and the private cars were not ready to stop as each of them ran on high speed with their glasses whined up.

Her phone began to ring but she couldn’t pick up because she was worried as it was already very dark. It was her fiancé Kolade and her roommate that were calling and the phone kept ringing repeatedly.
“Hello” she answered Kolade’s call.
“My dear, where are you?” Kolade queried worriedly over the phone.
“I told you this morning that I will be going to the mountain after work” she said and he affirmed it.

“I’m waiting for a bus that will convey me to the town and have been standing here for over 1hour but there’s no available bus…” She explained and he interrupted her.
“Bur…but why did you have to stay there till late in the night na? I told you to wait till tomorrow so that we can go together but you insisted. Look now, you are in the middle of no where without any possible means of coming back…” He began to complain bitterly and it got her upset,

“Please, please am not ready for your nagging right now. Don’t bother about me, I will find my way to my house with or without a bus..” She fired at him angrily and ended the call when she saw two boys from nowhere approaching her.
” Haunty , you dey wait for bus? ” one of them asked with a deep Yoruba tongue while the other one walked behind her and stood adjacent to her without saying a word. Fear gripped her heart, the thought of brother Kehinde flashed her mind and she began to regret for not allowing him to come back and pick her up. Her phone rang again and it was Kehinde, she looked at the two boys fearfully before picking the call.

“Hello, brother Kehinde” she said in a whisper and he suspected that she was in trouble.
“Where are you right now” he asked standing up to dress up.
” Am at the major express road that leads…” The call ended while she was still talking as one of the boys covered her mouth and snatched the phone from her while the other one forced her hand bag and threw her to the ground…

To be continued
Technical Virgin

Episode 5 (Unedited)

They threw her to the ground as she tried struggling with them over her phone and handbag. She let go of them when one of them started suggesting that they should rape her so that she will learn her lesson never to stay out late in the night as a girl.
“Abi o” the second guy concurred and tore the her gown from the breast part while she fought hard to cover her body from further harassment. The other boy held her hands behind and soon they over powered. She raised alarm as the other boy unzipped his trouser, and made to go down on her, a car light flashed towards their direction but the perpetrators didn’t bulge as they assumed it was a car passing bye. She intensified her voice and the boy struggled to cover her mouth and also tried to make out with her but the car began to come closer to them with its light fully flashed at them. When they realized that the car was actually hunting them, they fled with her phone and handbag leaving her almost naked on the muddy ground.

“Sister Sade!” Kehinde screamed and jumped out of his car to meet Sade who was crying and also covering her nakedness with the remains of her torn gown.
“Are you alright? Did they hurt you?.. ” he asked so many questions at a time and tried to observe Sade who was almost naked and dirty. He looked around again to know if those rascals were still around before holding her up.
“Here’s my shirt” he said,removing his stripped long sleeved shirt and handed it over to her to wear and he was left with only his white singlet and chinos trousers on. He noticed her discomfort on wearing the shirt in his presence and turned his back on her,
“Sorry” he said and looked away for her to wear the shirt.
“Please, wear it let’s get out of here. This place is not always safe at night” he explained with a calm voice. She quickly buttoned up the shirt and made a skirt with the remains of her torn gown and informed him tearfully that she was done.

“Stop crying” he said and placed his hand on her shoulder before leading her to the front car. She sat down there in the car still sobbing as he ignited the car and began to reverse the car carefully. When he was done, he turned to look at Sade who was still crying and his countenance fell.
” Did they hurt you? I mean I hope they didn’t succeed in… ” he asked and she nodded like a child.
” But they made away with my phone and handbag containing my Bible and other accessories ” she explained and he started laughing.
” Are you crying because of the phone and handbag? You are more important than those things, I mean your safety first! ” he exclaimed and she looked away.

” Okay, I will get you a new phone if that’s the problem and… umm.. If you permit me, I don’t mind buying another new bag with all the accessories for you ” he said smiling and nudged her hand to talk but she was cold as she imagine what those boys wanted to do to her.
“Where do we go from here ma?” He asked but she didn’t hear him because she was lost in thoughts. He repeated the question but she didn’t respond, so he tapped her on the shoulder and she jolted back to her consciousness.
“Sorry I scared you” Kehinde said apologetically.
” huh! Hmm… Not really ” she said and looked at him with the corner of her eyes.
“Okay, I was asking you where I should take you to. My house is close bye,if you don’t mind you can go with me and freshen up then first their tomorrow morning, I will go and drop you . ” explained but her facial expression didn’t buy the idea of sleeping over at his place.
“Ow..Kay! I get it.” He said haven read the expression on her face,
” I will take you home if that’s what you want ” he said and marched the accelerator.
“Where exactly is the place you are living?” He asked, concentrating on the steering and she told him. There was silence in the car all through the drive to her place and she felt indebted to him for saving her from the hands of those rascals. After about 30 minutes drive, they arrived Sade’s one room self-contained apartment which was built in the form of a boy’s quarter. She stole at him before thanking him and he waved it aside.

” like I said earlier, I will get you a new phone tomorrow, so don’t let what happened trouble you at all. I already know the direction to this place, so expect your phone tomorrow unfailingly” he said as she alighted the car, stoop down and thanked him before running into the compound holding her clothes with her two hands.
She arrived her room at some minutes past ten and her roommate began to bombard her with questions seeing how tattered she was. But she started crying instead, removed her clothes and ran into the bathroom,
“I had encounter with robbers. When I come out from the bathroom, I will tell you in details” she said without looking at her.
” hmmm, This one you are crying ,I hope they didn’t rape you shaa o” she asked like a gossip monger but got no response.

The next morning, Sade woke up with serious body aches and her roommate massaged her body with hot water, looking at her suspiciously. Sade had assured her last night that she wasn’t raped but she didn’t believe her. She had always wished that Sade become like her who was no longer a virgin but Sade maintained chastity even though she was in courtship with Kolade.
At exactly 11am, Kehinde was at her house and presented a brand new Android phone to her in the presence of her roommate. He asked to take her out to where she can retrieve her lines and she agreed. When they left the house, Abike her roommate almost ran mad as envy ate deep into her. She couldn’t imagine why Sade was always attracting handsome and responsible men and not her.

“She is in courtship and still another man is buying her phone and even taking her out” she said to herself.
” I will tell Kolade that she is seeing another man ” she concluded with a devilish frown.

After the welcome back, Kehinde took Sade to an eatery in order to make her forget the incident of last night and there, they got talking and shared a little about themselves to each other. When they were about leaving, Sade called him by his name and said,
“Brother Kehinde, thank you for not allowing those hooligans take my virginity. I would have just killed myself if they had succeeded” she said, put her palms together as if she was praying with her eyes closed in sincere appreciation. Kehinde on the other hand couldn’t believe his ears as he sat up properly and stared at her with surprises written on his face.
“You’re still a virgin?” He didn’t know when the question came out of his mouth as he drew close to her. She smiled at him and said,
“Why the surprise look” she asked looking into his eyes…


To be continued

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