a few months after the burial of Lizzy,

Jennifer began to go to Daniel’s house occasionally, she maltreated Destiny
Slightest things that Destiny did, she would beat him pitilessly, not only beating the boy, she would starve him
She persuaded Daniel to drop the boy out of school

One day,  she beat Destiny and the boy ran away from the house to Angela's house(His late mum's best friend) 

When he got to Angela’s house

Destiny: Aunty Angela! Aunty Angela! Aunty Angela! ,
Aunty Jennifer wanted to kill me, she refused to give me food, and I was very hungry, and my eyes were turning me, I decided to sneak into the kitchen and took small food when she realized that I tempered with her pot of rice, she called me and ask me, and I responded that I took some because I was very hungry, she told me to vomit it else she would kill me, but I could not,
she started beating me and rubbed pepper all over my body including my eyes,
she told me that if I wanted to eat, I should call my mom to come and cook for me,
Aunty Angela, you told me that my mum travelled, when would she come back? I miss my mum and school so much

Angela responded with teary eyes she will come back very soon, you will stay here with me, I will give you anything you want

Destiny: Thank you, Aunty Angela, hope Aunty Jennifer won’t come here to beat me

Angela: No she wouldn’t

Thereafter, the strange lady who took the baby away as soon as Lizzy passed away,
After the baby(Deborah) spent 3 months with her, she took the baby to Chief Alexander’s house, she convinced them and they adopted the baby without asking her too many questions

At midnight, Lizzy appeared to Daniel in the dream, she asked him where is Destiny.
He woke up instantly and he went to Destiny’s room, but he didn’t see Destiny,
He woke Jennifer up and asked her,
Babe where is Destiny?

I don’t know where he went to, probably he went to his late mum’s best friend’s house, she responded

Daniel wanted to go to Angela’s house that night, but he looked at the time and it was 12:40 am

As soon as both of them slept off, that Strange Lady teleported to the room,
She tapped Jennifer slowly, Jennifer woke up and she wanted to scream out but the strange lady seized her voice,
Killed her and took her corpse away,
After she buried her that night, she turned herself to Jennifer, Daniel was busy sleeping without knowing what was going on

The next morning, she woke Daniel around 5, to have brief discussions with him

Strange Lady: Babe please let’s talk

Daniel: Okay go ahead

Strange Lady: Don’t you think is a wise idea, for you to put Destiny in a prestigious school, remember that’s your first son, and you need to train him

Daniel: Jennifer are you the one saying this? Because am extremely stunned, when did you suddenly change

Strange lady: Changes can occur at any time, I just feel for the little boy, please put him in a good school, he’s very smart and intelligent,

Daniel: Wow! Jennifer, I love your new habit, which school do you think I should put him

The strange lady mentioned one of the best schools in that town

Jennifer that school is too expensive, said Daniel

Daniel put him there, don’t worry I will be assisting you to pay his school fees, said the strange lady

Daniel: Am extremely happy that you have turned a new leaf

A few hours later, they went to Angela’s house and carried Destiny

They put Destiny in a prestigious school
And she took very good care of him, Angela and the strange lady(Jennifer) became very good close friends

A year later, Daniel paid her dowry and they did their wedding

A few years later, Jennifer’s dad passed away, and his dad’s family wanted to inherit all her dad’s properties

But that strange lady confused them badly, by re-written the man’s(Jennifer’s dad) Wills spiritually and made 90% of the man’s properties belong to her including all the money that was in the man’s account and no one argued

After she inherited Jennifer’s dad’s properties, she put everything in Destiny’s name without Daniel knowing
5years later, Destiny was admitted into a University

2years later, Deborah got admission to that same university as Destiny

The first day Destiny and Deborah met… Something strange happened…


Pls, my amazing readers just guess what happened?

  1. They fell in love
  2. They recognize each other
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Ilyas Zainab
Ilyas Zainab
10 months ago

They better not fall in love.