The One I Hated Episode 6 – Joy Ifunanya

The One I Hated Episode 1 - Joy Ifunanya

The One I Hated Episode 6 – Joy Ifunanya

As I was driving home from work that Monday evening, my car broke down in the middle of nowhere.

I was helpless and I didn’t even know how to open a bonnet. I was left with no other option than to call dad.

“Wait, in 20 minutes time, the driver will be there with a mechanic, stay in the car, don’t come down”. He was saying, over the phone.

It took almost 40 minutes before the driver finally arrived.

The mechanics got down and I handed the keys to them.

I got into the car and breathe a sigh of relief.

The driver kicked into action.

“Good evening, boss”.

I was startled by that voice. I looked up and that was when I saw who it was on the steering…. Charles

“What is happening here?”. I asked.

“What does it look like is happening?”. He replied, mockingly.

“Where is the driver?”. I asked.

“How will I know?… Your dad sent me to come pick you”.

I don’t believe this. How could dad send Charles to come pick me, knowing fully well that we’re enemies?.

I became uncomfortable, sitting there in the same car with him. And to make matters worse, we ran into heavy traffic, making the journey home take too long.

As I was sitting there, at the back seat, my mind went back to what Emily said that afternoon.

Could it be true?, Do I have any feeling for Charles?. No, it can’t be true, I’m sure the only feeling I have for him is hatred.

At this point, he started singing in high spirit.
I watched as he control the steering, his hands looked as though they were designed for driving, he obviously knows what he does. I remember the way he looked into my eyes anytime we are having a fight….that unbearable look. And his head, it is not even as big as I made it to look…or he recently had a haircut?. His voice too is so melodious… I wish..

“Why are you smiling?”. Came his voice, drifting me back to reality.

I didn’t even know I was smiling until he said so. I see, he has been watching me through the rear mirror.

“And how is that your business?”. I retorted.

“I just said I should ask because you rarely do that”.

“Charles, just focus and drive me home, stop poke nosing. I shouted.

“Sorry oo”. He apologized.

Why was I even smiling?. I wondered.

Dad was already having dinner by the time we arrived. He talked Charles into joining him.

“Eat with us tonight”. He pleaded.

I had to take my own food to my room. I have had enough of him for a day.

That night, I couldn’t get myself to stop thinking about Charles. His sweet voice at that traffic. And I found myself laughing sheepishly as I do.

Am I falling for Charles?….No!, it can’t be.

I tried all I could to erase the thought from my mind but it kept coming back until I slept off.

The next day at work, I was smiling all through and everyone noticed.

This repeated for days before I decided to open up to someone.

All my employees were silly, the only matured one among them all was Emily. So I approached her after work on Friday.

“Concerning what you told me the other day about Charles….I think you’re right. I do have feelings for him”

“I’m not surprise, I knew it all along”. She smiled

“But, the problem now is, I can’t go and tell him that… I’m a woman, you know. And I don’t think he will accept me because we have had a lot of fight in the past… I’m afraid, he may re reject me”.

“Charles will not reject you, I know he also has that soft spot for you..but, I will help you the little way I can”

“What are you going to do?… I asked
… hope you’re not going to tell him what I just said?”.

She laughed.

“Of course, I won’t do that”. She assured

Later that night she forwarded me a record of her conversation with Charles.

He was saying that he likes me but I’m too busy being a boss.

“That girl, Melody, can never bring herself down to love anyone”.

Emily was telling him to make a move but he too was scared of rejection by me.

“Is there a problem?”. That was dad’s voice from the door.

I have been too engrossed in the record that I didn’t notice when the door was opened.

“Not at all”. I answered.

“I have been knocking…He entered and sat on the bed.
……You know you can always share your problems with daddy, come on, what is bothering my princess?”.

“Well, the thing is…I think I’m having… I think I’m beginning to like Charles… I mean, I love him”. I forced the word out of my mouth.

“Do I know this Charles?”. He asked.

“Yes, Charles Ogbonna”.

“My own Charles?”. He asked with mouth wide open.

“Yes”. I answered.

“Since when?… infact, don’t ever think about that again… you’re supposed to be his boss”.

I was surprised.

“But, dad, what happened?, you’ve always like him, what are you saying?, he has always…”

He interrupted with a heavy laughter.

“Dad, what’s funny?”.

“You see, my dear, I have always looked forward to a day like this… the day you will beat that ego and surrender to passion”

“What are you saying?”.

“I know you always loved Charles but have been trying to suppress that natural feeling”

“How do you know?”. I asked, shyly.

” I’m your father…You see, it has been my dream to see both of you end up as man and wife long time before you joined the company, but your actions almost made me give up .. Charles is the kind of man any father would want for his daughter. You have made the right choice, dear”. He said, pelting me on the shoulder.

“But, I don’t think he likes me”. I complained

“You don’t need to be worried again, leave everything to daddy”. He assured me.

I rested my head on his shoulder, smiling happily

Final episode tomorrow.

Story by ⛔ Joy Ifunanya

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