THE EVIL Final Part 2 – Sire Prince Jhay

THE EVIL Part 1 - Sire Prince Jhay

THE EVIL Final Part 2 – Sire Prince Jhay

You can’t believe who the crōcōdile was.

we were extremely shocked. mouths agåpë very widely seeing Francis’s father lying nakedly on the floor.

“ahhhhh, Jesus Christ, Desmond. you’re the one. ah ah, so you’re the crōcōdile in this stream swållõwing people up and down, where is my son?, where do you keep him?.” Francis’s mom yelled loudly at him

She aggressively left and later appeared with a knife attempting to stå.b him but people came in-between and stopped her.

“so you’re the d3vìl responsible for all these, where is my son..let him provide me my son ooo.” she asked with force and anger

Francis’s dad didn’t say a word, he kept pleading. he was still frightened and extremely ashamed of himself

he was threatened to talk. the cameras and the microphones were already on him recording.

“what are your missions?, who sent you?, why do you choose to swallow humans and what do you do with them?” these questions were threw to Francis’s father with gun pointed at his head

he kept mute again, a thūnderous slap landed accross his face. I looked up to check, it was one of the army. he had been so mean since his arrival

“yes, Yes, she got what she deserves. she’s not a good and responsible wife. most of the times, she puts us into a very big problem with her mouth and arrogancy, was it because she had money and most of the properties. I never mean to deal with her but there must be a genuine reasons. Despite my endurance and tolerance, she still choose to get me depressed and provoked always. I can’t bear it any more then I decided to divorce her and made sure she criēs over everything she thinks she has. Yes I know I have to let everything go and move on but she had put me in forever tribulations” Francis dad said

everyone heave a deep breath and ultering different genres of exclamations after listening to the side of his story

Francis’s Mom wanted to talk but she wasn’t allowed.

“so, what do you do to Francis, where is him?” one of the journalist asked

“I caged him somewhere, I know he’s not at fault but he’s just suffering..”

“it’s okay, where exactly is he?” another journalist cut in

he vomited a bottle and opened it cover. he let out the thing in the bottle. suddenly the thing turned to Francis.

we ulltered another rounds of exclamations. Francis ran to his mom feeling cold. His made a confusion look. I guess he wasn’t aware what had been going on

“You guys need to follow us to our custody, then court we would make you a point of advice and information to other people out there” one of them said

Moments later, Francis dad and Mom were put into the van and off to whereever they tend to take them to

The news went viral, it was aired on TV and broadcasted on radio stations.

Few weeks later, Francis parents returned back but due to shame they traveled to a Faraway town

The end..


Read this Awesome Action/Romance Story > THE JAILBIRD

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